Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1100: Host, don't blame me, you didn't ask!

Perhaps because she was too tired, Su Wanqing fell asleep in Qin Xiaobai's arms around twelve o'clock in the evening.

There was still a smile on her face.

The smile was charming and seemed to carry a hint of sweetness, a hint of happiness and a hint of hope for the future.

Qin Xiaobai stared at her for a moment, then lowered his head and kissed Su Wanqing lightly on the cheek. Then she slowly put her on the bed, moving very lightly, for fear of waking Su Wanqing from her sleep.

After staying by the bed for a while, Qin Xiaobai finally left the house.

The matter of the imprint and the cyan coffin is a matter that must be resolved for Qin Xiaobai.

Whether it's for Su Wanqing or Shen Wenwen, or now there is a Qin Xiaoyu.

Qin Xiaobai must face it.

If there are people around you and you can't protect them, then there is no point in living.

Two days later, Qin Xiaobai appeared on the periphery of the extreme south again.

It's still as cold as ever.

Since Qin Xiaobai came alone this time, he didn't have any worries. After arriving in the no-man's land, he directly activated the skill of Inspirational Wing. Quickly swept away all the way towards the center.

The process of rushing on the road was very boring.

So, this time he basically had no trouble.

Those ferocious beasts who thought that someone had violated their territory, after seeing the appearance of the flying people, they looked like they saw the devil.

Don't say anything to stop me, I don't even dare to breathe too loudly.

I was afraid that I would provoke this devil again, and then I was inexplicably beaten...

Three days have passed.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai has reached the edge of the center of the extreme southern land. What surprised him was that he could no longer control the Mind Wing to continue flying when he arrived here before.

However, the sense of restraint before now seems to no longer exist.

"Strange, is there something wrong here?"


The system brother made some speechless complaints.


After hearing this sentence, Qin Xiaobai's face suddenly turned dark, and he couldn't help but scolded: "Then you don't say it early, I won't be in the wedding room, just Abandon that silly girl and run out..."

No wonder Qin Xiaobai is so hot.

If he knew that the flight restrictions here no longer exist, then he can leave in two more days.

At least make a room first...

Hearing Qin Xiaobai's complaint, the system brother didn't care at all: "Host, you didn't ask, did you?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Hearing this, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

On the night of the wedding, the system brother told him that ten days later, the power of the seal on the blue jade coffin in the polar region will be destroyed, and that time is the best time for him to open the jade coffin .

At that time, Qin Xiaobai calculated the days and had to leave that night, so that he could arrive at the location of the altar within ten days.

Of course.

This is the center of the polar regions where you can't fly and need to walk for several days.

Who would have thought the old **** no longer existed?

According to the current progress, he will be able to reach the altar in one more day's flight.

In other words, he was at least four days early.

Not four hours.

Four days...

The most important thing is that this time is different from the previous one. There is no special live broadcast equipment like Goby, and the mobile phone will definitely have no signal.

This also means that for the next four days, he needs to be at the altar, staring at a jade coffin?

This nima…

When he thinks of this, Qin Xiaobai has the urge to hammer the system brother to death.

Although I was angry, there was nothing else I could do.

I have come, I can't go back now, and then come again...

This kind of stupidity is definitely not something that he, who has the noble Husky blood, can do.

After cursing for a while, Qin Xiaobai's eyes suddenly lit up.

The previous unhappiness was instantly swept away.

And he changed a temporary residence permit that day.

I can just take advantage of these few days to go back to Earth.

After all, when he left Shen Wenwen that day, he said that he would be back soon and that he would take her to do something exciting.

Now is the time to keep your promise.

Some time ago, Cheng Xiaoguo and Su Wanqing dreamed about the cyan jade coffin at the same time, and they happened to ask Shen Wenwen by the way.

Although there is a high probability that she is also dreaming.

However, it’s better to ask…

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's face finally looked better, he glanced ahead, then his body swayed slightly, and once again rushed towards the center position.

The time was a little faster than Qin Xiaobai expected. It only took him half a day to reach the location of the altar.

After falling, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the surrounding scene.

It's still the same as when he came last time, and not much has changed.

Wacky altar, blue jade coffin…

Qin Xiaobai tried several times to see if he could open the jade coffin, and even the "key" multicolored stone won by lottery was also embedded in the groove, But the jade coffin remained motionless.

After seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai finally believed what the system brother said.

I am afraid it will take another five days to open this jade coffin.

So, he's just waiting here for nothing.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai didn't hesitate any longer, and directly activated the Myriad Realm Gate skill.

It lit up with a ray of light.

Qin Xiaobai's body disappeared by the altar...

And when he regained consciousness, he had returned to a familiar place again.

At this time, the sky is approaching dusk.

In the kitchen of the manor below, the lights were on, and a smoke rose up the chimney.

In the kitchen, heat is rising.

Through the glass of the window, you can vaguely see the back of Shen Wenwen who is busy inside. Next to her, a slightly shorter figure followed, it should be Shen Qianqian's little girl.


Qin Xiaobai breathed a long sigh of relief, and after looking at it for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then slowly walked towards the gate.

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