Literary Master 1978

Chapter 365 Witnessing the historical process of the development of Chinese literature

Li Tuo loves making friends and always seems to be at ease in such occasions. After listening to his suggestions and persuasion, everyone agreed.

"This is a good proposal! The concept of 'the root of literature' is so good and so big. We need to talk about it well and thoroughly!" Zhang Wei said happily.

Li Hangyu also said: "It's worth the trip to hear such insightful views!"

A group of young writers were still excited about Lin Chaoyang's unfinished speech at the meeting, and they were looking forward to the meeting in the evening.

Since the 1980s, influenced by the ideological liberation of the cultural circle, various trends in the literary circle have continued to rise one after another, but overall they cannot be separated from the influence of Western modernism.

Some people advocate rewriting literary history, some people attach importance to methodology, and some people want to modernize literature...

Various schools of thought in literary creation have emerged, and various methodologies in theory have also emerged.

Everyone is eager to absorb foreign knowledge, all kinds of knowledge, but everyone will inevitably fall into confusion. How much of it is worth learning and promoting in the mud and sand?

The writers who came to the symposium today are all writers who have emerged in the literary world in recent years. There are not only the mainstays of the contemporary literary world, but also the stars of tomorrow.

Although Lin Chaoyang's speech was not very long, everyone still felt the power from it, which is a power that can lead the creation of contemporary literature.

Compared with the enthusiastic response of young writers, some of the seniors present today seemed much calmer.

Mainly because there are not many senior writers who came this time, and they all have official identities. They came this time to support the symposium.

Lin Chaoyang's views are not to say that they are against the Tiangang, but they are definitely not related to the theme of the meeting. The most important thing is that he has messed up the topic, so that the writers attending the meeting have all focused on him, and no one cares about the main topic.

While the young writers were talking about it, Zhang Guangnian and Wang Meng, Tang Yin and other old comrades gathered together, feeling very uncomfortable.

"I'm not saying anything bad about you, why did you call him here?" Tang Yin complained to Zhang Guangnian.

"This is a national literary conference. So many young writers are here. How can he not come?" Zhang Guangnian retorted.

He said angrily: "This guy usually looks honest. Who knows what will happen to him today? Oh, I was careless!"

Wang Meng said: "It seems that you still don't know him, Zhang. Chaoyang is very left-wing in some aspects!"

"No, why do I feel he is right-wing?" Tang Yin retorted.

Zhang Guangnian was troubled by their diametrically opposed arguments. "I think he is neither left nor right, but nationalism first."

Tang Yin worriedly said, "If Chaoyang's speech today gets out, I'm afraid there will be a big discussion!"

Wang Meng laughed and said, "This is not a bad thing. At least these remarks were made during the symposium, which can be regarded as adding some topics to this symposium."

Zhang Guangnian sighed. He would rather not have such topics. When he thought that the Literary Association had arranged such a table, and in the end, it was all taken up by Lin Chaoyang, he felt indescribable discomfort in his heart.

"Don't bring this kid to the meeting in the future! He is too good at stealing the limelight!"

"I support it!"

"Second the motion!"

The National Symposium on Rural Theme Novel Creation is a national literary conference with many guests and a long meeting period of three days.

The symposium started as usual that afternoon, but there was an undercurrent in the calm atmosphere.

Zhang Guangnian and his people knew that those people were looking forward to the unofficial meeting in the evening.

During the meeting, he couldn't help but take a short break and cast his eyes on Lin Chaoyang.

This kid was still in a state of wandering, and there was no trace of the spirit that stirred up the storm in the morning.

Zhang Guangnian couldn't help but be curious, and didn't know what this kid could say in the evening?

After the afternoon meeting, Li Tuo asked Lin Chaoyang during dinner, "Chaoyang, are you ready for what you will say in the evening?"

"What is there to prepare?"

