
Chapter 840: Go pikachu

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Chu Die couldn't help laughing when she said this.

Chu Yu also laughed.

Yeah, on that planet, the legendary great scientist who restarted the cultivation civilization, who would have thought that that person had such an amazing background and origin?

Recalling the bits and pieces over the years, the years passed silently, but all the memories accumulated.

Shouts shouted around the sky.

People keep dying, and people keep rushing up.

But Chu Yu and Chu Die have a strange atmosphere here.

The dark camp soldiers who rushed up, all with a terrifying look, clenched their teeth, and their eyes were full of crazy fanaticism.

But at the moment when they saw Chu Yu's expression, there was a moment of daze and speechlessness in their eyes.

This guy who was surrounded by encirclement was so relaxed.

What is he ... still laughing?

Laugh your sister!

Why not die!

So, all the dark camp soldiers who could see Chu Yu's face were crazy.

All mad!

In this war, they looked like cannon fodder and were killed.

But they are also excellent practitioners!

Who is able to go from eternity to Da Luo, and practice all the way to the upper fairy realm, which is not the pride of heaven?

It's just that there is another mountain high, and there will always be more geniuses than geniuses in this world.

So here it is difficult to show their excellence.

But if you throw the most common one of this group of soldiers to the lower bound, you can unify the whole world in minutes!

And it is definitely above all, a top-level existence that controls the life and death of endless life.

They are in the dark camp and also have their own ideals and pride.

They are also living people, or intelligent creatures of other races.

So there is no way to understand why this young man trapped here is so easy.

Why is it so easy?

Chu Yu was slashing again and again, slashing the group of dark camp fighters.

In the distance from the sky, his avatar is constantly dying.

Therefore, his face continued to pale.

When Chu Die saw it, her eyes finally showed a touch of distress. This person in blood is very close to her, even if the soul has no kinship with her, but in blood, they belong to the same family!

Moreover, the blood in Chu Yu's body is still the blood of the Chu ancestors!

It was decided that Chu Yu was the closest person in the world.

She didn't want Chu Yu to die.

Especially such a stunning person.

It is simply a genius among geniuses, a wickedness among wickedness.

She looked at Chu Yu: "You put me down, leave, and avenge me in the future."

She knew and believed that Chu Yu definitely had this ability.

Not to mention the two generals Lu Sitong and Wei Pengcheng, even if they are the main sons Sun Jian and Xue Ye, they will definitely not be Chu Yu's opponents in the near future!

If Chu Yu is allowed to continue to grow, one day, even the tall men in the dark camp will tremble when they hear his name.

So, he should n’t be here.

"Do you think I will leave you alone? I am your little ancestor." Chu Yu smiled.

"Bah, I'm your sister! Hugh wants to take advantage of me!" Chu Die rolled her eyes.

No longer persuaded.

Because it does n’t make sense, the common bloodline of the two is destined to be particularly similar in some ways.

She will not leave her group of people and escape alone.

Chu Yu will not leave her, and leave alone.

"Sister suddenly regretted that you shouldn't count you back then." Chu Die sighed.

"Yeah, you must treat me well after that," Chu Yu said.

"Later?" Chu Die's eyes flashed a daze, and then whispered softly: "If there is an afterlife, I would like to be an ordinary person. Become a foodie, it is best to be lost in the wheel circuit forever. To live alive easily, the biggest task is to eat ... "

"Your ideal is so great!" Chu Yu waved his sword again, but his face became paler.

Although his knife was still so sharp, the knife went down in all directions, and the dark camp fighters who dared to rush over all died.

Although his hand was still so steady, he held it for a long time without shaking.

Although his face was still so relaxed, he even had a smile on his face.

But Chu Die, who was the closest to him, knew very well that the younger ancestor brother he had forcibly recognized was also tired!

When you are tired, you need to rest. You need to replenish physical strength and energy. You need to sit down, eat a good meal and drink a little.

But they did not have this opportunity.

Enemies who are going to succeed will never give them this opportunity.

After half a day has passed, the distance they have broken through is almost no different from staying in place.

The most important thing is, the time of Chu Yu's avatar ...... finally arrived.

"Then, be crazy." Chu Yu said with a smile.

Huo Di!

All the avatars are all crazy, and they are rushing towards the true fairy level battle that is still alive.



Almost everyone on the battlefield was stunned by the successive terrorist explosions.

They could not see Chu Yu surrounded by countless soldiers of the dark camp vomiting blood at this moment. They only saw the inside of the dark camp. The group of true immortal-level generals were constantly shattered by the explosion.

