
Chapter 1047: White Monkey

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Okay, Chu Yu actually feels speechless.

We are so rich ...

It's really straightforward!

Chu Yu wanted to say something, and the young monk Huiguang stretched out his hand: "Dear friends, please taste tea first."

Chu Yu nodded, picked up the teacup, and took a sip.

"Drink in one bite and taste slowly." The young monk reminded.

Chu Yu smiled and drank.

I'm not afraid that they will have any other thoughts. Judging from what they saw and heard when they came to the Buddhism, the background of the entire Buddhism is simply unfathomable!

The weather presented is also very magnificent.

The spirits of dragons and phoenixes that break the virtual world appear here at will, and there is no need to think about them like these.

After taking a sip, Chu Yu Lingtai instantly became very clear.

This feeling, even though Chu Yu was already prepared, was still a little shocked.

A piece of tea, a cup of tea, let him as an enlightened person have such a big reaction, showing its value.

Chu Yu now has no time to even think about why the Buddhists will come up with such precious things to entertain them.

Pingfeng's feelings are deeper!

With a cup of tea in his throat, the trauma in his body was actually healing quickly!

This cup of tea is even more powerful than the panacea made from the top medicines.

Moreover, at this moment, Ping Feng realized a more profound Tao. Although he was also an enlightened person, he seemed to have opened a new and different path in front of him.

The four girls over there all have their own insights.

For a time, here was quiet.

Only the breeze was blowing.

It took a long time for Chu Yu to wake up from entering.

Opening his eyes and seeing the peaceful smile of the young monk, he could not help standing up and giving a gift to the young monk with a fist: "Master Huiguang is so generous, Chu Yu is grateful!"

With a cup of tea, Chu Yu made Chu Yu on his own road and took another step forward!

This is not a kind of cabbage relationship, this relationship is a bit big!

Not to mention anything else, if this cup of tea appears in Tiangong World, I am afraid it will cause a **** storm.

Here, as soon as the two sides met, they were taken out by the young monk as ordinary things.

Although it also emphasizes the cherish of this tea, it seems that this tea is not regarded as a treasure.

Only after really drinking it will you understand its value.

Hui Guang smiled slightly: "His Royal Highness, you don't have to be polite. His Royal Highness is a person who has experienced reincarnation, but the monk has stayed here. So many things may be forgotten, but the monk still remembers clearly. , At first sight. Nowadays, but a few cups of tea, used to entertain the old, the most suitable. "

Subsequently, Ping Feng and the four women also woke up from entering the Ding.

From everyone's face, we can see that everyone's gains are not ordinary.

Ping Feng thanked the four girls successively, and the young monk Shang Huiguang returned the gifts one by one.

Afterwards, Huiguang turned his eyes to Chu Yu: "I have come down to the temple, I have known that before the trip, Master has explained that if someone came to find the old monkey, it would be."

Ping Feng was shocked, and the whole person was almost stunned.

So easy?

What do Buddhists think?

Just promised them to see the old monkey?

He didn't even use the signboard of Infinite Daozu.

In fact, even if you move out, it may not necessarily work.

After all, the power of the Buddhism is not inferior to the infinite Taoist ancestors.

Unless Yuanshi Tianzun is moved out, how can he be contacted by Pingfeng?

Ping Feng had considered many kinds of results before, but never thought about this kind of result.

Nothing was said, they gave a cup of Wu Dao tea worth a city, and then generously said that if you are waiting for your intention, just go!

Buddhism really speaks so well?

Ping Feng really has an incredible feeling.

Chu Yu, Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian were all very surprised.

Before Pingfeng popularized too many legends about the Buddhism, no matter which one, they point to one thing: Buddhism is not easy to mess with!

Almost irrelevant to the world, and dissociated from other systems in the entire chaotic realm, there are very few grievances that can pull the Buddha's head.

In addition, there are a lot of powers among the Buddhism, and the deep background is deep. I am afraid that the entire chaotic domain can only be compared with those of the Dao clan.

Chu Yu even thought before that if they didn't agree, they would break in, but when they came, they saw that the rugged beasts that had broken through the realm were walking around and they already understood. The depth of this place is shocking.

If you break into it, you won't have any good fruit.

Didn't you see Du Gu as the marshal of the realm of this invasion, didn't you come here to find fault?

Chu Yu looked at Huiguang and gave Lili again: "Thank you very much."

Hui Guang smiled: "It's just that after seeing the old monkey, we can't control it."

Chu Yu asked: "If it agreed?"

Huiguang said: "Go there!"

"That Lingshan ..." Chu Yu looked at the young monk Huiguang seriously.

Huiguang smiled and said: "Lingshan collapsed? Does not exist."

In a word, show your confidence!

Chu Yu couldn't help but glance at Ping Feng, but before him, he vowed that once the old monkey was born, Lingshan would collapse.

