Literary Master 1978

Chapter 382 International Registered Mail

Li Tuo and a few friends used a word written by Lin Chaoyang to stir up the storm in the Chinese literary world. This kind of trouble-making ability is admirable.

In Chen Jiangong's words, as a writer, Li Tuo was excellent at everything except creation.

This is of course a joke between bad friends. In fact, Li Tuo is also very good as a writer, but it is a pity that his friends are even better in comparison. Under the shadow of these people, his creative achievements have become eclipsed.

While the public opinion storm caused by the performance art of Li Tuo and his friends continued to ferment, the third issue of "Flower City" was released as scheduled, and the second part of "Crossing Guandong" was finally released after countless readers had waited for more than two months.

Within two months of the release of the second issue of "Flower City", it achieved a sales miracle of 2.58 million copies. This not only refreshed the sales record of "Flower City" itself, but also became a sales myth in the Chinese literary journal industry.

Putting aside the sales of popular literary magazines, sales of more than 2 million copies are undoubtedly the ceiling of the Chinese literary journal industry.

Because of the explosive sales of the last issue of the magazine, Huacheng Publishing House has placed great hopes on the third issue of "Flower City" which will publish the second part of "Crossing Guandong".

Facts have proved that the sales of this issue of the magazine did not live up to the publisher's expectations.

The third issue of "Flower City" sold more than 1 million copies in just 10 days after its release, which was three days faster than the second issue.

Such an amazing result is also reasonable. After all, it took two months for the first part of "Enter Guandong" to be published. As word of mouth continues to ferment, a large number of new readers will definitely come.

Along with the hot sales of the third issue of "Flower City", the craze for "Enter Guandong" continues to rage in the Chinese literary world. Not only has it not subsided with the passage of time, but it has become more and more popular.

No matter how popular the novel was before, after all, only half of the content was published. Now that the entire novel has been published, it is needless to say that the majority of readers are happy and excited.

Critics have been generous in praising "Crossing Guandong" before, but because the content of the novel has not been fully published, the critics have still maintained basic restraint.

Now that the more than 600,000 words of "Crossing Guandong" have been published in full, everyone can finally speak freely.

In just half a month, "Literary News", "October", "Literary Review", "Yenjing Literature" and many other widely influential publications in the literary world have published literary reviews of "Crossing the Guandong".

"The Epic Nature of Contemporary Literature—On the Artistic Achievements of "Crossing the Guandong"", "The Secret History of a Nation—On the Narrative Picture of "Crossing the Guandong"", "The Aesthetic Value and Cultural Significance of "Crossing the Guandong""...

Almost all of these literary reviews are written by well-known domestic critics. The analysis of the novels in the articles is penetrating, and what is even more rare is that they are all unanimously praised.

To be able to receive such unstinting praise and praise from so many reviewers is undoubtedly the highest recognition of the artistic achievement of the novel "Enter Guandong", and the rate at which these more important literary reviews appear is still accelerating.

If there are good people who compile the information, during the period after the publication of the second part of "Crossing Guandong", one or even several reviews or reflections can be seen in newspapers and magazines across the country almost every day.

It is true that literature is hot these days, but the attention and discussion that "Enter Guandong" has received is not only unique in the literary world, but even in the entire Chinese cultural world, it is unparalleled in the limelight.

It can be called the most dominant phenomenal literary work in the Chinese literary world in 1984!

Time flies and it is already July. The video parlor jointly opened by my uncle and brother-in-law is located at the south gate of Yan University.

It's not a good time to catch up. The students are about to have a vacation. These people are the main consumers of the video hall.

Fortunately, there are many colleges and universities near Yanda, and even during the summer vacation, there are many viewers in the video hall. At night, it is even more overcrowded, and business is a mess.

In the evening, Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu took Xiao Dongdong back to Tao's house for dinner. Usually the whole family was neat and tidy, but today Tao Yucheng and his wife were not there.

The video hall has just opened recently, and business is so good that in order to save money, Zhao Li not only works as a conductor herself, but is also responsible for cleaning up, keeping her busy feet off the floor.

School is on summer vacation, and Tao Yucheng has nothing to do recently. Affected by the booming business, he is now squatting in the video studio to help out every day.

The couple wakes up early and stays up until late every day, full of energy.

When the video studio was mentioned during the meal, Tao's mother looked pleased. At first, she and Tao's father did not approve of Tao Yucheng opening a video studio.

On the one hand, it's because he knows his son's temperament and knows that he is not a hard-working person.

On the other hand, it is also because I am afraid that this matter will take advantage of my nephew.

Unexpectedly, Tao Yucheng found another way. Instead of going into the sea, he encouraged his wife Zhao Li to go into the sea. He didn't need any money from his parents to open a video studio.

In this way, Tao's father and Tao's mother naturally could no longer object, but the old couple were still worried about their son and daughter-in-law.

Fortunately, judging from the current results, it is developing in a good direction.

"Zhao Li said that the current business is very good, and it is estimated that the capital will be recovered in three or four months. I am relieved."

Tao Yumo answered: "Mom, you haven't seen that when my little brother first opened his video studio, he made a maximum of three hundred yuan a day. It's a pity that in just a few months, the video studio on the street More and more."

Her words made Tao Mu worry again. Lin Chaoyang had said before that the video studio was not a long-term business.

