The seahorse is 70 centimeters long, and it is extremely shocking to look at.

And this creature, looking at it, is actually a bit fierce.

The smaller seahorses look a little simple, but the larger ones look a little fierce.

Mainly because of its eyes, the eyes match the long mouth, it seems that its eyes are very sharp.

The hippocampus has a flattened head, with two nostrils on each side of the head, and the head is curved to the body approximate the fingers. The body of the fish is thick and flattened, completely encased in a bony ring.

The mouth is pointy and tube-shaped, and cannot be opened and closed, so she can only suck small animals in water. The eyes can be turned up, down, left, right, or back and forth.

The chest and abdomen are protruding, and the trunk is composed of 10~12 ancient rings, and the contour is very distinct.

The tail is slender and quadrangular, and the tail end is pointed and thin, which can be curled, and often curled.

The color of this seahorse is very beautiful, and the whole body is golden yellow.

At this time, this seahorse also discovered Lin Lang, his eyes were sharp, and his face was bulging, as if he was warning Lin Lang.

This seahorse's warning can be said to be useless to Lin Lang.

Immediately, Lin Lang shot directly at the seahorse and grabbed the seahorse.

The seahorse's movements were very slow, and in the face of Lin Lang's hand, it had no means to dodge at all.

Immediately, the seventy-centimeter-long seahorse was already grabbed by Lin Lang with one hand.

"It was so easy to solve, I thought it was going to be a tough battle!"

"Langshen made a move, and it didn't disappoint me, this Nima's is too simple!"

"It's normal, the seahorse doesn't have any means of attack. "

As soon as he finished saying this, a jet of water erupted from the air of the seahorse.

The impact of the water column was very strong, and Lin Lang raised his hand to resist.

The water column hit Lin Lang's arm, although it looked strong, but the strength was not very good.

Because the power in the water is very large, this water column is just scary.

Immediately, Lin Lang didn't bother to waste time, grabbed the seahorse and planned to go home.

However, at this time, the seahorse took a sharp sip, and its suction power was very strong, even if it inhaled a lot of miscellaneous things into its mouth.


There was a muffled sound in the water, and a stone spat out of the seahorse's mouth and hit Lin Lang's head.

Lin Lang's five senses were very developed, and he accurately captured the flight trajectory of the stone, and with a slight tilt, he dodged the stone.

At this time, Lin Lang looked back, but the seagrass behind him was directly interrupted by the stone, and it is conceivable that the force of the thing spit out by the seahorse is still quite large.

"I'll go! This seahorse still has this kind of attack!"

"The one who said earlier that the seahorse had no means of attack, was it slapped in the face?"

"Is this seahorse a teacher of Qiu Qianqi, and he has done a great job!"

Lin Lang also paid attention to this, if this thing was cold and gave it to himself, it would not be good.

Immediately, Lin Lang let go of the seahorse's body, and the seahorse turned around and wanted to escape.

But Lin Lang grabbed the seahorse's long mouth and pinched it to death.

The seahorse's long mouth can't close on its own, but when it catches an external force, it can't suck things in.

Then, Lin Lang grabbed the long mouth of the seahorse and swam towards the sea.

Seeing Lin Lang's rough handling of it, the audience in the live broadcast room was also convinced.

"This little seahorse actually dares to do something to the god of waves, doesn't it know what it is facing?"

"If this seahorse encounters the god of waves, it can be regarded as unlucky. "

"Such a big seahorse, if it is used to soak in wine and drink, it will be much supplemented!"

For this seahorse, the audience in the live broadcast room liked it very much.

Soon, Lin Lang came out of the water, and with such a big seahorse, it was enough to soak in wine.

When he returned home, Lin Lang began to sharpen his knife.

Seahorses can't be soaked directly, nor can they be dried directly.

"If you catch a seahorse yourself, you must pay attention to the fact that fresh seahorses are to slaughter the lion's roar, remove the internal organs of their abdomen, and then wash the seahorse with clean water. It can then be placed in a sunny place to dry. "

"In addition, the seahorse itself has a strong fishy smell, and if it is dried directly, the seahorse will still have a very heavy behavior. It doesn't matter if the fishy smell is acceptable, if it is unacceptable, it is best to blanch it in boiling water for three to five minutes and then remove the water and dry, so that the dried seahorse can be lighter. "

Lin Lang talked about precautions, during which the seahorse had been slaughtered and the internal organs had been removed.

Then Lin Lang took some time to blanch it in boiling water.

The seventy-centimeter seahorse is huge, and the wine jar of Lin Lang's family is obviously not enough.

So Lin Lang has to go to the city and buy a big wine vat to come back.

"Seahorse wine, I personally think it's a good recipe, you can memorize it. These things can also be bought, and after brewing, it is definitely a great supplement, which is very suitable for friends who are weak. "

Lin Lang said.

The audience in the live broadcast room was not happy when they heard this.

"No, no, this kind of thing doesn't need to be shared with us, every one of us here is weak. "

"That's right, Langshen, you can keep this formula and make it up for yourself, we are all in good health, so we don't need to make it up. "

"Uh...... You don't need it, I need ......"

"Grass (a plant), can you have a little bit of luck in front of you?"

The audience in the live broadcast room was duplicitous, obviously what they wanted couldn't work, but they were refusing it.

Lin Lang also understands the thoughts of netizens, and then said: "50 grams of epimedium weed, 3 pairs of seahorses, 2 pairs of petrels, 30 grams of deer antler velvet, 30 grams of deer whip, 20 grams of wolfberry, and then ginseng, I promise to make up more!"

The live broadcast room was quiet for a while, and they all ran to take notes.

For example, Lin Lang's above-mentioned things, Seahorse and Haiyan Lin Lang can also get them by themselves, but they don't have anything else on their side, so Lin Lang also plans to buy them together.

In Minggang City, after buying these things, Lin Lang returned home.

At this time, the sun was in full bloom, and the seahorse, which was seventy centimeters long, wanted to go ashore for a morning was obviously not enough.

So if Lin Lang wants to soak in wine, he has to wait until the evening.

Now the required materials have been almost prepared, but in order to make it taste better, Lin Lang plans to find something else.

"Langshen, what else are you looking for?" asked the barrage.

"Tequila! The wine made from agave tastes very good, and I believe that tequila, you should have all heard of it. "

Hearing Lin Lang's words, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately became interested.

Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room have heard of the name of tequila, and this wine has always been famous.

But agave with seahorses, this is still unheard of, unseen.

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