Literary Master 1978

Chapter 295 Life is so unfair!

As soon as July arrives, the sun is as hot as fire.

It’s past seven in the morning, and the sun has already risen so high that just riding a bicycle to work has already made many people sweat.

Ma Weidu parked his bicycle in the garage and walked into the dormitory building with his black briefcase under his arm.

"Youth Literature" is affiliated to China Youth Publishing House. It has not been in existence for a long time at this time, and the office conditions are tight. It is located in the dormitory building of China Youth Society in No. 21 Dongsijiu Tiao Yard.

Ma Weidu entered the building and climbed all the way to the sixth floor. He pushed open the door of the editorial department with some breathlessness.

The editorial department is said to be an office, but in fact it is a small three-bedroom apartment. Each room is crowded with the editors' desks, chairs, various office supplies, and manuscripts.

Ma Weidu came into the room with sweat on his forehead. He was about to share the good news with his colleagues, but he saw several colleagues gathered together and chattering, their expressions full of excitement.

"What are you so happy about?" Ma Weidu asked.

Chen Hao was once the director of the editorial department and was considered a leader. He smiled and said to Ma Weidu: "In a few days, the editorial department will organize a summer creative class for young authors, which will last for one month."

Ma Weidu immediately became happy after hearing this and asked, "Where is the location?"


"Qingdao? It's just the right time to go to the beach in summer!"

Listening to Ma Weidu's words, Chen Hao once pretended to be serious and said: "The creative class is for writers to produce works. Do you think it is for you to travel around?"

After getting carried away and being scolded, Ma Wei could only restrain his smile, "Hey, I'm just being happy, it's not my turn anyway."

Generally, when the editorial department engages in such activities, the editor-in-chief has to preside over the work and cannot go there. They are basically led by senior members of the editorial department, which can be regarded as an invisible benefit for veteran comrades.

Ma Weidu is a young editor who has only been in the editorial department for a short time. This kind of thing is basically out of his reach, and he is also very self-aware.

Seeing that Chen Haozeng's face was still serious, Ma Weidu said again: "Director, don't be angry yet, I will show you something good!"

"What good stuff?"

Ma Wei didn't answer his question, but took out a manuscript from his briefcase.

Chen Haozeng thought he had gotten some novel manuscript. It looked like a short story, so he asked, "Whose novel is it?"

"It's not a novel, it's a review."

"Comment? How come you're so good at asking for a review?"

Ma Weidu chuckled twice, said nothing, and said, "You will know after you see it."

Chen Hao once took the manuscript and looked at it carefully. The first thing he noticed was the title of the article - "Gao Jialin talks about how to shape the image of contemporary rural characters."

The name "Gao Jialin" is certainly not unfamiliar to Chen Haozeng. "Life" itself was a manuscript arranged by China Youth Society and Lu Yao, and now the novel has been published in "Harvest", with rave reviews and constant discussions in the literary world.

Judging from the title, it is another review of "Life", but it seems that the scope of the discussion should be wider than ordinary reviews.

Then Chen Haozeng noticed the signature on the lower right side of the title - Xu Lingjun.

"Huh?" He made a surprised sound and looked at Ma Weidu with a surprised face, "This manuscript...did you invite me here?"

Ma Weidu looked at Chen Haozeng's expression and felt extremely relieved.

He pretended to be modest and said: "Yes! It just so happens that Comrade Chaoyang has a good relationship with Comrade Lu Yao. I recently wrote to Comrade Lu Yao to discuss some ideas about "Life". I came to ask for a manuscript, and he sorted out his thoughts. Come out and leave it to me.”

After listening to Ma Weidu's words, Chen Haozeng said with a smile: "His manuscripts are not easy to get appointments for."

The implication was that he was praising Ma Weidu, which made Ma Weidu feel secretly happy.

With Lin Chaoyang's current popularity and influence, if a publication or magazine sincerely requests a manuscript from him, it will usually send a more senior editor, or simply the editor-in-chief or deputy editor-in-chief to come forward.

