
Chapter 1025: Snow stopped

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Outside the chaotic domain.

A hazy place.

A huge figure appeared here, they seemed to walk very slowly, but every step, they are crossing the endless galaxy!

The galaxy in this place is very weird, completely different from the galaxy in that mature universe.

Each star is huge and unmatched, and all of them are the stars that have died for some years.

Exudes decayed death.

Along with the huge figure, the movement of these stars began to become violent. Some even deviated from their original orbits, collided with each other, and suddenly torn apart.

In this cold universe, silently and completely burst.

This figure does not care about these, even if some stars are large, but for these figures, it is still like dust.

Their bodies are too big!

The place was cold and lonely, hazy.

The boundary wall of the chaotic domain is very thick, and there are countless natural formations. Under normal circumstances, even beings that break the virtual realm are difficult to pass through.

So no one knows how these huge figures came out.

In front, across a long distance, there is a white figure, entrenched there.

His body exudes dazzling light, reflecting the heavens and the earth.

Countless snowflakes are drifting out of his body, drifting away, flying towards the chaotic domain.

The snow that swept the entire chaotic domain, the source is here.

This snow-white figure is bigger than those coming out of the chaotic domain!

The gap between them is at least dozens of times!

Eighteen figures, walking at a heavy pace, step by step.

The snow-white figure was firmly entrenched there. It seemed that there was no feeling for the arrival of these eighteen figures, and he did not want to ignore it.

The eighteen Daoist figures exuded the vicissitudes of life.

Their shot, without any hesitation, is directly lore.

The energy they exploded into eighteen surging torrents, roaring and roaring in this hazy land, like eighteen dragons.

Rushing towards that snow-white figure.

The snow-white figure, dozens of times larger than them, did not resist, but allowed these 18 attacks to fall on him.

In an instant, this snow-white shadow was like an avalanche, and the endless blizzard poured down his body.

In this hazy place, an endless snow sea is formed.

In that **** sea, there was a screaming sound, as if with strong sarcasm.


The endless snow sea formed countless snow swords, overwhelmingly, towards these eighteen figures, shooting like arrows.

On the Xuejian, with a strong killer!

This hazy place is directly shrouded by this strong murderous opportunity.

This Qi machine alone is enough to tear the creatures of the Red Dust Realm into pieces.

In front of the 18 huge figures, a huge light curtain is formed!

This light curtain is half-moon-shaped, exuding a blue light, look carefully, the light is like a burning flame, constantly flowing!

All Snow Swords, shot on the light curtain, will melt away in an instant and then quickly evaporate away.

For a time, the fog rose at the light curtain.

Eighteen figures, pushing this light curtain, continue to move forward.

The snow-white figure still stood there, huge and unmatched, entrenched in this void.

The roar of the avenue was uploaded from the snow-white figure, and he finally shot!

The arm was so large that it slapped towards the light curtain.

Countless huge stars exuding cold death were hit by this arm and shattered.

The lines on the palm are like an abyss, the bottom is invisible.


The palm of the hand was fiercely patted on the light curtain.

The light curtain trembles violently!

But it is not broken.

Then, the palm continued to shoot.

The eighteen huge figures behind the light curtain shot again at the moment when the palm came over, slamming into that palm.

The palms burst into pieces!

The whole process is actually very short.

And there is no exchange between the two parties.

As the palm shattered, the speed of the 18 huge figures behind the light curtain increased again.

Rushed towards that snow-white figure.

At this time, the snow-white figure finally moved!

There was a severe avalanche.

at last.

There was a golden light from the white figure.

Countless snow was shaken down, forming a vast ocean in this hazy land.

Between the light and shadow conversion, here is like a fantasy, with a fascinating glory.

But there are endless killing opportunities.

Finally, all the snow was shaken down, revealing a golden behemoth inside. The whole body seemed to be cast entirely from gold, shining brightly.

His strength is too strong, with his own strength, he resists the eighteen strong men who have emerged from the chaotic realm.

Eighteen Shouyuan are about to dry up. From beginning to end, they did not say a word, nor did they take a step back.

Fight against this golden behemoth.

The whole process is pure energy.

The words of both sides have reached a certain end, and it is impossible to say who can suppress others.

The golden behemoth looked full of blood, and each blow carried a shocking power.

The eighteen figures that emerged from the chaotic realm were withered, but the attack was also peerless.

This hazy place was literally smashed into a chaotic area by both sides.

In the end, these eighteen figures, like this golden behemoth, died together.

They detonated themselves!

Successive explosions madly impacted this golden figure.

The golden figure collapsed!

Like a collapsing mountain, it collapses constantly.