Li Tuo didn't know how to answer Lin Chaoyang's question. He gave Lin Chaoyang a thumbs up, "Good! Keep this momentum, more stylish than Lao Zhang!"


Lin Chaoyang was certainly not arrogant, but he did not need to prepare the content of the speech for the meeting, because the content was already in his mind.

After dinner, many writers returned to the venue spontaneously without anyone deliberately summoning them.

People walked into the venue intermittently. In less than ten minutes, most of the writers attending the meeting appeared in the venue.

Li Tuo silently counted the number of people in his heart. He didn't expect that Lin Chaoyang's remarks would have such weight in the hearts of these writers. He couldn't help but feel a warm and excited feeling in his heart.

Not only him, but the writers present were also very excited.

Lin Chaoyang's speech in the morning was less than 20 minutes in total. If he spoke some polite words or routines, it would naturally seem lengthy, but he threw out a proposition that refreshed everyone present.

"The root of literature", what a big proposition!

After this afternoon of communication, many writers present have summarized the theme of Lin Chaoyang's speech in the morning.

In tonight's meeting, Lin Chaoyang will continue to follow this theme and continue to elaborate on this grand proposition for everyone. When thinking of this, it is difficult for everyone not to be excited.

Because it was an informal meeting and there was no host, Li Tuo volunteered to make a temporary guest appearance.

He simply stated a few words and then handed over the right to speak to Lin Chaoyang.

"I really didn't expect that my speech in the morning would arouse such great interest from everyone. Thank you all for coming so late at night to listen to me talk about some of my personal opinions."

Lin Chaoyang spoke with a relaxed tone and a low posture. This is his usual style and makes people feel very comfortable.

“My remarks in the morning were relatively rough, but the overall meaning was what I said. Now that you ask me to speak again, I can’t come up with anything new.

As for the concept of "roots of literature", everyone understands it when I mention it. It's just that due to political reasons, few people in the cultural circles mentioned it before. "

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, many people present nodded slightly in approval.

"We discuss national culture. Our national culture at this stage is undoubtedly the weakest period in the long history of this country and nation. The last such weak period should be around the May Fourth Movement.

The May 4th Movement had undeniable progressive significance in social change, but it also brought about a drawback, which was a relatively comprehensive nihilistic attitude towards our national culture.

Coupled with the fact that Chinese society had been in turmoil during those years, the rupture of national culture was delayed for decades.

The torrent of humanity has completely condemned our national culture to class culture, almost combing our hair with a grate..."

Lin Chaoyang's speech was not fast and his voice was not loud, but his views were penetrating and relevant to the current situation, making many people present involuntarily follow his rhythm and immerse themselves in it.

In the huge venue, only his voice echoed.

Gao Hongbo is the editor and reporter of "Literary News". This time he came to Zhuoxian with the large army. His most important job was to collect information during the meeting.

This kind of collection includes the compilation of writers' speeches, conference photos, etc., so he must participate in the entire meeting. He was present when Lin Chaoyang spoke in the morning meeting.

He is an editor and reporter, but he is also a literary creator and lover. Lin Chaoyang's speech made his heart surge. Everyone was going to have a small meeting in the evening, and he certainly couldn't miss such an occasion.

This was no longer relevant to his job, but Gao Hongbo didn't want to miss it.

Not only did he come to the meeting, he also brought the Seagull DF assigned to him by the editorial department.

He found an angle to take a few photos from the moment he entered. When Lin Chaoyang sat down and started to speak, he wanted to listen for a while and then take some photos. Unexpectedly, he became fascinated after listening to it until someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Gao Hongbo turned around with a stunned look on his face, "Secretary?"

Astonished, Gao Hongbo quickly made room for Zhang Guangnian. He wanted to talk to Zhang Guangnian for a few words, but Zhang Guangnian pointed in the direction of Lin Chaoyang and signaled him to listen carefully, so Gao Hongbo turned his head. .

