
Chapter 260: I will save him

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There was a horrible look on the man's face, and he couldn't dream of being alive from Tongtianling so terrible.

He shouted, and there were several body protectors on his body that burst into a dazzling light, forming a defense.

But this defense, in front of Chu Yu's knife, was like a paper paste, so fragile!


This man was directly cut by Chu Yu!

Death on the spot!

The remaining man was so scared that he turned around and wanted to run.

Chu Yu exhibited the magical power of foggy clouds, which is faster than the magical power of walking fast!

But the consumption of mana is also an amazing number.

In order to kill this person, Chu Yu couldn't care so much.

Almost in a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of this man, and the huge and long knife in Chu Yu's hand instantly became two feet long.

Ordinary people simply cannot see that this knife is made of energy.

The whole blade shone with red blood, looking sharp and unmatched.

The young man in the real monarch realm, with endless horror in his eyes, shouted: "Don't kill me, I am Leiji Academy ..."


Chu Yu stabbed him in the stomach with a sharp twist, and directly crushed the young real monarch Dan Tian!

One strength, like the tide receding.

The man looked at Chu Yu with a blank expression, and a big gulp of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Spit out the last three words.

"s student……"

"Who are you!" Chu Yu draws his knife.

Turn around and leave here.

Not far away, a stunning young girl stood there dumbfounded, looking at him.





The girl is naturally Xu Xiaoxian.

She was almost silent for a while, and finally she was about to reach the entrance of the Canal Realm. She couldn't help but ask Chu Yu: "What is the relationship between you and the demon king wind ..."

"Demon King Wind?" Chu Yu looked suspicious: "Who is that?"

"Don't you know?" Xu Xiaoxian Xiu frowned slightly, looking at Chu Yu: "Then why did he tell me that he is a young human surnamed Chu, pleading for me to let you go?"

Chu Yu felt warm in his heart and said that Brother Xue was really a wonderful person with a high EQ!

But then he was afraid, and looked at Xu Xiaoxian said: "Are you caught?"

"This girl is a careless one!" Xu Xiaoxian looked at Chu Yu seriously: "You must believe that I can kill the god!"

Looking at Xu Xiaoxian's long silver hair blown by the wind, Chu Yu smiled: "I believe."

Xu Xiaoxian then collapsed, and said pitifully: "I almost became the depressing lady of the demon king style ..."

"Hahahaha ..."

Chu Yu couldn't help laughing.

"You have no sympathy at all! You deserve to be a single dog all your life!" Xu Xiaoxian rolled his eyes.

Chu Yu's tired expression: "Isn't this still you?"

"Me?" Xu Xiaoxian slowly widened his eyes, as if shocked, and looked at Chu Yu's brilliant face, a trace of blush flew up, and it took a long time before he resented: "Take me as a spare tire? Why? Yeah? "

"How good is the spare tire, you see, how long it is new." Chu Yu laughed.

"What's good? It's a spare tire here, maybe it's normal driving in others ..." Xu Xiaoxian muttered.

"what did you say?"

"It's nothing."

Coming to the entrance of the Canal Realm, Chu Yu's eyes became somewhat dignified, and he said, "There may be someone guarding outside."

Xu Xiaoxian nodded: "So we must restore what we should be."

With that said, the two returned to what they looked like in a mirrored world.

Xu Xiaoxian looked at Chu Yu and said with some surprise: "Your fetalization is easy to change shape, it seems that ... is it better?"

Chu Yuxian's appearance at this time is almost flawless in the eyes of Xu Xiaoxian, who also masters fetalization and morphology!

Regardless of expression, movement, temperament, breath, they have completely become another person.

Chu Yu smiled and said, "I can teach you."

This time, Xu Xiaoxian surprisingly did not say anything like rejection, but just nodded: "Okay."

Between the two, the two walked out of the entrance to the remnants.

Going out is much easier than coming in.

The energy here in the Remnant Realm is amazing. It is difficult for people outside to come in. It must be a strong presence. Through a specific time and specific magic weapon, a portal can be opened.

But when you go out, it's relatively easier, and you don't need any requirements.

But the spirits inside the residual realm, let alone leave the residual realm ... they cannot even leave the space they are in!

For example, those creatures in Tongtianling, they can't leave even if they connect to Tianling!

The two came out from the inside and found something strange, there was no one outside.

There is no one!

This is somewhat unexpected from the two.

In their view, there must be someone outside to wait for the bargain.

But the two of them observed for a long time, and finally determined that no one was there!

"What's the situation?" Chu Yu frowned, and then looked at Xu Xiaoxian said: "Did this group of guys suddenly become kind?"

Xu Xiaoxian turned on the communicator at this moment, projected the content on the communicator into the air, and after only glancing at it, he exclaimed: "Broken!"

Chu Yu looked up and saw the line of headlines, his face instantly became dignified.

"The passage opened, the road to the Dao Dao was cleared, waiting for the Daoist friends for 60 million years, it is time for us to testify!"