Some even disappeared on the spot!

There's no **** left.

Lu Sitong and Wei Pengcheng looked at each other at this moment.

"Let's not live anymore."

"Let all die!"

At this moment, two generals of the dark camp, which had experienced countless wars, also had mortal consciousness.

Because if they continue to live, then, endless shame will all wait for them in the future.

This battle actually completely emptied their family!

This is a result that no one can think of before.

If a fairy is here, there is nothing to say.

Defeat the battle, even if the whole army is annihilated, it will not be disgraceful.

Xianzun's combat power can definitely determine the direction of war on the battlefield.

What can come is just a true fairy.

A true fairy in the level of a demon among the devil.

No matter how evil it is, it is still a real fairy.

And they are in the same state.

Then, the other person, together with the woman who had been surrounded by them for a long time, took a remnant soldier, and maimed the most elite army in each of them.


There is not even a chance to come back!

There are countless creatures in this world, and the number of top practitioners is huge.

No matter how huge it is, there are countless!

Without these details, what other faces can they survive in the world?

The two looked at each other with a wry smile, and then Lu Sitong once again sacrificed the hill.

In his eyes, there was a soft color, and he said softly: "Will this war be included in the history? If it is included, how will future generations evaluate us?"

"In a certain year before the first year of the heaven, the second and third joint army generals Lu Sitong and Wei Pengcheng of the Xiao dynasty attacked the siege of the remaining dynasty of the Xiao dynasty. , Do a battle of trapped beasts. On the battlefield, blood flows into a river, and there is another strange person, who descends from the sky, with one person, playing with the two-way and three-way alliance. "

Wei Pengcheng said in a calm voice: "Although the Realm of Wonders has not reached the Immortal Venerable, but it has the power of the Immortal Venerable. In the end, with the power of one person, the 2nd and 3rd Allied Forces were torn down. The sacrifice of life, and then, all die together. "

After he finished speaking, he smiled and looked at Lu Sitong: "Unfortunately, he can't continue to kill the enemy."

Lu Sitong smiled and said: "We, can be regarded as killing the enemy!"

With that said, the two men directly burned the Dao Guo and sacrificed the hill.

Lu Si said: "The young man with the same evil spirit does not know his identity, but if this child lives, it will surely cause an unimaginable huge blow to our entire dark camp in the future!"

Wei Pengcheng spit out a bit of blood and nodded: "So here we killed him, which is considered to be a big trouble for our camp!"

"go with!"

The two looked at the hill, and their eyes were also blazing with extreme fanaticism.

Sacrifice the hill and hit Chu Yu in the sky.

Under this blow, Chu Yu will definitely die!

But at the same time, they will not be spared.

As for the warriors of the dark camp ... they should sacrifice their lives for their ideals.

No one dragged down that Chu Yu, how did the two of them start?

time up!

All the avatars of Chu Yu exploded in the instant before the world arrived!

The damage to Chu Yu's soul is terrifying!

He spurted several large mouths of blood on the spot.

But people are laughing: "You said that the coach of the two-way and three-way army, will you cry after this battle? Their background, we have killed so much!"

Chu Die is also laughing: "This is one-third of their respective background! Of course they will cry, and they will cry very badly. And, not us, but you!"

At this time, the hill fell again from the sky.

With endless gravity, Chu Die let some blood spew out again from a distance.

Because of lack of energy, some of the blood was sprayed on Chu Yu's body, and some was splashed on her own face.

Chu Die looked disgusted: "Dirty!"

Chu Yu looked up, looking at the hill with infinite gravity in the sky above him.

Youyou said: "It really makes sense to keep the bottom card!"

During the speech, Chu Yu sacrificed the metal ball.

Almost say go Pikachu ...

It's all the time, and it's meaningless to keep hiding.

If you are found, be discovered, otherwise you will die now. What else will you do if you are desperate?


The metal ball erupted into a dazzling light, and hit the hill in the sky.

Its biggest advantage is that it can no longer support Chu Yu's energy support.

Chu Yu is very rich now, and some are Tian Jing mother-of-pearl.

Therefore, eat as many metal **** as you want.

Already full!

He has kept the power in the metal ball and has not used it. Waiting is exactly this moment.

just in case!

Otherwise, if he came to a fairy, would he have a way of life?

"Oh, I forgot I still have this thing ... it's deep enough!" Chu Die's face was weak, her face still stained with her own blood, but she laughed and laughed.


There was a loud noise.

That top-level immortal-level magic weapon hill shattered.

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