
Chapter 886: Does not belong to this world

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After the palm of the statue shattered, a brand new one quickly grew again, screaming fiercely, and the attack became more fierce.

Bang Bang Bang!

The light emitted by the metal ball defended, constantly sending fierce tremors.

Such a powerful Tao was hit by such a statue.

Chu Yu looked shocked, and said that if there was no metal ball, he faced the statue himself. It seemed that there was no better way than to escape from the desert.

Even, it is a blessing to be able to escape!

The statue's attack became more and more fierce, and various horror magical powers began to appear.

Some supernatural powers have exceeded Chu Yu's cognitive scope.

For example, when he watched, the statue hit a vast universe!

The collision between galaxies can produce unimaginable horror power.

The rays emitted can kill even the real fairy.

What will be the effect of throwing out the whole universe?

I am afraid that even the Immortal Venerable will be killed instantly?

Is this statue really a creature in this world?

Chu Yu does not know what the Divine Emperor looks like, so it is difficult to imagine what kind of power a Divine Emperor will possess.

But the statue in front of him opened his eyes.

Standing within the defensive range emanating from the small metal ball, he constantly felt the magical powers exhibited by the statue.

Mutual confirmation with one's own way.

With the continuous progress of this process, Chu Yu suddenly felt a kind of uneasy feeling.

He finally knew what was the biggest thing in it!

In the end, Chu Yu even sat down cross-legged, sitting quietly there, releasing his consciousness, observing every attack of this statue.

I don't know how long the time has passed. The statue is still attacking like crazy.

The metal ball seemed to deliberately make Chu Yu understand the Tao here, and no longer attacked the statue.

It's just defense.

Although the light shook violently, it was never broken.

Outside the mist.

Mulan Yingning finally couldn't help it.

Several days have passed, and the door to the land of evolution has opened again, with only one year left.

If Chu Yu doesn't come out again, I'm afraid it won't catch up.

Mulan Yingxue is also very anxious. She has tried to get into the mist several times. They were stopped by Mulan Yingning.

She knew the horror there, and of course did not want her sister to be in danger.

Finally, she couldn't help herself, saying: "I went in to find him, if ... If I didn't come out within two months, then you and Dahei left here!"

Dahei is also a little bit at the moment. It was kind-hearted, but this time, it seems to have done something bad.

But Mulan Yingning and Mulan Yingxue did not blame it.

Mulan Yingxue looked at her sister with a trembling voice: "He, shouldn't something happen?"

Dahei said: "He is still alive!"

There is a blood oath between him and Chu Yu. Chu Yu knows whether it is life or death.

"As long as I live, I can take him out!" Mulan Yingning glanced at her sister and said seriously, "Relax!"

After talking, she turned into the mist.

Somehow, when she entered this mist this time, she didn't have the sense of crisis that she had before.

As if this fog is a common fog.

Subsequently, she waved at will.

An amazing scene happened!

No matter how he moved, the mist that didn't move at all moved away with the wave of her.

Mulan Yingning stunned slightly, and then released a strong wind centering on her body.

I do n’t know how many years the mist has never moved, and it was blown away in an instant!

In the distance, Mulan Yingxue and Dahei were stunned.

Silly looked at this scene.

Later, the **** piggybacked Mulan Yingxue and ran towards this side.

Mulan Yingning frowned, saying, "How could this be?"

"Is the curse here broken?" Mulan Yingxue asked.

Subsequently, Mulan Yingxue also performed magical powers, and a gust of wind directly blows all the mist here.

This area has finally revealed its true face.

There is nothing strange.

There are huge trees growing everywhere.

Some flowers and plants adorn it.

It is no different from other areas of the evolutionary land.

"Look there!" Mulan Yingxue pointed to a place and said, "There ... energy fluctuations seem to overflow!"

Mulan Yingning's figure flashed, and she had already found the place.

Coming there in an instant, his face changed suddenly and suddenly retreated.

"Don't come!" She shouted at her sister and Dahei.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth.

Then she stumbled backwards.


Mulan Yingxue was in a hurry, jumped from Dahei and came to her sister.

"Retreat, stay away!" Mulan Yingning looked at her sister with a pale face.

Mulan Yingxue hurriedly helped her back away.

"Scary, dangerous!" Da He's eyes showed fear, and he stepped back and forth.

The energy fluctuations escaping from that place became stronger and stronger, and everything around them was annihilated along with this energy fluctuation.

