Chapter 227: Something is wrong! How did the herd of wild horses come here! (Third more!) Subscribe please! Please! )



Hear what Qimuge said.

Then I saw a dagger with antler blood spun in his left hand.

Wild sika deer Zhou Taimeng circled.

Qi Muge just wanted to touch its head, as for the threat of such a red fruit?

Not only the wild sika deer Zhou Taimeng circled, but even Lin Fan, Sable, and Hai Dongqing couldn’t help but be a little confused.

Lin Fan was a little confused, because he didn’t expect that after his persuasion, Qi Muge’s attitude towards rare protected animals such as sable and wild sika deer would actually change so much.

To know.

Not long ago, its wooden grid was still very fond of golden eagles and sables.

Even apologize to them after saying the wrong thing.

What now?

First, he swung his clenched right fist at the sable.

Now spinning the bloody dagger with his left hand, the red fruit threatens the wild sika deer Zhou Tai.

It’s not too much of a change, right!!!

At this moment, Lin Fan finally understood why when Qi Muge was so petty to the golden eagle and sable before, he felt that she was a little restrained.

It turned out that as a steppe woman, Qi Muge’s personality was not so gentle.

The reason why she pampered the golden eagle so much before was because she liked animals, deliberately suppressed her nature, and deliberately curried favor with the golden eagle.

As a result, after being persuaded by him, Qimuge figured it out, began to liberate his nature, and his attitude towards sables became casual.

With this casualness of its wooden grid, the sable and wild sika deer Zhou Taike suffered heavily!

And sable, Hai Dongqing, wild sika deer Youyou they are a little confused, because they did not expect that their Muge would show a knife to threaten the wild sika deer Zhou Tai without saying a word.

The most important thing is that this knife is still bright in front of Lin Fan!

This woman is a bit ruthless!!!

Hai Dongqing and the wild sika deer Youyou quietly retreated behind Lin Fan.

The sable standing on Lin Fan’s shoulder hid behind Lin Fan’s neck, only sticking out half of his head to watch the situation.

[It is also because Qi Muge has directly expressed her good feelings to the owner before, otherwise, as soon as her knife lights up, I am afraid that she will be put to the ground by the owner! ] 】

[Put it on the ground? The owner should not be so cruel to girls, right? 】

[Be ruthless to the opposite sex, this is the tradition of the owner’s family! ] 】

[Before I lost and beat Xiao Wan, I abducted Xiao Wan back as a child bride! ] After Zhou Tai was cut with antler velvet, the person stood up and attacked Youyou with a pair of front legs, venting the depression in his heart!

About to have a steppe horse violently beat the mother leader of the wild horse herd, subdue the mother leader, and abduct him home to be a wife!

Do you say that it is possible for the owner to put his wooden grid to the ground? 】

[This… Are the owner’s whole family all strong husbands? 】

[Cheers! ] 】

[Female boxing warning! ] 】

[The owner will only be cruel to the enemy! ] His Muge rotated the dagger, just to scare and scare Zhou Tai, and the owner would not do anything to his Muge! 】

[If it weren’t for knowing that Qimuge just wanted to scare the wild sika deer Zhou Tai, I wouldn’t have sent a barrage here to chat with you, but called the police! ] 】


“Zhou Tai!”

“You’re afraid of Lin Fan, who has been unable to move for nearly half an hour by pressing you to the trunk of a tree, aren’t you afraid of me?”

“The antler velvet on your head, but I cut it!”

“Hurry up and let me touch your head!”

Qi Mu Ge Chong looked at Lin Fan with some helplessness, smiled, and continued to threaten the wild sika deer Zhou Tai.

Seeing the wild sika deer, Zhou Tai raised his left front hoof with some hesitation, but he did not walk forward, let alone retreat.

With a movement in his heart, Qi Muge put away the dagger with antler blood spun in his left hand and put it in the medical box.

Then, clapping his hands, he said to Zhou Tai, a wild sika deer, with a smile:

“Zhou Tai!”

“Come here, I’ll check the bandaging of the wound on your head!”


Seeing that Qimuge put away the dagger.

Hearing Qi Muge’s words again, Zhou Tai, the wild sika deer, put down his left front hoof that had not fallen for a long time, and walked towards her with his head held high.

It was not afraid of its Muge, so it walked towards its Muge!

It is because it wants to check the bandaging of the wound on his head for his Muge, and this will go towards his Muge!