Ping Feng was also a little ignorant. Looking at Chu Yu, and then looking at the young monk Huiguang, he smiled and said: "It's me Meng Lang."

He didn't mention this again because his master told him that it was not shameful enough.

The young monk Huihui said gently: "If it used to be, things that you worried about will happen, but now, rest assured, that kind of thing won't happen."


Ping Feng breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, Master Zun's face was considered to be preserved.

Otherwise, the immeasurable Taoist ancestors arrogantly arrogantly stated that once such a matter is spread, the reputation of the infinite ancestors will be severely hit.

Later, Huiguang personally led Chu Yu and others to the depths of Lingshan.

The entire Lingshan Mountains are simply a big world!

From the outside, it was so majestic that it was hard to breathe. When inside, I found that the world inside was even bigger!

As if walking through countless worlds, Chu Yu and others also saw each Buddha country.

Everyone turned into the light of Tao, and crossed over from these Buddhist countries.

Feel the endless quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Eventually, they entered the depths of Lingshan and came to a huge cliff.

Under the cliff, a monkey that was only over one meter tall was sitting cross-legged.

No **** can be seen.

The monkey looks very old, and all the hair on and off his body turns white.

Not born with white hair, but old enough to turn white.

White eyebrows and white beards, long white hair hanging down.

Like a statue, sitting there quietly, without moving.

The young monk Huiguang greeted: "Senior Monkey, I'm here to see you!"

At this moment, the old white monkey suddenly opened his eyes, and two golden lights shot towards everyone.

"Yeah!" The four girls screamed together, closing their eyes quickly.

The two golden lights couldn't even bear them!

Although Pingfeng didn't exclaim, he closed his eyes and throbbed his heart for the first time.

This old monkey is so horrible!

Just a glance, so powerful?

It was terrible!

Only Chu Yu and the young monk Huihui did not close their eyes.

The young monk Huihui still smiled and said, "Why should seniors be angry? Long time no see, they should be missed."

The white-haired old monkey didn't go to see the young monk Huiguang, he muttered in his mouth: "Small things, come to disturb the dream again, I hate it!"

During the speech, the golden eyes of the old monkey did not converge, but swept around on Chu Yu. After a while, he said, "Is it you?"

Chu Yu looked at the old monkey, and also had a strange feeling in his heart. The change technique he had learned once seemed to resonate with this old monkey. That kind of avenue roared in his spiritual awareness.

This is a true power!

Alive, powerful!

Unlike the doppelganger of the infinite Taoist, this one in front of him is a powerful deity!

Chu Yu bowed down and bowed: "Younger Chu Yu, have seen seniors!"

"Boy, please come closer and let me see." The white-haired old monkey said, his voice was not so old, and there was not much vicissitudes in his body.

It sat there cross-legged and did not move, looking at Chu Yu, the golden light in his eyes converged.

It wasn't until this time that the four daughters beside Chu Yu, He Fengfeng, dared to open their eyes, but dared not move forward.

Chu Yu walked alone in front of the old monkey, until he walked in front of the old monkey.

The white-haired old monkey sits and Chu Yu stands. According to this angle, Chu Yu should look down on the white-haired old monkey.

But before approaching, Chu Yu found out that he couldn't see this white-haired old monkey!

In front of him, there was nothing but white!

If you look closely, it is white hair!

Each piece of white hair is like a seal of countless large and small worlds.

Too grand!

That majestic way made Chu Yu feel very small.

But in the eyes of others, it was Chu Yu who walked in front of the white-haired old monkey and looked down.

Chu Yu remembered the pictures of the front line that the infinite ancestor once showed him. The way and the law in the picture were too large, he could not see the whole picture at all.

The old monkey in front of him should be the same.

Dao Xing was too deep. He came closer and felt the Dao on the other side. This happened.

At the next moment, his eyes changed, and a white-haired old monkey, about the same height as him, appeared in front of him, looked at Chu Yu up and down, and then pouted.


Chu Yu was at a loss, what was okay?

"Without wasting me a waste of hair, go to the lower realm to teach you once." The old monkey smiled at Chu Yu's teeth.

"Ah?" Chu Yu stared, looking at the old monkey: "Master, are you really?"

"Otherwise? In this world, who can pass on your top-level method of change?" The old monkey smiled proudly: "There are so many people who master the magic of change, but my technique of change is unique!"

The character is right!

It ’s a monkey!

Chu Yu immediately fell down in front of the old monkey, and said with excitement: "Tu'er has seen Master!"

The white-haired old monkey laughed, and let Chu Yu give him a few heads, and then said: "You get up and wait for Master to pass you a few hands and go back to solve those hair thieves!"

Chu Yu looked at the white-haired old monkey: "Do you know that Tu'er is here?"

White-haired old monkey pouting: "How fresh!"

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