Literary Master 1978

Chapter 370 Official Attitude

"Brother-in-law, do you think Du Feng can make money by setting up this video studio?"

I watched a movie in Du Feng's video room and chatted for a while after coming out. On the way home, Tao Yumo asked Lin Chaoyang.

"Why do you ask that?"

"He spent so much money on TVs and VCRs, rented a month's rent, and hired three people. I saw only a few people watching movies." Tao Yumo said worriedly.

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said, "Today is the first day of opening. Many people don't even know what a video studio is. Business should not be bad in the future."

Nowadays, video parlors are a new thing. If you want your business to get better, you definitely need a process of contact and familiarity with customers. This process does not take too long, and may not even take a month.

"I've seen some movies that are all in English. Can the audience accept it?" Tao Yumo asked.

Quite a few of the video tapes in Du Feng's video hall are American movies. Because they are distributed to Hong Kong and are not available internally through formal channels, both dubbing and subtitles are in Cantonese. When watching movies, you can only watch the pictures, and then Just guess.

Other Hong Kong movies look better, because the Hong Kong movies selected by Du Feng are all released to the Bay Island, Malaysia and other places. They are all dubbed in Mandarin and have simplified and traditional subtitles, which basically does not affect the audience's viewing.

"Don't be afraid. As long as the movie is well shot, you can understand it just by looking at the pictures. Don't underestimate the enthusiasm of the audience."

In this era, people's love for movies is unimaginable in future generations. Besides, there are Cantonese dubbing and subtitles, so guessing is not a big problem.

Du Feng has a good business plan. Based on the current scale of Fenghui Video Hall and its 16 hours of operation every day, the full-load revenue may reach 700 yuan, which is 21,000 yuan a month.

Of course, this is just an ideal level.

Even if it only reaches one-third of the level, Du Feng only needs three months to recover his capital. The monthly rent, labor and electricity bills are not a problem at all. He can earn thousands or even tens of thousands every month by almost lying down. piece.

Tao Yumo's eyes couldn't help but shine as he listened to Lin Chaoyang settling the accounts, "Brother-in-law, are you really that profitable?"

"Making money is certain, but the exact amount is unknown, and this business will not last long in such a profitable stage."

"What's the meaning?"

"Suppose you were a businessman now. If you knew that Du Feng invested 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, the capital would be repaid in a month or two, and the next step would be to reap the profits, would you be tempted?"

"I understand, brother-in-law, you said that there will be more and more video parlors on the street in a few years."

"In a few years, there should be many new ones opening this year."

"So exaggerated?" Tao Yumo was speechless.

"Businesses like video studios now belong to the blue ocean market. You invest money and make money with your eyes closed. As long as you are brave and have capital, who wouldn't want to do it?" Lin Chaoyang said.

Tao Yumo nodded thoughtfully.

According to what my brother-in-law said, the video studio business may only be able to make money for a year or two, and then it will have to face fierce market competition.

"It's a good way to make quick money for a year or two. I'll probably stop doing it in the future."

Lin Chaoyang shook his head, "These are speculative ideas. How can there be so many once-and-for-all, profitable businesses in the world? Only by constantly adapting to the market, discovering opportunities, and creating value can we remain invincible.

If everyone in business thinks like you, it will be impossible to make it big. Even if it does, failure will only happen sooner or later. "

Facing Lin Chaoyang's preaching, Tao Yumo accepted it humbly, turned her head and made a face at his back. Tao Yushu smiled and patted her gently.

Two days later, the National Outstanding Short Story Award Ceremony was held in Yanjing. Lin Chaoyang was invited by the Literary and Art Association to attend the conference.

The National Outstanding Short Story Award, which has been held for five consecutive years, now has a huge influence in the domestic literary world. As in previous years, hundreds of guests were invited to attend this year's conference.

As soon as Lin Chaoyang showed up, he immediately became the center of attention at the conference, receiving even more attention than those award-winning writers.

