
Chapter 1034: Foresight

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So when Zhou Han and their group confirmed the authenticity of the news on the Tiangong World network, it seemed that it became an inevitable thing.

There is nothing to say.

Who can imagine that once the waste prince, who only had wind and snow in his mind, was so terrible to be crazy?

Who could have imagined that he could gain such a popular heart by walking from city to city with his own strength?

In contrast, their group of people who were also killed and killed with the realm of the realm, directly became the opposite!

The network of Tiangong World is completely out of control!

The law enforcement team has long since lost its prestige.

Once there is a slight change, countless people will attack them instantly.

Even many people in the law enforcement team have quietly left their original positions.

Facing the scornful eyes of others, he weakly explained to others: I am no longer in the law enforcement team ...

As the Tiangong World Network lost control, more and more information broke out.

Civilians just have no status, it doesn't mean they have no brains.

The high pressure since Zhou Han came to power finally collapsed at this time.

No one can stop this mouth!

Like a collapsed dam, a torrential flood, no one can stop it.

"Don't look at the kings of Zhen Zhen and Tian Tian who are fighting against Prince Han under the banner of the prince. In fact, none of the veterans of that year can look down on His Royal Highness! Otherwise, why is it that today the Royal Highness is alone?"

"Looking at the image of the battle of the Crown Prince against countless realms, I really want to cry, and I especially distress him. It's really not easy! It was rejected by his father's men, and there are no complaints. We are still fighting for our survival. Run around. Even if this is said, the law enforcement team will come to the door. I have to say, I support His Royal Highness! "

"Exclusive inside information, when the Cangjun army left the habitat and rebelled against Zhou Han, a noble coalition army once entered the Cangming army's habitation, and almost killed the family of the Cangming army! The key moment is The crown prince and the crown prince rescued those people! As a result, the people of King Zhen and King Tian did not thank His prince for this reason, but they still forced him away. "

"I also came to the news that our great domain master Zhou Han even imprisoned our crown prince and was rescued by His Royal Highness!"

All kinds of news instantly flooded the entire Tiangong World network.

Domain master Zhou Han has become the biggest villain, and the seven prestigious veterans of the seven predecessors, the seven prestigious kings of Zhen Tian and Xi Tian, ​​have become representatives of people on both sides.

Faced with a sudden outbreak of public indignation, this group of people felt aggrieved, but they could not explain it.

Because these are facts, they cannot explain!

In Zhou Han's palace, a large group of people were silent.

For a long time, Zhou Han showed a tired smile on his face, looking at everyone: "How? Now believe me?"

He Shoucheng once said that if one day, His Royal Highness Prince can show enough good quality, then he will support His Royal Highness Prince without turning back.

Now Chu Yu's performance is not good enough, but amazing!

No one knows whether Chu Yu did it on purpose.

Through public opinion, to force them a group of veterans.

But even if he did it on purpose, he succeeded!

Nowadays, the entire Tiangong world has become chaotic due to the invasion of the realm. Even if Zhou Han is tough, it is impossible to disperse his energy at this time to deal with those who talk on the Tiangong World network.

This outbreak of public opinion is like an avalanche, like a dike!

Even if he could disperse this energy, he would feel helpless.

It can only be said that the timing and events chosen by Chu Yu are great!

Fortunately, even Zhou Han couldn't help but scream.

What else can buy people's hearts more than save lives?

Originally you would die, but when I came, you survived!

Even if they are the big brothers themselves, if they are rescued, they will also be very grateful in the face of life-saving benefactors!

So, are those people wrong?

not at all!

It can only be said that from the beginning, no one took Chu Yu in his eyes, and no one took him seriously.

Even if it was Zhou Han, although he said that he valued Chu Yu very much, he was even a little afraid of him, but he had never thought about it deep in his heart. Chu Yu's outbreak would come so suddenly and so violently.

From the beginning of obscurity, to the moment that swept the entire Tiangong world, people only spent more than half a year.

At this time, for practitioners in Tiangong World, even taking a nap is really not enough.

Lin Xuesong sat there a little nervously.

In fact, he had already seen the information on the Internet.

At first, he didn't care much.

Inviting people to buy?

In this way?

I don't know what to do!

That is to say, Chu Yu couldn't be contacted, otherwise he even wanted to scold Chu Yu for a meal!

silly! Are you trying to keep my daughter alive?

What do you think you are?

A person who succeeds as a personal hero to face countless realms?

