
Chapter 813: Join the war

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In that murderous, there are still countless grudges that are entangled, that is, the people they killed, and the remaining persistent thoughts are not scattered.

Under normal circumstances, this phenomenon is impossible.

Unless, too many people are killed.

This is a typical group of executioners full of darkness and evil.

This group of people is far-sighted, fierce and evil.

But in fact, looking closely, all the faces are calm.

It's the temperament that makes them look very fierce and haunted.

Those grievances are not what they want to take out to scare people, but obsession and resentment, gathered there, wanting to invade into their bodies.

It's a pity it doesn't work.

Chu Yu looked at the people over there, and the people over there also looked at him.

In the eyes, there is not much mood swings.

For that group of people, there are only two kinds of people in this world, one is the enemy and the other is their own.

The former group, since they are not their own people, can only be the enemy.


The black armor general who was riding on the **** bird, after judging the level of Chu Yu and others, directly waved his hand.


Behind them, the seventy or eighty warriors turned into a torrent, and they came to Chu Yu and surrounded them.

Their purpose is simple, only killing.

At the same time, don't look at their realm only at the level of the upper immortals, but the combat power, but shows a level far superior to the upper immortals.

The cooperation with each other is extremely tacit, and four killing formations are formed almost instantly.

At the same time someone is responsible for coping, trying to separate the four.

Upon seeing this, Chu Yu said with a calm expression on his face and said, "Kill them separately."

In Xu Xiaoxian's eyes, there was a flash of coldness: "Look who is fast!"

Say, take the initiative to cast a killing array!

Actually so active?

Rao is a group of cold-blooded dark force practitioners who have experienced countless killings, but at this moment, it is still a bit unexpected.

Because under normal circumstances, this group of people should gather together to meet the enemy together.

Now they are taking the initiative to separate, aren't they afraid of death?

Or is it that this is a few combat experience ... Xiaobai?

Xu Xiaoxian sneered and shot directly.


In the sky, in the void, a sound like a piano sounded.

Then, just like the sound of Jin Ge Tiema came from the void.

It seems that there are thousands of horses and horses coming.

But Xu Xiaoxian, there is no movement at all.

The group of people surrounding her suddenly turned upside down.

Some people even suffocated.



The little boss growled and warned.

The power of this group of people is extremely powerful. It is possible to leapfrog and challenge stronger practitioners.

"Killing array?" Xu Xiaoxian sneered in the corner of his mouth: "To show you today, what is a killing array!"

During the speech, Xu Xiaoxian waved his hands and threw out a few pieces of artifacts directly.

Suddenly, there were a large number of attacks, which fell on those magic instruments.

In an instant, there was a loud roar, and the sound came.

Immediately afterwards, rays of light erupted from there.

Then the ray of light, forming a magic circle similar to a giant spider web.

What is this stuff?

Almost no one has seen this magic circle.

One of the monks, tentatively slashing towards the light net, suddenly issued a screaming scream.

Like being hit by a terrible high-voltage electricity, the whole person suddenly turned into a bone.

Then, the bones also turned into gray.

Floating, falling from the sky.

Xu Xiaoxian chuckled, his gesture changed, and the light net shrank instantly.

At this time, even if you don't move, you can't survive.

This magic circle is actually so simple that it can hardly be added, only horizontal and vertical lines.

But it is also terrifying!

Move, die.

Don't move and die!

A practitioner in a true fairy realm can actually produce such a terrible killing array.

All the immortals on the scene had an urge to cry.

When can a true immortal have such ability?

Over the years, the true monks they killed by their own hands are unknown.

They can even remember the warm feeling when the blood of the real fairy splashed on them.

True Immortal Blood, for Shangxian, is the top supplement!

It's so warm, so amazing!

But in front of this beautiful and beautiful woman, is she really a true fairy?

With the shrinking of the magic circle, all the fighters of the dark forces couldn't help being manic.

Seeing that simple line, getting closer and closer to me, the despair facing death has never been so clear.

In the past, it was the emotions that their opponents could experience. Now, they finally taste it themselves.

This taste is really hard to bear!

They panicked and snarled, roaring, trying to call their companions to come to the rescue.

It is a pity that their companions are equally insecure.

The killing line that Lin Shi rushed into was originally murderous in the sky.

But as the compassionate Bodhisattva light in Lin Shi burst out, all the murderous energy disappeared invisible.

The Lin Shi giant was calm and graceful, calm and calm.

Every shot, like a spring breeze touching the face.

Gentle and gentle.

And all those who have been swept by this energy are all smiling ... turning into ashes!

This terrible magical power!

Jiang Zilian shook the black streamer, and the black streamer shuddered lightly, and thousands of black air shot out, turning into swords, guns, sticks, axes, hooks and forks ...

Turn into a terrible beast, avian!

Transform into all means of attack in the world.

Puff puff!

A cloud of black smoke passed through the bodies of those dark forces.