"The Roots of Literature" has been published for more than a week and has caused a considerable impact in the Chinese literary world. Writers who participated in the Zhuoxian Conference have gone back to spread the word. The fermentation of public opinion is still continuing. This influence will continue to grow. As everyone's discussion becomes higher and higher, it becomes bigger and bigger.

Moreover, now the cultural and ideological circles have begun to pay attention to the literary concept proposed by Lin Chaoyang. Everyone can see that the concept of "roots of literature" is equally applicable to culture and thought.

Many people have a premonition that although this wave of "root-seeking" in the literary world is just an undercurrent at the bottom of the sea at the moment, it may not become a huge wave in time.

Li Tuo, a social butterfly, must be indispensable in any event in the Yanjing literary circle. He grabbed Lin Chaoyang and said: "Chaoyang, you are here too. Comrade Hang Yu also wrote an article in the past few days, which is in the same vein as your article. "

Li Hangyu is a Zhejiang writer. A few days ago, he attended a symposium on rural novel writing in Zhuoxian County and witnessed Lin Chaoyang’s speech at the meeting. He is also one of the winning writers of this year’s National Outstanding Short Story Award, and his winning works It is "Shazao Legacy".

After the symposium ended a few days ago, Li Hangyu did not follow the troops to Beijing, but returned to his hometown first. His wife had just given birth to a daughter for him some time ago.

Li Hangyu has not been idle these days in his hometown. He was inspired by Lin Chaoyang's speeches at the symposium and wrote the article "Understanding Our Roots" before he had time to submit it.

I attended the award ceremony today and met Li Tuo and chatted about the past few days apart. Li Tuo learned that he had written an article and immediately pulled him in front of Lin Chaoyang.

Li Hangyu and Lin Chaoyang chatted a few details about the article. While the two were chatting, several writers who had participated in the symposium came to Lin Chaoyang's side.

Later, Chen Jiangong pushed Shi Tiesheng over to greet Lin Chaoyang. At the beginning of last year, Shi Tiesheng's "My Distant Qingping Bay" was published in the first issue of "Youth Literature" magazine.

It immediately aroused a lot of praise in the literary circle and gained the love of many readers. It also allowed Shi Tiesheng to gain national popularity from his original minor fame.

With the popularity of this work, Shi Tiesheng's body and destiny have also attracted more and more readers' attention. After more than a year, he has become an inspirational idol for a generation of young people.

More and more people gathered around Lin Chaoyang, and after a while, the surroundings were already crowded.

In the huge venue, among hundreds of guests, their gathering seemed very abrupt.

Not far away, Chen Huangmei was sitting with Zhang Guangnian and teased Zhang Guangnian: "Old Zhang, why do I feel that Lin Chaoyang is more like the leader of the Cultural Association than you? He is a bit like the chairman of the Folk Literature Association!"

"Comrade Chaoyang is young and popular, unlike us old gangsters who are annoying!"

Zhang Guangnian's words were self-deprecating, and he also scolded Chen Huangmei.

"You are a very unforgiving person." Chen Huangmei smiled and criticized Zhang Guangnian, but did not take his words to heart. He added: "I heard that his "The Roots of Literature" was written in Zhuoxian County. When I wrote it, I also held a small meeting in private and stole your limelight? "

"It's all rumors. There's nothing that can't steal the limelight. There were popular speeches at the meeting, which is a good thing."

Chen Huangmei's eyes were meaningful, "No wonder his article was published in the Literary Journal. You really protect him."

Zhang Guangnian glanced at Chen Huangmei and said, "Of course we must love and protect young writers!"

Both of them had some unspoken meaning hidden in their words, and no one revealed it.

In the days since "The Roots of Literature" was published, it has received a lot of response. It has been welcomed by many people, and has also been criticized by many people.