Do you have that skill?

Facts have proved that people really do!

Not only there, but also amazing performance!

It is true that their group knows that those demon armies that are besieging cities are almost at the bottom of the entire demon group.

But the people do n’t know!

Moreover, even if it is at the bottom, no one can resist.

Chu Yu was alone, with a knife, without any helpers around, but he was killed by him.

Really called him a success!

Earlier said that people can't!

Say people are waste!

Say people are muddy and can't help the wall!

All kinds of ridicule, irony.

The results of it?

What an old face, cracked!

It's really embarrassing!

Even more embarrassing than cooperating with the enemy Zhou Han.

And embarrassing, not only Lin Xuesong alone?

Isn't Xu Zhen embarrassed?

In fact, he has the best chance to be the one who is unique in Chu Yu's mind.

But he gave up all.

It was he who looked down on Chu Yu himself, and did not take this waste prince who only knew how to spend time.

Even if his daughter followed Chu Yu, he still did not change his view of Chu Yu.

Chu Yu experienced hardships in the lower realm, so it is easy to return. It stands to reason that he should try his best to support Chu Yu to make him a little plump, so that he can continue to gain popular support, and then go to fight against Zhou Han.

With Dayi, he overthrew Zhou Han and pushed Chu Yu up.

He should do it.

In fact, this kind of thought has never been born in Xu Zhen's mind!

Aren't Shang Wenhong and Huo Xiuwen embarrassed?

Of course embarrassing!

At that time, they had made up their minds and chose to support Chu Yu, standing on Chu Yu's side and resisting Zhou Han.

But later?

They eventually chose to merge with Xu Zhen and Lin Xuesong.

As for His Royal Highness ... Cough, let him go to hell.

Just use his name to use it.

Is it really necessary to help him to succeed?

In the battle with Zhou Han, Zhou Han directly crushed them.

Only then did they discover that the gap with Zhou Han was so large that they completely exceeded their imagination.

Then the realm came.

They can only choose to cooperate with Zhou Han.

Every soldier will be in one place and will fight a family.

Just like that time under the leadership of the boss, left seven and right seven swept the world.

At such a time, you can't see the Crown Prince, who can't hear the news?

Go to hell!

Go to hell!

That useless person is too lazy to mention it!

Then Chu Yu rose!

Rise rapidly in a way that none of them expected!

In just half a year, prestige surpassed everyone in their presence.

Even the domain master Zhou Han can't compare with it!

With this trade-off, Zhou Han's prestige has fallen to an unbelievable situation.

What a special ... it's unreasonable!

The group of big men in the palace was shy and annoyed, but they were helpless.

Today's results must come from the past.

The thorns they planted can only be sustained by themselves.

Fortunately, today Chu Yu, even if his arm shouted, the response is like a cloud. But still unable to fight them.

They already have the two strongest armies in the entire chaotic domain, and they themselves are the strongest in this chaotic domain.

And in this form, I believe Chu Yu will never do the kind of thing that causes civil strife.

But in the future?

Who can say the next thing?

Zhou Han is still the domain master!

It's not really hurt because of public opinion on the Internet.

With Zhou Han's wrist, after the invasion of Ping Dingjie Demon, it will still be able to suppress those noisy people.

At that time, Zhou Han was still the king of this chaotic domain!

The supreme king!

Well, by that time, those who are now so miserable in law enforcement will fear that they will shake again soon.

And will definitely do such things after the autumn.

After all, this is what the law enforcement team is really good at.

At that time, where will they go?

Reconciliation with Zhou Han? Accept his censorship? This seems impossible.

Continue to fight with Zhou Han? Continue to overthrow Zhou Han under the banner of the Prince? It seems ... it is impossible!

After all, there are now rumors of these bad old men and bad old ladies on the Internet throughout the Tiangong World.

It ’s really ... not inside or outside!

What's so special ... what is it called?

Is it really like the boss said?

"Your group of people, Zhou Han is just a little bit, a little politically minded, doing things so arbitrarily, and the rest of you, one of them is a good one, all of them are good at fighting, and they are amazing genius generals in the world. But other things ... Your ability is really too bad. This thing is not time to make up for. So settle down in the future, you, still honestly be a prince and a rich man. This is a matter of court, Do n’t follow along. "

No one thinks that the boss said this in order to take over their military power, because there is no need for that!

Their worship of the boss is deeply rooted in the bone marrow!

Now I want to come, the boss is really the boss, really foresight!

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