Literary Master 1978

Chapter 206 It’s really crazy!

The next morning, Lin Chaoyang, who had not been seen for half a month, appeared in the library. He said hello to his colleagues and ran to the library leader to cancel his leave.

He remembered Xie Jin's phone call again, so he ran to the reception room, "Master Xie, make a call."

Yesterday, when Xie Jin called, he left the phone number of their crew's guesthouse. He called, and the guesthouse said that everyone in the crew had gone out.

This is how phone calls are at this time. Both parties always have to wait for each other. Sometimes it is more convenient than sending a telegram.

When it was almost time to get off work in the evening, Master Xie ran over and said there was a call.

Xie Jin just came back from outside, "Hey, Chaoyang, I have already scouted the location here, and we just started shooting today. When can you come and take a look?"

"I won't go. I took a leave a while ago and just started working today."

"You are the original author and the screenwriter. How can you not come and take a look when the filming starts? Take a few days, three or five days will be fine.

See the location, the actors' state, and the atmosphere we are shooting. Is it the same as the story in your heart?"

Xie Jin's tone is sincere. With the "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" as a gem before, he is under great pressure to shoot "The Shepherd" with the same theme. He urgently needs someone to affirm his ideas.

"Then ask your factory to help me take a leave. I am embarrassed to take a leave."


The day after the two communicated on the phone, Shanghai Film Studio asked for a leave for Lin Chaoyang in the form of a telegram. Xie Jin even asked someone to buy the train tickets for Lin Chaoyang.

The train tickets were booked, and Lin Chaoyang had to go. Anyway, he had taken the leave, so he just regarded it as a trip.

Shandan Military Horse Farm is in Gansu, but Lin Chaoyang's train changed trains in Lanzhou, and he took a train to Shandan Railway Station from Lanzhou Railway Station.

The train headed northwest all the way, and it took several hours to arrive at Shandan County at the foot of the Qilian Mountains.

After leaving the railway station, the crew's car was already waiting there. It was the deputy director Bao Zhifang who came to pick up Lin Chaoyang.

Shandan Military Horse Farm is located in the middle of the Hexi Corridor. It was built in the 1950s and has always been an important military horse breeding base in China.

The terrain here is flat and the water and grass are lush. In early spring in April, the vast grassland is lush and green, vast and boundless, with rippling blue waves, which is intoxicating. Bao Zhifang sat in the car and introduced the local customs and customs to Lin Chaoyang all the way.

The horse farm belongs to the Lanzhou Military Region. The crew of "The Wrangler" is now living in the first guesthouse of the military region.

When they arrived at the guesthouse, Bao Zhifang arranged a room for Lin Chaoyang first.

"Oh, a suite, this treatment exceeds the standard, right?" Lin Chaoyang asked as soon as he entered the room.

"This is the military region's care for us." Bao Zhifang said with a smile.

After settling down, Lin Chaoyang rested for two hours and waited until the evening to see Xie Jin. The crew had just started filming these two days, and he was very busy.

He was very happy to see Lin Chaoyang coming, and prepared a table of banquets in the evening to welcome Lin Chaoyang.

After dinner, he called several actors from the crew to the room to meet Lin Chaoyang. There are more than 20 actors with names in the crew, and they are generally over 30 years old. The two young people Zhu Shimao and Cong Shan are the ones who take the lead.

After the two were selected as the male and female protagonists, they were thrown to Gansu by Xie Jin to experience life. Almost three months have passed. The two have lost some of the whiteness of the city people and have become more simple.

"Not bad, the temperament is quite in line with the character."

Lin Chaoyang's approval made Xie Jin feel happy, and also made Zhu Shimao and Cong Shan very happy.

The filming had not started yet, and they were all a little nervous. Lin Chaoyang's affirmation made everyone feel at ease, and the previous hardships were not in vain.

The next morning, the crew got up at five o'clock and prepared to set off.

Shandan Military Horse Farm covers a large area. The daily scenes of "The Wrangler" are in the second field and the third horse team, which is nearly thirty miles away from the guesthouse. It takes an hour to drive there in the morning. Fortunately, the road to the horse farm has been well repaired in recent years.

After a busy morning, the crew finally started filming at almost eight o'clock.

