Literary Master 1978

Chapter 228: Brother-in-law is so kind to you

Tao Yushu left the editorial office of "Yanjing Literature" with a large bag of letters from readers on the back seat of his bicycle. These letters were all feedback from enthusiastic readers about "The Master of Chess".

She rode her bicycle back to Langrun Lake Apartment and went out for half a month to play. When she met her family members, they naturally asked about her experiences outside, so Tao Yushu picked up interesting ones and told them about them.

She came back in the afternoon and chatted with her mother and sister-in-law for more than an hour. Tao Yumo came back from outside.

"Ouch, why is it so dark?"

Seeing his sister, Tao Yushu said something, which aroused the disapproval of Boss Tao Yumo.

"You didn't get anywhere in vain!"

Tao Yumo's words were a bit contrary to his will. Tao Yushu had been out for half a month, but his complexion was still fair.

Tao Yumo retorted, looking at her sister's skin color, she couldn't help but feel angry. She hadn't changed even after being out for half a month. Why did everyone call me black when I went out for three days?

Tao Yushu didn't care about her, looked her over, and said, "She has lost a lot of weight."

Hearing this, Tao Yumo suddenly beamed, it seemed like a sentence.

While Tao's mother was preparing dinner, Tao's father, Tao Yucheng and Lin Chaoyang came back one after another.

As soon as Tao Yumo saw Lin Chaoyang, he said, "Brother-in-law, the response to your novel has been very intense recently!"

"Intense" is a neutral word. Lin Chaoyang chuckled and asked: "How intense?"

"There's a lot of discussion!"

After returning from Beidaihe for half a month, Tao Yumo has not been idle. She has been playing with her classmates from college, middle school and primary school all day long. Among today's young people, there are many literary young people, and these classmates and friends of hers are no exception.

"Chess Master" has been published for more than half a month, and the reviews in the publication have gradually come out, so readers' feedback will naturally be faster.

According to Tao Yumo, her classmates and friends have polarized opinions on "The Chess Master". On the one hand, they feel that the novel starts with the game of Go and has a novel perspective. It describes the legendary experience of a generation of chess master Jiang Nansheng who sacrificed his life to serve the country. It is very Feelings of patriotism.

The other side believes that the plot of one against nine in the novel is purely a fantasy that ignores the facts. Instead, it reflects a certain inferiority and paranoia, which is somewhat similar to the "narrow nationalism" argument of "Shanghai Literature". But not as drastic as that article.

After listening to Tao Yumo's comments about the novel from classmates and friends around him, Tao Yucheng asked worriedly: "Chaoyang, the reputation of this novel is mixed!"

"Everyone has different opinions and different perceptions of the novel. This is normal." Lin Chaoyang looked as usual.

If it had been two days ago, Tao Yushu might have been anxious after hearing her sister's comments, but today she had just finished visiting the editorial office of "Yanjing Literature" and she was not at all panicked. She looked calmer than Lin Chaoyang.

"Are there many people with negative comments?" she asked Tao Yumo.

"Not much. My brother-in-law's novel is so good. Even if they don't agree with some of the arguments in it, they can't deny the entire novel."

Tao Yushu nodded and said with satisfaction: "That's right. Let them argue. In the end, magazine sales will speak for themselves."

Tao Yumo asked curiously: "Sister, do you know the sales volume of magazines?"

Tao Yushu said: "I just went to the editorial department today. They said that the sales volume of this issue was good. It can be seen that the vast majority of readers still approve of your brother-in-law's novel."

"How much did this magazine sell for?" Tao Yumo asked.

Others in the family also gave him inquiring looks.

Tao Yushu said calmly: "Not much, just 900,000 copies."

"900,000 copies?" Tao Yumo shouted in surprise, "Isn't that much?"

Tao Yucheng calculated in his mind, "900,000 copies were sold in half a month, so why not just sell 2 million copies?"

Although the Tao family has little connection with the book industry, they still know basic common sense.

For a literary magazine these days, if it can sell tens of thousands of copies, it is considered a good achievement. If it sells more than 100,000 copies, it is a magazine with regional influence.

