
Chapter 849: Dark camp interior

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It seems that even in the dark camp, there are also many factions.

Some people are not in harmony with Gu Jian.

Reminiscent of what Tu Guangyuan just said, just kill a guy who is qualified to enter the land of evolution, and then impostor into it ... Chu Yu's heart already understood a little.

"Brother Gu Jian, Brother Guangyuan, haha, you are late, you will be fined later!" A sturdy bearded man walked towards this side with an oversized wine glass.

"Oh, some people are big. Are you tired of carrying them all day?" Not far away, a handsome man with a gorgeous look said there was no yin.

Gu Jian ignored the man, but smiled at the bearded man: "Haha, Brother Yuan Qing, I haven't seen you for a long time! Come, I will introduce you a few friends!"

The bearded man walked over with a smile, his eyes swept around Yang Feng and Chu Yu, and then subconsciously ignored the female Xiu Du Gu Qian.

This kind of nun can see at a glance that it belongs to the kind of no sense of existence. A lot of this kind of woman caught outside.

As for the realm of true immortals ... they have seen more true immortals.

What if Xianzun?

Du Guqian was not happy in her heart. At this moment, she even hated Chu Yu.

But she did not want to think about it. Without Chu Yu, she was afraid that she would not even have a chance to talk to Yang Feng.

"They are your new friends?" Bi Yuanqing asked with a smile.

Gu Jian nodded: "Yes, this is Brother Yang Feng, this is Brother Chu Yu, all good brothers with good temper."

"There is also me and me." Tu Guangyuan leaned over and smiled at Bi Yuanqing, the bearded man.

Bi Yuanqing glanced at him: "The child walks away, by the way, later you are not allowed to drink, and underage is not allowed."

"Who is a minor? You are a bully, Big Brother!" Tu Guangyuan made an angry expression.

"Your brother confessed to me personally and took good care of you when I saw you." Bi Yuanqing grinned.

Tu Guangyuan was a little bit stunned and said, "I have grown up, I am very mature, really!"

Bi Yuanqing glanced down at Tu Guangyuan and chuckled: "Mao didn't even grow ..."

Tu Guangyuan suddenly burst into hair: "Who didn't grow up?"

Gu Jian couldn't help laughing.

Yang Feng and Chu Yu also smiled.

Du Guqian kept a reserved smile on the side, but she was scolding in her heart: "Don't you ever see it?"

In her heart, Tu Guangyuan has been regarded as her prey.

Old lady's prey, how can you ridicule at will?

At this time, the handsome man who talked yin and yang strangely before said: "It really is a matter of class."

Bi Yuanqing frowned slightly, glanced back, and said lightly: "Jiang Yuanzhi, why are you all there? Just want to show your sense of existence? Let's see how we evolve!"

Jiang Yuanzhi sneered: "Others are afraid of you, Bi Yuanqing, but I am not afraid of you. If you see evolution, you will see evolution. If you are not successful?"

"Hehe." Bi Yuanqing gave him a head.

Someone beside Jiang Yuanzhi said coldly: "It's just a despised son of an outdated family. What kind of aristocracy is here? His father has been ruined on the battlefield. The family is about to lose completely, and dare to be arrogant here?"

The speaker was a young man who looked like twenty-nine or nine, with some dark skin, but he was wearing a white coat. The appearance is not ugly, but wearing this dress makes people feel awkward.

Tu Guangyuan said aside: "Do you need to compare your family here?"

The dark-skinned man said nothing, he could mock Bi Yuanqing, but he didn't have the courage to mock Tu Guangyuan.

The Tu family, the weight in the entire dark camp is too big!

If the dark camp is a kingdom, then the Tu family belongs to the horror family of the four generations and three males!

Such a family's son-in-law, even if he is still very young, will never be humiliated by anyone.

The dark-skinned person said nothing, but Jiang Yuanzhi beside him sneered: "The little fart boy has no say!"

On the family background, the Jiang family behind him is not bad!

Although not as prominent as the Tu clan, it is also a rising noble family in the dark camp.

Tu Guangyuan took a sigh and sneered, "What are you thinking of? Wandering in front of me?"

Jiang Yuanzhi looked at Tu Guangyuan and suddenly smiled slightly: "I don't know anything about you, even if your brother Tu Guangming saw me, he would say hello with a smile.

Tu Guangyuan sneered: "It's really shameful to put gold on his face!"

Jiang Yuanzhi didn't expect Tu Guangyuan to maintain Bi Yuanqing in such a way, and he could not bear it.

Gu Jian said at this time: "Yuanqing, let's find a quiet place."

Bi Yuanqing nodded and ignored Jiang Yuanzhi's people. He took Gu Jian and others directly into a box beside the hall.