Anyone who is smashed through the body by black smoke will collapse, shatter, and collapse the body universe in the shortest time.

Vitality ... instantly decayed to the extreme.

Immortal God Realm? No, it is because death did not come to the top of the head!

Once the cloud of death is overshadowed, no one can break free.

No one can escape.

These three demon girls are terrible!

Where did they come from?

In the Xiao Dynasty, when did such a terrible person exist?

The remaining group of people, together with the black armor general, rushed to Chu Yu.

It seems that this little white face is the weakest!

Kill him!


Countless attacks instantly overwhelmed Chu Yu here.

At the next moment, all of them attacked Chu Yu.

All disappeared.

It's like, mud bulls go into the sea.

The light dissipated and the twisted energy disappeared.

Chu Yu stood there quietly, like, never moving.

How can this be?

The Black Armored War will feel a chill, follow his own tail vertebrae, and rise all the way to the back of the head, trembling with a trembling.

Then he growled and rushed to Chu Yu.


Like a wild cow!

The huge **** bird under his seat screamed loudly and loudly.

Chu Yu pointed his finger, and the **** bird suddenly burned.

It is difficult to tell whether the fire is burning from the body of the **** bird or from the body.

The blazing fire instantly burned the **** bird to ashes.

The warrior in black armor is a monk in the real fairyland.

There are countless practitioners of the same realm who died in his hands!

Even, many years ago, he also fought against the power of Xianzun level.

The wind fell, but, the whole body retreated!

He is by no means a fish belly, nor a timid person.

But now, in his heart, there was a strong fear.

The man in front of him is like a demon!

A mount that burned him to death, that **** bird ... is also a true first-order creature!

If it weren't for his quick response, the fire just swallowed him!

He looked blankly.

Unprecedented confusion.

Eternal God Realm, there should be no such evil-like creatures.


Although the Xiao Dynasty had been resisting, they never gave up.

After so many years of fighting, no one has ever surrendered.

Even if it is a civilian, they would rather be slaughtered by them, and no one would kneel down and beg for mercy.

Although the bones are hard, there is no such fierce man in the Xiao Dynasty!

His team is almost dead and dead!

Even if he can leave here alive today, he can organize the punishment for the loser, but he dare not think about it.


The black armor will roar and rush towards Chu Yu for the last time.

This time, he attracted the power of his Tandanaka!

Like a fuse, burning wildly, with sparks.

Seeing that it was about to detonate the horrible pile of explosives!


Chu Yu cut him in half with a knife.

I don't know whether it was a coincidence or deliberately. Chu Yu's knife happened to be on the way he must detonate Dantian.

A little slower, he can explode.

"I'm not willing!"

The black armor knight screamed.

It was cut in half by Chu Yu.


This black armor knight, the last two words he heard, he lived the endless years, hardly ever heard, a curse.

This man ... so vulgar.

This is his last thought in this world.

Reincarnating ...

he knows.

But at the next moment, Chu Yu struck out again.

Then, a force of terror, like an unfathomable vortex.

Tear the true spirit of the black armor knight.

Chu Yu smashed his mouth.

Really fragrant!

Better than any delicacy in the world.

A group of fighters of the dark forces were wiped out by the whole army.

Look at the four Chu Yu, all of them are unhappy.

"So easy?" Jiang Zilian frowned.

"It's too fast? Why can't you beat those who met you before?" Xu Xiaoxian was very upset.

"It's faster, aren't we ... more powerful than before?" Lin Shi concluded.

Chu Yu looked into the distance: "Leave."

More than ten days later, this group of people met again with a team of dark forces.

But this time, it was just in time to catch up with them in the city!

This team of dark forces is obviously much stronger than this one in the Black Armor!

The leader is a practitioner of the pinnacle of the real fairy. There are more than thirty people in the team.

The remaining more than 300 people are all monks in the fairyland.

All can fly in the air.

They scuttled into an ancient city, shouting killings and crying.

Old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children, let it all go!

On the long street, a young woman, holding a three or four year old child in her arms, shrank at a corner.

The body shivered, praying that the enemy would not find their mother or child, or that they could open the net.

A long knife fell from the sky!

Nail the mother and son directly there.

This knife went through the body of both mother and son.

The young woman was trembling and she was dead.

But she still hugged her baby tightly.

Even if you die, you don't want to let go.

A lame old man, only of eternal rank, but roaring, rushed to the sky, trying to fight with the enemy.

Even if you ca n’t kill the opponent, but it ’s good to cut a wound on the enemy!

It's a pity that his body just cut off his head after he jumped up.

His head rolled to the ground, his eyes still open.

Don't look away!

When Chu Yu arrived here, they saw this scene.

"A group of beasts!"

Xu Xiaoxian made a roar.

The whole person seemed to be burning a flame!

An energy-condensed Guqin appeared in front of her.

This time, Xu Xiaoxian touched the piano with both hands.

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