Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1046: So... are you going to marry this big bald head?

Due to the limited time, Qin Xiaobai took the black charcoal directly and was about to leave the manor where the Shen Wenwen sisters were.

When they walked to the Phaeton, Qin Xiaobai was slightly stunned, then shook his head helplessly, and muttered to himself:

"This stupid woman..."

The car that was in the manor had not been moved for at least two or three months. It was very clean and had no dust.

Don't think about it, it should be Shen Wenwen's frequent cleaning to have such an effect.


Black Charcoal glanced at Qin Xiaobai and asked excitedly. Although he used to be a cat, he has been somewhat curious about cars since he was able to become a human.

"Do you have a driver's license?" Qin Xiaobai glared at him and asked speechlessly.

"No! But driving without a license, I'm very skilled, hehe!"

Black Charcoal returned to his bald appearance, grinning and smiling.

Considering that going to the villa area where her parents lived was a new road that had just been built, and there were few pedestrians and vehicles, Qin Xiaobai hesitated for a while, and finally decided to satisfy Heitan's little wish.

Anyway, an automatic transmission car is not difficult to drive.

However, for the sake of safety, Qin Xiaobai still introduced some driving skills to Heitan in detail.

The two came to the road outside the manor, Black Charcoal got into the cab, took a deep breath, and started his first racing car in his cat life...

In a few moments.

Qin Xiaobai's face turned pale.

"Fuck, black charcoal, can you slow down? Hey, are you going to die with me?"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the speed of the car, and immediately couldn't help cursing.

This guy Black Tan and Su Wanqing are completely two extremes, this guy is really racing. The first time I drove the car, the speed had already exceeded 170... Who can stand this?

"Boss, I finally know why the former king, why did he want to speed up the car? It's as exciting as tearing down a house!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Although the black carbon guy is driving without a license and driving for the first time, it is very stable to drive.

At one point Qin Xiaobai doubted whether Hei Tan had any special talent in racing.


They drove to the villa that Qin Xiaobai bought for his parents. However, what makes Qin Xiaobai speechless is that his parents do not live here.

On the phone, I found out that they moved back to the old dilapidated community.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai can only shake his head helplessly, thinking that his parents may be used to it. .

Therefore, I had to drive and black charcoal to return to the previous community.

Chu Yunlan was chatting in the community at the moment, and a group of neighbors surrounded her.

"Xiao Bai, you are so blessed, but I don't know how to enjoy it. If my son can buy us a villa, I will definitely not move back!" A middle-aged lady with a smile on her face With an envious dark color, he said.

"By the way, Xiaobai, why can't you talk?"

Chu Yunlan heard the envious words of several people, her face did not show the slightest smug look, instead she looked a little worried.

After a while, she sighed and said helplessly:

"You don't know, I'm struggling, what will my Xiaobai do in the future? I like that girl Wanqing very much, and that girl Xiaowen is also good. But I can only have one daughter-in-law. Right? What about the other one..."

Chu Yunlan is speaking from her heart. She has been struggling with this issue for a while.

"Fuck Xiaobai, I suspect you are showing off... It's better than my Yangzi, who is still single now?" After listening to Chu Yunlan's words, Yangzi's mother suddenly shook a little speechlessly Shaking his head.

"Actually, this matter is easy to solve. If these two girls don't want to leave your family, Xiaobai, whoever has children first will marry Xiaobai. okay?"

Chu Yunlan: “…”

Just when the few people were chatting, Qin Xiaobai drove the car and came to the community with black charcoal.

At the same time, Chu Yunlan recognized her son's car at a glance.

Drop! drop!

Qin Xiaobai lightly honked the horn twice, then lowered the glass of the lathe, and shouted to Chu Yunlan who was walking towards him: "Mom, go home, I have something to talk to you about! "

"Stinky boy, why are you back?"

Chu Yunlan scolded, and then looked at the bald black charcoal on the co-pilot, her brows wrinkled slightly.

Hei Tan heard Qin Xiaobai's mouth calling for mom, he had an idea, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he shouted: "Mom!"

Chu Yunlan: "???"


The people of Chu Yunlan were stupid.

A bald man, sitting in the co-pilot of his son, and then calling his mother... Who would dare to believe this?

"This is..."

After hesitating for a while, Chu Yunlan did not agree, ignored the black carbon, looked at her son, and asked.

Hearing this, Chu Yunlan's face turned green!

Looking blankly at the bald black charcoal on the co-pilot, I remembered that he just called his mother directly... He wanted to turn his face and hammer this son to death on the spot!


But now his son brought a bald man back and told himself that he was getting married.

Who can stand this kind of thing?

Although this kind of thing is legal in many countries of the earth, she really can't accept it...

After holding back for a long time, Chu Yunlan waited for Qin Xiaobai with a dark face, and scolded: "Stinky boy, if you don't make it clear today, don't even think about entering the house! I raised you like this! Is it easy?

You little bastard, you want to marry a bald man? "

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

Black Charcoal: "???"

After listening to Chu Yunlan's words, Qin Xiaobai and Heitan glanced at each other, and they were all speechless. They both looked like they were really gay?

"No, mother! What are you thinking?"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at his mother and asked helplessly.

"Isn't it? Then why did he call my mother?"

Chu Yunlan glanced at the black charcoal, and then set her eyes on her son again, and asked blankly.

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