Literary Master 1978

Chapter 330 This is too stingy

The next day, the delegation went to the Chinese University of Hong Kong for exchanges. Facing Tolo Harbor, it is surrounded by mountains and the sea, with many trees and birds, and a strong cultural atmosphere.

Compared with socializing and dining with social elites and celebrities, the atmosphere in the university made the delegation members more relaxed.

The exchange meeting was held in the library of CUHK. The New Asia College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong is equivalent to the Chinese Department or Chinese College of ordinary universities. Among them, there are many professors who came to Hong Kong from the mainland.

It stands to reason that the mainland writers' delegation came to CUHK for exchanges, and it should be received by the professors of New Asia College.

However, due to political reasons, these professors of New Asia College did not come forward. The mainland writers' delegation was received by Dr. Yan Dawei, the director of the CUHK Library.

He is British, speaks English and Cantonese, and his Mandarin is very ordinary. He made an opening speech in Mandarin, which confused the writers.

In the end, it was changed to English, and then the WS staff accompanying the delegation translated it.

Led by Yan Dawei, the delegation visited the campus and the library, and then held a small exchange meeting in the conference room of the library.

Many students came to the exchange meeting. Today, young people in Hong Kong are different from those in later generations. Many people have a certain degree of recognition for the country, so the exchange meeting was very pleasant.

Lin Chaoyang also saw two familiar faces at the meeting. After asking, he found out that they were students who visited Yan University two years ago.

At the end of the exchange meeting, it was the session for students to communicate with mainland writers. Lin Chaoyang received the most attention and questions.

His "Death of Van Gogh" was published by the Hong Kong Chinese University Press. Although it did not cause much response in society, it had a great influence in the cultural circle, especially on the campus of CUHK.

Many students present even brought books published by CUHK. After the exchange meeting, these students surrounded him and asked for autographs.

Originally, the exchange meeting was over and the delegation should have left. Because of this accident, everyone had to wait a few more minutes.

Jin Ying stood outside the crowd, and her face was full of envy, "Chaoyang is still popular!"

The delegation of more than a dozen writers came to Hong Kong. Most of them were unknown in Hong Kong. After all, there has not been much cultural exchange between the two places in recent years. Generally, the works of mainland writers will not be published or published in Hong Kong.

The three people who were truly treated with courtesy because of their reputation or works were Lin Chaoyang, Xiao Jun and Ye Junjian.

Xiao Jun and Ye Junjian were famous early because they were older. In those years, the cultural exchanges between China and Hong Kong were still smooth, and the Hong Kong cultural circle and older readers were no strangers to them.

However, Lin Chaoyang was an exception in the delegation. He was the only writer in the delegation who had published works in Hong Kong since the new era.

The influence of his works was not great, but he gained a wave of high-quality readers.

"Don't worry, you are so young. When you write good works, you can publish them in Hong Kong in the future, and there will be such readers."

Deng Youmei encouraged her with a smile.

Jin Ying joked with him for a few words, but she didn't agree with Deng Youmei's words in her heart.

Publishing and being popular are two different things. Her works may be published in Hong Kong in the future, but it is not easy to achieve the level of popularity like Lin Chaoyang.

Because during the exchange just now, Jin Ying noticed a detail. When talking about "The Death of Van Gogh", many students mentioned the "alternative" of this novel, which was very different from what they thought was written by mainland writers.

Not only is the content about foreign artists, but the form and technique of expression are also novel, which seems to be more in line with the tastes of these young people.

She thought that this might be the reason why "The Death of Van Gogh" is popular among these students.

While talking, Lin Chaoyang dealt with the enthusiastic students of Zhongda University and reunited with everyone.

Then the delegation came to Hong Kong University for a visit. Everyone had a meal at the school first. The scene in the afternoon was almost a replica of Hong Kong Chinese University.

The delegation returned to the hotel in the evening. When they were having dinner, the hotel service staff came to say that someone at the front desk was looking for Lin Chaoyang.

Lin Chaoyang looked puzzled, said something to Xiao Jun, and was accompanied to the hotel lobby by WS staff Xiao Zhong.

Waiting here was a gentle middle-aged man with an oily head. When he saw Lin Chaoyang, he first introduced himself.

"I am Dong Qiao, and now I am the editor-in-chief of Ming Pao. Today, I am entrusted by Mr. Cha to give you a gift."

When Dong Qiao introduced "Ming Pao", Lin Chaoyang immediately knew his purpose.

When the two exchanged greetings, Lin Chaoyang couldn't help but look at Dong Qiao. This man is not an ordinary person.

In addition to being a senior journalist, Dong Qiao is also a writer, specializing in prose.

His writing is majestic, elegant and vigorous, with profound and meaningful knowledge and lively interest, and is highly respected in the Chinese literary world of later generations.

Dong Qiao's writing career began in the 1970s. Now he has some reputation in the literary world of Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places, but his fame is not greater than that of his position as the editor-in-chief of Ming Pao.

He is a close friend of Jin Yong. Since he was employed by Ming Pao in 1980, he has achieved remarkable results in the past few years. As the editor-in-chief, he has earned an annual salary of one million Hong Kong dollars, which has always been a topic of great interest in the Hong Kong news industry.

