Literary Master 1978

Chapter 451 There is only one Lin Chaoyang

Du Rong is two years older than Lin Chaoyang, but the two started working at the Yanda Library not too far apart. When Lin Chaoyang came in 1978, she had only worked there for a year.

So they were not only peers, but also colleagues with good relationships, and they had a good relationship for several years.

Even though Lin Chaoyang gradually became famous and had a huge influence, Du Rong still regarded him as the simple young man who had just entered the library.

Later, Lin Chaoyang appeared less and less frequently in the library, and he hadn't appeared for more than a year. When she saw him again today, she suddenly felt infinite emotion.

In the past year or so, most of the news about Lin Chaoyang came from newspapers and magazines, and occasionally from TV reports.

The originally close impression became unfamiliar under the erosion of time.

The continuous spread of media news further pushed Lin Chaoyang's image in the hearts of his colleagues. He won an award today, and the autograph session was hot tomorrow...

Lin Chaoyang's image gradually became blurred and untouchable in the hearts of Du Rong and his colleagues.

Lin Chaoyang seemed to have distanced himself from everyone in this year.

When they met again, even though everyone was chatting enthusiastically, they still felt a little distant and even melancholy.

Listening to Du Rong's words, Lin Chaoyang smiled softly, "It's hard to see you either. I've only seen you once in more than a year."

Lin Chaoyang's words put himself in the same position as everyone else, full of affinity and nostalgia for old colleagues, which made everyone happy.

He chatted with everyone for a while, and seeing that there was still some time, he went to Xie Daoyuan's office to sit down.

Xie Daoyuan was very happy to see Lin Chaoyang, and asked him about his experience this year with concern. Lin Chaoyang chatted briefly.

"This is also good. Young people, it's a good thing to walk around and see more."

After chatting with Xie Daoyuan, Lin Chaoyang came to the conference room of the library. At this time, there were more than ten minutes before the symposium started, and many people were already sitting in their seats.

"Chaoyang, you're here!" Xie Mian was the host of today's symposium and the only person he knew at the scene.

Lin Chaoyang greeted him and sat next to him. Xie Mian introduced the people present to him.

They were all students, some from Yanda, all the backbone of the May Fourth Literary Society, some from neighboring schools, and all amateur authors who had published works in some publications.

There were men and women among the dozen people, all in their early twenties, full of youthful vibes.

There were many old third-year students in the early years, which led to many "seniors" with vicissitudes of life among the students. In recent years, it has been different. Almost all of them are serious high school graduates who have entered the university.

When these people saw Lin Chaoyang, their faces were excited and their eyes were shining.

Lin Chaoyang has rarely appeared on the Yanda campus in the past two years. Even if he came, he went directly to the Langrun Lake Apartment. He had fewer and fewer interactions with students and teachers on campus.

Among the people present, the oldest were students of the 82nd grade. They had just entered the campus in the autumn of the year when Tao Yushu graduated.

Many of the students from the 1984 and 1985 classes present today have never seen Lin Chaoyang. They just heard that this popular writer works in the library of Yanda University.

Some of these people wanted to see Lin Chaoyang's true face after entering the university, but unfortunately, Lin Chaoyang rarely went to the library at that time.

Therefore, these students were very excited after seeing Lin Chaoyang. There are many well-known professors with high academic achievements in Yanda University, but there are not many writers, especially famous writers.

Lin Chaoyang is now famous all over the country and can be said to be very popular in the literary world. All of these students today have read his works to some extent, and many of them are even his loyal readers.

After smiling and greeting the students, Lin Chaoyang chatted with Xie Mian.

While the two were chatting, many students still looked at Lin Chaoyang.

The theme of today's symposium is to explore the creative techniques of avant-garde novels. The meeting officially started at 9 am.

Xie Mian first gave an opening speech, and then another young teacher from the Chinese Department spoke.

In the past year, avant-garde novels have emerged in the domestic literary world and have become a new literary trend pursued by many young literary people.

The so-called "avant-garde" does not specifically refer to any specific literary school, but a style.

In popular terms, it is modernism, which can be symbolism, futurism, Dadaism, abstractionism, consciousness school, absurdism, etc.

It reflects the alienated relationship between people and society, people and people, and people and nature, as well as the resulting mental state.

The rise of this trend can be traced back to the beginning of last year. In February, "Shanghai Literature" published Ma Yuan's "Gangdise's Natural Temptation".

In March, "People's Literature" published Liu Sola's "You Have No Choice", which was edited by Tao Yushu.

These two novels were published one after another, and their unique artistic appeal quickly caused a great response among young readers.

