
Chapter 902: Subdued

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These forty-three followers from the dark camp, here at the Mulan, received VIP-level treatment that they could not believe in their dreams.

From the first day they came, the Mulan people provided free resources.

At first, they didn't dare to move at all, and they were even inexplicable.

Even if the two princesses of the Mulan clan like our boss, as the top magnate, the Mulan clan need not be so polite to their group?

Politely they are a little scared!

I was afraid of this treatment, but it was just a meal before death.

But after seeing the scene of Chu Yu crossing the robbery, they were all a little bit enlightened.

Originally from the boss, it was these talents and abilities that impressed the Mulan people!

Our boss is awesome!

When arriving at the Mulan, it is still the most distinguished top guest.

In the following days, this group of people began to realize and retreat.

Three of them actually stepped into the field of Xianzun.

The places of retreat arranged on the Mulan tribe successfully crossed the robbery.

Although the robbery on that day was incomparable with Chu Yu's, it was enough for these people to boast forever and future generations.

So when Chu Yu came here, the rest of the people who didn't break through were all closed!

Both are anxious.

The boss has successfully broken through.

The Ultimate Sky Tribulation was attracted, and it was exciting to think about that scene.

Among these brothers, three of them became immortals.

In the immortal world of eternal God Realm, under the Immortal Venerable, all are ordinary!

Once it breaks through to the Immortal Venerable, it is the real entrance into the room, and it becomes one of the top creatures on this land.

It is really stepping into that extraordinary field.

When Chu Yu appeared here as he was, the three followers who had broken into the realm of Xianzun failed to recognize him at a glance.

After Chu Yu's breakthrough on that day, although he had recovered his original appearance, but because this group of people was too far away and covered by a magic circle, they didn't see Chu Yu's true appearance at all.

But Chu Yu was sitting on Dahei's shoulders.

These people froze for a long time, and one of the talents asked Ai Ai: "Will you ..."

Chu Yu smiled: "It's me!"

"Gosh ... there is such a benefit to break into the realm of Immortal Venerable? Why did you suddenly become so handsome?" The dark camp noble child who has broken through to the realm of Immortal Venerable has no restraint from Immortal Venerable. Before Dahei, he looked up at Chu Yu sitting on Dahei's shoulders.

Then he said with a sad face: "Why did I also break into the realm of Immortal Venerable, the appearance is still the same?"

"You can have a facelift." Another person who broke into the realm of Immortal Venerable smiled and said: "You realm can be changed into what you want."

"No, I can't imagine what the most handsome face in the world will be like before I have seen this face of the boss."

"Actually, I think my face is already handsome enough, no more adjustments are necessary. Until I see our son ..." The third guy who stepped into the realm of Xianzun laughed.

Well, these are the three things that have stepped into the realm of immortal veneration and still shameless.

Chu Yu looked at the three people and said, "I'm not Du De."

The three suddenly froze.

"The real Dude is dead, I am Chu Yu." Chu Yu said.

"What? Son, are you kidding me?" The three unanimously looked at Chu Yu with a dull expression.

The name Chu Yu, of course, they have heard of it!

Not only have I heard it, but I once scolded it behind my back for a few times.

Arrogant, arrogant, and dare to spread so wildly in the dark camp, I do not know what to do!

Don't ask us to meet, or you will definitely be hacked to death!

Ha ha ha this arrogant guy was finally killed by Dong Gongzi?

Dong Gongzi is mighty!

Wild monks from a war zone, dare to come to our camp arrogant and die well!

These words, they do not know how many times they said.

Anyway, when they heard the news of Chu Yu's death, they all once rebuked the fervently.

Don't let go if you die!

Who made him so arrogant?

Therefore, the expressions on the faces of these three people are extremely wonderful.

Chu Yu didn't die?

Not only did he not die, but he also impersonated Dud, who was once a dumb guy, and was qualified to enter the land of evolution.

Then it was still showing its brilliance in the land of evolution, hard-topping Dong Lanjiang, and taking the hearts of their people ... Finally, they found suitable opportunities and abilities for each.

If it were not for him, the three of them could come out of the evolutionary land alive, which is probably the biggest success.

Gu Jian and Tu Guangming's group would never let them go.

So, at this moment, the expressions of these three people are extremely wonderful, and their hearts are even more complicated.

Should I hate this person?

There seems to be reason to hate.

After all, he lied to them.

But seriously, he helped them ... more?

Without Chu Yu, their lives would have long since disappeared.

Where is the opportunity to step into the realm of immortal respect today?

