Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1100: Rebuild the rental courtyard

Lucy ran away with the little girl, Li Fan and Jared went into the yard.

My dad and mom have already returned. I was very happy and welcome to see Jared coming. Jared also used the Chinese language he knew to express his thanks to my dad and mom to be a guest at home. , He felt very happy and honored.

Next, Li Fan let Jared do whatever he wanted, and he went to the kitchen to help his mother cook. He had all the ingredients, and he didn't need to buy them specially.

After a while, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Zhang Xia, and Wu Bingrong also came over. They were already very familiar with Li Fan's home and did not need to greet them.

At seven o'clock in the evening, a sumptuous dinner was brought to the table. Of course, there was a big carp that Jared was so worried about and never forgot.

The little girl and Lucy also came back. Just as Li Fan thought, although the two girls do not understand their language, they did not affect their communication.

And the little girl speaks decently in the Lanyu that Lucy is learning now, and the Chinese that Lucy is learning is also quite smooth.

The children's learning ability is really strong. If the two girls stay longer, maybe they can talk in the same language.

Sanshu and Sanniang also came over, and then everyone began to eat.

This meal naturally enjoyed the guests and the host, and Jared finally ate it again, which made him miss the food all the time.

And Lucy didn't feel uncomfortable eating such a dish for the first time, but her eyes were bright. She finally understood why her father had been obsessed with the food here.

After eating, everyone sat for a while, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng left.

Jared and Lucy also went to Xianyuan Tower, where they had already opened a room.


There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, when Li Fan saw the little girl go to school, Lucy was with her.

After I asked, I realized that it was Lucy who wanted to go to school with the little girl. The little girl was naturally very happy. Taking a friend from Lanzhou to school was enough for her to show off in front of her classmates for a long time.

Li Fan naturally agrees with this.

Lucy went to school with the little girl, while Jared wandered around the village alone. There were many lively places in the village. Jared was all very interested and very interested.

He also met a few deceased people from Lan, and they both felt very cordial when they met in a village in this far eastern country.

After ten o'clock in the morning, Li Fan was surfing the Internet at home, and suddenly heard the village head Li Fu calling him in the yard, asking him if he was there?

Li Fan walked out of the study and came to the balcony, saying, "Uncle Fu, I'm here, I will come down soon."

Li Fan came downstairs, and Li Fu laughed and said, "Fanzi, I want to discuss something with you."

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Uncle Fu, you said."

Li Fu nodded and told the story. It turned out to be about renting out the courtyard.

Ten buildings were built in the first phase of the rental courtyard, which was obviously not enough. Later, the second and third phases were built. Now a total of 30 buildings have been built, but it still cannot meet the needs of more and more tenants.

Of course, this is not to say that there are so many tenants living here for a long time. Most of the tenants rent out the courtyard and come here every other time or on weekends.

And a large part of the reason why they wanted to rent the courtyard was because of the small piece of land in front of the courtyard.

Because with the rental contract, the tenant can go to the farm office building and receive a corresponding amount of vegetable seedlings or vegetable seeds for free.

The vegetable seedlings or vegetable seeds received are the same as those grown in the farm.

Of course, the vegetable seedlings or vegetable seeds received can only be planted on the land in front of the rented yard.

In Sansheng Village, there is such a small courtyard. There is also a piece of land in front of the small courtyard, where you can grow the same vegetables as the farms.

On weekends or in leisure time, taking your children to grow vegetables and weeding in front of the small yard is not only a very meaningful thing, but also delicious vegetables.

Although the vegetables grown by the tenants cannot catch up with the deliciousness of the farm due to planting technology and post-care, the difference is not too great.

Moreover, this is planted by the tenants themselves, and they tend to find it more delicious than the one on the farm.

In addition, giving some of the vegetables grown by hand to friends and relatives is also a very meaningful and face-saving thing.

Therefore, although the rent of the small courtyard is not low for a year, many tourists still flock to it, and because more tourists did not grab the small courtyard, it is even more regrettable. I only hope that the village can build more rental courtyards.

The rental courtyard was built in the name of the village, and every household incurred the cost. Of course, Li Fan had to pay more.

The rent collected belongs to the village. As for whether the dividends of each household should be used for other purposes, it is up to the village chief Li Fu to make a decision after seeking everyone's opinions.

The village and the villagers tasted the sweetness and wanted to build more rental courtyards.

Li Fu came to Li Fan today to discuss the construction of the fourth phase of the rental courtyard.

Moreover, in this phase, taking advantage of Wang Qian's engineering team, Li Fu plans to build fifty buildings at once.

Of course, the location is not just in Sansheng Village, but a part of it must be built in Xingfu Village. There are also locations that are very suitable for building rental courtyards.

Moreover, the two villages have now been opened up, and there is no difference between the construction of Xingfu Village and the construction of Sansheng Village.

"Fifty buildings?" Li Fan smiled, "Uncle Fu is going to make a big deal this time!"

Li Fu also smiled and said, "It's not because of you, Fanzi, that uncle has such a courage. What do you think?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course there is no problem. Let me talk to Brother Wang and let him transfer a few workers to lead everyone together."

Naturally, Li Fan wouldn't object, let alone repairing fifty buildings, even if building five hundred buildings, they would definitely be sold out soon.

Li Fu was overjoyed and said: "The news about fifty new rental courtyards in the village. Should I release the news in advance? See if anyone is willing to sign the rental contract in advance?"

Li Fan said: "There will certainly be people who are willing to sign in advance, and the number of people will not be small. Fu Shu, we are like this, we will announce the news to the outside world, and then set a specific time. When that time comes, those who are willing to sign the rental contract in advance People can come to the village to complete the signing."

Li Fuxi said: "Okay, that's it. But when is the specific time more appropriate?"

Li Fan pondered for a moment and said, "Ten days later, so those who are interested can arrange their time."

Li Fu said: "Hole, then I will tell everyone the news now, everyone is waiting."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Okay. Uncle Fu can talk to Fengzi for publicizing the above things, and let the farm publicize it."

Li Fu said, "Okay, Fanzi, then I'll go first."

Li Fan said: "Okay, goodbye Uncle Fu."


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