While Lin Chaoyang was looking at Dong Qiao, Dong Qiao was also observing him.

Dong Qiao said that he came here to help Jin Yong deliver books today, but how could Jin Yong bother his right-hand man for such a small matter? In fact, Dong Qiao came here on his own initiative.

"Mr. Lin, I have been friends with you for a long time!"

Dong Qiao works at "Ming Pao" and is also connected with the Chinese University of Hong Kong. When "The Death of Van Gogh" was published by CUHK Press, he received a sample book.

The reason why Zhongda Publishing House gave him the sample book was also very simple. It wanted Dong Qiao to help write a book review.

Dong Qiao liked the novel very much after reading it. At that time, he wrote an article "Van Gogh's Fatalism" and published it in Ming Pao, which attracted the attention of many people in the cultural circle.

It should be said that the fact that "The Death of Van Gogh" has caused such a response in the cultural circles of Hong Kong has something to do with Dong Qiao's book review.

Only then did Lin Chaoyang realize that the book review in "Ming Pao" mentioned by Jin Yong two days ago was written by Dong Qiao.

He expressed his gratitude to Dong Qiao, who said politely: "Everyone likes excellent works. It's not just me. I remember that several colleagues in the industry were full of praise for your works."

Lin Chaoyang said with a smile: "I remember that my friend brought me a copy of "Suye Literature" edited by Ms. Xixi, and there were also comments on "The Death of Van Gogh". I really appreciate the support from my colleagues in Hong Kong."

After the two chatted for a while, Dong Qiao took out the sample book of "The Death of Van Gogh" he was talking about. The edges of the cover of the book had some wear and tear, which showed that he had actually read it.

"It's rare to see you, the author, please sign your name for me." Dong Qiaoyan made a request with a smile.

Lin Chaoyang said politely and happily wrote on the title page of the book. He subconsciously wanted to write the word "gift", but realized that this book was not given to Dong Qiao by him.

He smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "I will definitely give you this book when I get the chance next time."

"Looking forward to our next meeting."

Dong Qiao joked and handed over to Lin Chaoyang a set of Jin Yong's complete works published by Ming Pao Publishing House.

Lin Chaoyang accepted the books and noticed that each book was signed by Jin Yong, thinking that this time his uncle's task was overfulfilled.

"Thank you Mr. Cha for me."


After giving away the books, Lin Chaoyang thought that the matter should end here, but unexpectedly Dong Qiao said again: "Mr. Lin, I have another purpose for coming here this time."

Lin Chaoyang looked at him, waiting for his next words.

Dong Qiao said: "After your book "The Death of Van Gogh" was published, it has been well received in the cultural circles of Hong Kong. But unfortunately, the circulation of Zhongda Publishing House is not large. It seems to be a one-time publishing contract?"

"That's right."

"Why don't Mr. Lin give the publishing rights of "The Death of Van Gogh" in Hong Kong to our Ming Pao Publishing House? Our Ming Pao Publishing House is backed by the Ming Pao Newspaper Group and has strong strength.

If your work is distributed by us, its sales and influence will definitely reach higher levels. "

Whether it's sending books or signing, it's all incidental. This is the most important purpose of Dong Qiao's visit today.

Lin Chaoyang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it was indeed Mr. Jin Yong's style!

However, if a publishing house wants to publish his book, he will naturally not refuse.

Can you not make money if you have money?

"Your newspaper is the leading media organization in Hong Kong. I am naturally willing to cooperate with your newspaper."

Lin Chaoyang did not hesitate and directly showed his willingness to cooperate.

"The Death of Van Gogh" is a work that has been published for several years. There is not much worth discussing about its re-publication. The only thing that needs to be discussed is the issue of royalties.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press is a non-profit organization and offered Lin Chaoyang a manuscript fee of HK$300 per thousand words.

Ming Pao Publishing House is a private company, and Dong Qiao offers a 5% royalty.

When Lin Chaoyang heard this number, he sighed again in his heart, it was indeed Jin Yong!

This is too stingy!

A commercial publishing house gives authors a 5% royalty. Although the mainland does not currently implement a royalty system, this figure is definitely at the bottom of the scale in Hong Kong.

"This price... is too low!"

Lin Chaoyang's tone was not intense, but the deep meaning in his expression made Dong Qiao a little embarrassed.

The two had a pleasant conversation just now. Dong Qiao showed great appreciation for Lin Chaoyang. Now when it came to the issue of money, the price was so low that it felt like a slap in the face.

But who let him meet a stingy boss?

Dong Qiao sighed inwardly and said to Lin Chaoyang: "Actually, this price is not low. You may not know that the manuscript fees in the Xiangjiang literary world are not high. Some newcomers only charge fifty or sixty yuan per thousand words."

Lin Chaoyang did not answer Dong Qiao's words, but asked:

“I have heard of the royalty system before, and I think this system is quite good. The author and the publisher share the risks.

But since the risk is shared, we can’t let the writer only bear the risk, right? "

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