
Chapter 816: Xue Xueshuai

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Chu Yu was a little speechless, looking at Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian, and said that this kind of cooperation is afraid that no enemy would like to see it.


Think about it.

If the three of them took the strength just now and dealt with him with all their strength ... even if they could still win.

But I'm afraid it's not so easy.

Think again, as before, the Seal True Immortal Cultivation, at the above immortal level, came against the three daughters of the Real Immortal Realm.

Everyone is making progress!

It's not just him.

Over the years, the four have experienced countless battles.

I have long sharpened the fighting experience of the three women.

Xue Ye's palace.

The person in charge of the soul cards of the important people watched the soul cards of the three generals explode.

Almost not scared to death!

Now I run to see Xue Ye report.

"Marshal, marshal ... not good!"

"Oh no!"

"The three generals who went to the mission ... the soul card shattered and it was dead!"

This man's voice is extremely miserable.

Long and close, appeared in front of Xue Ye.


His voice drifted further away.

Because, he was angered by Xue Ye, kicked and flew out.

Being kicked by a fairy deity, what is the end?


Yes, this man who is in charge of the soul card was kicked to death by the angry coach Xue Ye.

Xue Ye's eyes turned red instantly.

The ten generals under his account, the followers who had been with him since the endless years.

At that time, he was not such a dazzling big figure.

But the ten people, all loyal, followed him all the way.

Later, he became a member of the Dark Forces camp.

With ten people, start with the lowest-level warrior.

Killing and cultivating all the way, in the end, he achieved the Xianzun fruit position, and those ten people became the most powerful generals around him.

The relationship with him seems to be a master and servant, but in fact, he is already a brother.

So many years have passed.

In this immortal eternal **** realm, Xue Ye has always believed that he could take his brothers and stab the thorns along the way.

The ultimate achievement is supremacy!

By that time, there will be no less brothers around.

But who knows, now that half of the business has started, three brothers have been lost.

This made him completely unbearable.

"who is it!"

"Who killed my brother, I want to smash him to pieces!"

Xue Ye roared upward.

The other seven generals who rushed in inquiries were all crazy.

They were tearful in their eyes and lost their voices in tears, and their emotions almost collapsed.


A general fell on his knees and wept bitterly, "We must avenge Xiaoqixiaoxiaoxiaoxiao!"

Of the three dead, among the ten generals, ranked seven, eight, nine.

"Dare not who killed him, even the Immortal Venerable, we must not let go!"

"Take revenge on the seventh and eighth brothers and nine brothers! Can't wait for a moment!" The tenth-ranking general almost cried out faintly.

Others also expressed their views one after another to find the murderer and avenge the three dead generals.

At this time, among the big accounts, a Xue Ye staff spoke softly: "Marshal, and all the generals, please also mourn. The three generals have fallen, the top priority is to know who killed them!"

Xue Ye stared at him, and there was a fierce look on his face, saying: "Yes, according to Mr., who will do this?"

The staff spoke softly: "Actually, it should not be the goal of the three of them this time ..."

The seven generals next to him suddenly became angry.

"Old guy, what do you mean? What shouldn't they be their target? With those few people, can they kill Lao Qi Lao Ba and Lao Jiu? What a joke!"

"Old stuff, are you doubting the strength of our brother?"

"With those few people, how could they kill the three of them?"

Xue Ye's aides have always been known for their wisdom, not for their combat power.

As a person, although he has stepped into the field of true immortals, when it comes to fighting standards, he can't even beat an immortal who can fight.

In the barracks of a world like Eternal Realm, the staff ... usually speaking, it is just a decoration.

It's useless at all.

Because you play with other people's minds and tricks, they will be crushed directly.

Relying on strong strength!

Of course, it cannot be said that it is useless. In some cases, the war is stalemate, and indeed the staff need to plan something.

But generally speaking, the status of the staff is not high. Not to mention the generals, even the following generals, most of them do not pay much attention to the staff.

Especially at this moment, the remaining seven generals are all under anger.

Speaking poorly, it is nothing.

Even Xue Ye didn't feel anything wrong with his seven brothers.

With those four people, how could they kill their brothers?

This must have been an **** Xianzun who was hidden in the Xiao Dynasty and murdered his brother!

On the surface, it seems that there are only three immortals in the Xiao Dynasty, but that refers to the royal family!

The territory of the Xiao dynasty is huge. God knows how many immortals are hidden here?

The big brothers of these immortal realms usually don't rush out. So as not to cause a huge chain reaction.

But maybe when someone is in a hurry, or if he is in a different mind, he will poke.

If Xianzun shot, then the death of the three generals is not unacceptable.

