
Chapter 883: Mist

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Chu Yu couldn't help laughing: "Would you really think your sister's proposal is feasible?"

Mulan Yingning's face was crimson, and she stared at Chu Yu fiercely, and said, "What nonsense? I don't mean that to you! I haven't even seen your true appearance."

What can I say if I have seen it?

Mulan Yingning whispered: "I have thought about it carefully along the way. The things that Tu Guangming and Gu Jian do are not accidental, nor are they their own ideas. The power behind them must have begun. Acted. "

"That's a very powerful force. In the entire dark camp, they occupy at least one-third of the right to speak!"

"They want a stronger voice and want to unify the entire dark camp."

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu: "I know, you treat them as friends, and they ... also treat you as a friend. But have you ever thought that these people can represent everyone behind them?"

Chu Yu was silent and did not speak.

"It's not good to say that in the eyes of those behind them, the person you can be exposed at any time is just a piece. A piece that can be sacrificed at any time."

Mulan Yingning said: "Even, in my opinion, you should be the first person to be withdrawn by the power behind them to sacrifice."

"Why?" Chu Yu asked lightly.

Mulan Yingning said: "Because of your identity, it's too sensitive! You don't look like Yang Feng. Although Yang Feng is also an outsider, their Yang family has long been in the dark camp. Allies. "

"And you, not only impostor, but you also come from the war zone."

"In this case, once your identity is exposed, even Tu and Gujia will not be able to protect you."

"Even if they are fighting against other families in the dark camp, they still have to take care of their basic decency."

"I think for a long time, you should be a piece that Tu used to stir up the wind and rain in the land of evolution."

"Leaving the land of evolution, you are useless."

"Don't say what you can continue to do in Dude's identity, think about it yourself, I know this, and my sister knows it, even if we don't say it. But Tu Guangming and Gu Jian are beside them, and there are still twenty Many people know your identity! "

"So, is your identity a secret?"

"So many people know what you think will be a secret?"

Chu Yu still didn't speak, but just looked at Mulan Yingning lightly.

He smiled and said, "You came here with me on purpose, just to tell me this?"

Mulan Yingning looked deeply at Chu Yu: "I don't know how you plan, but if you really want to use Dude's identity and continue to develop in the dark camp, then joining the Mulan tribe will be Your only choice! "

"Only the Mulan can really protect you."

"They can debunk your identity, but I ... and my sister can also confirm that you are Dude!"

At the moment, both of them have just exited the fog and can exit at any time.

Chu Yu looked at Mulan Yingning and asked, "So why are you helping me?"

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu: "You have saved me and my sister several times in a row. I said repay, do you believe it?"

Chu Yu nodded: "I believe, but not enough."

"You know what I want to do."

"I use Dude's identity, but I just want to attract a large group of dark camp people, and finally counterattack the dark camp!"

"What I want to do is a little different from what Tu Guangming did."

"They want to seize power."

"And I ... want to completely overthrow the whole dark camp!"

"I want the word" darkness "to disappear completely on this land."

Chu Yu looked directly at Mulan Yingning: "My thoughts have not been concealed from you, so you should be clear."

"I know." Mulan Yingning nodded, then looked at Chu Yu: "And this is exactly what I want."

"Really what you want?" Chu Yu asked.

"Yes, it's really what I want." Mulan Yingning said: "I hate the word dark, I never think it's a proud thing to be in the dark camp."

"My family's ancestors used to be one of the leaders who launched the dark age."

"At that time, he was still young and had all kinds of strange ideas in his mind."

"At the same time there is enough blood in the body."

"So he did that thing that year, but later, he regretted it."

Mulan Yingning said calmly: "So now, the ancestors have almost ignored the various things in the dark camp."

"This time the darkness came. Although the ancestor did not say anything, I know that he did not like it."

"As long as it's a person, it will actually make mistakes."

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu: "I think the old ancestors did the wrong thing."

"We Mulan, no matter what era we are, are one of the top strong races in the world!"

"Is it in your eyes, is it also a piece used to open a certain opportunity?" Chu Yu suddenly asked with a smile.

Mulan Yingning's complexion changed and she wanted to say something.

Chu Yu waved his hand: "I don't mean anything else, but I think there are not many people who really qualify as chess pieces in this world."

