Literary Master 1978

Chapter 240 She is Lin Chaoyang’s lover

Lin Chaoyang thought it was another athlete who won glory for the country, and asked Liang Zuo: "What happened to "New Sports"?"

Liang Zuo said: "Their magazine published an interview with Nie Weiping, and Nie Weiping specifically mentioned your "Chess Saint" in it."

"Mentioned "Chess Saint"? "

"Yes, the reporter asked him what hobbies he usually had, and Nie Weiping said he occasionally read books. The reporter asked him what he was reading recently, and Nie Weiping said "Chess Saint".

Then they talked about the content of the novel "Chess Saint", praising you for your good writing and your superb chess skills."

Listening to Liang Zuo's words, Lin Chaoyang's face flashed with embarrassment. He knew his level. Comrade Weiping's commercial mutual praise was a bit too much!

It's okay to praise him in front of the reporter, but he also published it in the magazine, which really made him a little embarrassed.

Liang Zuo enthusiastically described the content of the interview in "New Sports". He has always regarded himself as Lin Chaoyang's last disciple. Now his master's chess skills have been praised by national players and have been published in magazines. This is also an honor for him as a "disciple of Lin's family"!

"Okay, okay, people just mentioned a few words casually, there is no need to publicize it in a big way."

Lin Chaoyang interrupted the excited Liang Zuo. He opened his mouth with an unsatisfied mind, and then changed the subject and said: "With Nie Weiping's article, I wonder what those who criticize "The Chess Master" will say."

In the criticism of "The Chess Master" in the past few months, there has been a voice that believes that the plot of the novel is out of touch with reality and is purely imaginary, and this argument has been recognized by many readers, many of whom are Go enthusiasts.

Go national players like Nie Weiping praised "The Chess Master" for being well written, which is undoubtedly a rub against the face of these people. Liang Zuo felt happy when he thought about it.

After chatting with Liang Zuo for a few words, Lin Chaoyang returned to the library. Unexpectedly, his colleague Tu Mansheng also pointed a copy of "New Sports" to him.

"Chaoyang, there is an interview with Nie Weiping here. He also mentioned you and "Go Saint". When did you meet him?"

In the 1980s, if there was any profession whose influence could be compared with that of movie stars and poets, it was undoubtedly athletes.

As a well-known national player who won 14 consecutive victories in the National Games and swept through Japanese nine-dan masters, Nie Weiping is very well-known in China.

A few days ago, he won the National Go Championship, which led to this interview with "New Sports".

"I met him by chance." Lin Chaoyang replied.

Tu Mansheng chatted with him for a few words and was about to go upstairs. Lin Chaoyang said, "Old Tu, lend me the magazine."

Tu Mansheng smiled and handed the magazine to Lin Chaoyang. After he left, Lin Chaoyang opened the magazine.

The interview article with Nie Weiping in "New Sports" was on page 10. The title of the interview article was "The Unstoppable New Generation of Go".

The article first describes some events of the National Go Championship that just ended on September 23, then focuses on Nie Weiping, the men's champion, and the various honors he has won in the past six years. Finally, there is an interview with Nie Weiping himself.

The article mentions "Lin Chaoyang" and "The Go Master" in the second half.

"Reporter: Go is a relatively brain-intensive sport. What are your hobbies when you are not playing chess and training?

Nie Weiping: It's not really a hobby. I like to drink a little wine and read books occasionally when I relax.

Reporter: What books have you read recently? What are your thoughts?

Nie Weiping: I read Lin Chaoyang's "The Go Master" a few days ago, which is about Go. The novel is very well written. I especially like Jiangnansheng in it. For us Go players, Jiangnansheng is a very friendly character. Many people in our Go team have some similarities with Jiangnansheng, including myself, so I feel very close to him when I see him.

Reporter: You are national Go players, look Do you feel that this kind of novel about Go does not conform to the common sense of Go?

Nie Weiping: No. My teammates and I all think it is very good. The author is quite professional in Go, and there are no mistakes or absurdities.

I have visited the author before. His Go skills are not bad, and he has his own unique understanding of Go, especially his layout ability, which impressed me and gave me some inspiration.


This interview article has more than 3,000 words, and the number of words mentioned about Lin Chaoyang and "The Chess Master" is only 200 to 300 words. Nie Weiping's evaluation of Lin Chaoyang and "The Chess Master" in it is very high, which can be regarded as worthy of Lin Chaoyang's bloody three games that day.

After reading it, Lin Chaoyang returned the magazine to the journal room.

Lin Chaoyang was happy to be praised by Nie Weiping in the media, but he did not take it to heart. He just mentioned it during the interview.

But things took unexpected changes in places he did not expect.

First of all, in the few days after the new issue of "New Sports" was published, people around him mentioned this matter to him one after another.

The focus of this group of people is that Lin Chaoyang's Go level must be very high to be praised by Nie Weiping, a national Go player and a new generation leader in the domestic Go world!

Then there are changes in public opinion. Some time ago, there were occasional criticisms against "The Chess Master" in the literary world and among readers. Although more people have a favorable attitude towards this novel, these voices cannot be erased.