Anyway, the four people could never have done it!

If Chu Yu knew that Xue Ye, the marshal of the Third Route Army, and his remaining brothers had speculated, they might be crying and laughing.

Really, where is self-confidence?

Chu Yu and the four people are far away from it at the moment.

They got a lot of wealth from the three dead generals.

The resources for cultivation, the top-level immortals that have been refined, all kinds of rare **** golds, runes with different functions, and a large number of magical tools ... etc.

Can be described as very fruitful!

Looking at these trophies, without guessing, you know that most of these things were looted by these people.

Variety and complexity, almost all are fine products.

Chu Yu looked at these gains and smiled, "It's just that these **** golds seem to be enough to build a few handy weapons. Well, there is also a piece of **** wood that can't distinguish the varieties, but ... from this fluctuation, It can be clearly felt that this thing is probably the top-level Shenmu we have ever seen. "

Xu Xiaoxian came over, put his hand on this piece of wood, felt it, and nodded gently: "It is indeed a good thing!"

"It should be suitable for Guqin," Chu Yu said.

"But we don't know how to refinish it." Xu Xiaoxian also knows that if this piece of **** wood is used to make an Guqin, it will definitely become a super powerful instrument with top strings.

The problem is, none of them are really good at refiners.

There is no problem with ordinary instruments.

This ordinary magic weapon has no meaning for these people.

"I heard that one person said that he was the most powerful master of training in the entire Xiao Dynasty." Lin Shi suddenly said.

"Who?" Chu Yu asked.

Lin Shi said: "I heard that the humanist Tianyinzi is hiding in the east on a mountain called Tianqin."

"Tianqin Mountain?" Xu Xiaoxian frowned slightly: "Where have I heard that?"

Jiang Zilian said: "I remembered that the mountain, the legend is similar to that of a guqin erected. It is a **** mountain formed naturally by the sky and earth. It is said that once the mountain is attracted to attack, even Xianzun Dare to slap it easily! "

"Yes, that's where I think of it." Xu Xiaoxian said: "It should have been a long time ago. At that time I was still thinking, how could there be such a place in this world? Even Immortal Venerable could not easily get close ..."

"Tianqin Mountain, then, let's go there!" Chu Yu said.

"However, Master Tianyinzi, why should we help us refine?" Jiang Zilian said.

Chu Yu said: "Look at what he wants first. If there is nothing to ask for, then we will ask for him more. If you don't help, there is no way, but you always have to try to know."

"Same thing." Jiang Zilian nodded.

Chu Yu and others left here and went all the way to Tianqin Mountain.

Xue Ye and others over there vowed to find the murderer.

But if this thing is really done by a fairy, if you want to find a trace of a fairy, it will not be so easy.

At this time, the neglected staff reminded again.

"Marshal, are we going to ask people to investigate? Are those four ... alive or dead?"

The boss of the ten generals looked at the staff coldly: "Old stuff, what do you mean? Do you think my three brothers can't kill those four?"

"That's, old fellow, what do you mean?"

"Old seven old eight old nine, they must have been ambushed by Xianzun after killing those four!"

"The four people ..."

Just then, from afar, a voice came: "Report ..."

The sound went from far to near.

One of the generals in the third army, the servant of the wind and dust, looked at a long distance and came from afar.

Came in front of Xue Ye and knelt on one knee: "I have reported to the commander-in-chief, and my subordinates have received news that the three generals' target of this time, four, are heading towards Tianqin Mountain."

In the palace hall, there was a moment of silence!

The staff member looked serious in a moment, and his expression looked very dignified.

In my heart, it was already a flower.

"Damn it!"

"You fools!"



"A group of brainless bastards!"

"What the **** are you talking about?"

"What the **** is that?"

"A bunch of stuff!"

"Apart from killing, what else do you do?"

"Your three brothers, who are also not very shrewd, were killed by the four of them!"

"Since the reputation of the four people can be communicated to the boss, it means that others have real skills!"

"It's all in the realm of true immortals. Why should your brother be awesome? Everyone else is trash?"

"Now, pretend again? Pretend? Fuck!"

As a staff member, he has had enough since the endless years!

He felt like a night pot!

Use it when you need it, and you can't kick it away when you don't need it.

If it is not, he needs to practice resources, if not, there are buddies and children who need him to raise. Zaote escaped from here.

Who is willing to endure a group of brains that are not enough for killing embryos?

He often doubts how such a group of guys who only have murder in their minds have actually reached this level of practice?

Under this world, why should there be a avenue to kill enlightenment?

Although this road is three thousand, why should there be a gate to kill evidence?

However, hell!

Anyway, now, Lao Tzu is so happy to fly.

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