Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1812: This is the luck of the entire martial arts novel world

"Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword" is about to be brought into this world by Li Fan, and for this work, in addition to the original work of Gu Long, what impressed Li Fan most is the previous 99-year version of the TV series "Xiao Li" by Jiao Enjun. Throwing Knife.

Jiao Enjun's version of "Little Li Flying Knife", starring Jiao Enjun, Wu Jing, Xiao Qiang, Yu Feihong, Jia Jingwen, etc., is the most classic and influential TV series "Little Li Flying Knife".

Especially Li Xunhuan, played by Jiao Enjun, is a classic among the classics.

Li Xunhuan's handsome, unrestrained and unrestrained manner, and always seems to be seriously ill, and inadvertently, always reveals a tender image, which is extremely successful by Jiao Enjun.

As much as its influence is so great, for many people, when they mention Li Xunhuan, the image of Jiao Enjun emerges in their minds, and when they see Jiao Enjun, they will subconsciously think of Li Xunhuan.

In Jiao Enjun's version of Li Xunhuan, it is estimated that no one can surpass it.

Li Fan wondered in his heart, should he find an actor who looks like Jiao Enjun to play the TV drama version of "Little Li Flying Dagger" in this world in the future?


Li Fan was thinking about it at home, but the outside world was frying the pot because of the Weibo just now.

The content of the Weibo just now is very simple. It only said that the new book is called "The Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword", which will be serialized in the next issue of "Laughing Jianghu" magazine. There is no other information.

But this is enough for the outside world.

Everyone has finally waited, the news they most want to see.

Those who became more and more worried about the book fans finally stopped being worried, and those who were becoming more and more calm laughed confidently, "I'll just say it, I definitely won't just stop writing martial arts."

On the Internet, countless book fans cheered and rushed to tell each other, this is definitely a great happy event.

"Finally I was able to relax. I have been worried for the past few days, and now I am finally relieved."

"I can once again see Gu Yong's new martial arts book, which is definitely a great blessing for the entire martial arts world."

"Of course, this is not only the luck of our martial arts fans, but also the luck of the entire martial arts world."

"I'm so excited now, I can't help but want to sing a song."


The book fans were very excited, so excited that they didn't notice it for a while. What is the title of the new book?

In their eyes, Gu Yong said that he would continue to launch new martial arts works.

It took a while before everyone remembered what was the name of the new book?

"Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword", the swordsman is passionate, but the sword in his hand is ruthless. Such a title that people can think of many, naturally attracts fans to talk about it again.


The book fans were very excited and talked more, and the martial arts writers were equally excited and talked more.

"Some book fans are right. This is not only the luck of their book fans, but also the luck of us martial arts authors, and the luck of the entire martial arts world."

"Indeed, this is the luck of the entire martial arts world. At this moment, I am afraid that there are countless people who are completely excited and excited."

"It's all right now, and the hanging heart can finally be put down. Thank you Gu Yong for bringing us new works again."


The Jury Office of the Times Literature Award.

Yang Qiming laughed and said: "Lao Li, your feeling this time is really right, this time you finally won."

Li Bo said: "Lao Yang, what is it that I finally won this time? It sounds like I have never won before."

Yang Qiming said: "Well, Lao Li, I was wrong. You have indeed won before, but the number of wins is so small that I almost ignored them."

Li Bo said: "Today is in a good mood. Whatever you say, I am too lazy to care about you."

Yang Qiming laughed again and said, "Come on, Lao Li, let's discuss his new book."

Li Bo said: "I only know the title of a book, how can this be discussed?"

Yang Qiming said: "Of course I can discuss it. Look at the title of the book, "The Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword". The swordsman is passionate, but the sword in his hand is ruthless. The title itself is enough for us to discuss it. Up."

Li Bo nodded and said, "This is true, "The Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword". The title of this book can indeed make people think of a lot."


Dawuxia Magazine.

Jian Yishen said with joy: "Editor-in-chief, he really didn't seal the martial arts, this is really great."

Wang Yang smiled and said, "Xiao Tang, isn't this what was expected? Why do you look so surprised?"

Jian Yishen smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Editor-in-chief, although we know that there is a high possibility that he will not write the martial arts, but after all, I can't be completely sure. I still have some concerns."

Wang Yang nodded and said: "Actually, I am the same. Now that I see his preview of the new book, I am also relieved. Whether it is for me or for the entire magazine, I don't want him to close the pen. Martial arts. If he officially seals his pen on martial arts, it will have a great impact on the entire martial arts world. We, martial arts magazines, will also be affected by it. I hope this day will come later."

Kenichi Shinto: "Every one of his works has a great influence on the entire martial arts world, and every one of his works can give me a lot of inspiration. I really hope to see more Several of his new works."

Wang Yang said: "Anyway, we can at least see another "Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword". I don't know what kind of work this is?"

Kenichi Shinto: "The title of this book is memorable. No matter what kind of work it is, it will definitely be a classic."

Wang Yang smiled and said, "This is natural."


The entire martial arts world is agitated because of Gu Yong’s Weibo, and the people who are following Gu Yong at this moment are not just people in the martial arts world, there are many people outside, and they are also talking about it at this time. .

For example, those who are not fans of martial arts books, but pay attention to the netizens of Gu Yong.

"Although I don't watch martial arts, I can also feel that Gu Yong's continued release of new martial arts works is a very exciting thing."

"I don't watch martial arts, but now that Gu Yong will continue to launch new martial arts works, I am also very excited. It seems a bit strange, but I am really excited now."

"Me too. Although I don’t watch Gu Yong’s martial arts works, I don’t want Gu Yong to write martial arts. I think I’m excited about Gu Yong’s launch of the new martial arts, not because I want to see Gu Yong’s New martial arts."

"Anyway, Gu Yong didn't write the martial arts, which is an exciting thing."

"It's true, it's definitely good news."



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