And in the past year in China, they have fermented a considerable influence.

Young people advocate freedom, pursue individuality, and rebel against tradition. The emergence of avant-garde novels can be said to be in line with the appetite of some people to be different.

Most of the people who came to the symposium today are amateur authors, but most of them are from famous universities, and they are very knowledgeable and literary.

Many people spoke passionately about their understanding of avant-garde novels. They spoke at length and eloquently, but the listeners did not realize how serious they were.

A few people wondered if they saw that Lin Chaoyang was also present today. During his speech, he deliberately brought out several of his novels and talked about them, and summarized them as avant-garde novels.

The most mentioned ones are "Raiko's Summer", "The Death of Van Gogh" and "The Truman Show".

“…The pioneering nature of “The Truman Show” lies in the huge absurdity it portrays.

The falseness of life, the lack of free will, the invasion of personal privacy, the strong contrast between utopia and reality, and the development and exploration of human nature within it are all the most typical characteristics that avant-garde literature should possess.

After reading this novel, what came to my mind the most was "1984" translated by Mr. Dong Leshan.

I have read quite a few novels, but I was extremely shocked by the fact that these two are equally comparable.

As a reader, this is undoubtedly a great happiness..."

Several people were discussing Lin Chaoyang's novels, and all of them were mainly praising them, which made the direction of the symposium a little abnormal.

The styles of the novels mentioned by everyone are indeed modern among Lin Chaoyang's works, and their praises are all justified, but they always sound a bit stiff.

After all, when Lin Chaoyang wrote it, the word "pioneer" had not yet become popular.

Finally it was Lin Chaoyang's turn to speak. He came up and said a few polite words of humility, which made everyone chuckle. "I don't have much research on avant-garde novels. I can only talk about my opinions based on my personal creative experience." "

“Avant-garde novels, or literature and culture, are considered by many to be unique, especially compared to the noisy popular culture.

Everyone regards him as a kind of rebellion against the secular and a dissolution of tradition. In fact, I think it doesn’t need to be this way.

Bourdieu believes that avant-garde art that rejects the market actually accumulates a large amount of symbolic capital in the process of creation. Although it is not recognized at first, it will eventually be accepted and transformed into economic capital.

Although his words discuss the "avant-garde" in Western society and do not completely represent avant-garde literature or avant-garde novels, generally speaking, they are compatible and useful for our thinking.

A few people mentioned my works just now and thought that they all have the typical characteristics of avant-garde literature and are worthy of being written into the history of literature. This is a great compliment to me..."

Lin Chaoyang stayed in the Yan University Library for six or seven years and took many classes from old professors. Among those present today, in terms of literary theory skills, almost no one except Xie Mian could rival him.

His speech was modest and low-key, and he did not pursue novelty. He did not put avant-garde literature and modernism in a very high position like the speeches of previous students.

Instead, it explores the commonalities between avant-garde culture and popular culture, which makes everyone feel refreshed.

In his remarks, avant-garde literature does not seem to conflict with popular literature and culture, but rather has a mutually identifying and complementary relationship.

When everyone thinks about it carefully, it seems to make sense.

"The above is my personal rough understanding of avant-garde literature. If there are any shortcomings, I hope you will criticize and correct me."

Lin Chaoyang did not forget to say a few words of humility after finishing his speech.

It is impossible to "criticize and correct". In the eyes of everyone present, the content of Lin Chaoyang's speech just now is still quite high, and his views are also different from everyone's understanding of avant-garde literature.

The arguments are also quite sufficient and cannot be easily dismissed by college students like them.

After everyone's speeches, it's the discussion session. As long as you raise your hands, everyone can speak in turn to express their opinions.

"Just now Comrade Chaoyang talked about the commensurability between avant-garde literature and popular literature. Can you talk to us more about it?" Xie Mian was very interested in Lin Chaoyang's views and wanted him to say more.

Others in the conference room also cast curious glances at him.

"Let's put it simply. Literature is art, but literary readings are cultural consumer goods and commodities. The spread of avant-garde literature depends on this commodity.

Therefore, when avant-garde literature develops to a certain stage, it must make certain changes in attitude.

Bid farewell to formalism, and try to create textual connections with more readers and communicate with popular culture.

Only in this way will avant-garde literature form a relatively stable group of writers, a library of works, and an audience in the future development of literature.

This transformation to popular culture may be cruel to many comrades who adhere to avant-garde culture, but it is actually the only way for the development of art forms. "

Lin Chaoyang's words made everyone present fall into deep thought.

The people present are all students from China's top prestigious universities. They admire modernism or avant-garde literature, and to a large extent they have some elitist thinking.

