Literary Master 1978

Chapter 84 Teachers’ Reading Comprehension

Artists are said to be born at the wrong time, such as Van Gogh and Kafka.

If it were sixty or seventy years ago, Lin Chaoyang would not be much better than Bing Xin in the eyes of literary circles and critics when he wrote "Little Shoes".

But now is an era of vitality after ten years of repression and destruction. People who have been suppressed for a long time are madly absorbing all external information and knowledge, and even those things that are new and old are appreciated by people.

The content of "Little Shoes" is not profound or old. On the contrary, it is closer to readers than most works popular in the literary world today.

It is precisely because of this kind of people-friendly style and content that it quickly won the love of the readership more than a month after its publication. The sales of "Yanjing Literature and Art" have soared. At the same time, this novel has also been well received in the literary world. In recent days, many newspapers have published book reviews about this novel.

"There is an article here. Take a look. The author has a thorough understanding of your "Little Shoes."

When communicating with Lin Chaoyang, Zhang Zhonge handed him a publication, which was "Literary Review" published this month.

"Literary Review" was founded in 1956, originally named "Literary Research", and renamed "Literary Review" in 1959.

After being discontinued in the 1960s, it resumed publication in January 1978 and has always been a relatively heavyweight literary review publication in the domestic literary world.

"Literary Review" is a bimonthly magazine. In the "New Works Criticism" of the third issue of this year, which was published a few days ago, a review article entitled "\u003cLittle Shoes\u003e: The Profound Humanistic Power Behind Simplicity" was published, which attracted the attention of many people in the literary world.

"…Many people will ignore the artistry and narrative depth of "Little Shoes" because of its positive and sunny side. The author believes that this novel is worthy of in-depth analysis both in terms of artistry and thought.

The novel strives to use a relaxed and brisk narrative rhythm to successfully weave a childhood story that is close to life, full of warmth and a little bitter. We can see that the author uses a lot of symbols and metaphors to deal with the plot.

The lost pair of little shoes is like a mirror, reflecting the various aspects of life in rural Chinese society and the brilliance of human nature.

From the text level, the structure of "Little Shoes" is rigorous and layered. The novel begins with a small incident - the puppy loses his sister's shoes as the driving force of the story, which triggers a series of chain reactions, forming an interlocking and fascinating narrative power.

This creative strategy It effectively enhances the suspense and appreciation of the novel, and also highlights the protagonist's tenacious spirit of actively coping with adversity and striving to survive.

In character creation, it fully demonstrates the innocence and kindness unique to children, as well as their sense of responsibility to the family. The images of the puppy and his sister are vivid and full, and every conversation between them is full of real emotional expression, allowing readers to deeply touch their inner struggles and expectations.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the author did not fall into the inherent thinking mode of many people in the novel, exaggerating the suffering and sensationalism of life.

Instead, through the children's desire for shoes, it conveys the yearning and pursuit for a better life, giving the novel a deeper meaning..."

Zhang Zhonge and others were beside him, and Lin Chaoyang did not read the article carefully. He glanced through it roughly, and the whole article was basically full of praise for the novel and the author.

"This..." Lin Chaoyang glanced at the signature of the article, "Comrade Hou seems to like "Little Shoes" very much, but the novel still has many shortcomings and does not deserve such a high evaluation."

Liu Xinwu smiled and said, "How can there be a perfect work? "Little Shoes" is already good enough, you are nitpicking."

After talking about the outside world's response after the publication of "Little Shoes", Liu Xinwu asked about the novel Lin Chaoyang was writing.

I heard that it was almost finished, Liu Xinwu was very excited, "I really look forward to seeing your manuscript as soon as possible."

"Soon." Lin Chaoyang said.

Yanshi University, teaching on the second floor.

This morning, the Chinese Department had a writing class, and the teacher who taught the students was Hou Yufen, who was just nearly 40 years old.

Compared with Yanshi University, which has many old scholars, Yanshi University does not have so many famous masters, and the backbone of the Chinese Department is still mainly young and middle-aged lecturers and associate professors.

Unlike the era of unreasonable expansion of academic qualifications in later generations, there are only a handful of lecturers with doctoral degrees in the department today, and most teachers have master's degrees.

Hou Yufen is middle-aged, and she teaches writing, which is the most similar to Chinese teaching. She has a good relationship with her students on weekdays.

The piercing bell rang, and the class was over. Students poured out of the classroom.