If it has a sales volume of 20,000 to 300,000 copies, it is basically a well-known magazine in the country. And those truly first-line literary magazines usually sell hundreds of thousands of copies in one issue, and from time to time the sales volume will exceed one million copies.

"Is this higher than the sales of People's Literature?" Tao Yucheng made a comparison, his expression full of surprise.

"That's not the case. The first half month of the magazine's release is when sales are the fastest, but the speed slows down later on. It would be good to be able to sell more than half of what it was before."

"Half of it is 13.4 million copies, right? If there is such a sales volume, it is enough to illustrate the popularity of this novel." Tao Yucheng concluded.

Tao Yushu smiled and said, "How can I not be popular? I still have a packet of letters from readers tied to my car. It has only been published for a few days!"

Tao Yumo's eyes lit up when he heard the words "letter from a reader" and he went to his sister's side and muttered.

After returning home after dinner, the couple had a little tail behind them.

After arriving home, Tao Yumo worked diligently as a laborer, opening letters from readers one by one.

She had finished telling her sister that today was her day's salary and she had earned it.

Before going to bed at night, Lin Chaoyang said: "I will take you to learn to drive tomorrow."

Some time ago, Lin Chaoyang took Tao Yushu to the Friendship Store to look at motorcycles. The two of them also discussed letting her learn to drive during the summer vacation, but they were delayed by the PEN Club.

Early the next morning, Lin Chaoyang took Tao Yushu to the Haidian Vehicle Management Office.

"What are we going to the DMV for?"

"Let's learn to drive!"

When they arrived, the couple specially rode a bicycle. Lin Chaoyang was in charge of riding the bicycle, and Tao Yushu sat behind him.

There are no driving schools today. The driving license test is administered by the Vehicle Management Office, and there is an examination room in the vehicle management office.

But the examination room is not a place for driving practice. Before Tao Yushu figured out what was going on, Lin Chaoyang had already signed up, not only for her, but also for himself.

The examination room was deserted. It is not as easy as it was in later generations to learn to drive. If you want to learn to drive, you must not only have an employer, but also have a master to teach you.

What Lin Chaoyang and his wife want to take is a motorcycle driver's license. The requirements are not so strict, as long as they can pass the test.

At this moment, the administrator of the examination room was bored. Lin Chaoyang ran to the administrator and muttered for a while, then asked the administrator to hand over the motorcycle used for the examination in his hand.

The motorcycle used for the driving test is a red Xingfu 250. Being able to ride it is definitely a status symbol nowadays.

Lin Chaoyang got on the motorcycle, waved to Tao Yushu, and asked her to sit in the back seat. He showed her various movements of riding a motorcycle.

Tao Yushu observed the movements several times, and then Lin Chaoyang changed positions with her, letting her try riding a bicycle in front while he sat in the back and corrected her.

After trying for a while, Tao Yushu started riding a motorcycle in the examination room, but he was still not good at turning.

After practicing for about half an hour, Lin Chaoyang went to say hello to the administrator and was about to take the exam.

Tao Yushu ignorantly rode her motorcycle around the field and around several piles. When she parked the car smoothly, she passed the exam.

"Is this too fast?" Tao Yushu didn't react until he got the motorcycle driver's license in his hand, and asked Lin Chaoyang in disbelief.

Lin Chaoyang said in his heart that this is all conservative. Do you believe it or not that I can let him stamp it for you directly?

Regardless of whether you are driving a two-wheeled motorcycle or a four-wheeled car, this thing is very dangerous. You can't just take it and don't learn how to drive it, and just be a road killer on the road.

So Lin Chaoyang did not hesitate to spend an hour specially training Tao Yushu.

After spending the whole morning at the Vehicle Management Office, Lin Chaoyang took Tao Yushu to have a meal before getting his driver's license, and then went straight to the Friendship Store.

Back to the Friendship Store, Lin Chaoyang didn't call Amao because he heard that the Friendship Store had recently relaxed restrictions. It was said that Yanjing citizens could shop in the store as long as they held foreign exchange coupons.

When they arrived at the door of the store, they showed a stack of foreign exchange coupons in their pockets, and the couple entered the Friendship Store smoothly.

Tao Yushu said happily: "It saves trouble this time!"

