Literary Master 1978

Chapter 399: All of This is What I Didn’t Expect

"Isn't there Nie Weiping? Brother-in-law, you know him, and you always say he's great!"

Lin Chaoyang nodded slightly, "If we really want to talk about the variables of the China-Japan Go Challenge, it may be Nie Weiping."

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's words, Tao Yumo became happy again, "So there is still hope!"

"It's just a small probability of hope." Lin Chaoyang reminded.

"It's better to have hope than no hope! Nie Weiping seemed to have a good chance of winning against the Japanese before!" Tao Yumo said optimistically.

Since the reform and opening up, the rise of various sports in China has largely not depended on its popularity, but on which sport can win glory for the country.

The news of the China-Japan Go Challenge came out after the China-Japan Go Conference in August. For more than a month, it has aroused considerable discussion among the people.

Now that the two countries have officially reconciled, economic and cultural exchanges are booming, but when it comes to national sentiment, they are still in opposition.

Therefore, the Chinese people's attention to this challenge match is mixed with some national hatred and family hatred, which leads to a high popularity of this match among the people.

On October 5, the opening ceremony of the first China-Japan Go Challenge Match was held at the New Otani Hotel in Tokyo, Japan.

At the opening ceremony, players from both sides made their debut.

China sent top Go players such as Wang Jianhong, Jiang Zhujiu, Shao Zhenzhong, Qian Yuping, Cao Dayuan, Liu Xiaoguang, Ma Xiaochun, and Nie Weiping, and 32-year-old Nie Weiping served as the main player of this challenge match.

The Japanese side sent Noriki Yoda, Akira Kobayashi, Shuzo Awaji, Satoshi Kataoka, Akira Ishida, Koichi Kobayashi, Masao Kato, and Hideyuki Fujisawa.

Among them, Koichi Kobayashi and Masao Kato are top-notch players, and Hideyuki Fujisawa is even revered as a Go Saint by the Japanese Go community.

For this challenge match, both China and Japan have sent out their best players.

The challenge match system is that the vanguards of both sides fight against each other, the winner sits on the stage, and the second player of the losing side attacks the stage. The winner will continue to play until he defeats the opponent's main general.

The schedule is to play a game every two months, alternating between China and Japan.

Before the game, the State Sports Commission gave Nie Weiping, who led the team, a task: if he could fight Kobayashi Koichi, he would pass, and if he could defeat Kobayashi Koichi, he would win.

Kobayashi Koichi is one of the two deputy generals of the Japanese side. After him, there is another deputy general Kato Masao and the main general Fujisawa Hideyuki. The requirements of the Sports Commission also show the strength gap between China and Japan.

On the night of the opening ceremony, the Japanese Go community was very active, with more than 70 people participating.

In contrast, the Chinese side seemed a little lonely, with only four people attending, including Song Zhiguang, the ambassador to Japan, Hao Keqiang, the head of the Chinese delegation, Nie Weiping, the head coach, and Wang Jianhong, the vanguard.

At the opening ceremony, the chairman of the Japan Go Association, Sakata Eio, said bluntly: "Whether the Sino-Japanese Challenge Tournament can be held excitingly and for a long time depends entirely on the performance of Chinese chess players."

The implication is that the Chinese team may be defeated.

In addition to him, several young chess players on the Japanese side were extremely arrogant, saying that they wanted to win three or four games in a row, and even jokingly asked the other side to give up the order of appearance in front of reporters to give themselves room to play.

Faced with the arrogance of the Japanese side, the Chinese team was naturally full of anger, but they could do nothing about it and could only hope to slap the other side in the face with victory.

The next morning, the first game of the Challenge Tournament was held in Tokyo. The Chinese player Wang Jianhong played black against the Japanese player Yoda Noriki, who played white. In the end, Yoda Noriki won Wang Jianhong in the middle game.

When the news came back to China, the domestic chess community sighed.

There was originally a gap in strength between the two sides, and now it is not going well, it seems that there is no hope for the Challenge Tournament.

"These little Japanese are really bullying us too much!"