And as the influence of this issue of "New Sports" continues to ferment, it has an unexpected suppressive effect on those voices criticizing "The Chess Master".

Since the publication of "The Chess Master", Tao Yushu has been paying attention to the outside world's evaluation of this novel. It should be said that this novel is the most controversial work of Lin Chaoyang since he created it, so Tao Yushu has always been particularly careful.

When she found out about this situation, she was naturally happy. That day, she ran to the editorial department of "Yenching Literature" and talked about this matter with Zhang Dening.

"I think this situation is directly related to the publication of Nie Weiping's interview article.

Think about it, he is a national Go player, and he is an authority in this area, right?

Those people say that "The Chess Master" is wrong in this and that. From the perspective of Go alone, do they understand as well as Nie Weiping?

Now that Nie Weiping has praised the novel, these people certainly dare not fart anymore. Besides, even if they dare to fart, someone has to listen!

If Nie Weiping praised other novels, it would not have such a big impact. The key is that "The Chess Master" is about Go.

With this national player certification, at least among the reader group, this novel must be more recognized.

Without the audience, who can those people criticize it for?"

Zhang Dening analyzed it in a mysterious way, which attracted Tao Yushu's frequent nods.

"You are right, it is true. Let Wang Zengqi, Du Pengcheng and other writers praise novels like "The Chess Master". They all start from a literary perspective, and those people can always find faults with you.

But Nie Weiping's starting point is different. He is a professional. It is impossible for those people to find faults with him, and they don't have the ability to find faults with him."

Zhang Dening clapped his hands and said, "Yes, that's the truth. And haven't you noticed? Since Nie Weiping's interview article was published, have more people praised "The Chess Master" and Chaoyang?"

Tao Yushu said happily, "You also noticed? I think this change comes from a sense of identity, just like you like to read a novel, if others also like to read it, you seem to have gained some sense of identity from this novel, and then like this novel more."

"Yes, that's right."

The two of them talked back and forth, singing in unison, talking happily, and the more they talked, the happier they were.

At this time, Yang Mo, the new editor-in-chief of "Yenching Literature", walked into the office. She was in her fifties and looked wealthy and kind.

In the fifties, Yang Mo wrote the popular novel "Song of Youth", becoming a household name in that era.

"Editor-in-chief, let me introduce you to Tao Yushu, who has written several reviews for our magazine before."

Out of courtesy, Zhang Dening did not introduce Tao Yushu's other identity.

Yang Mo had just come to the editorial department for a few days and was not familiar with the personnel and writers of the editorial department. When she heard that Tao Yushu was a young author of the magazine, she chatted with her for a few words.

"What unit do you work in?"

"I haven't started working yet. I'm studying at Yenching Normal University and will graduate in a few months."

When Yang Mo heard that Tao Yushu was a student of Yenching Normal University, he couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

"So you are a top student of Yanshi University. No wonder you write such good reviews. I have read the reviews you published in our magazine. You are studying Chinese, right?"

Tao Yushu smiled and said, "I am studying Chinese. What I wrote is not mature enough. I am sorry to make you laugh."

After chatting for a while, Tao Yushu said goodbye and left. After she left, Yang Mo asked Zhang Dening, "De Ning, I see that you have a good relationship with Comrade Yushu."

Zhang Dening said, "We have known each other for several years. I couldn't introduce her to you in person just now. She is Lin Chaoyang's lover."

Yang Mo said "Oh" with surprise, "So young!"

Zhang Dening chuckled and said, "You Lin Chaoyang is not that old! "

Yang Mo laughed at himself, "Lin Chaoyang is so famous now that I always unconsciously regard him as a writer of the same generation as Liu Xinwu and Jiang Zilong."

Zhang Dening continued, "I met Yu Shu when I went to Lin Chaoyang's house to collect manuscripts. We have been together for a few years and have a pretty good relationship."

"Very good. Your idea is correct. Collecting manuscripts is not only about starting with the writers themselves, but also their family and friends are also channels we can use."

Zhang Dening felt that Editor-in-Chief Yang's words were too naked. What do you mean by "starting" and "channels"? Yu Shu and I are good sisters!

Yang Mo chatted with Zhang Dening for a while and was about to go back to her office, but Zhang Dening followed her back to the office.

"De Ning, do you have anything else to do?" Yang Mo saw Zhang Dening following her and looked at her unexpectedly.

"Yes, there is something."

"Sit down."

Yang Mo asked Zhang Dening to sit down and poured her a cup of tea.

I thought Zhang Dening was going to talk about the editorial department, but she unexpectedly brought the topic back to Tao Yushu.

"Yushu is a top student at Yanshi University and will graduate this year. I had an idea before, planning to bring her to our editorial department to work, mainly for several reasons.

First, she studied literature, graduated from a prestigious university, and can write beautiful reviews, which is exactly what our editorial department needs.

Second, her relationship with Lin Chaoyang. If we want to collect manuscripts from Lin Chaoyang in the future, it will be much easier to have Yushu's relationship..."

When Zhang Dening was talking, Yang Mo listened quietly, without any emotion on his face.

"The third, and most important, is that Lin Chaoyang is popular, you may not know..."

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