The first scene today is that Xu Lingjun has just been released from the labor reform team and assigned to the horse farm. His neighbor, Uncle Dong and his wife, nailed the door curtain for him and sent him food. It is a very humane scene.

In the novel, Xu Lingjun's house is a mud house with leaks all over. The mud house on the shooting site is a temporary building with a high degree of restoration. It can be said that he is poor and penniless.

There were no scenes for the heroine Cong Shan these two days, but she still came with the crew to adapt to the environment in advance and find the feeling of the character.

Maybe because she was bored, the girl brought a copy of "October". She was reading in a corner, not wanting to be discovered by Xie Jin.

"Why are you still reading novels?"

Xie Jin's words made Cong Shan at a loss. She stood up, rubbing the corners of her clothes restlessly, not knowing what she did wrong.

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Cong. Director Xie didn't let you read novels because he wanted you to have no distractions and be able to focus more on the character.

You don't have any acting experience. Only by putting yourself in the character can you interpret the essence of Xiuzhi."

After hearing Lin Chaoyang's words, Cong Shan breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Teacher Lin."

Xie Jin reminded: "If you have time, try to figure out the character well, and don't focus on other things."

In his crew, actors are always required to "break their minds" after joining the crew and devote their whole body and mind to the role.

The horse farm does not allow fire easily, so the crew had lunch delivered by the people of the Third Brigade.

During the meal, Xie Jin asked Lin Chaoyang, "How do you feel after being here for half a day?"

"Not bad, it matches what I imagined."

Xie Jin nodded.

After filming in the afternoon, he returned to the guest house. Just after dinner, Xie Jin asked Lin Chaoyang to go to the room and said that he wanted to discuss a scene with him.

When we arrived at Xie Jin's room, Niu Ben, who played Guo Qianzi in the movie, was also there. He was an actor at Shanghai Film Studio and was a colleague of Xie Jin.

"Lao Niu discussed with me whether the peeing in this scene should not be shown on camera?" Xie Jin said.

There is a scene in the script where Guo Qianzi urinates against a big-character poster posted in the corner. When Xie Jin was dividing the script, he gave the big-character poster a close-up shot.

The reason why Niu Ben didn't want this scene is simple. If the character he plays does something like this, it will inevitably cause controversy after the movie is released.

But what Lin Chaoyang didn't understand was Xie Jin's reaction. He asked Xie Jin: "Why didn't you mention it when you wrote it before?"

Xie Jin looked slightly embarrassed, "Doesn't this make "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" scary?"

Over the past year or so, from preparation to filming to small-scale screenings of "Legend of Tianyun Mountain", negative reviews have been endless.

Although the overall situation has been decided now, it can pass the trial, and it has the support of many powerful people, Xie Jin does not want to go through the same hardships as before.

"This shot has a very satirical effect. The audience will definitely smile knowingly if they see it in the cinema. I think there is no need for us to hide our illnesses and avoid medical treatment. This is the attitude we should have towards big-character posters at this age."

Xie Jin was originally hesitant. Lin Chaoyang was the original author and screenwriter, and he had a very strong say here. Seeing Lin Chaoyang's insistence, Xie Jin said, "Okay, I'll keep this shot."

"What about this scene?" Xie Jin pointed out another scene to him.

This scene is about Xu Lingjun being repaid his salary after being ordinary. He took the salary and gave it to his wife Xiuzhi.

Qingqing watched her mother struggling to count the bills, then touched the money in her hands with her little hands, and asked innocently: "Mom, how did dad get so much money?"

Xiuzhi looked at Qingqing and sighed: "I have been an 'old Y' for twenty years."

Qingqing said to Xiuzhi seriously: "Mom, when I grow up, I want to be an 'Old Y' and earn a lot of money. I'll buy you a pair of leather shoes, just like Xiao Song's mother, click, click, click..."

Lin Chaoyang watched this scene and knew in his heart that Xie Jin was really scared by the "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" incident.

This plot originally existed in the novel, and it existed when I was writing the script. Xie Jin never said there was any problem with it before.

"I think you're a little stressed. Did someone else tell you something?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

Xie Jin looked a little sad, "There are indeed some rumors. The department leaders asked the factory leaders before, saying that you are going to film the 'Y faction' movie again. Haven't you suffered enough from "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain"? What about the film bureau? Bian is also under pressure, saying that someone wants me to cancel this movie.”

