Literary Master 1978

Chapter 31 Is it so difficult to write a novel?

On the third weekend of October, after returning from get out of class on Saturday, Tao Yushu actually said that she was going out the next day. Lin Chaoyang was so happy that he thought his wife had come to her senses and was going out to have some fun.

But she was told that Wangfujing Bookstore would have a batch of "Foreign Literature Classics Series" tomorrow, and she had to go early to queue up to grab the books.

Queuing up to grab books is a fantasy in later generations.

But in the period from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s, it was the most normal thing.

The depression of having no books to read for ten years is unimaginable for later generations. After 1976, the people's spiritual pursuits that had been suppressed for many years were released, and bookstores became a must-visit place for many people in that era during their leisure time.

Especially in the first few years of reform and opening up, domestic printing paper was very tight, causing the printing volume of various publishing houses to be unable to increase, which made this enthusiasm for reading even tighter.

So much so that whenever a bookstore received a batch of new books, there would be a long queue in front of the bookstore from early in the morning, sometimes even stretching for two miles, and it was common to queue for a long time but not be able to buy a book.

Early in the morning, Lin Chaoyang was pulled out of bed by Tao Yushu to go buy books with her. They arrived at the entrance of Wangfujing Bookstore before seven o'clock, and the line was almost a mile long.

Tao Yushu looked at the crowd in front of him and was very anxious, "Oh, I should have skipped dinner earlier."

The couple got up at 5:30, ate, and washed up before riding their bicycles. Unexpectedly, there were many people who were more involuntarily than them.

As long as there is a troublemaker, others can't live in peace. This is the disadvantage of excessive involution.

"No matter how important it is to buy books, you can't skip meals!" Lin Chaoyang comforted.

The two of them lined up until eight o'clock with a glimmer of luck. As soon as the bookstore opened, the crowd rushed forward to grab it.

When it was their turn, the new books had already been sold out.

"With just a pair of eyes, can you read so many books?" Tao Yushu looked at someone happily leaving the bookstore with more than a dozen books, his eyes almost nailed into that person, and his tone was angry.

"Wife, it's not necessary, it's not necessary, we are all the people, we are our own people." Lin Chaoyang was really afraid that Tao Yushu would rush up and cause trouble for others, "Ms. Hu from the library is married to someone from Xinhua Bookstore, I will ask her to buy you a few copies of this book later."

Tao Yushu let go of her obsession and regained her rationality, "It's not worth it to worry about favors for a few books, at most I can go to the library to borrow books to read."

Books borrowed should not be taken seriously, these days the popular books in the library are not in the library all year round, and the "Foreign Literature Classics Series" happens to be one of them.

After failing to buy the books, the two did not go home, but went to the cinema.

This October, the old man visited Japan, and then several major cities in China held the "First Japanese Film Week Event", showing three films, "The Chase", "Homesickness" and "The Fox Story", and then "The Chase" was introduced by the Shanghai Translation Studio.

These two days, "The Chase" has just been screened on a large scale in domestic cinemas, which immediately caused a sensation.

Usually, when Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu go to the movies, she is always not interested. It's not that she is not interested in movies, but the movies shown in the dining room are all old movies, and she has no idea how many times she has seen them.

"The Chase" is a Japanese movie, and it is the first time it has been introduced to China, so Tao Yushu naturally wants to watch it.

For domestic moviegoers in the 1970s, the appearance of "The Chase" is nothing short of a visual feast.

The high-rise buildings and modern facilities that stand everywhere in the film, the suspenseful nature of escape movies, the ups and downs of the characters' fate between law and human nature... All the elements of "The Chase" have fascinated domestic audiences of this era.

The movie just ended, and the female comrades who walked out were either discussing the tall, handsome, and tough Du Qiu, the innocent and lovely rich lady Mayumi, or the skyscrapers and car phones in the movie.

Tao Yushu opened her mouth and said, "The four islands of Japan have developed to this extent in the thirty years after the war!"

Lin Chaoyang looked at her expression of concern for the country and the people, and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Tao Yushu looked serious.

"Nothing." Lin Chaoyang became serious, "Japan can develop mainly because it has a good father..."

The golden autumn of October passed quickly, and on this day Lin Chaoyang finally waited for the manuscript fee bill he had been thinking about.

The full text of "The Shepherd" is nearly 17,000 words. The editorial department of "Yenching Literature and Art" gave him a standard of 5 yuan per thousand words, a total of 85 yuan, which is almost catching up with Lin Chaoyang's two-month salary.

The small treasury has become rich!

The manuscript fee bill was sent by Chen Jiangong, and now he is almost the contact station between Lin Chaoyang and "Yenching Literature and Art".

"Let's go, Jiangong, I'll treat you to dinner!"

After getting the manuscript fee bill, Lin Chaoyang must treat everyone to dinner. Recently, he has asked Chen Jiangong for help.

But Chen Jiangong didn't care about eating, "I won't eat, you can help me look at the manuscript first."

Lin Chaoyang almost forgot that he promised to be a consultant for "Weiming Lake". He took the manuscript from Chen Jiangong and read it carefully.

"Written by your classmates?"

"Written by Liu Zhenyun from the 78th grade."

"There are a lot of problems!"

"Jianying and Xiaoping said the same thing. They both felt that there were too many problems and there was no need to revise it. It would be better to just return it to him. I thought that my junior brother had just started on this path, so I shouldn't be so unkind. Do you think it can be revised?"

Lin Chaoyang touched his chin, his face thoughtful, "It needs to be revised."

He took out the pen from his breast pocket, unscrewed the cap, and asked Chen Jiangong specifically before writing, "Can you write?"