They thought they had the capital to rebel, dissolve, and subvert, but Lin Chaoyang's words hit their hearts like a heavy hammer.

Avant-garde literature is not any better than popular literature and culture. On the contrary, in its development process, it may need to constantly make self-adjustments in order to maintain its own vitality.

Just when everyone was still immersed in what they just said, Lin Chaoyang said again:

"However, I don't think everyone needs to be overly pessimistic. Avant-garde literature did not emerge out of thin air. It also sprouted from popular literature and culture."

His words were like a wake-up call, awakening everyone present.


Avant-garde culture is not a tree without roots or water without a source. The birth of this cultural phenomenon must also follow the laws of artistic development.

Thinking along this line of thought, it further verifies the insight of Lin Chaoyang's words just now. Everyone looked at Lin Chaoyang with admiration and respect.

Time flies, and a morning symposium is over.

Xie Mian held Lin Chaoyang's hand and said eagerly: "You, an experienced creator, can really say something different. This morning has really benefited us a lot."

When Lin Chaoyang was being polite to Xie Mian, students gathered around the two of them, and a reporter from the school newspaper said: "Let's take a group photo."

"Okay." Lin Chaoyang agreed happily.

After the group photo, Xie Mian said, "The content of today's symposium will be published in the school newspaper in a few days."

Lin Chaoyang nodded and approved the school newspaper's quotation of his speech at the symposium.

"Old Xie, I'll go first."

Xie Mian sent Lin Chaoyang to the door of the library and watched him leave. The students following him looked at Lin Chaoyang's back, and their hearts were still a little excited.

"Teacher Xie, how come Comrade Lin... Chaoyang's theoretical foundation is so solid? It feels more thorough than what many teachers in the department say." A round-faced boy with an overbite among the students couldn't help asking.

Xie Mian glanced at the boy, "You students of this class didn't catch up with the good times!"

His tone was a little regretful, and the students present understood what he meant.

Many of the people present were students after the 1983 class. Since they entered the school, they have heard teachers around them say more than once that their students of this class have bad luck.

Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, old professors from all departments of Yanda have personally taught undergraduate courses.

This teaching habit lasted until 1980, when some old professors began to reduce their courses and teaching due to health reasons.

After the first two batches of undergraduates graduated after the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1982, the old professors in various departments basically only taught master's and doctoral students.

After the 1983 class, it became almost a luxury for Yanda undergraduates to listen to the courses of masters.

Xie Mian continued: "Chaoyang was about the same age as you, but he went to the Chinese Department to listen to the courses of masters such as Zhu Guangqian, Wu Zuxiang, Wang Li, Wang Yao, Fei Xiaotong, and Yin Falu."

The students were fascinated by these names that were like stars in the sky.

"And he read a lot of books when he worked in the library, and he has talent. With such a good time, place and people, he was able to accumulate such knowledge in just a few years."

Di Batian said again: "Teacher Xie, from what you said, I feel that he is very similar to Professor Jin Kequn."

Xie Mian laughed, "Someone in the department did say that. But his specialty is not in research, but in creation. There are many people in the Chinese cultural circle who research, but there is only one Lin Chaoyang!"

Xie Mian's high evaluation of Lin Chaoyang in his words made the students stunned, but after thinking about it, they felt that what he said was right.

Professors of Jin Kequn's level are of course rare in the Chinese cultural circle, but Lin Chaoyang's literary achievements are even more unique.

What's more, he is so young, and he looks even younger than some of the students present today.

Such a person is destined to be written about in the history of contemporary literature.

When the students thought of this, they couldn't help but be full of envy.

Who of those who can attend the symposium today is not a literary youth? Who doesn't want to be as young as Lin Chaoyang and dominate the literary world?

But as Teacher Xie said -

There is only one Lin Chaoyang!

After leaving the library, Lin Chaoyang wandered around the campus of Yanda University. The sun was shining and he was in a good mood. He felt like he was back to the time when he first entered Yanda University.

When passing by Yannan Garden, he suddenly went to Zhu Guangqian's house.

He saw Zhu Guangqian being helped down from the study upstairs by his family. He was in surprisingly good spirits and was still shouting that he wanted to finish writing the annotations for "New Science".

Lin Chaoyang couldn't help wondering, the old man was still bedridden and listless a while ago, how could he get better so quickly?

"Aunt, Uncle Zhu has recovered well recently!" Lin Chaoyang said to Zhu Guangqian's wife Xi Jinwu.

Xi Jinwu's eyes were filled with worry, "He was still sick a few days ago, but I don't know how he got so lively these two days."