After listening to Xie Jin's words, Lin Chaoyang pondered, "That's what I think. Some people don't want us to make this movie and are trying to obstruct it in every possible way. This is normal.

It is only a small group of people who want to hinder us. The more they obstruct us, the more it means that we are on the right path.

This is not the past. As long as we strengthen our confidence, who can arrest us all? "

Lin Chaoyang's tone was firm and his expression was resolute. Xie Jin looked ashamed when he heard his words, "After all, he is old and does not have the determination and responsibility of you young people."

"You've already filmed "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", what else is there to be afraid of in "The Wrangler"?"

Lin Chaoyang's confidence came from his clear understanding of the future destiny of "Wrangler". After some encouragement from him, Xie Jin strengthened his confidence.

"You are right! We have survived "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", and the environment that "Wrangler" has to face will not be worse than it."

After being enlightened by Lin Chaoyang, Xie Jin was in a good mood and had to drag Lin Chaoyang to drink some wine. He also called the production director Bi Likui and the photographer Zhu Yongde to accompany him.

Lin Chaoyang stayed on the set of "Wrangler" for three days. He went to the set during the day and drank with Xie Jin at night. After drinking that night, he grabbed the production director Bi Likui.

"Lao Bi, book a train ticket for me tomorrow. I have to go back to Yanjing."

Bi Likui warmly tried to persuade him to stay: "You have only been here a few days, why can't you stay for half a month? You are now Director Xie's backbone."

Lin Chaoyang waved his hand, "I can't do it anymore. If I stay here any longer, I will become a medicinal bone that can be soaked in wine."

Bi Likui couldn't help but smile when he heard this and said, "Then you discuss this with Director Xie."

"You buy the ticket first, and I'll tell him tomorrow."


Early the next morning, Lin Chaoyang made plans to say goodbye to Xie Jin, and Xie Jin wanted to keep him here for a few days.

With Lin Chaoyang here, he felt that his mental pressure in the past few days was obviously much less than before. How could he let go of such a good stress-relieving artifact so easily?

It was a pity that Lin Chaoyang refused. In the afternoon, Bi Likui brought the ticket back. He escaped overnight and got on the train, and it took him another two days to return to Yanjing.

As soon as he returned home, he saw three plaques standing in the living room. Two of them had gold characters on a black background. One said "Where can I find the fairy music in the sky", and the other said "The best taste in the world can be found in this house." .

"Why is there an extra piece?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

Tao Yushu showed the plaque and said, "'Xunweizhai', doesn't it just hang on the lintel!"

Lin Chaoyang said with a smile: "This old Deng is quite thoughtful."

"It's all done. If you have time, go to Mianhua Hutong and hang up these plaques. By the way, shouldn't we find someone to repair the yard? It's already April, and it's going to rain soon."

"Okay, I'll go and take care of it tomorrow."

The next morning, Lin Chaoyang came to the library. As soon as Du Rong saw him, she teased, "Oh, the busy man is back!"

Before, Yanying Studio helped Lin Chaoyang take a half-month leave. This time, it took nearly ten days to go back and forth to Gansu. In a blink of an eye, almost a month had passed, and Lin Chaoyang had not been in the library for a few days in total. It was a bit uncomfortable to go to work suddenly.

At around nine o'clock, he had just finished registering a student when he saw that the originally quiet library suddenly became agitated. Those students rushed out of the library as if they had smelled the smell of honey.

"What's going on?"

Du Rong is a person who can't sit still. She ran out to ask and said excitedly: "Wang Jiawei and the others are here. The men's volleyball players are here!"

Her face was flushed and her tone was excited. "Chaoyang, please help me check first."

After saying that, she ran out in a hurry without waiting for Lin Chaoyang's reaction.

The appearance of the Chinese men's volleyball players in Yanda quickly caused a sensation on the Yanda campus. Countless students and teachers flocked to them, so that the library was empty in just a few minutes.

"It's just entering the World Cup, not winning the world championship!" Lin Chaoyang muttered.

The students ran away, and the work at the front desk of the library could be suspended. Lin Chaoyang walked outside the library.

You can see the crowds of people from a distance. The students gathered in a pile. I guess the men's volleyball players should be in the center of the crowd.

"It's really crazy!"

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