The two came to the motorcycle counter again, and they were still familiar with the salesperson. However, after a few months, the salesperson obviously did not remember them.

"Comrades, would you like to see the motorcycle?"

"Is this motorcycle red?" Lin Chaoyang asked, pointing to the black Yamaha 125.

"This is a Yamaha imported from Japan. There is a red one..."

Lin Chaoyang said happily: "Let's issue a ticket!"

The salesperson was slightly startled. He wanted to issue an invoice without even asking about the price?

"What are you doing standing still? Let's issue a ticket!" Lin Chaoyang urged.

"Oh, okay! Wait a minute, you two."

After paying the money and issuing the ticket, the salesperson took out a brand new Yamaha 125 from the warehouse, filled it with gas, and handed it over to Lin Chaoyang and his wife through the backyard gate of the Friendship Store.

Although Tao Yushu had learned to ride a bicycle in the examination room in the morning, it was her first time to touch a motorcycle today, so she was really afraid to let her go on the road by herself.

Lin Chaoyang took her for a few laps on the road, and then she gingerly got on the bike and ran two laps with Lin Chaoyang by her side.

At the end, Lin Chaoyang even got out of the car and let her ride around alone.

After Tao Yushu was almost familiar with it, Lin Chaoyang took her back to the vehicle management office, took out the invoice and asked the vehicle management office to stamp it with a steel seal and get the license plate.

When he came out of the vehicle management office again, Lin Chaoyang said with a smile: "This time both the person and the car have their certificates, so you can ride with confidence and boldly. You can ride on your own on the way home."

"Can I do it on my own?" Tao Yushu didn't have much confidence.

"It's okay, just slow down a little."

There are basically no private cars on the road these days. As long as you drive slower, you don’t need to worry about anything going wrong.

On the way home, Lin Chaoyang rode a bicycle and Tao Yushu rode a motorcycle, following him slowly and leisurely all the way.

When she was approaching the entrance of the Overseas Chinese Apartment, Lin Chaoyang asked her, "How do you feel?"

Tao Yushu smiled all over his face, "I feel like there's no problem!"

"Okay, let's go home first. I will practice with you tomorrow."


The shiny Yamaha 125 arrived at the entrance of the Overseas Chinese Apartment and immediately attracted the attention of the security guards. Lin Chaoyang and his wife were residents here, so they naturally recognized it and watched the motorcycle enter the yard with envy.

The environment in the courtyard was quiet in the midsummer, and the roar of the motorcycle's engine was not loud. However, in such a quiet atmosphere, it still alarmed many residents. A red shadow flashed through the window glass, attracting everyone to poke their heads in the air.

The car stopped at the door of the unit, and Tao Yushu rubbed the car body. From the moment the salesperson handed the motorcycle to her, she became extremely nervous, fearing that she would fall off the bike.

Now that she has arrived home and the car is parked here, she can finally appreciate this motorcycle that is worth a courtyard house.

This Yamaha 125 cost the couple 2,650 yuan in foreign exchange coupons. If calculated in RMB, it would be more than 3,000 yuan. It is a perfect courtyard house with one entrance.

When Tao Yushu couldn't put it down, Lin Chaoyang stood aside and looked at her quietly with a smile on his face.

The purpose of his spending money was to make his wife happy, and he was very happy to see that Tao Yushu liked the car.

"Yeah! Motorcycle!"

The quiet atmosphere was broken by a cute scream. The couple turned around and saw Tao Yumo standing at the door of the unit with a face full of surprise, his eyes fixed on the motorcycle under Tao Yushu.

"Sister, where did you get the motorcycle? How much did it cost? Can you ride it?" Tao Yumo asked several questions in a row.

"Your brother-in-law bought it for me, and it cost more than three thousand." Tao Yushu replied.

"More than three thousand?"

Tao Yumo couldn't help but be speechless when he heard this number, and looked at Lin Chaoyang, "Brother-in-law, you are too willing to take down this book!"

Lin Chaoyang smiled, and Tao Yumo walked to the side of the motorcycle and stretched out his hand to greedily touch the body of the motorcycle.

She said to Tao Yushu with a serious expression: "Sister, my brother-in-law is so kind to you!"

Tao Yushu rolled his eyes at her, "Nonsense!"

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