Just after listening to a few words, he remembered that his photo had not been taken yet, so he got up to take it.

Everyone present was listening to Lin Chaoyang's speech attentively. No one paid attention to Gao Hongbo's movements, and few people noticed Zhang Guangnian's arrival.

"I have said so much, but it is all nonsense. One sentence of true teachings, but thousands of false teachings.

For a nation, culture is an extremely important proposition. If our literature cannot take this proposition that is higher than itself seriously, it will not be successful.

The Chinese nation is a nation prone to disasters, and so is our culture.

I hope you can study our national culture seriously and create works that reflect and represent our national culture. "

At this point, Lin Chaoyang expressed his final expectations sincerely, and his speech officially ended.

"Thank you everyone for listening!" Lin Chaoyang stood up to express his thanks.

Dozens of writers present spontaneously applauded, the applause was warm, and everyone's eyes were filled with an eager light.

Compared with the slightly hasty speech in the morning, Lin Chaoyang expressed his views vividly and vividly in this speech in the evening.

His views can be roughly summarized this way:

In modern times, China's national culture has been severely fractured due to the multiple impacts of wars, revolutions, and movements, which has led to the decline of national culture and the decline of national self-confidence.

The contemporary literary world does not understand and lack confidence when it comes to expressing our national culture, and it constantly seeks outwards and transfers expressions of other cultures, which is a rootless tree.

Contemporary Chinese literature should look for our own "roots", and this "root" must be rooted in the soil of national culture.

After such a speech, many writers present understood Lin Chaoyang's thoughts and more recognized his views. Immediately after his speech, some people asked him questions.

"Comrade Chaoyang, you have always emphasized the 'roots of literature' and 'the roots of culture' in your speeches.

Have you ever considered that over-emphasis on the things of our own nation is actually a kind of isolation, causing us to lose the opportunity to communicate with other nations in the world? "

This question was a bit sharp, but Lin Chaoyang was very calm.

"You asked a good question. The so-called isolation of the country is actually a relative concept.

Our world culture is actually closed to the earth, and Chinese culture is part of the overall culture of this planet.

If our own culture is not good enough, and we do not pass it on, but just wait to be assimilated by others, I think this may be more tragic than closing the country to the outside world.

On the contrary, if we can prosper our culture and communicate with the world on an equal basis on this basis, wouldn’t this contribute to the cultural prosperity of this world? "

Lin Chaoyang's answer was brilliant and drew applause from the crowd.

Several writers then asked him questions, and Lin Chaoyang answered everyone's questions in a clear and orderly manner.

After a few questions, Li Tuo asked a question.

"Chaoyang, combined with your speech today, I thought carefully, is your latest work "Crossing Guandong" the product of your theory? "

Li Tuo always likes to think divergently. When he mentioned "Crossing Guandong", Lin Chaoyang was stunned at first.

At the beginning, his speech today was just some insights on the current development of literature that Zhang Guangnian had temporarily recruited.

When he was writing the novel, he didn't have these ideas now, but if you think about it carefully, there are indeed many portrayals of national history and culture in "Crossing Guandong", which can be regarded as consistent with what he said today.

Therefore, Lin Chaoyang nodded gently and said, "I think so."

Li Tuo's face became excited when he heard this, "I gave your theory a name, how about "Root-seeking Literature"? "

Listening to Li Tuo's words, Lin Chaoyang didn't react much, but the writers around him became excited.

Since the reform and opening up, various literary trends have emerged, but most of them are just second-hand concepts of Western literature.

Li Tuo summarized Lin Chaoyang's views and put forward the term "root-seeking literature", which immediately reminded everyone of the "scar literature" that was popular in the past few years.

Although the trend of "scar literature" has passed, it is an important literary trend that has influenced this country and nation, and has left a strong mark in the historical development of Chinese literature.

When everyone thought of this, they had a premonition in their hearts.

Tonight, they witnessed the historical process of the development of Chinese literature.

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