A last gasp!

Lin Chaoyang thought of this word in his mind, but he couldn't believe it when he saw Zhu Guangqian's energetic appearance.

"What did the doctor say?"

"Your elder sister just asked the doctor from the school hospital."

While he was talking to Xi Jinwu, Zhu Guangqian couldn't stay idle and practiced calligraphy at his desk. He had cerebral thrombosis, and the doctor told him to keep his hands active and write every day, which was good for the recovery of his brain and hands.

Today Zhu Guangqian practiced "Ancient Poetry and Prose Pen Calligraphy", a student calligraphy book published by Hunan Education Press in 1982.

His face was gaunt, his body was hunched, and his hands were full of blue veins. After writing, he didn't forget to show off to Lin Chaoyang.

"My handwriting is not bad, right?"

At his age, and with his shaking hands, his handwriting was really not good. Lin Chaoyang took the calligraphy book and flipped through it.

"It's average, a little worse than mine."

"Worse than you? You really put yourself in a good position."

Zhu Guangqian said sarcastically to him with a disdainful expression.

"Your handwriting is so good, then leave me a calligraphy treasure. Maybe after a few decades you can exchange it for a pack of cigarettes."

"Writing it to you is a waste of my words."

Although he said this, Zhu Guangqian still wrote a line to Lin Chaoyang. He copied a line from "Farewell to Fude Guyuancao" from the copybook.

The handwriting was trembling, and the signature was "Written as a gift to my little friend Chaoyang Zhuguangqian".

Lin Chaoyang picked up the calligraphy and looked at it carefully, but still disliked it, "Look at how your handwriting is shaking. Go back and practice it."

"If you don't want it, just come back!"

"It's still impossible to pay it back. There's no reason to take back something given to someone." Lin Chaoyang proudly put the copybook into his arms.

He then said to Zhu Guangqian: "I see that you are in good spirits today. Let me play a game of chess with you."

"No less." The old man refused without hesitation.

"Look at you, don't take winning or losing so seriously."

When Lin Chaoyang was teasing Menzi with Zhu Guangqian, his family had already invited the doctor over to check his blood pressure, so the old man sat obediently at the desk.

Lin Chaoyang said to him, "If you don't leave, I'm leaving!"

Zhu Guangqian waved his hand to him.

After coming out of Zhu's house, Lin Chaoyang stood there and watched for a long time before leaving.

Back home, Xiaodongdong came and hugged Lin Chaoyang's legs to play throwing basketball with him. The father and son played for a while, and the sadness and sadness in Lin Chaoyang's heart were diluted.

While he was feeding Yan Yan again, Tao Yushu came back from outside with a tired face.

"Oh, I'm so exhausted!" she shouted as soon as she entered the door.

"Just let Du Feng do the things in the clothing city, why bother yourself."

"I also want to study!"

For Juan Wang, work is not just work, but also a process of learning knowledge and mastering experience. How could she miss such a rare learning opportunity like the opening of the clothing city?

There is less than a week before the opening of the clothing city, and the celebrities Lin Chaoyang asked Chen Huaikai and Xie Jin to invite have already been confirmed.

Yan Film Studio came to Zhang Jinling, Li Xiuming and Fang Shu, and Shanghai Film Studio also came to Zhang Yu, Gong Xue and Zhao Jing.

Three of the five golden flowers from the two major film studios in the north and the south are here. This lineup is unprecedentedly powerful.

Not only that, Xie Jin also helped Lin Chaoyang invite Zhu Shimao and Tang Guoqiang, and Zhu Shimao brought his partner Chen Peisi.

Putting these nine people together, the appeal at this time is simply terrifying. Lin Chaoyang was afraid that something would happen to the clothing city that day.

He told Tao Yushu: "You must prepare a case with the public security department in advance and ask them to bring in more manpower to maintain order."

"I know, I also told Du Feng about this, so don't worry."

While the couple was talking, Tao Yushu suddenly shouted, "Lin Siyan!"

Lin Chaoyang followed her gaze and saw Xiao Dongdong holding Yan Yan's arm with one hand and holding her neck with the other, seemingly trying to pull her up.

The little girl is only four months old and can't sit up yet. Xiaodongdong's strength is very weak, so forcefully pulling her up is like pulling out a carrot.

At this time, Xiao Dongdong was frightened by Tao Yushu's shout. The pressure from his mother came, as if the terrifying aura from ancient times made him unable to move.

Comrades with some life experience all know that once the old mother calls your name, it must be the fury of thunder. At this time, running away is your only option.

