Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1055: Forgot to tell you, Douyin live broadcast is also my industry!

Even if she knew that Qin Xiaobai was the boss of Tiger Fish, Xin De couldn't just stop the live broadcast because of his words.

He has received deposits from nearly 150 merchants.

If the live broadcast is not broadcast, he will face more than 300 million claims.

However, Xinde didn't put his life on the tiger fish. Who knows that this one punches and makes a slap, just for fun, or really want to seal his live broadcast room? ?


Before the broadcast, Sinde contacted two more platforms, just in case.

And let your team members start communicating with businesses and fans.

It's exactly one o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Xiaobai frowned suddenly.


The anchor named Xinde did not follow his advice, but continued to bite the bullet and started live broadcast sales.


Qin Xiaobai couldn't bear it anymore.

In front of so many people, the cow who blows it out, tears will be fulfilled!


It doesn't seem like he's bragging, he can indeed easily beat this anchor named Sinde to death.

After a while, Qin Xiaobai sent Liang Chenghai a WeChat message, telling Liang Chenghai the whole story.


After seeing the WeChat message sent by Qin Xiaobai, Liang Chenghai was really overwhelmed, and silently muttered: "It's all written in the contract not to provoke the king to patrol the mountains, Is this guy blind or insane..."


Because it has happened many times before, the newly recruited big anchor went to provoke Su Wanqing, the proprietress, and was banned from the live broadcast room.

After discussing with Xu Feng, Liang Chenghai and Xu Feng deliberately revised the signing contract of Tiger Fish. On the last page of the contract, a prohibition against provoking the anchor king Xunshan was added.

Don't these anchors read the contract?

Liang Chenghai was helpless and speechless.

But since the boss Qin Xiaobai has already ordered, there is no reason for him not to follow it.

The relevant departments were quickly notified, and Sind's live broadcast room was directly blocked.

The official reason is: blatant rhythm, insulting the reputation of the anchor on the same platform, and the live broadcast room will be permanently suspended.

Originally, Qin Xiaobai thought that the matter was here, and it was over. After all, this anchor named Xinde, the coffin lid was already dead.

However, when he was about to log out of the live broadcast platform account, he suddenly received another private message from Sinde.

"The boss of Tiger Fish is really amazing, I have seen it! But that's it, I can still go live on other platforms, are you angry?"

After reading this private message, Qin Xiaobai suddenly laughed.

This guy should be the most arrogant anchor he has ever seen since he came to Blue Star...

Qin Xiaobai even wondered if he was a jerk. If you come to the door like this, don't you continue to look for a hammer?

"What's wrong with this? You openly changed jobs during the contract period. You should pay me a lot of money? If you have more money, you can do whatever you want!" Qin Xiaobai curled his lips, this kind of The liquidated damages that come to your door, don't be in vain!

After hearing the words of liquidated damages, the corners of Sinde's mouth twitched a few times, obviously it was painful.

Even my heart is bleeding...

However, thinking that it can ease the depression in his heart, he can accept the money.

After all, the model he came to sign with Tiger Fish was not a contract with a direct astronomical signing fee, but a 70% gift sharing ratio.

This type of contract forgoes sky-high signing fees, and instead increases the income of gift tips.

For middle-level anchors, it is not cost-effective.

But most of the first-class or top anchors choose this signing mode to maximize their income.


Even if Sind wanted to pay the liquidated damages, the number would not be too scary. He calculated that it would be 30 million at most.

"30 million liquidated damages only, I can earn it back with a live broadcast!" Sind pretended to be indifferent, and then typed:

"Tigerfish has a boss like you, it will be finished sooner or later! By the way, by the way, I have already started broadcasting on Douyin, and my popularity seems to be higher than that of Tiger Fish, haha!"


After hearing the word Douyin, Qin Xiaobai couldn't be more happy.

This guy Rory talked a lot, what kind of god-level operation did he think he had?

It turned out to be Douyin...

"Oh, is this your trump card?" Qin Xiaobai shook his head, then continued typing:

"If you want to go to Douyin live broadcast, I advise you to give up this fantasy, you can't get along there, I forgot to tell you just now that Douyin is actually my industry! "

After seeing the news from Qin Xiaobai, Xin De was slightly stunned, obviously not quite convinced.

However, when he saw his Douyin's live broadcast room again and it was blocked, Xinde was completely stupid.

This is your sister.

This time I really kicked the steel plate...

At this moment, his assistant, sweating profusely, walked to Sinde's side and said anxiously:

"Brother Xin, what should we do? Those merchants are clamoring for refunds? We don't seem to have any other platforms to go to. If this continues, we will go bankrupt!"

After listening to his assistant's words, Xin De first cursed Qin Xiaobai through gritted teeth, and then gradually recovered his calm.

"What's the hurry! There are not only two live broadcast platforms in the whole empire, let's go to Taomao live broadcast, as long as the group of die-hard fans are still there, we will be the same wherever we go! You can arrange it again. , first stabilize the merchants and fans."

The Taomao live broadcast platform mentioned by Xinde, strictly speaking, is not a professional live broadcast platform. The reason why Taomao launched the live broadcast is to increase the sales of their online shopping mall.

Like a treasure on earth, Taomao is also an old e-commerce network giant, not only the parent company of Taomao, but also the largest mobile payment software in the empire.

Su Wanqing's fans in the live broadcast room often say, you want to tease me to death, then inherit my Huabei bill, and Dingding go to the online class, all developed by Godfather Ma.

Even the twist of the goose can only be barely equal to it.

The actual boss behind it is even called Godfather Ma by the imperial people, and he himself has been on the position of the richest man in the empire many times.

Soon, Xin De ran out the news of Taomao’s live broadcast, and was discovered by some of Su Wanqing’s fans, so they launched a barrage on the public screen.

"Fuck! Dog emperor, are you vain? Why didn't you beat this Sinde to death? He went to hunt for cats again, and he was still talking nonsense!"

"Come, come, it's open! Bet on a pair of fresh pants from Xiantian Daoist brother, guess how long this Xinde live broadcast room will be blocked again!"

"Fuck! The opening, you're a bit too **** too much! I'll be fine in three seconds, and my pants are gone when I come out?"


After seeing the barrage on the public screen, Qin Xiaobai's brows couldn't help but frown.

He has heard of Tao Mao.

It's just that he and the godfather Ma behind this Taomao have absolutely no intersection.


I want to make a phone call and let the other party block Sinde's live broadcast room, obviously it is not possible...

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