What welcomed the article was its identification with national culture, while those who criticized it were naturally those who advocated Western modernism, who believed that the concepts and ideas advocated by Lin Chaoyang were conservative and acted as gravekeepers for a declining culture.

But in addition to the above two types of people and their concepts, there is another concept or force that has not yet exerted its force.

That's the official position.

If Lin Chaoyang's article had appeared thirty or forty years later, it might have perfectly matched the social public opinion and the government's ideological orientation at that time.

But it is now 1984, and the concept of "root-seeking literature" proposed by Lin Chaoyang has a clear retro tendency, and it can easily be considered as deviating from the mainstream ideology today.

Digging deeply into the connotation of national culture deviates from the creative direction of socialist realism to a certain extent and is regarded as deviant.

In the days since the publication of "The Roots of Literature", the response from literary circles, literature lovers and ordinary readers has been enthusiastic, but the official level has been silent.

On the one hand, Zhang Guangnian, the official leader of the Cultural Association, supported and protected Lin Chaoyang, which suppressed the thoughts of many people.

On the other hand, it is also because the official level has always been relatively slow in facing the rise of this trend of thought.

But being slow does not mean not speaking out or taking action. Both Zhang Guangnian and Chen Huangmei are leading figures in the literary world, and they have a good understanding of the actions of official mouthpieces.

The two people were a little worried about the pressure of public opinion that "The Root of Literature" and Lin Chaoyang would encounter next.

"It's not the past now, everything will be fine." Zhang Guangnian said softly.

The process of the award ceremony is fixed, including speeches, awards, and group photos. Once completed, the conference was over in less than two hours.

According to the rules of previous years, the literary association organized a dinner and symposium after the award ceremony. This year's dinner was arranged at the Yanjing Hotel, and the food was Western food.

Lin Chaoyang was invited to participate in the afternoon symposium. He planned to leave after the meeting, but unexpectedly he was dragged to the Yanjing Hotel again.

The Yanjing Hotel has a history of more than 80 years. The Western restaurant where Lin Chaoyang and others ate has also hosted many important figures in Chinese and foreign political and business circles. It is full of history. Once you enter it, you can feel the changes of the times and the cultural atmosphere. thick.

The restaurant is dominated by red and yellow tones that make it feel warm and comfortable, and some traditional murals and sculptures are hung on the walls.

For most of the writers who won the award today, Yanjing Hotel was the first time they had stepped into such a high-end hotel in their lives, and it was also the first time they had eaten authentic Western food, so everyone acted a little reserved and unnatural.

Lin Chaoyang sat next to Deng Youmei on one side, Shi Tiesheng on the other, and Lu Wenfu across from Shi Tiesheng.

Deng Youmei is the judge of this year's jury and is also a foodie who loves food. He chewed the steak in his mouth and ate with excitement.

Before liberation, the Yanjing Hotel did not even have Chinese food, only a Western restaurant, so the quality of Western dishes was guaranteed.

"Alas! It's a rare opportunity to have a western meal, but it's a pity that there's no wine to go with it."

Deng Youmei's voice was relatively low. After all, it was the literary association that invited them today. If you are picky, you will be criticized. Besides, Zhou Yang, Chen Huangmei and other heavyweight old comrades are here.

Lin Chaoyang teased: "How about I order a bottle for you!"

"You dare to order, but I don't dare to drink. No one has wine to drink, only I drink. Do you want me to be the target of public criticism?"

"Look at what you said, it's not that exaggerated."

The seats where the two of them sat were a little far away from the leaders, and they were all acquaintances around them, so they were very casual when telling jokes, and they were not afraid of disturbing others.

While the two were talking, Zhang Guangnian, who was sitting in the distance, was talking to Zhou Yang, who was sitting next to him. Zhou Yang was whispering something in Zhang Guangnian's ear.

Zhang Guangnian looked calm, but his eyebrows couldn't help but move slightly. While listening to Zhou Yang's words, he cast his eyes on Lin Chaoyang.

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