Chu Yu said, glancing into the depths of the fog, and said, "I understand a little now. It turns out that your Mulan tribe is not representative of the so-called neutral wall-climbing factions. What you represent is actually in the dark camp The third point ... the most thorough one! "

"You think that darkness is a mistake in itself."

Chu Yu sighed: "Unexpectedly, the family that always seems to maintain neutrality is the one with the most distinctive and fierce attitude!"

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu: "You are very clever. Really, I don't know if anyone said you in the past, but you really are the smartest person I have ever seen."

"Yes, among the Mulan people, darkness is the wrong person and accounts for the vast majority. This is the case where the ancestors did not make a clear statement. Otherwise, there will only be more."

"The families behind the Tu and Gu families also realized that enemies with the whole world will have big problems sooner or later. So, they want to chaos anyway."

"But what they really want is to overthrow the current main battle group, but they still want to build an immortal dynasty!"

"Building a true top dynasty on this undead land is their ultimate goal."

Mulan Yingning sighed faintly: "But how many people are willing to be ruled on the earth of eternal God Realm? What should I do if I encounter resistance? By then, the former masters and factions ... will they be transformed? , To replace the former main battle group and become the new main battle group? "

It must be said that Mulan Yingning, a woman, sees the problem very thoroughly.

In fact, why didn't Chu Yu think about these problems?

But what can he do? Can only play a time difference and race against time.

Using Dude's identity, after gaining enough status in the dark camp, when the time comes, even if the soldiers are self-respecting, others can't help him.

Unexpectedly, Mulan Yingning would actually put down her body and come to him without saying anything, but also saw through most of his plans.

At this moment, in the depths of the fog, there was a faint fluctuation suddenly.

Chu Yu glanced at Mulan Yingning and said, "Your proposal is really good. It's considered for me. But I can't promise you now. I will talk to you after seeing your ancestors."

Mulan Yingning stunned slightly, looked at Chu Yu and said: "Are you sure?"

Chu Yu nodded.

Mulan Yingning thought about it and said, "Then see you, old ancestor, maybe I want to see you too."

She remembered what the ancestor had told her before entering the evolutionary land this time.

"Go find the little guy, bring him back, and let him come to see me."

A word without a head.

Mulan Yingning was still very strange at that time, once asked the ancestor, which little guy? Who?

As a result, the patriarch said nothing, and the Fa disappeared.

At that time, there was a little anger, do you think all the big people are like this? Speaking of Yunshan fog cover, all rely on understanding? What if you get it wrong?

Now that I want to come, it is still the wisdom of the ancestors. If I told her at the beginning that she would take Chu Yu back, she might not agree at all!

Who doesn't have a sense of justice in his heart?

An impostor, who killed the dark camp, why see him?

It would be nice not to hack him to death!

But now I think about it, it's really emotional.

"it is good!"

With Mulan Yingning's good voice, a figure suddenly appeared in the depths of the fog.

Yingying was sensible and could not see clearly, but the figure brought a great sense of threat to both Chu Yu and Mulan Yingning.

Is it a person?

The two looked at each other with a bit of shock in their eyes.

Dahei didn't make it clear before.

It only says that there is baby in it, but there is danger.

If you can make it stand still and feel dangerous, the level will definitely not be bad.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a humanoid.


The figure suddenly disappeared there. The next moment, Chu Yu groaned and took a few steps back.

Mulan Yingning turned her head to look around, but saw Chu Yu's mouth with a trace of blood overflowing.

Just wanted to speak, but saw Chu Yu suddenly slashed at her with a knife.

Mulan Yingning stayed there.

There was a strong fear in her heart, but she chose not to move!

A dazzling blade of light pressed against her body and cut into the air aside.

There was a roar in the air.

Mulan Yingning rushed to Chu Yu in an instant.

At that very moment, she suddenly felt as if something was caught on her arm!

Before he could work hard, he was taken aback by Chu Yu's knife.

She came to Chu Yu, her face was pale, and she looked down at the sleeve of her red dress with a dark handprint.

At this time, Chu Yu had rushed out directly.

In the hands of the killing sky broke out an unparalleled killing opportunity, at the same time, there are colorful lights attached to the killing sky.

Chu Yu also exploded in an extremely powerful blood.


There was a loud noise.

Chu Yu's body flew back.

Mulan Yingning wanted to catch Chu Yu, but Chu Yu was knocked back one after another.

It was an unparalleled power.


Chu Yu took a mouthful and spewed out a blood.

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