"I mirror the supremacy of the world, this road is finally opened, and the emperor does not take care of people!"

"Dao friends, after three months, we can meet in the hometown of Taoism. Are there any teams?"

"In the peak realm of Xiazhenjun, in order to become the first group of people to enter the homeland of the Dao, it has been suppressing cultivation, and has not broken through into the realm of Shenjun. Now it is willing to bring a group of like-minded brothers and sisters together to find opportunities."

"I am Yan Xudong, this is our time!"

"Yan Xudong is something? The little schoolboy, my name is Luo Lie. Three months later, I was waiting for you at the entrance of the road of Dao Dao and told you with one hand, whose age is this!

The entire mirrored world network has been messed up!

Completely messed up!

Everyone's heart has become extremely impetuous, and, this time, there are a lot of ancient heritage doors that have not entered the academy, and they are making a noise.

For example, Luo Lie just now, Zu Shang is one of the supreme beings that builds a mirrored world!

He simply looked down on the geniuses from Yan Xudong's colleges and thought it was a bunch of scum.

Not worth mentioning at all!

Chu Yu didn't pay attention to this. What he saw was only the impact of the road being broken.

At this time, Chu Yu's communicator also kept ringing.

There are high-level officials from Ziyun College, his students, and messages from fat people.

Chu Yu first opened the message sent by the fat man.

"The road was opened, dangerous!"

This is the first one.

"I'm going, brother, how about you? Haven't you come out of the broken realm yet?"

"Hurry up and find a way, can't you just let those people rush to our homes to kill?"

"I wipe, aren't you dead?"

"You are going to die, fat man will do them by himself!"

"Brother, don't you really die, don't you die? Don't die! Fang Lie, your slave, is with the fat man. The fat man gave him some resources. Well, the fat man got it with his ability before. ... I did n’t expect that guy to progress so fast, and it has already reached the real monarch level! "

"A few days ago, I got news from Leng Qiuqiu's fellow. The kid did a lot of arrogance in the mirror world, ha ha ha, it felt like a dog biting a dog ... ah no, it was his conscience to discover!"

"I saw Lin Shi. He was with Yan Xudong's group. It is estimated that he would soon wave a butcher knife to his own people."

"Forget it, you may really be dead, Lin Shi and they are all back, but you have no news yet. Hey, think about it now, it's very good to die, at least you don't have to bear so much pressure."

"The fat man burned some paper for you today, and I don't know if you can receive it."

"In this world, we are all alone ..."

"The fat man is going to do them himself! If you die, you will die as well!"

"Brother, Fatty misses you a bit."

Each message is sent on a different date. The most recent message was three days ago.

Chu Yu looked at it, his eyes turned red.

At this time, Xu Xiaoxian beside him exclaimed: "Oh, that fat man is crazy? He even made a public voice, saying that he came from the hometown of the Tao of Taoism and wanted to dig through the tombs of all the supreme families in the mirror world!

Chu Yu looked at Xu Xiaoxian and found that Xu Xiaoxian was watching a very hot news.

The fat man publicly clamored to dig through all the tombs in this world!

"You slaughtered my loved ones and trampled on my homeland, the lord will dig all the graves of your ancestors, and ask them to come out and bask in the sun!"

This is a post from Fatty.

"The grave-digging thief appeared again, it turned out that he came from the hometown of Taoism!"

"Indigenous people in the village of Proof Dao mixed into the mirror world, a large tomb of the saint clan family was excavated, and the bodies of several ancestors of the clan family were thrown out. It is rare that those bodies are still lifelike! They will not rot or rot!"

"Zongjiagong's voice must be found, and the digging grave thief must be found, and he will be broken into pieces!"

"An emperor's mausoleum was excavated in the royal family, the treasures were missing, and all the bones were thrown into the wilderness."

Xu Xiaoxian browsed quickly and whispered in his mouth: "I can't think of the fat man as domineering! Is he really dare to do this kind of thing that is hostile to everyone? Awesome, really awesome! All the tombs he dug were all It is the tomb of the top family in the mirror world. It is also the main contributor family that opened the way. "

Chu Yu quickly sent a message to the fat man: "I am still alive, how are you?"

There was a message back in almost seconds: "Rely, is it a man or a ghost?"

Then, another message came: "Are you actually alive? Fatty, I shed three pounds of tears in vain!"

"I'm in trouble, and I'm being hunted down now ... Brother, you are my dear brother, come and save me quickly. I'm in the direction of Tianmeng City at eight o'clock, about 300,000 miles."

"Don't say, you have to keep on running. Ma's group of kings and **** are like being beaten by eight generations of ancestors, like the blood of chicken blood ... Come and save me!"

"Forget it, don't come, there are several gods ..."

The fat man quickly sent a few messages, and then nothing happened.

Chu Yu's eyebrows showed a cold color.

Xu Xiaoxian glanced at him: "You ..."

"I'll save him." Chu Yu said.

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