Tao Yushu was the last one to leave, but he didn't rush out of the classroom. Instead, he came to the podium.

"Teacher Hou!"


Hou Yufen couldn't help but smile when she saw Tao Yushu. No teacher doesn't like good students who are diligent and have excellent grades. Tao Yushu is the treasure of teachers in the Chinese Department.

"I saw the review you wrote in "Literary Review." Tao Yushu said.

Hou Yufen laughed when she heard it, "Is the praise decent?"

A few days ago, Wu Yingfang went to Yanda to listen to Lin Chaoyang's speech and witnessed the legendary love story of Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu. After returning to school, she made a big fuss about it, and it spread all over Yanshida in a few days.

At the beginning of last year's school year, the teachers and students in the department only knew that Tao Yushu's marital status was married, but no one expected that Tao Yushu's other half was actually a popular writer.

Especially when everyone heard that Tao Yushu and Lin Chaoyang had known each other since they were young, and had a discerning eye for Lin Chaoyang, who was just a teacher in a rural team before. They were all shocked by the love story between the two, and felt sorry for the couple in their hearts. His perseverance and perseverance are full of admiration.

The review article "\u003cLittle Shoes\u003e: The Profound Humanistic Power Behind Simplicity" was written by Hou Yufen. When she wrote this article, she did not know the relationship between Tao Yushu and Lin Chaoyang. It was entirely because she watched "Little Shoes" at that time. "Shoes" was deeply moved, but I didn't expect that the work I accidentally commented on was the work of my student husband.

"Your article is good, but his novels are not that good." Tao Yushu said modestly, and then said: "Teacher Hou, Chaoyang and I would like to treat your family to a meal tomorrow."

The teacher wrote an article to comment on her husband's article, and it was all praise. Even if he didn't know it beforehand, Tao Yushu still had to show some etiquette.

Hou Yufen smiled and said: "I got paid for writing a review, and I asked you and me to treat me to dinner. How can I be so embarrassed? I'd better treat you to dinner, and don't go out. Tomorrow, the couple will come to my house and I'll cook for you. ”

Hou Yufen's tone was firm, but Tao Yushu could not refuse with a few polite words, so he had to agree.

Back home in the evening, Tao Yushu and Lin Chaoyang talked about going to the school teacher's house for dinner tomorrow.

Lin Chaoyang was surprised: "I went to "October" today, and they showed me that review. It was actually written by your teacher?"

Tao Yushu also laughed out loud at such a coincidence, "How about literature being a circle!"

In the afternoon of the next day, the couple came to the courtyard of Yan Normal University carrying gifts.

At this time, housing conditions in various units were relatively tight, and Normal University was no exception. Young and middle-aged teachers like Hou Yufen and others can only squeeze their families into a small and simple tube building.

Entering the corridor, it was crowded and filled with stoves, stoves, pots and pans. The kitchen of Tongzilou was in the corridor, and there were public toilets at both ends of the corridor.

The smell is mixed in the summer and makes people very uncomfortable.

But at this time, everyone’s conditions are the same, and no one thinks it’s difficult.

The two came to Hou Yufen's house. Her house was a single room, with a double bed, a bunk bed and a desk crammed into the one-foot-square space. The cramped space was divided in the middle by a curtain.

It seems that the double bed should be occupied by Mr. Hou and his wife, and the bunk beds should be occupied by the children.

There is not much space left. Apart from daily necessities, the most are books, which can be seen everywhere.

This is Lin Chaoyang's first time to visit Tongzilou in the 1980s, and it is also his first time to experience firsthand the difficult housing conditions for employees today.

He only had one thought in his mind, whether he should apply for the tube building of his unit or not.

Tao Yushu and Lin Chaoyang came to the door with their things, but Hou Yufen complained a few words.

Because we were treating guests to dinner today, Hou Yufen was busy cooking in the corridor, and Tao Yushu took the initiative to help.

Standing in the corridor didn't help much, I was just busy saying hello.

There are many young and middle-aged teachers from the Chinese Department living in this building. When everyone heard that Tao Yushu and her husband came to Hou Yufen's house for dinner, they all ran over curiously.

"Hello, Teacher Lan!"

"Hello, Teacher Wang!"

"Hello, Teacher Guo!"

"Hello, Teacher Shang!"

Under Tao Yushu's command, Lin Chaoyang greeted one by one, covered his head and turned around.

