
Chapter 847: Happy teenager

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Du Guqian on the side was very unhappy and also anxious.

Yang Feng only introduced Chu Yu, but did not mean to introduce her at all.

Especially when she heard from Chu Yu that Jiang Hanhan was a young fairy, her heart was shocked!

The tall and handsome guy Gu Jian in front of him had a good relationship with a young fairy!

Even if you can get a token and let the other person give face, does that mean that the background of the ancient sword is also quite amazing?

So, Yang Feng, who can be called brother to Gu Jian ... How could he be worse?

The more Du Guqian thinks, the more she feels like a spring, and she can't help it.

She feels that this guy named Chu Yu is simply **** luck!

Can actually be valued by people like Yang Feng.

At the same time, she also felt that this was an excellent opportunity for her.

Be sure to grasp it!

Whether it is Yang Feng or Gu Jian, if you can sleep to one, you will earn!

At this time, Chu Yu smiled and said: "Then, thank the ancient Taoist friends first."

"You're welcome!" Gu Jian said casually. Then he looked at Yang Feng and asked with a smile: "Yang Feng, don't you plan to go in this time?"

"How about you? Are you in?" Yang Feng looked at Gu Jian and asked with a smile.

Gu Jian pouted, and said helplessly: "I didn't want to enter. You understand, once you enter, I will break through. But once you break through ... this will not be a good day for you! Go to war! Just like Jiang Hanhan, he desperately rushed, hey ... now, well, attacking the Marshal of the Tenth Route Army of the Xiao Dynasty, the status has been established, and the pressure that can be withstood is also extraordinary! "

"Yeah, when I arrived at that level, I couldn't end easily, and I didn't have freedom. It really didn't mean anything." Yang Feng's expression was deep in his face.

Gu Jian said: "Especially the Xiao dynasty, but there are a few ruthless people. It really forced them to the end of the road. Once the ruthless people shot, it was Shi Potian."

With that, he glanced at Chu Yu, and then said to Yang Feng: "At that time, who faced those people and who was unlucky! Even if Jiang Hanhan was so shocked, he was absolutely gorgeous, but how can he talk to those who have been practicing forever Compared to people? "

Yang Feng said: "Then you have to go in this time?"

Gu Jian nodded and sighed: "Go in, his grandmother, the last time I hid it, this time I can't hide it. The head is also a knife, and the head is also a knife. Anyway, I can't escape, then go. "

"Well, I won't be able to hide this time. The old man at home has given me a quota. It is said that ... it seems to have squeezed out the young man of any big brother on your side. Hey, it is possible to offend people. "Yang Feng sighed and said," You are going to the battlefield if you step into the realm of Immortal Venerable. What about me ... Once you step into that level, you have to enter the family's Presbyterian Church.

Chu Yu listened quietly on the side and found Du Guqian on the side, his eyes brighter and brighter.

Gu Jian laughed and said: "Offend a fart, you will know who the guy you knocked out in a while, hahaha, you don't know, how happy he is. Of course, he is certainly not very happy . But for him, this is simply a great thing! "

Gu Jian said, glancing at the sky in the distance, and said, "Come on, this guy is here!"

Everyone looked in that direction.

In the sky far away, a group of people hugged an old chariot, rushing here.

The ancient chariot exudes the breath of vicissitudes of time, and many places are covered with mottled rust, which reveals an infinite avenue.

The guards who guarded this ancient chariot could not perceive their specific realm from their bodies, but their eyes were extremely sharp.

It's like a sharp sword with a sheath out.

This kind of person, at first glance, is the kind of battle-hardened.

"Smelly kid, I still like to talk about pomp." Gu Jian shook his head with a smile.

At this time, Du Guqian weakly said to Yang Feng: "Brother, you haven't introduced me yet."

In the depths of Gu Jian's eyes, a flash of teasing flickered, and he glanced at Du Guqian and didn't speak.

Yang Feng frowned slightly, feeling that this woman was a little ignorant.

From the beginning, he entangled himself, chattering all the way, like a bird.

What thoughts did she have, how could Yang Feng, who has lived the endless years, not see? This woman, except for having two good canteens, is too ordinary in other respects.

The long one is okay, but the man ...

Well, not to mention a man, just to say that such a woman, once it gets on, I am afraid it will cause a series of other troubles.

Yang Feng can make people like Chu Yu wantonly because there is no problem.

Whether Chu Yu is a small person or a big one, it will not affect him much.

The theater is the theater, and the rear is the rear.

Here, there is simply not much opposition. Gu Jian and their group are not the brainwashed soldiers of the dark camp.

Of course, there are not many people who are jealous and hateful outside the dark camp, and there are a lot of them, but there are not many people who will be displayed on the spot in Mulun City regardless of their manners.

After all, there is also an inextricable relationship between the dark camp and some forces outside.