The first game of the first China-Japan Go Challenge has been over for more than a week, and the Chinese team returned home amid lamentations.

With their return, the domestic Go community once again heard about the arrogant remarks made by the Japanese at the opening ceremony, which made many people in the domestic Go community feel indignant.

The news spread to the people, not to mention Go enthusiasts, even ordinary people were angry.

As a result, the attention of the China-Japan Go Challenge was further raised, and it became an important topic of conversation for many ordinary people after dinner.

Tao Yushu put down the newspaper, and his face was full of anger.

"Well, it's useless to get angry about this kind of thing. The little Japanese are afraid of power but not virtue. If you don't hurt them, they don't know how to be afraid. Now we can only hope that people like Nie Weiping can do their best!"

Listening to Lin Chaoyang's persuasion, Tao Yushu's mood calmed down a little.

Although she couldn't stand the arrogance of the Japanese, she also understood that there was indeed a gap in the Go strength of the two countries.

"Just don't lose too badly. It's not that easy to hurt them."

When she said this, she looked at Xiao Dongdong who was playing, and her eyes became firm.

"Dongdong must learn Go in the future."

Lin Chaoyang also looked at his son. The boy was sitting on the ground and kicking his good leg on the table with both feet.

Lin Chaoyang:...

"I don't know if he is that good. Besides, do you think our country is inferior to others in Go? There are so many sports!"

"Of course, it won't work if we rely on our family alone, but if thousands of families take action, our country may become a sports power in another 20 years."

"Instead of hoping that your son can become a national player when he grows up and win glory for the country, you might as well let him learn some skills to change this country and society."

Tao Yushu rolled his eyes at him, "I say one thing, you argue one thing. Go is a hobby, what's the harm in learning it?"

"I'm afraid you have some unrealistic fantasies about your son!"

Tao Yushu couldn't help but snorted coldly after hearing his words, "Your thinking is wrong, you're thinking of giving up before you even start."

Lin Chaoyang immediately put his arm around her shoulders and said in a gentle voice, "I'm just talking casually, you'll have to take care of your son's education in the future."

He said those words against his will, looking at the naive little Dongdong.

Son, your happy childhood, dad can only help you here!

Then he said, "Tomorrow, "The Chess Master" will be released. Let's go and watch Jiangnansheng fight nine people alone. It's so exciting!"

"Spiritual victory method?"

"What's wrong? If you want to win, you must have spirit and energy first.

Maybe after "The Chess Master" is released, our chess players will be deeply inspired after watching it, and they will suddenly realize and beat the Japanese to pieces?"

Tao Yushu was amused by him and smiled, "You just talk nonsense!"

The next evening, Tao Yushu got home from get off work and went to the cinema with Lin Chaoyang's hand.

Left behind Tao Yumo holding Xiao Dongdong, speechless and choking, you two are so cool, you don't care about my life or death at all!

The Capital Cinema is on Chang'an Avenue, a few hundred meters away from Lin Chaoyang's home, and it only takes more than ten minutes to walk.

When the couple arrived here, many audiences who came to watch the movie had gathered in the lounge.

These days, there is no schedule for movie releases, let alone unified releases. Generally, movies are often released first in big cities.

The same is true for "The Chess Master". After successfully passing the review of the Film Bureau some time ago, it has been intensively preparing for the release, and finally it was released in mid-October.

For most audiences, Go is a niche sport, so the release of a movie about Go is rarely of interest to the audience.

But the situation of "The Chess Master" is different. Its original novel itself has a very strong influence. Since its publication, the total sales have exceeded 2.6 million copies.

Such sales may represent tens of millions of readers, so "The Chess Master" has attracted the attention of many readers since the filming began.

In addition, the topic of the Sino-Japanese Go competition has been hot for more than a month, and it has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The combination of the two has provided huge attention and discussion for the release of the movie "The Chess Master".

"There are so many people!" Tao Yushu said as he looked at the crowd queuing to buy tickets in the lounge.