That’s right!

Surely so!!!


Qi Muge doesn’t care what the wild sika deer Zhou Tai is thinking now!

As soon as the wild sika deer Zhou Tai approached, its Muge couldn’t wait to reach out and stroke its fluffy head.

She finally touched the head of the wild animal beside Lin Fan!




Sure enough, the move of threatening by force has a miraculous effect on wild sika deer Zhou Tai!

Qi Muge said that she found a way to get along with Zhou Tai, a wild sika deer!

Looking at the smiling Zhou Tai who hugged the neck of the wild sika deer and wantonly rubbed the wooden grid of the wild sika deer Zhou Tai’s head.

Lin Fan knew what Qi Muge was thinking now, and she must have thought that she had found a way to get along well with Zhou Tai, a wild sika deer.


Lin Fan knew that the whole thing was not so simple

There were many wild animals around Lin Fan who had drunk spirit water.

Lin Fan knew that after drinking the spirit water, wild animals would become a lot smarter.

The smarter they get, the more they can remember.

The more things they remember, the easier it is for them to take revenge.

No way.

Who has a good memory, remember who bullied themselves!

Little snow mastiffs, little whites, golden eagles, and foals can’t love each other, that’s why.

Each other remembers that the other has pitted and bullied themselves, and they are all worried about finding an opportunity to pit back and take revenge, how can they love each other?

Therefore, Qi Muge forced the wild sika deer Zhou Tai to touch her head today, and the wild sika deer Zhou Tai will definitely remember clearly, and will find a way to find an opportunity to take revenge back.

At that time, Qimuge is afraid that it will be unlucky.

It’s just that seeing Qi Muge smile happily, Lin Fan thought about it, but still didn’t pour cold water on her at this time.

Let her be happy and proud first!

What if, Zhou Tai, a wild sika deer, doesn’t want to take revenge on his Muge?


Qimuge took the wild sika deer Zhou Tai in his arms, rubbed it for several minutes, and checked the gauze bandaging on its antler wound.

After confirming that there are no problems.

Qi Muge let go of the hand holding the wild sika deer Zhou Tai, straightened up, took a deep look at Lin Fan, Sable, and Hai Dongqing, carried two medical kits, and strode towards the grove.

As he walked, he said loudly:

“Lin Fan!”

“I’m leaving!”

“In a few days, we’ll see you at the Naadam Conference of the Xilin Guo Lemeng!”

“See you at Naadam!”

Lin Fan replied to Qimuge, took the sable, Haidongqing, and two wild sika deer, and silently followed behind Qimuge.

Whether it was Lin Fan or Qi Muge, they knew that the other party did not want to make the parting atmosphere sad, so no one spoke.

It didn’t take long.

Qi Muge and Lin Fan returned to the vicinity of Wuzhu Muqin Horse Group and White Horse King.

“Xiao Xiao!”


Seeing Lin Fan and Qi Muge, the grassland horse roared up to the sky excitedly.

It can finally go to his wife!!!

The steppe horse was excited, while the white horse horse king was a little aggrieved.

If its Muge doesn’t come back, it’s really going to be driven crazy by the two neuroses of the steppe horse and the golden eagle throw!

The golden eagle did not shout, but looked at Haidong Qingxiaowan, who was also following Lin Fan, with sharp eyes.

This guy actually dared to mock it with an eagle cry from far away!

The golden eagle didily said that if Haidong Qing Xiaowan dared to mock it by recognizing the wrong target and taking the wrong way, it would give Haidong Qing Xiaowan a little color!



Feeling the golden eagle’s fierce eyes, the wild sika deer Zhou Tai and Youyou hurriedly left Haidong Qing Xiaowan.

Haidong Qing Xiaowan, the two wild sika deer are afraid.

Not to mention that the golden eagle, which was nearly twice the size of Haidong Qing Xiaowan, was lost!

If it weren’t for Lin Fan and Qi Muge walking towards the golden eagle Didi, the two wild sika deer would have run away long ago!


Seeing that the two new partners were frightened away from themselves by the golden eagle loss, Haidong Qing Xiaowan was not angry and lost a glance at the golden eagle.

It’s not stupid!

It has already taunted enough golden eagles to lose before, and now it will not continue to taunt!



“Thank you two for helping me watch the White Horse King and Wuzhu Muqin Horse Horse Group!”