And these, before this, Chu Yu was indeed unheard of.

It can be said that this place of evolution is really not in vain.

I saw a lot of things on the other side.

But this did not affect his perception of the entire dark camp.

Because he can't forget the scene where the innocent people were swept and crushed in the Xiao Dynasty.

I ca n’t forget the pictures of the old and weak women and children who were killed in the eternal realm.

Yes, it can be the existence of the Lord of the One Realm in the lower realm. In this world, it is the real weak.

This is fine.

If Chu Yu failed to ascend the state soon after he ascended, he would also be a member of that group.

Du Guqian was a little uneasy at this time, and she also realized that she seemed ... some acted eagerly in the past.

Chu Yu summed up the truth from Du Guqian's performance.

Even after living hundreds of millions of years, the experience and experience are extremely rich, but after all, the nature is difficult to change.

So character determines fate, this sentence is fundamentally correct.

Just like the old guys who broke the road, they were bad when they were young.

Yang Feng said lightly: "Oh, I forgot."

Then, there is no more.

Yes, I forgot it before, and I do n’t want to mention it now!

Du Guqian pursed her lips, somewhat embarrassed.

If it is a woman with strong self-esteem, this time, I am afraid to leave.

But she didn't, and she was still standing there.

Gu Jian smiled and gave Yang Feng a meaningful look. Yang Feng returned a somewhat helpless look.

At this time, the old chariot slowly landed from the sky.

Then, from the chariot, came out a young man with a clear eye.

Wearing a black cloak, wearing a purple and gold crown on his head, exuding light energy fluctuations.

Chu Yu, who was baptized by Tianyinzi, recognized at a glance that the purple gold crown was a fairy-level magic weapon.

In this young man, all are top-level instruments!

Cloak is, so is the suit inside the cloak, and the ring on the finger is still there.

A pair of shoes under my feet is still!

All are Xianzun level things!

This is really a mobile treasure trove!

Suddenly Chu Yu felt a touch of sorrow. He felt like he was getting less ...

It turned out that he thought Tianyinzi was the real top rich man, but after seeing this boy, Chu Yu finally understood that there is a mountain high.

"Hey, Brother Gu, what about waiting for me?" The teenager raised an eyebrow at Gu Jian and greeted with a smile.

Gu Jian smiled and said, "Come, Guangyuan, introduce you to a few friends."

The teenager glanced at Chu Yu and said with some surprise: "It looks so beautiful? There must be many girls like you?"

Chu Yu: "..."

Gu Jian said with a smile: "Guangyuan especially likes to joke, don't care."

The teenager smiled, "I am a compliment, who doesn't like to listen to compliments?"

Gu Jian said: "Well, it's the same!"

Afterwards, he introduced to the teenager: "This one is Yang Feng ... this one is Chu Yu."

Well, Du Guqian was skipped naturally.

Not to mention who this woman is, even if he knows the name, he is too lazy to introduce. Yang Feng can't look down on the woman, can his ancient sword catch on?

But at this time, Du Guqian stood up bravely and looked at the teenager: "My name is Du Guqian."

The teenager glanced at the two large dining halls of Du Guqian, his eyes slightly shining, and said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Tu Guangyuan!"

"Ah, you are Tu ..." Du Guqian's face was shocked, and the look of surprise was overwhelming.

"Why, have you heard?" The teenager asked with a smile.

"Who hasn't heard of the name of the Tu family?" Du Guqian thought she was a super lucky day today.

The Tu family in the dark camp is a real giant!

On the contrary, this ancient sword and Yang Feng ... she really hasn't heard of it. I have never heard of the Gu family in the dark camp. As for Yang Feng, it is outside the dark camp, the eternal world is so big, who knows which Yang family he comes from.

But this Tu is really different.

In the entire dark camp, it also belongs to the top family.

The teenager smiled casually: "Really? So powerful!"

"It's more than amazing ..." Du Guqian was excited like a little fan who saw the superstar.

Yang Feng and Gu Jian were a little speechless.

Gu Jian glanced at Yang Feng, and Yang Feng looked at Tianer with two eyes, and didn't want to say anything.

At this time, Gu Jian said: "Let's go, it's not too early, we should go in."

They are quiet here, but they are not really the main entrance.

If these people appear at the main entrance, Yang Feng may still be close. After all, this is not his base camp, but Gu Jian and Tu Guangyuan are different.

If they appear at the main entrance, they will surely be surrounded by countless people in an instant.

A variety of boring greetings can annoy people.

Tu Guangyuan nodded: "Okay, okay, I heard there was something delicious at this banquet?"

Gu Jian laughed: "You know to eat!"

"Of course, not only do we have to eat, we have to drink it later! You don't know, brother, I tell you, this time, hahaha, I'm so happy!"

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