The couple queued up to buy tickets and waited for almost an hour before entering the screening room. The audience also entered one after another and soon filled the screening room.

The movie started, and after a long shot of more than a minute, Liang Jiahui's Jiang Nansheng appeared on the screen.

Tao Yushu and Lin Chaoyang whispered, "It's quite consistent with my imagination of Jiang Nansheng."

"You can't choose him if he's not suitable!" Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

The couple whispered a few words. As the plot of the movie slowly unfolded, Tao Yushu no longer cared to discuss with Lin Chaoyang. His mind was firmly attracted by the movie, and he followed the ups and downs of the character's fate.

At the same time, all the audiences in the cinema were the same, experiencing a heart-wrenching story in the changes of light and shadow.


Lin Chaoyang, who had seen the movie, did not have any emotional waves when he heard this huge sound effect, but the hearts of the audience in the screening room were tightly tied together with the sound of the gunshot.

"When the country is prosperous, the chess will be prosperous!"

"China's national fortune has declined to this point, all because of our weakness!"

"I have no other strengths in my life, the only thing I can show is my chess skills, and I should use this to repay my country!"

The heroic words are still ringing in my ears, but the person who spoke fell in a pool of blood.

He was born into a wealthy family. He had no worries about food and clothing in the first half of his life. He didn't care about worldly affairs and loved chess like crazy.

I didn't want fate to play tricks on me. The country was destroyed and the family was ruined. Who can be immune to it?

He knew clearly what kind of fate he would face after taking that step, but he still went without hesitation.

Once he took a step, there was no turning back.

The long night was dark, and the wind and snow seemed to be seeing him off.

With the loud gunshot, the hot blood stained the white snow under him, drawing a red picture.

In the infinite stretching of the lens, on the vast land, only that little red was like a spark, burning warmly.

As long as there is one Chinese alive, this country will not perish!

The movie ended, and the theater was silent.

Sadness, anger, regret...all kinds of emotions intertwined in the heart, and all the audience were immersed in complex emotions.

On the first day of the release of "The Chess Master", the vast majority of the audience who came to watch the movie were loyal readers of the novel.

The 105-minute movie ended. For these readers and audiences, the movie almost perfectly restored the essence of the original novel.

The Jiangnansheng played by Tony Leung Ka Fai is ignorant of the world, gentle as jade, and loves chess like crazy, which vividly interprets the character of Jiangnansheng.

After encountering an accident in the later period, he was determined to serve the country with chess. His performance style transition was smooth and natural, and it was very impressive.

Especially the last few lines of the movie, sonorous and passionate, made the audience cry.

A good movie adaptation is like this, it must add points to the original work.

The screening was over, but the huge screening room was still silent until a sob broke the silent remembrance.

This sob seemed to turn on a switch, and a moment later, the theater was filled with crying.

Some people wiped their tears silently, some sobbed quietly, and some cried loudly.

They were crying for Jiang Nansheng's sacrifice, for the era of humiliation, and for the countless martyrs who sacrificed their lives and shed their blood.

As the lights in the theater came on, the audience, whose emotions had been vented, gradually regained their sanity, and the crying gradually subsided. The audience stood up and left one after another.

Tao Yushu was a person with a strong sense of patriotism, but she was always rational and just kept wiping her tears.

She and Lin Chaoyang stood up with the crowd and walked out of the theater when they heard the conversation between two young people.

"The adaptation is really good, not worse than the novel at all!"

"This Jiangnansheng performed so well. It would be great if we could have a Jiangnansheng in Chinese Go. Would it be the turn of those little Japanese to show off their power?"

Walking out of the screening room, Tao Yushu's eyes were red, and she whispered to Lin Chaoyang: "I think I understand what you mean."

Lin Chaoyang looked at her in confusion, and Tao Yushu said word by word: "When the spirit reaches a certain level, it cannot be stopped. With this spirit, this nation will have the motivation to strive for progress and burst out with powerful vitality and creativity!"

Lin Chaoyang looked at Tao Yushu with a serious face, and wanted to say:

My wife's summary is really good, all of which I didn't expect!

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