Tao Yushu walked forward quickly, not giving Xiao Dongdong a chance to escape. He picked up his butt and slapped him like raindrops, making Xiao Dongdong scream.

"Mom, it's wrong! Mom is wrong!"

This kid always pretends to be stupid when he is naughty. Now he was surrounded and suppressed by force. He immediately surrendered without any hesitation.

"Mom is wrong? Is mom wrong?"

Hearing his begging for mercy, Tao Yushu did not stop. Instead, he asked angrily while doing evil tricks.

"Wrong, I was wrong, Dad! Dad!"

It was as if he couldn't hear anything when talking to him when he was playing with toys. Lin Chaoyang sometimes wondered whether the child had developmental delays or autism.

Looking at it now, it’s just that I have too many thoughts!

I also know how to call him daddy.

It's a pity that it's not easy to call dad now!

Lin Chaoyang picked up his precious daughter with a distressed look on his face, "How old is your sister? Can you pull her arm like this? Your arm can easily dislocate!"

The father who attacked with magic, the mother who attacked with physical attacks, Xiaodongdong was almost broken.

I just wanted to get my sister up and play for a while. What bad thoughts could I have?

After being beaten for a long time, Tao Yumo finally couldn't stand it anymore and took the child away from his sister, comforting him: "Okay, okay, don't cry!"

Xiao Dongdong lay in Tao Yushu's arms and cried heartbreakingly, feeling extremely wronged.

"Are you two such parents? Why is this child the same as the one you picked up?" Tao Yumo complained.

"What if Yan Yan is dislocated?" Tao Yushu asked with a serious face.

Tao Yumo stopped talking and stroked Xiao Dongdong's back distressedly.

"You, please be more peaceful in this house from now on."

With her comfort, Xiao Dongdong stopped crying now and lay on his shoulder, humming and begging for comfort.

When Lin Chaoyang and his wife went to cook, Tao Yumo said to him again: "Don't be naughty anymore. I tell you, your parents are killing chickens to scare monkeys now, and you will be Yanyan's role model in the future, understand?"

Little Dongdong nodded in confusion. He didn't understand what Tao Yumo said. He only knew that his aunt was still good to him.

When the children fell asleep at night, Tao Yushu had just washed up and went to bed, and Lin Chaoyang suddenly said to her: "Uncle Zhu may not be very well."

Tao Yushu was immediately worried when she heard it, "What did the doctor say?"

Lin Chaoyang told about today's situation. Tao Yushu was worried and planned to go back to Yan University to see it tomorrow.

No words were spoken all night.

The next morning, there was a knock on the door at the gate of the courtyard. Tao Yumo went to open the door. It was Tao Yucheng who came. He brought a piece of news.

Zhu Guangqian died in the early hours of the morning!

Without caring about sadness, Lin Chaoyang and his family drove to Yannan Park. The two-story building was dotted with white, which was particularly dazzling in the vitality of the sprouting grass and trees.

The Zhu and Tao families were good friends. The Tao family arrived early in the morning, and many leaders and old professors of Yanda University also came.

The portrait of the old man in the portrait was already hung on the wall of the Zhu family. The old man in the portrait was thin and thin, deep and unrestrained.

In front of the portrait were lilacs and yellow and white wild flowers, which were simple and elegant, with fairy-like fragrance, just like the person.

According to the family, the doctor came yesterday and did not find any problems. As a result, he could not go to the toilet at night, felt dizzy, and then vomited.

He was first sent to the school hospital and then transferred to the Friendship Hospital. After arriving at the Friendship Hospital, he was diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage, but it was too late and the rescue was ineffective.

The old man's body is now in the morgue of the hospital. This morning, the National Z Association received news that a farewell ceremony for the old man's body would be held at the Babaoshan Cemetery.

After staying at Zhu's house for half a morning, Lin Chaoyang came out with his family.

He stopped at the gate of the courtyard. The pair of bixi carrying stone tablets in the courtyard had stood there for decades, and the dry grass in front of the small building was shining with tender green.

In this spring, all life went to its own destination.

Back home, Lin Chaoyang put the set of "Aesthetics" he brought back from Zhu's house on the bookshelf. It was given to him by Xi Jinwu as a souvenir.

Lin Chaoyang put the copybook that Zhu Guangqian wrote to him yesterday in the book, and couldn't help but recall the dry grass that was fertile with vitality when he stood outside Yannan Garden.

"Wildfires can't burn them all, spring breeze blows them back to life - written to my friend Zhu Guangqian in Chaoyang"


Infinite sadness turned into a heavy sigh.

It's a pity that I can't win another game of chess with you!

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