Listening to her worries, Lin Chaoyang said: "Mom, what I'm saying is that the huge profits won't last long. The video parlor of Big Brothers and Big Sisters will definitely still be able to make money, at least in recent years.

Our country currently neither introduces excellent foreign films on a large scale nor popularizes home video recorders, so there is no need to worry at all in the past few years. "

His words convinced Tao's father and Tao's mother that the son-in-law's judgment had a reliable basis in reality and was certainly not wrong.

"Brother-in-law, what you are saying is that when home video recorders become popular in the future, or the country introduces excellent foreign films on a large scale, the video hall business will be over, right?"


"How old do you think it is?"

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said: "I'm not a god, where would I know."

Tao Yumo now has a tendency to blindly worship Lin Chaoyang. She was slightly disappointed when she didn't get the answer.

After finishing the meal, Lin Chaoyang and his wife held hands and were about to go out. Tao Yumo was about to leave, but felt that his leg was suddenly caught by something.

Looking down, it turned out that chubby Xiao Dongdong was holding her thigh.

"Auntie, hug me!"

The baby was only twenty months old, but she could pronounce these three words extremely clearly and smoothly, with firm eyes.

Tao Yumo complained angrily: "Why didn't you let your parents hug you when they left?"

Xiao Dongdong looked at her with confused eyes, slowly accumulating tears. Seeing that this little thing was about to open the floodgates and release the water at the slightest disagreement, Tao Yumo could only admit defeat and surrender.

She leaned over and picked up Xiao Dongdong, "Eat less in the future, look at how fat you are!"

After saying that, she still couldn't get over her anger and kissed Xiao Dongdong's cheek twice before hugging him and leaving.

Tao Yumo is on summer vacation, Dehua is officially online, and Lin Chaoyang is naturally relaxed.

Tao Yumo put Xiao Dongdong on the crossbar. Because she had a child with her, she didn't dare to ride too fast, so she could only ride slowly and leisurely.

He never forgot to mutter: "You two are so cool!"

Passing by the south gate of the school, Tao Yumo saw the shadows of Lin Chaoyang and his wife. At this moment, they were standing at the door of the video hall. The sign at the door read "Fenghui Video Hall" in five large characters, and below it there were two small characters " "Three Parts".

In order to cope with the rapid emergence of competitors, Du Feng started to engage in horse racing and staking. The video hall at the South Gate of Yanda is already the third one, and he is currently planning two more video halls.

If this trend continues, there will be at least ten Fenghui video studios in Yanjing City by the end of the year.

"Ouch! I really didn't expect that working in a video studio can be so tiring. It's so busy that I can't finish it in a day.

Selling tickets, cleaning up, showing movies, maintaining order, handling's so busy that your sister-in-law and I can't stand it any longer. I think I'll hire someone in a few days. "

Tao Yucheng complained to Lin Chaoyang. When Zhao Li heard what he said, he immediately scolded: "Hire people, hire people, you know how to hire people, and you haven't even gotten your money back. You still want to hire people? Do you need me to burn one?" Will the incense be offered to you?"

Listening to his wife's words, Tao Yucheng did not dare to refute. Zhao Li handles most of the business in the video studio.

After leaving the video room, Lin Chaoyang said, "Have you noticed that since the video room opened, your sister-in-law has become more and more aggressive in her speech?"

How could Tao Yushu not understand what he meant? She smiled and said: "Women can hold up half of the sky. Now my sister-in-law holds up more than half of the family's sky. It's strange that my brother dares to be so presumptuous!"

"Look at how you are gloating about someone else's misfortune. You don't know why you think your sister-in-law is the real one." Lin Chaoyang teased.

Early the next morning, while Lin Chaoyang was sweeping the yard, a postman came to his house, saying that there was an international registered letter from Xiangjiang.

"Letter from Xiangjiang?"

Lin Chaoyang's first reaction was the letter from Ming Pao Publishing House. He didn't have many friends in Xiangjiang, and the only one he could contact was Ming Pao Publishing House.

After he signed for it, he took the letter and looked at it. Sure enough, it was from Ming Pao Publishing House, and the letter writer was Dong Qiao.

"Brother Chaoyang Wen said: Seeing words is like meeting each other. It has been more than a year since we last saw each other..."

Dong Qiao's letter writing style is a typical literary style, half text and half white. He started with a few polite words, asked about Lin Chaoyang's current situation, and then reported to Lin Chaoyang about the past six months of "The Death of Van Gogh" Sales situation in Xiangjiang.

"The Death of Van Gogh" was published in Hong Kong last year and sold more than 17,000 copies in half a year, bringing Lin Chaoyang 106,800 Hong Kong dollars in royalties.

Now half a year later, the sales volume of the novel has reached more than 31,000 copies, which means that the sales volume in the past half year is about 14,000 copies.

For a purely serious literary work, it can sell more than 30,000 copies in the book market in Hong Kong in one year. It should not be a problem to reach 50,000 copies in the next one or two years. This is definitely considered a success in Hong Kong. Bestseller level.

After all, the population and market size of Xiangjiang are only over five million. The fact that "The Death of Van Gogh" has achieved such results has defeated the vast majority of local writers in Xiangjiang.

What's more, Lin Chaoyang was not well-known in Hong Kong before, and the sales of "The Death of Van Gogh" were all supported by word-of-mouth from readers.

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