The huge golden material, torn apart, slammed away in all directions.

Many even smashed directly into the chaotic wall. I don't know where it will end up.

Perhaps one of the small fragments fell to a certain planet and formed a huge gold vein.

This dim place finally became quiet.

Only endless energy of chaos seems to be silently telling what happened here.

But basically, no one will know that most of the creatures in the chaotic domain below may not know for the rest of their lives.

Some people once sacrificed their lives for them.

The snow in the chaotic domain stopped.

When the snow stopped, countless Taoist ancestors looked up to the sky.

Not only did the snow in the chaotic domain stop, but it soon melted.

The vast Tiangong World soon rejuvenated.

Maybe it wo n’t take long for people to forget that there were two snows that almost frozen the whole world.

Under Tiangong World, places like Immortal Realm, Eternal God Realm, and Daqian World have also begun to thaw gradually.

But too many creatures are already dead.

Those who can survive do not know what happened.

For those creatures, this matter should be a catastrophe from heaven and earth.

The dead souls should die by robbery.

Therefore, the perspective of the problem is completely different in different positions.

Even if these creatures want to break their heads, they can't think of it. This catastrophe is actually artificial.

A horrifying creature from outside the domain, controlling the unresolved snow, tried to freeze the entire chaotic domain.

Chu Yu was not particularly aware of this matter.

But at least he knew that the catastrophe was not a natural disaster.

When the snow stops, it means that the people whom the infinite amount of Dao found are successful.

But can those ones come back?

The war in Tiangong World became fierce when the snow stopped.

Zhou Han finally dispatched his Kai Tianjun!

As soon as Kai Tianjun came out, it was a shock!

Too strong!

The first battle with the Cangming Army ended with the victory of the Kaitian Army.

Zhou Han led Kai Tianjun himself, facing a group of former brothers, he did not have any nonsense at all.

There was no expression on his face, and even when he saw the little girl Shang Wenhong, he still showed a complex smile.

"You finally turned against me." He laughed at himself: "It seems that my domain owner is still unpopular."

"Zhou Han, give up. Although you won this battle, you will lose terribly." He Shoucheng stood out.

Zhou Han smiled: "Your group of people finally got together. Has it been discussed? Do you want to be loyal to your prince?"

"Prince Orthodoxy, there is no doubt! In the entire Tiangong world, who doesn't know that you Zhou Han usurped the position?" Lin Xuesong said coldly.

"Cedar, if I gave you the position of the domain master, what would you do?" Zhou Han looked at Lin Xuesong and suddenly asked.

Lin Xuesong said: "It must not be like you, unpopular."

"Hahaha, it seems that you still miss the position of the master of this domain. So I am curious, how do they convince you? If I remember correctly, you don't seem to like your son-in-law." .

Lin Xuesong said coldly: "This matter has nothing to do with you."

"Yeah, it really has nothing to do with me." Zhou Han sighed, then raised his head and looked at Lin Xuesong in the other party's camp: "I have nothing to say, let's continue fighting!"

Cang Ming's second match with Kai Tian's was a tie.

Both sides repaired the whole day, the third battle, the Cangjun won!

And it was a big win!

The Cangming Army wiped out more than 10,000 people from the Heavenly Army in one fell swoop!

If according to the huge base of fighters on both sides, more than 10,000 people seem to be nothing, but if you imagine the realm of fighters on both sides, you will understand how terrible this is.

The worst are the practitioners in the later stage of the red dust environment!

The battle between the two parties was very well understood by a third party.

If it is in Tiangong World, this battle alone is enough to cause a devastating blow to the entire Tiangong World.

Zhou Hanji left the Heavenly Army and sat in town personally, which was actually beyond the expectations of many people.

Originally, He Shoucheng, Xu Zhen, Lin Xuesong and others all believed that Zhou Han had to at least consume the upstart private troops in the Tiangong World before he could use the open army.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Han actually shot so early.

In fact, for Zhou Han, choosing to shoot at this time is also a last resort.

On the one hand, he knew some information. In the past, he did not know this information.

On the other hand, if you continue to let this group of people use Lucheng as a base to attack in all directions. So it won't take long for most of the territory of Tiangong World to be beaten down by them.

Therefore, Zhou Han can't wait and doesn't want to wait.

It's nothing to kill a chicken with a cow knife.

As long as the problem can be solved finally, what can be done?

Sixty-nine days after the snow stopped.

The fourth battle between the Cangming Army and the Kaitian Army is about to begin.

And just before this battle started, everyone on the left side of Lucheng, seven left and seven right, launched a siege against Zhou Han!

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