
Chapter 335: Snow snow

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Wujiang!

Of course, the cloning method of the sage is much smarter than the cloning of modern medical technology.

The two are simply not the same, and there is no comparability.

In the process of searching for the top medicine, Shen Xing and Feixue found two perfect flesh bodies. After many years of refining, the flesh bodies became perfect and they could carry their saint's soul.

Then, refining one's own soul into it.

Finally, using supreme means, the two were separated from the fundamental connection and fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Xing and Fei Xue set up another ban here, and the ban will only be opened when the deity dies.

Until this time, there will be two memory inheritances, injected into the two avatars.

Let the avatar wake up from a deep sleep and probably know what happened.

All this was obtained by Shen Xing and Fei Xue's husband and wife in years.

In fact, these two people are the ones with extremely high IQ. As early as that year, when they planted the opportunity in their daughter's body, they had already thought of all the things that might happen in the future.

But they are kind in their hearts. Although they thought of it, they did not want to believe that things would really go in the worst direction.

However, just in case, the arrangement was made.

Fortunately, thanks to the arrangement of the year, otherwise these two people, I am afraid that they really want to become ordinary people, lonely and old.

Feixue glanced at Shen Xing and said softly, "When can we go to find my daughter?"

"The physical body of you and me is only emperor level, or you can practice here with peace of mind and wait for a breakthrough to return to the holy realm and then go back." Shen Xing said.

"However, it should take many years to break through the Holy Realm, will Siyu she ..." Feixue said with some concern.

"No, definitely not!" Shen Xing looked at Feixue seriously: "We can wake up, and it must be clear that over there, we have found someone who can treat my daughter. Teacher's heir. "

"People who can be inherited by Teacher He Sheng, and who can make Tianmai Dan to treat our daughters, I think they must be capable and reliable."

"So, we will entrust our daughter to him."

"And, our daughter, once recovered, will use the shortest time to break through to the realm of God."

"The speed of her realm will also be terrifying. Maybe she will step into the Holy Land faster than us. So don't worry about it."

Shen Xing took the hand of his wife and smiled lightly: "You are more worried about the supreme existence on the confusing than worrying about this. When we came here, there were a few existences but we were not very welcome."

Feixue thought that was the same reason. There was a naughty flash in his eyes, and he smiled and said, "Well, just listen to you, practice in a low-key manner, and don't be swaggering."


The other side of the faint star.

A big mountain, tens of thousands of meters high, towering into the clouds!

Like a **** mountain, it stands on the glaring earth.

On the top of the mountain, there is a small figure sitting quietly, looking into the distance.

If Chu Yu is here, he will surely recognize at a glance that this girl is exactly Xuexue he has seen.

But it will certainly be very doubtful.

Because everything I saw and experienced, it turned out to be a fantasy created by that monster.

Since it is illusory, how can it really exist in this world?

Xue Xue's eyes were a bit worried, and a bit dazed.

A faint light enveloped her.

It is a high-tech defensive cover, as long as the defensive cover is not broken, even if it enters the void of the universe, it can ensure that the people inside are safe and sound.

Although Yi Xuexue's current state, even if it appears physically here, it is somewhat uncomfortable.

So, she opened the biochemical system.

Xuexue's white and slender hands, dragging her cheeks, looked at the distance with some confused eyes.

That direction is the earth.

"It's such a weird dream ... it's been so many days in a row."

Xue Xue murmured.

"Is there really such a person on earth? He is so powerful!"

"Great fart! If I met, I would definitely be able to beat him with a punch! Besides, Xuexue, dreams, dreams! Why should you be serious? Why are you so real?" A seven or eight year old young man, wearing a silver armor, appeared behind Xue Xue.

At the moment, the cheeks of the armor are transparent, and his expression can be clearly seen.

The handsome face was full of depression at the moment.

Xuexue didn't look back, and said quietly, "Is it really a dream? Is it really me who is more real?"

"Of course it is a dream, what else could it be? Fact? Even the people who are good at his heart communication and prophecy say, this should be a dream, a bit ..."

"Then why do you have the same dream? Why, there are many people who have dreamed that way?" Xuexue still didn't look back: "Can you explain to me, what's going on?"

"I ... I can't explain it." Wang Dong's mouth twitched, and he was very depressed.

Because he did have the same dream, and in the dream, he was not bad. He was defeated by one stroke!

Really shameful!

If not many people had the same dream at the same time, he would definitely not admit it.

This dream, almost half of them in their entire ethnic group, have all done it.

But most people can't remember exactly what happened in the dream.

Only a few people remember a part.

I really remember all the dreams, but few people.

Standing beside Xuexue, Wang Dong said, "Xuexue, you said your grandfather would really be like a dream, do you care about everything to get that person's blood?"

Xuexue first wanted to deny it, but after thinking about it seriously, she couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Don't really say, grandpa's scientific madman ... it's really possible to do such a thing."

With that said, she stood up, turned her head and glanced at Wang Dong, and said, "That grandpa also did that dream. Do you know what he said?"

"How to say?" Wang Dong looked at Xuexue curiously.

Xuexue said: "Grandpa said that if there is such a person, he will ask him for a drop of blood anyway ..."

"If people don't give it?" Wang Dong said.

"It is estimated that ... he can really do as he dreams." Xue Xue said weakly.

"Uh ... I hope not." Wang Dong looked serious: "If there is such a person, then I still admire him. I don't want such a person to become an enemy."

"Of course, I don't want to." Xuexue said: "So, I want to ... go to the earth!"

"Ah? What did you say?" Wang Dong looked at Xue Xue with a surprised expression: "Earth? Are you going there?"

"No, it's too dangerous! Your realm is probably only equivalent to the realm of the ancient monks. Not to mention that on the earth today, I am afraid that there are many opponents who are tyrannical to our completely invincible opponent. It's not so easy to go! "Wang Dong shook his head like a rattle:" You can't go anyway. "

"I didn't ask for your opinion again." Xuexue glared at Wang Dong, and then said: "Xing Lu is afraid of anything. There are top-notch spaceships. It must be fine."

"Do you really want to go?" Wang Dong looked at Xuexue, his eyes flashing, as if thinking about something.

"I tell you, if you dare to inform, I will turn your face!" Xuexue threatened.

"No, no, why would I go to the whistleblower?" Wang Dong seemed to have made up his mind and said seriously, "I'm going too!"

"What are you doing?" Xuexue looked at Wang Dong puzzled.

"I, I want to find that person to see if he is really that strong. In fact, you are right, there are advanced spaceships, even our stunned ordinary people can enter the earth."

Wang Dong said, looking at Xuexue: "Have you heard? The Guxiu family seems to have seven young juniors who stole a spaceship and went to the earth to find opportunities?"

"This thing ... I seem to have heard of it." Xuexue frowned and said in thought. Then, there was a look of excitement on her face: "We don't need to steal the spaceship!"

As the top arrogance in this race, they really don't need to steal a spaceship.

Because they themselves have very high-grade spaceships that can travel interstellar.


"But we also need to run secretly!" Wang Dong shrugged.

Throughout the fascinating ancient stars, the ancestors of all races have warned that they will never be allowed to go to the planet that has just been unsealed for a long time.

Because there, in view of the supreme existence of confusing, it is a real place of right and wrong.

There is a huge danger!

Not to mention the younger juniors, even if they exist supremely, they can't set foot easily.

"Then do you run?" Xuexue's beautiful eyes stared at Wang Dong.

Wang Dong did not hesitate and nodded: "Run!"


Going out again, really, I have a mmp ...

But I really fight this time, please believe it.

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