
Chapter 807: Old beggar selling medicine

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Suddenly Li Erzhu went crazy and was extremely furious!

He grabbed the old-fashioned baby in his swaddling baby, the green muscles on his forehead burst, and the whole person was close to collapse.

Scolded: "What kind of deity do you **** think? Huh? Which dynasty are you emperors? Or the head of an ancient family? Or ... you are a generation of immortals?"

"Lao and his daughter-in-law have been married for 680 million years. In order to have a child, they have accumulated a total of 600 million years of savings! We finally found a true fairy, and we exhausted all our savings before asking for blind medicine. It made my wife pregnant! "

"Did you know? I knew she was very happy when she was pregnant!"

"I feel that life is truly meaningful after that!"

"Because, we have descendants!"

"Not only that, we also decided to save and save money! With the most positive attitude, facing life, with the most diligent hands, to create wealth! Lest our children find a wife in the future, when they want to have children, But I found that there is no money to ask for Elixir! "

"Do you know how much we paid for a child?"

"You bite one deity, bite one Li Erzhu. Hey, are you awakened? Are you terrible? You can scare me when you have a big head?"

"Little beast, you, what is it?"

"Laozi fell to you today! Where are you going to leave for Laozi!"

"Xiang Gong!" The young woman finally recovered, crying and ran to Li Erzhu, grabbed his sleeve, and said sadly: "After all ... he is our baby!"

"Shit! Don't you see it? Hahaha, the reincarnation! Just born, I remember awakening, and so fearless ... How did he ever think of us as parents?"

Li Erzhu roared angrily: "Lao Tzu doesn't understand that almost all the people born in this eternal **** realm are reincarnated creatures who died in eternal **** realm."

"Lao Tzu doesn't care about this kind of thing, after all, the grace of birth is there, even if there is

One day, what can I do if I wake up my memory? Lao Tzu is also his father, you are also his mother! "

"But this little beast, he just said, what kind of bullshit?"

"Deity? Wait?"

"I'll **** you!"

The young woman just cried and didn't speak. The whole person was almost sorrowful and fainted.

In order to have a child, the couple saved 600 million years of money and finally asked for a panacea. As a result, they gave birth to such a thing.

If the worldly world gave birth to a prodigal son, it would take fifteen or sixty years to see it.

This is good. Once you are born, you already know that you have a beast.

It ’s hard to accept anyone who ’s afraid of switching.

Xu Xiaoxian glanced at Chu Yu and suddenly whispered, "I suddenly, a little ... I don't want a child anymore."

Lin Shi murmured: "It's really boring to practice this kind of state, and then have children."

"You can't say that. Some children are made up of the spirit of heaven and earth, which is different from this kind of ethical freak." Just beside them, a person said lightly.

Several people on Chu Yu stunned slightly, looking to the side.

Because just now, they did not feel that someone was there.

It was an old man who spoke.

It's a little difficult to grow.

It's hard to talk about how ugly, with small eyes, wrinkled face, thin hair, and worn clothes. This is to be placed on the earth, and a small steel basin is carried in his hand.

But here ...

It's hard to say.

In such a place where life never ends, today can be an old man, and tomorrow can become a teenager.

Today is a beggar, and God knows whether he will become a lord tomorrow.

Chu Yu threw a fist at the old man: "Is the senior saying true?"

The old man instantly turned into a young man in his twenties, and the wrinkles on his face were gone. Although he still had small eyes and thin hair, he looked too young.

"Brother, I am not lying."

Chu Yu: "..."

Is this funny?

Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian were also speechless.

The old beggar ... No, it should be said that the young beggar looked at Chu Yu with a mysterious expression: "Your three daughter-in-laws are so beautiful, do you want children?"

Jiang Zilian looked blushing and glared at him: "Shao bullshit, I am a friend with him!"

The young beggar whispered: "Come on, sleep all day, follow whatever you do, return friends ... who are you lying to? I'm not blind!"

"You ..." Jiang Zilian was so angry that he almost turned his face on the spot.

The young beggar laughed and said: "It's done, little girl, I'm kidding you."

With that, he changed back to being an old beggar, and muttered in his mouth: "Have the Huanghua girl who has lived for so many years be embarrassed?"

Jiang Zilian: "..."

The old beggar looked at Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian again: "Two, do you want children? Guaranteed to be a baby born from the spirit of heaven and earth. Even if you don't understand it now, you will understand it when the child is born. Reincarnated baby, that is different! "

Although Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian both have some emotions in their hearts, they have little trust in this old caller Hua Zi. I always feel that this guy is not very reliable.