For a long time, one of them smiled bitterly: "I finally understand why the son asked us what we said."

With a serious look on his face, he knelt down on the ground and said in a deep voice: "Without a son, there will be no harmony between the heavens and the heavens, and the heavens are willing to be loyal to the son forever. Walk direction! But beg your son, allow Tianhe to evade when attacking the family. "

The other two also knelt down to the ground: "Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi, willing to be loyal to the son forever, willing to be the **** of the son, the sword pointed by the son, is the direction of my assassination, and the son is attacking my family. Time, allow me to evade. "

"Why don't you ask, I don't want to attack your family?" Chu Yu asked.

Speaking of which, his choice of these three people is not surprising.

In this world, respecting teachers is very important and conscious of keeping promises is very important.

There are naturally deceptions and lies, but more, but it is a promise.

Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi glanced at each other. Zhu Tianhe said: "Since the son is from the war zone, it is naturally incompatible with the dark camp. Since we are the sons of the son, we must naturally be the son. too much."

Kang Yuchen said: "If it weren't the son, we would have fallen in the land of evolution, so I waited for myself to have died once. Although it has not really gone through reincarnation, it can already be cut off from the original family."

Helian Boyi said: "Yes, my son treats me like a mountain of gratitude, and the grace of life is greater than the sky, and the feeling of nature is even more unrewardable. So I only asked the son to not give up on his wish to die for the son."

"May you die for your son!" Zhu Tianhe and Kang Yuchen said in unison.

"Relax, although I was born in a war zone, I haven't stood up to all the people in the dark camp. Do you think we are here?" Chu Yu smiled.

The three first stunned slightly, and then all of them reacted. Isn't this the rear of the dark camp?

And here is one of the most distinguished areas in the entire dark camp!

Thinking of this, all three people's eyes showed shock.

After the shock, there was another inexplicable excitement.

Chu Yu is here, telling them his true identity in such a fair and honest manner, doesn't that mean that the Mulan tribe already knew?

In this way, the Mulan, one of the cornerstones of the dark camp ...

The following things, they already dare not think about it.

Because that is terrible!

Terrible to make them tremble.

Subsequently, the remaining forty people were quickly awakened and went out one after another.

After clarifying Chu Yu's true identity, although all of them were dull for a while.

But as expected by Chu Yu, none of these people chose to leave.

Although Chu Yu seriously promised them, if they want to leave, they will never stop, and will not secretly shoot.

But if you meet in front of the two militia in the future, you will never be merciless.

Even so, no one left.

Among them, the overwhelming majority of the reasons are naturally Chu Yu's good to them before, and the grace of life and the sentiment of nature are really placed there!

Throughout the dark camp, since the ages, it seems that there is no big brother who can do this for his brothers.

If you are creative, you must be the first to take the lead!

This is also a rule, and everyone agrees.

But at the beginning, Chu Yu took them, looking for all kinds of creations along the way, and even assigned them to everyone according to the speculations of different creations!

Later, it also proved that Chu Yu's assignment was extremely correct!

Everyone's talent has been released to the greatest extent.

This graciousness made them unforgettable.

There are still a few reasons, because of the attitude of the Mulan.

Chu Yu is standing here and publicly revealing to them. They are like Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi who stepped into the realm of Immortal Venerable. They do n’t believe that the Mulan people do n’t know Chu Yu ’s identity.

Even the Mulan people don't care about this matter, why should they care?

What's more, Chu Yu has made it clear that he will never embarrass their family.

Even if it is really hostile, it will try to avoid it.

If it is unavoidable, the casualties will be reduced as much as possible, and suppression will be the mainstay.

As a leading brother, what else can I say to do so for his people?

Not to mention that in this group of people, this is a group of lawless guys.

I feel that following someone like Chu Yu, the experience will definitely become magnificent!

Even after the beautiful women are raised, there are countless capitals.

How can you not participate in such a fun thing?

Chu Yu sat on Dahei, carrying forty-three people, carrying the tiger charm and token donated by the Mulan clan, and left the Mulan clan.

Far away, Mulan Hongyun and Tang Yunlian stood on a high tower, watching Chu Yu as they boarded a huge warship and broke away.

Tang Yunlian said: "I won!"

Mulan Hongyun looked discouraged and whispered in his mouth, "You are blind."

"Anyway, I won anyway, and no one left Chu Yu!" Tang Yunlian looked at Mulan Hongyun with a smile on her face, with a smug look.

"Okay, I will be on it for the next 30,000 years!"

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