Everyone came to Hou Yufen's house to watch the fun and refused to leave. They dragged Lin Chaoyang to chat, and seemed to be suspected of cheating.

When Hou Yufen's family bought food, they didn't prepare portions for so many people. Thanks to Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu, they brought some food when they came. Hou Yufen was busy putting plates of dishes on the table. She was so tired that she was sweating and complained: " Why are you so embarrassed to come to my house with nothing?"

The teachers were laughing and joking without any psychological burden, which shows that they usually have a good relationship.

After finally waiting for the dishes to be served, Teacher Wang Furen, who teaches modern literature, took out a bottle of Erguotou from nowhere and filled it up for several gay men present.

"Don't act like a drunkard if you drink too much!" Hou Yufen warned, seemingly experienced.

Today, Teacher Hou is having a treat. The happiest person is not Lan, Wang, Guo, Shang, or Lin Chaoyang and Tao Yushu, but her two underage daughters.

Teacher Hou has two daughters, one is in the first year of high school and the other is in the second year of junior high school. They were very excited when they heard that Xu Lingjun was coming to visit her home today.

Ever since Lin Chaoyang appeared, he had been staring at him endlessly. Although he looked different from the Xu Lingjun in his imagination, this was the Xu Lingjun who wrote "The Wrangler" after all.

It is actually very interesting to talk about Lin Chaoyang's current fame and status in the domestic literary world and among readers.

Generally speaking, he has few works and is famous, a bit similar to idol stars in the entertainment industry in later generations.

In particular, "The Wrangler" is written about Jack Su under the guise of scar literature, which has gained a large number of young female readers, making Lin Chaoyang's influence among this group far beyond that of his peers.

Lin Chaoyang felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by the little girl in front of Tao Yushu and other teachers, and Teacher Hou also noticed his discomfort.

"You two, don't always look at others like this, be polite!"

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way." Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

The two daughters were scolded by Teacher Hou and no longer dared to look so unscrupulously, but they still observed secretly.

There is no room for a big dining table in Teacher Hou's house, so a group of people eat on a small coffee table. Because there are so many people, Teacher Lan and Shang and Teacher Hou's two daughters can only sit around on the bed and stools next to them.

Although the dining conditions were cramped and difficult, everyone was in high spirits.

Tao Yushu is well-known in the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University as a studious student with good grades. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has high emotional intelligence. She has always been the favorite student of the teachers in the department.

Today, she brought her husband as a guest. Lin Chaoyang said that she was half the same class as everyone else. They were all engaged in writing work, and the conversation was very lively.

Today's meal comes from the review article Hou Yufen wrote for "Little Shoes". Everyone naturally mentioned "Little Shoes" while chatting.

Teacher Wang, the oldest of the teachers, took a sip of his wine.

"I think the images of Coyotito and his sister in the novel are full-bodied images that I have rarely seen in recent years. They not only fully demonstrate the unique innocence and kindness of children, but also reflect the saying that 'poor children become masters early. 'sense of responsibility.

Chaoyang's dialogues and actions when dealing with these two characters are full of real feelings, without any sense of violation. I especially like the scene where Chaoyang and Coyotito lose the game and look at the champion with tears in their eyes. It was handled so well.

How can I describe that feeling... Not only is it moved, but also distressed, but it also makes people feel an unyielding force.

beautiful! So beautifully written! "

Teacher Wang was commenting on the novel and couldn't help but shake his head. At the end of the story, he took another sip of wine and was enjoying himself.

His emotions infected the people around him. Everyone recalled the content of the novel they had read and agreed with his statement.

"What I like most about Chaoyang's novel is his description of the folk customs and cultural characteristics of rural society. The detailed descriptions of scenes such as school life, neighborhood life, and markets are particularly accurate," said Teacher Lan.

"No, no, no, the best thing about Chaoyang's novel is actually the delicate emotion. It seems ordinary, but it has a powerful attraction that makes you unable to help but indulge in it. The aftertaste will make you feel the surging emotions.”

"I think the biggest highlight of this novel is that Chaoyang uses clever contrasts and contrasts to create the complexity of the adult world and the innocence of children, which makes this novel reach a philosophical level.

But its philosophy is not preachy; it moistens things and enters the reader's heart silently. "

A few teachers drank some wine and seemed to regard today's dinner as a symposium on the work of "Little Shoes". You and I kept talking.

Lin Chaoyang, the author, was so stunned that he couldn't say anything in person.

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