The towering ancient trees, or the boulders that are hard to shake by the real immortals, are directly and completely annihilated with this energy fluctuation.

Can't even see gray!

Sister Mulan and Dahei watched with a look of horror from afar, seeing that the fluctuation range was getting bigger and bigger, and even the sky began to collapse, exposing the strange scene inside.

"Gosh ... what the **** is this?" Sister Mulan and Dahei were stunned.

Fortunately, this volatility did not spread too far, but stopped on its own!

Covers a range of about a few hundred miles.

Within a few hundred miles, the sky collapsed.

"Brother Chu Yu, where is it?" Mulan Yingxue's tears were about to fall.

For this life-saving benefactor, her gratitude is no need to say more.

Faintly, deep inside, there is still a trace of girlish feelings.

"He is still alive." Dahei said.

Mulan Yingxue leaned on Dahei and said pitifully: "But how terrifying is that!"

Mulan Yingning's complexion is also extremely severe, she murmured: "I think of an ancient legend."

Mulan Yingxue asked with a trembling voice, "What legend?"

"It's too old, I almost forget it."

Mulan Yingning said softly: "The ancestor said that this evolutionary place originally did not belong to this world, and it flew from outside."

"In the land of evolution, there should be an existence with incredible magical powers."

"It's just that the ancestors of the old ancestors have already entered the realm of Immortal Venerable and can't enter it."

Mulan Yingxue asked strangely: "In that case, how did the ancestors judge, there is a powerful presence hidden inside?"

Mulan Yingning said: "The evolutionary land rejects the Immortal Venerable."

"That's it?" Mulan Yingxue's face was puzzled: "A lot of places in the Eternal God Realm also reject Xianzun? There are many restricted areas, Xianzun can't enter ..."

Mulan Yingning said: "But it's different here! Most of the places in the eternal God Realm that reject the Immortal Venerable are mostly unable to accommodate the Immortal Venerable Tao!"

"Once Xianzun enters, the place will be completely destroyed!"

"There are other reasons why a small number of Xianzun can't enter. There are other reasons. With the ancestors' skills, they can all be approximated."

"Only this evolutionary place, even the ancestors, can only push out two to ten times at most."

"Moreover, when Xianzun entered this place, it was not that this place would be exploded, but ... that it would be directly obliterated by the laws here!"

Mulan Yingning said: "Understood? It's the rule here, refuse the entrance of Immortal Venerable!"

Mulan Yingxue murmured: "I understand, so the old ancestor said that there is an incredible existence inside, is it the rule he set?"

Mulan Yingning nodded: "Yes."

"Then, what will Brother Chu Yu do? He is not even Immortal Venerable. Wouldn't he die without doubt?"

Mulan Yingning smiled bitterly: "I don't know, but what I do know is that he is still alive now."

He looked at Dahei.

Dahei nodded vigorously: "Alive."

Secret territory.

On Chu Yu's body, all kinds of golden road runes were flying.

Gradually, there began to appear other color road runes.

Silver, black, white, red, yellow, blue ... various colors, constantly flying around his body.

It looks beautiful.

These high-level runes, each color, and even each rune, are interpreting a different Tao.

In the end, they all gradually flew into Chu Yu's body.

What changed first was Chu Yu's hair.

His hair color, from black, to white, and then to gold ... After going through all kinds of colors, he finally returned to black.

It's like going through a reincarnation.

But every hair strand is essentially different from the past.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chu Yu now, the power of a hair, can kill the real fairy of the same realm!

Afterwards, it was Chu Yu's skin, which was covered with various Avenue Runes.

Various colors are constantly changing, so that Chu Yu's skin looks very strange!

After a thorough evolution, it returned to its original state.

But Chu Yu at least runs Xuan Gong a little bit, and those high-level runes on his skin will appear.

It's just that the colors have all become unified and nearly transparent.

Next, there are bones, flesh, tendons, blood in Chu Yu's body ... Everywhere, there are a large number of runes attached to it.

He and the avenue of the statue mutually confirmed that he had understood the words contained in the inscriptions on the walls on all four sides!

His realm, in the field of true immortals, has been shining to an unimaginable realm.

Throughout the ages, I am afraid that no one has ever been like him. The level of Zhenxian has been interpreted so brilliantly.

He couldn't even suppress it!

At this time, the metal ball seemed to be satisfied.

It gave a light shock.


A touch of purple light chopped down the metal ball.

Straight across the neck of the statue.

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