"Can, can, can!"

Lin Chaoyang is willing to help review the manuscript, which is the best thing.

Chen Jiangong now has full trust in Lin Chaoyang due to the previous revision of the draft.

He looked down at Lin Chaoyang who kept writing, making marks and annotations on the manuscript that was already full of words. Within a few minutes, a page of manuscript paper was already filled with densely packed revision requests.

Repeat this several times, and all the problems in the manuscript will be clearly marked.

He handed the manuscript back to Chen Jiangong and said, "Let him revise it accordingly."

Chen Jiangong exclaimed: "Chaoyang, if you are an editor, you must be a famous editor."

"My level is not good enough!"

The two said a few words, and Lin Chaoyang returned to the library. Chen Jiangong looked at the densely packed words on the manuscript again.

I can only sigh in my heart that some people are really born with sensitivity to words.

Room 334, Building 32, Yan University, is not only the activity venue of the May 4th Literary Society, but also the editorial office of "Weiming Lake" magazine.

The May Fourth Literary Club has been established for more than a month. It consists of four groups: criticism, novels and prose, drama and folk arts, and poetry. The first batch of members includes more than 90 members, including the vast majority of students majoring in Chinese in the Chinese Department of 77th and 78th grade. , as well as some literary youths from the external department.

As the vice president of the literary club, Chen Jiangong is in charge of the novel prose group and is also the editor of "Weiming Lake". In addition to him, Zha Jianying and Wang Xiaoping, both grade 77, are also editors of "Weiming Lake", and Zou Shifang, who is also the vice president, is the editor-in-chief.

When Chen Jiangong came back, the two were chatting with Lin Chaoyang. In the morning, Zhang Dening came to the class to find Chen Jiangong. They thought Chen Jiangong had published a new work. Everyone gathered around Chen Jiangong to ask, but he refused to tell.

After everyone had dispersed, Chen Jiangong told his classmates who knew Lin Chaoyang wrote novels that Zhang Dening was sending Lin Chaoyang's manuscript fee bill this time.

"I really didn't realize before that Lin Chaoyang was quite capable and could actually publish a novel in Yanjing Literature and Art." Zha Jianying said.

She and Wang Xiaoping are both from Yanjing, and their family background is extraordinary. In addition, she was admitted to the Chinese Department of Yan University and is an active member of the department, so her usual speech will have a sense of superiority, this kind of involuntary superiority. I can't say I'm mean.

Wang Xiaoping said: "Don't you think he is arrogant?"

"Arrogant? I didn't notice it, but he is quite easy-going."

"I think he is quite arrogant. Do you remember the first time we met at Zhongting?"

"Remember, Yew Chung introduced me!"

Wang Xiaoping recalled: "According to my observation, he should have read all the poems we recited. But when I asked him if he liked poetry, he told me that he liked our poetry recitation. Please appreciate this. !”

Zha Jianying frowned and thought, "When you say that, it seems to be quite a bit."

At this time, Chen Jiangong laughed and said, "You lesbians are so attentive that you remember even such details."

Zha Jianying said with a smile: "You are observing her so carefully! I look at her, she is full of love. No wonder she took the initiative to talk to people the day she met Lin Chaoyang."

Wang Xiaoping stood up hurriedly and covered her mouth, "I told you to talk nonsense!"

Chen Jiangong quickly stopped the two of them from messing around and put the manuscript in his hand on the table, "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, let's get down to business first."

He pointed at the manuscript and said: "You two said that Liu Zhenyun's "A Night in the Melon Field" could not be saved. I mentioned it to Chaoyang when I submitted the manuscript fee bill, and he reviewed it."

Zha Jianying picked up the manuscript and was startled by the dense handwriting on the manuscript. "There are almost more comments than the main text!"

Wang Xiaoping also came over, "He approved all this? How patient he is!"

Zha Jianying glanced at her, resisted teasing her, and asked Chen Jiangong: "It's almost time to ask Liu Zhenyun to write it again. Is it necessary?"

"Yes, why not?"

Chen Jiangong has been writing novels for several years and knows the ropes very well. “If you don’t point out the problem to him, he may never know what his problem is. It’s better to revise it once than to write it ten times. How many people have perfect articles?” ? Good writers are made through change!"

This time, before Cha Jianying could speak, Wang Xiaoping spoke first. She kept staring at the comments on the manuscript while the two of them were talking.

"Brother Lin is very good at reviewing manuscripts!"

"Have you noticed this?" Zha Jianying still couldn't help teasing.

"Look at this paragraph..." Wang Xiaoping pointed at the manuscript seriously.

In fact, any professional editor could give Lin Chaoyang’s review comments on Liu Zhenyun’s manuscript. Many senior editors may be able to pick out more problems than him.

But in the eyes of Zha Jianying and Wang Xiaoping, these two people, this is already very powerful.

When they were almost done pointing at the manuscript, Chen Jiangong took the manuscript and wanted to send it to Liu Zhenyun.

Just as he was about to go out, he ran into his classmates.

"Liang Zuo!"

"Jian Gong, are you going out?"

"Well, send the manuscript. You come..."

Liang Zuo wore glasses and had a chubby face. He smiled and said, "I will also send you manuscripts."

"Okay, I have to take a good look at the work of a great talent like you. Just wait for me." Chen Jiangong turned to Wang Xiaoping and shouted: "Xiaoping, take a look at Liang Zuo's manuscript first. I'll be back later."


Chen Jiangong returned to the dormitory building, found Liu Zhenyun, and returned the manuscript to him.

Looking at the densely packed comments on the manuscript, Liu Zhenyun felt numb.

Is writing a novel so difficult?

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