Ignoring the cries of several animals and small movements, Qimuge walked straight to the steppe horse, took the reins of the white horse king from the steppe horse’s mouth, and thanked the steppe horse and the golden eagle for the loss.




The grassland horse who was full of thoughts looking for his wife, did not pay attention to his Muge, and ran towards Lin Fan excitedly.




Looked at.

Qimuge shook his head with a smile, put his right thumb and index finger in a circle, and put it in his mouth, making a crisp and loud whistling sound.


Thinking of leaving here quickly, away from the two neurotic white horse kings of the steppe horse and the golden eagle, he raised his head and roared with his wooden grid.

The whistle of his wooden grid was heard.

Hear the roar of the White Horse King.

More than 2,000 Wuzhumuqin horses, who had rested enough, stood up one after another.


Qimuge jumped on the back of the white horse king, lightly kowtowed on the belly of the horse, rode the white horse king, and ran in the direction where it came.




More than 2,000 Wuzhu Muqin horses and the Zao Red Horse, the mount before his Muge, followed closely behind his Muge, creating a deafening galloping sound, wrapped in a large amount of dust, and quickly disappeared from the sight of Lin Fan and the audience in the live broadcast room.

[The scene of more than 2,000 Wuzhu Muqin horses running at the same time is really shocking! ] 】

[More than 2,000 Wuzhu Muqin horses are so shocking when they run, 10,000 horses, how shocking is that?] 】

[Qimuge is leaving?] 】

[What should be said, I said it before, why don’t you leave?] 】

[Exactly! ] Qimuge was still anxious to drive this group of Wuzhu Muqin horses to her uncle’s pasture! Send the Uzhumuqin horses to the location, so that she can go to the Naadam Assembly to wait for the owner! 】

[Earlier, listening to you say this, I instantly understood why Qimuge left so decisively, this is to meet the owner again as soon as possible! ] 】

“Let’s go too!”

“Xiao Wan!”

“Lead the way!”


“You run slowly, take care of your new partners Zhou Tai and Youyou!”

After watching Qi Muge leave with more than two thousand Wuzhumuqin horses, Lin Fan jumped onto the back of the somewhat impatient steppe horse that had been waiting for a long time.

Before leaving, Lin Fan specially told the grassland horse to run slowly.

He was worried that the grassland horse was too anxious and dumped the wild sika deer Zhou Tai and Youyou, which would not be good!


The steppe horse turned his head sideways, glanced at the two wild sika deer in disgust, and nodded reluctantly.


Seeing this, Lin Fan did not hesitate any longer, lightly kowtowed on the belly of the horse, rode the grassland horse, took the sable, the golden eagle, and two wild sika deer, and went to find the wild horse herd under the guidance of Hai Dongqing.



More than twenty minutes later.

After seeing Haidong Qing Xiaowan guiding herself to ride a grassland horse out of her own pasture, she did not fly towards the grassland or the Lashan Desert, but flew towards the edge of the Lianqishan Mountain Range not far away.

Lin Fan lightly knocked on the belly of the grassland horse and made the grassland horse stop.

“Xiao Wan!”

“Get down!”

After the grassland horse stopped, Lin Fan put his hands to his mouth and shouted into the air.

Finish shouting.

Lin Fan was worried that Hai Dongqing Xiaowan did not hear it, and waved his right hand into the air.



Hearing Lin Fan’s call, Haidong Qing Xiaowan and Golden Eagle Didi, who were flying in the air, quickly landed in front of him.

“Xiao Wan!”

“Are you sure the herd of wild horses is over there?”

“Isn’t that right?”

“Why did the herd of wild horses come here?”

Lin Fan pointed to the edge of the Lianqi Mountain Range not far away, looked at Haidong Qing Xiaowan and asked.

This herd of wild horses is good in the Lashan desert and grassland, why did they run into the Lianqishan Mountain Range?

If it weren’t for the photos of wild horses that Haidong Qing Xiaowan had shown before, Lin Fan would have wondered if Haidong Qing Xiaowan had found the wrong target like the golden eagle lost!!!


As soon as Lin Fan’s words fell, the golden eagle flapped its wings and flew into the blue sky again, flying towards the Lianqishan Mountain Range not far away.

It wants to see if the wild horse herd is over there, if not, then how Haidong Qing Xiaowan mocked it before, how will it double the mockery back!!! _

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