Ma Weidou, a new recruit, went to make appointments for drafts, which could easily give the other party the impression of being disrespected.

Don’t think that literati are all gentlemen. In fact, most people are petty!

Therefore, Chen Haozeng's words also contained a kind of disapproval. He really did not expect that Ma Wei could get Lin Chaoyang's manuscript, even a review.

And it seems that this review is quite "affordable".

Chen Haozeng was very familiar with Lin Chaoyang's works and knew that he rarely wrote reviews, so he was full of curiosity and expectation for this review.

"Let me take a look first."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Ma Weidu's reaction, found a chair, sat down, and immersed himself in the article.

While Chen Haozeng was reviewing the manuscript, Ma Weidu started the day's work talking and laughing with his colleagues.

Chen Haozeng spent more than 20 minutes carefully reading the article from beginning to end. His face showed his appreciation and joy at seeing the excellent work. He raised his eyes and looked towards Ma Weidu.


"Hey, Director!"

"What do you think of this article?" Chen Haozeng did not express his opinion, but wanted to take the exam for the young man Ma Weitu.

Ma Weidu pondered and said: "The article's analysis of the content of "Life" and the character of Gao Jialin is very penetrating. It also has good advice on how to shape the image of contemporary rural characters. It is a rare good article."

Chen Haozeng looked at Ma Weidu with a smile on his face, "Your evaluation is quite high."

"Director, these are my true thoughts. Please criticize and correct me more." Ma Weidu narrowed his eyes and said humbly.

Chen Haozeng nodded, "The summary is in place, but the perspective should be wider."

Ma Weidu was a little proud. After hearing what Chen Haozeng said, he couldn't help but said, "Then tell me about it and let me learn from it."

His tone was 70% asking for advice and 30% dissatisfied.

Chen Haozeng didn't pay attention to his tone, his expression was calm.

"You should have seen the recent reviews of "Life" in some magazines. Generally speaking, most critics are critical of the character Gao Jialin.

But in Xu Lingjun's article, it can be clearly seen that his attitude towards Gao Jialin is very neutral. He not only recognizes the positive parts of Gao Jialin, but also tolerates Gao Jialin's flaws.

These two attitudes seem to be the reviewer's views on the work and the characters, but in fact they are a collision between two discourse systems. "

Ma Weidu originally thought that Chen Hao was trying to be mysterious and try to suppress his enthusiasm, but when he heard that Chen Hao mentioned the "discourse system", his face couldn't help but become serious.

When he picked up the manuscript yesterday, he praised the article in front of Lin Chaoyang. Although there was some flattery in it, it was generally true.

During the exchange between the two, Lin Chaoyang mentioned some of Lu Yao's creative insights on "Life", including some of Lu Yao's views on the times and society.

Although Ma Weidu had also read "Life", when he listened to Lin Chaoyang's analysis of the novel, he felt that what he thought about was really superficial.

Ma Weidu had also heard the word "discourse system" from Lin Chaoyang's mouth. Today, Chen Haozeng and Lin Chaoyang mentioned this word at the same time. Ma Weidu would never think that this was just a coincidence.

Without a deep understanding of the works and articles, how could Chen Haozeng and Lin Chaoyang think of going together?

"We can roughly divide these two systems into old and new. The outlook on life of young people since 1949 has emphasized overcoming three major differences: the difference between urban and rural areas, the difference between workers and peasants, and the difference between physical labor and mental labor.

In the old discourse system, Gao Jialin's personal pursuit made these three differences particularly glaring and unacceptable.

But under the new socialist modernization process established after the reform and opening up, doesn’t Gao Jialin’s longing for the city and yearning for modern civilization conform to the development logic of replacing backwardness with the advanced?

Some critics are accustomed to judging others from a moral perspective, which is questionable.

If a person has moral flaws, then he does not deserve to have a good life. If this logic makes sense, then does everyone have the power to criticize and judge others indefinitely?