Chu Yu also felt that the old beggar was a bit unreliable. The two sides didn't know each other at all. The old guy came up even teasing and teasing, and wanted to sell medicine ... it doesn't look like a good person.

Kung Fu, chatting here, has changed again on the altar over there.

Li Erzhu insisted that the young animal be killed, and the young woman stopped her.

The woman is a practitioner of Da Luo realm, and Li Erzhu realm is not as good as hers.

The two sides stalemate.

But the baby was still old-fashioned and talkative.

The tone is particularly great!

"Li Erzhu, Ben Zun advises you to be calm. Don't cause uncontrollable consequences. It is a great blessing that you can be born in this eternal God Realm and become a member of the undead!"

"If you offend the deity, the deity tells you not to be born forever, believe it or not?"

"Netherworld, do you know? That place of exile, any peerless powerhouse in you, whoever is kicked to the lower realm, lives and dies, reincarnates in the lost soul, and never comes forward!"

"By then, I promise to tell you to taste all the sufferings of the world! Let you reincarnate constantly between life and death!"

"Hey, Lord Divine Emperor ... Didn't you say that? Without losing, you don't know how to cherish. Li Erzhu, do you want to lose everything?"

Li Erzhu is like a mad lion, growling: "Little beast, do you dare to threaten me?"

"This is not a threat, just to be honest. You see, your daughter-in-law is much calmer than you. Think about it, a large sum of money is guaranteed to be a hundred times more than you lose! By then, you will have another child. … It ’s not destined to be remembered by your lowly bitch! ”

The words of babies are very harsh.

At this moment, the old beggar beside Chu Yu suddenly flashed in shape, and appeared on the ring next moment. Sneered at the baby: "Really? Are you great?"

At this moment, when Li Erzhu saw the old beggar, he stunned a little, then cried and knelt down: "Fairy Master, Fairy Master, we ... we ..."

Li Erzhu, who was just like an angry lion, saw the old beggar, but he was crying.

The young woman also knelt down and wept aside.

The old beggar sighed and said, "Get up, this thing, it's the old man who is wrong with me, not you. At first, if it wasn't the old man who was stingy and gave you a better medicine, you wouldn't meet This little animal is born. "

The baby was very angry and shouted sharply: "It's a big breath, every real fairy, do you want to die?"


The old beggar grabbed the baby from Li Erzhu's hand and then fell **** the altar.

The baby's body fell apart instantly.

This scene is too fast!

It's simply a sparkle between sparks.

Almost no one can react.

Here the old beggar has already slashed the baby!

The creature in the eternal realm, even though it is a baby, has not yet undergone any cultivation, but the flesh is also very strong, and it can never be hurt by ordinary people.

This is not over yet. The old beggar directly sacrificed a black streamer and shook it violently, and heard a roar of extreme anger from the void.

"Fuck! Dare!"

This voice is not the voice of the baby just now, but a very old, majestic voice.

But the old beggar, unmoved, continued to shake the black streamer in his hand.

The angry roar in the void was like a sullen thunder.

It's really unusual.

The people around were shocked.

It also attracted more people to watch.

Some people with obvious status and unusual status are extremely dignified.

At the same time, there is a strong worry in the eyes.

I feel that something big is going to happen!

This guy who awakened his memory shortly after birth and called himself a deity is very likely to be a very big figure.

But now he was killed by the old beggar, and he didn't even want to let go of the soul.

If this is really pursued, I am afraid that the people in this city are hard to escape!

The eternal world does not mean that no one will die!

The old beggar shouted: "Do not be afraid! Take me to hold his soul and close it, no one knows he is here!"

With that, the old beggar sneered: "What if your previous life was an immortal deity? Not a reincarnation after death? Reincarnation will reincarnate. Who would know if you are low-key?"

"One deity per mouth, no respect for the biological parents at all."

"You kind of rubbish, it is better to disappear completely in this world!"

Around the black streamers, there was a crazy roar: "You are looking for death! The deity is out of trouble today and slaughtering you all over the city!"

The faces of the people around them instantly became very ugly.

The old beggar burst into laughter suddenly, his realm suddenly soared to an unimaginable level!

The so-called unimaginable is the literal meaning.

Everyone has a feeling at this moment, this old beggar ... is heaven!


That glorious power is like a big day!

It's too dazzling!

The dress on the old beggar also changed at this moment.

A gorgeous black robe with golden inscriptions on it exudes the light of the avenue.

The old beggar also turned into a majestic middle-aged man.

The black streamer in his hand suddenly became very huge.

In the void, the angry roar suddenly became terrified, and at the same time with endless anger: "Xiao Madman ... you dare to count the deity!"

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