Many female practitioners who want to get together have no chance. Can't help but glance at Du Guqian who was beside Gu Jian.

Du Guqian was as proud as a princess, and finally found her sense of existence.

Although she was ignored by this group of people, many people still envy her.

After entering the box, Gu Jian looked at Bi Yuanqing and asked, "Why did Jiang Yuanzhi's group of **** come?"

Bi Yuanqing smiled bitterly: "Who knows, they come, I can't drive them out, who knows how shameless."

Chu Yu only knew at this time that Bi Yuanqing was originally the owner of this place.

"Forget it, don't care about those people, because of the rise of the family behind you, you will be arrogant and arrogant." Yang Feng said slowly, calmly.

"Damn, the most annoying thing is that he is a person. He really treats himself as a person." Tu Guangyuan sat and scolded.

Du Guqian was close to him, whispering softly, and gently comforting: "Don't be angry with those people, there are always so many people in this world, words and deeds are offensive."

Tu Guangyuan was kind to the female nun, and smiled: "Forget it, don't know about the rubbish. Brother Yuan Qing, hurry up and take out the best wine here, I still want to eat ..."

Tu Guangyuan here is like the name of the dish, and said a lot of crackling. He didn't take himself as an outsider at all.

Bi Yuanqing smiled bitterly: "Your boy, you have to eat poor one time, right?"

"Big Brother's big business, where do you care about this thing?" Tu Guangyuan smiled and said: "If you don't hit the autumn wind in Big Brother, where can you go?"

"Haha, that's right, you will be here for a while, and I will ask someone to bring in the food and drink in a moment! However, I'm going to say hello now, or someone should take care of it. When I'm busy, I'll come and talk A few drinks! "Bi Yuanqing said with a smile.

"Okay, you are busy." Gu Jian nodded at him.

Subsequently, Bi Yuanqing went out and closed the door of the box. The noise outside was suddenly isolated.

Gu Jian said to Chu Yu and Yang Feng: "Bi Yuanqing, the Bi family behind him was originally the top giant in the dark camp, but this time when he attacked the Chen dynasty, Yuan Qing's father died and the army was defeated. The family is also affected by a lot of people, and now he is being impeached by many people. He is a little embarrassed now. "

Chu Yu heard that, there was a strange feeling in his heart.

From a standpoint, of course, he was standing on the opposite side of the dark camp.

But at the moment he was sitting with some distinguished second-generation sons in the dark camp and talking and laughing.

The point is that these people know his identity, but they are not hostile to him.

So the life experience is sometimes wonderful.

I just don't know if this friendship will reach the battlefield and the day when the two armies confront each other, will it continue?

But at this moment, Chu Yu did not think too much. Since others think of him as a friend, he certainly won't block others here.

Yang Feng said: "There are still some masters over the Chen Dynasty."

Gu Jian said: "In fact, the Xiao dynasty is also the same! That Xiao madman is a strange person, I have always admired him, and I really want to see him. I also specifically told Jiang Hanhan, if there is really one day, I must stay with this person. Life."

With that, Gu Jian looked at Chu Yu and smiled, "Do you think it's weird?"

Chu Yu nodded: "It's a bit weird indeed."

Gu Jiandao: "Actually, many people outside have misunderstood the dark camp. After all, the style of doing things here is too tough. Where the dark army passes, the piece of armor is not left, and the grass is not born. It will inevitably make people feel that fear."

"In fact, even within the dark camp, there is a lot of controversy about this approach."

Gu Jian sighed: "In the past, darkness came. It was a group of top gangsters. They joined hands and created a catastrophe. But in the later period of the dark age, the entire dark camp actually appeared. A very strong disagreement. "

"A lot of people are reflecting on and launching the dark cleaning, is it the right choice."

"But another group of people felt that it was right to do so! They believed that garbage is not worthy of living in this world! Moreover, a world with no rules and complete freedom is simply unhealthy and unreasonable!"

"In the eyes of people in the lower realm, either Eternal God Realm or Immortal Realm is a land of freedom. But for the souls that exist in this world itself, this world, besides immortality, is the same There is no fundamental difference. "

"There is a third point of view in the dark camp, that is, they agree with the advent of darkness, they agree with cleansing, but they do not agree with the use of too intense means."

"After all, the more intense the means, the greater the backlash!"

"But the strength of the dark camp is too strong!"

"No one can deny this."

"In the eyes of the hardliners, since I am so powerful, I am so powerful that I can crush everything in the world ... Then, why should I use gentle means? Why?"

Speaking of this, Gu Jian glanced at Chu Yu: "So, now, the entire dark camp has actually divided countless factions of different sizes. And this time, the group of people who went out was The hardliners in the dark camp are behind it. "

Tu Guangyuan continued the sentence: "Now, the hardliners have the upper hand."

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