Of course, I have no intention to defend Gao Jialin's behavior, I just want to express my feelings about the points in the article.

Rather than criticizing and spurning Gao Jialin's behavior, shouldn't it be more important to dig out the deeper reasons behind it? "

Chen Hao once talked eloquently about Lin Chaoyang's article, and Ma Wei was convinced. He recalled what Lin Chaoyang said to him yesterday, and it could almost be said that they coincided with each other.

Thinking of this, Ma Weidu couldn't help but have some admiration for Chen Hao.

Sure enough, ginger is still as spicy as ever!

"Director, what you said is great!"

Chen Hao once laughed and scolded: "Stop flattering me, are you still convinced?"

"Look what you said, when have I ever been unconvinced?"

Ma Weidu joked and asked Chen Haozeng: "When will this article be published?"

Chen Hao Zeng hesitated after hearing this, "Take down the review for the fourth issue and replace it with this one. Taking advantage of the popularity of "Life", we will also add fuel to it."


Ma Weidu was excited. Lin Chaoyang was the most famous writer he had invited since joining the editorial department of "Youth Literature". This article had received such high praise from the director, and he was really happy.

Seeing Ma Weidu's happy expression, Chen Hao once praised: "This manuscript is a good appointment. I will continue to work hard in the future. The first time will be the second time, and I will try to get an appointment for Xu Lingjun's novel!"


Ma Wei couldn't help but raise his head and chest, and responded loudly.

Summer vacation is approaching, and the final exams for all departments of YSU have ended. Students of all grades are preparing to go home, while the students of Class 1978 are preparing for their graduation.

That morning, several students from the Chinese Department of Class 78, headed by Zhang Manling, came to the library excitedly and found Lin Chaoyang. They had just determined their graduation assignments.

Zhang Manling published novels such as "There is a Beautiful Place" and "Clouds" in "Yanjing Literature" this year and became a slightly famous writer. Her graduation thesis used Lin Chaoyang's "Shutter Island" as the research object. She studied at Yanjing University Won the first prize for outstanding graduation thesis in the review.

With such outstanding results, she was assigned to the Tianjin Literary Association as a professional writer.

It is the dream of almost every literature major to be assigned to a literary association to become a professional writer as soon as he graduates.

Whether it was the publication of her work or the award-winning graduation thesis, Zhang Manling believed that she had benefited from Lin Chaoyang, so she was full of gratitude to Lin Chaoyang.

Lin Chaoyang didn't feel much about Zhang Manling's gratitude. His help was just a little effort.

After chatting with Zhang Manling for a few words, Lin Chaoyang asked about the distribution destinations of other people.

Zhang Manling was very proud of her success, and Liu Zhenyun was very envious of her. He had been a literary youth for four years in college. He wrote countless words, but very few of them were published, and he has not written anything famous so far.

Lin Chaoyang asked him about his job, and he said lightly that he was assigned to the Farmers' Daily. Lin Chaoyang smiled and said, "Isn't that great? It's a good match for your major."

Liu Zhenyun said, "If possible, I want to switch with Manling."

"I won't switch with you!"

The conversation between the two made everyone laugh. Lin Chaoyang comforted him and said, "The road of writing is not a 100-meter race, but a marathon. You are still so young. As long as you keep writing, you will definitely achieve results."

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, Liu Zhenyun couldn't help but think of the year when he just entered college.

That year, Lin Chaoyang had just published his famous work "The Shepherd", and Liu Zhenyun had just met him. He subconsciously thought that Lin Chaoyang, as a librarian, was a few years older than him.

Later, when Lin Chaoyang invited him to dinner, he realized that he was one year older than Lin Chaoyang.

The past was vivid in his mind. Liu Zhenyun looked at his still young face and felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

I run the marathon at the speed of a marathon, and you run the marathon at the speed of a 100-meter race.

Life is so unfair!

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