Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1128: News from two old friends and one old friend!

In the room in the attic, Qin Xiaobai was wearing Su Wanqing's clothes. In the mirror on the wall, he looked back and forth at his new look and was quite satisfied.

Although I haven't worn women's clothes for a long time, I still want to be as stunning as before.

If he didn't know that the woman in the mirror was Qin Xiaobai himself, maybe he would have the urge to marry her.

In a few moments.

Qin Xiaobai took Su Wanqing back to the kitchen.

Originally, Qin Xiaobai planned to let his daughter-in-law appear with him, but Su Wanqing refused.

In her words, she doesn't want to be abused anymore...


If the two of them appear in the live broadcast room at the same time, they will inevitably be ridiculed by the fans...

For Su Wanqing's unwillingness to show her face, Qin Xiaobai did not force her. After all, the mission issued by the system brother was only to ask him to appear in the live broadcast room as a woman.

When the fans in the live broadcast room saw Qin Xiaobai appearing in women's clothes, they immediately boiled over together.

"Fuck, if I didn't know that this guy was dressed as a dog queen, I would have the urge to lick the screen..."

"Isn't it, big brother, you just think? I've already started, to be honest, I'm using my feet on the keyboard now..."

"Oh, I'm really afraid that one day I will go down to accompany Ah Wei, who can't stand it, the pants I just put on have to be taken off again!"

"I want to know how the anchor feels now, married to a man who is more coquettish than himself..."

"So, can she earn blood? You can be a husband and wife at night, and a best friend during the day!"

"Fuck, brother upstairs! Come and pay the fine here, I suspect you are speeding and driving without a license!"

"People think I'm crazy when I say it out loud. I'm such a 30-year-old man, watching a man's live broadcast and thinking badly! Who dares to believe this?"

"??? Who is this woman, Wanqing?"

"It looks a little familiar, as if I've seen it before, where is Wanqing, come out and explain?"


There are dense barrages on the public screen, two of which are particularly eye-catching.


It's the little dumpling and the little girl who just came into the live broadcast room.

When they were watching the Douyin short video today, they saw Su Wanqing's announcement that it was a live broadcast at night.

So I decided to come to her live room and chat with Su Wanqing.

After all.

Since Qin Xiaobai disappeared, Su Wanqing has not broadcast live for a long time. Although their sisters are still in touch, they are both busy with their own affairs.

I wanted to take advantage of today to gather in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room, but who knew that after coming, I didn't see Su Wanqing herself, but another stunning woman.

At first.

Xiao Tuanzi and Duan Xiaomei thought they had entered the wrong live room. But after reading the ID of the live broadcast room several times, it was confirmed that they did not enter by mistake...

That's why I couldn't help but post barrage questions on the public screen.


Have not waited for Qin Xiaobai to answer their questions, Duanzi and Duan Xiaomei suddenly seemed to understand something after seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room. up.

"I'm going, Danzi, am I dreaming? Is this the dead straight man back?"

"No, you don't! These fans call him the dog emperor, who else can be except that guy is back... Qin Xiaobai, hurry up and say something! Is it really you?"

After seeing the bullet screen posted by Tuanzi and Duan Xiaomei, Qin Xiaobai was slightly embarrassed, reached out and scratched his hair, grinned and replied, " it the two of you? I Inheritance is recognized like this..."

"My God, it's really Qin Xiaobai, he's still alive..."

Danzi and Duan Xiaomei, after confirming that the person in the camera was Qin Xiaobai, their eyes couldn't help but get wet at the same time.

Although Qin Xiaobai used to abuse them, anchors like them live at home on weekdays.

There are not many people who can talk to friends.

So, when they knew that Qin Xiaobai, the "friend", came back alive, they were very happy.

At the same time, the two are also happy for Su Wanqing.

After all, I haven't waited in vain for ten years!

"It's a pity that Miss Xiaoguo can't get in touch, otherwise we can get together again with three dishes and one soup and Qin Xiaobai!"

Danzi sighed, then typed on the public screen.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaobai frowned slightly, and then asked curiously: "Cheng Xiaoguo is also missing? Because the wool will not be able to contact..."

"It was said that she went to the polar regions to participate in the program recording and filming. During the ten years since you disappeared, she would go there for a period of time every year, and she stayed for a few months! However, she will come back soon after counting the days. Now, she must be very happy to know that you are alive..."

Little girl explained casually.

Filming? Recording program?

You cheat!

Is there a place where people can stay?

Don't talk about filming and recording programs, it's hard to survive, this is obviously a nonsense...

However, after hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaobai didn't say these things, just shook his head slightly, and whispered in his heart: "Isn't this stupid woman going to the polar regions to look for it? your own?"

The more Qin Xiaobai thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility.

Since Su Wanqing could dream that she went to the polar regions and opened the jade coffin, then Cheng Xiaoguo 80% knew it...

After a moment of silence, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the camera, and then asked, "By the way, how are you two now? I don't think I saw you live on the air... Get married and bring your baby at home. already?"

"These things are not clear on the public screen, so let's have a video chat with Wan Qing later!" After thinking for a while, the group typed a series of subtitles on the public screen, suggesting that said.

"Yes, that's a long story! I'll clean it up, and I'll find Wanqing to open the video later!" After seeing the barrage posted by Tuanzi, the little girl was in agreement, and she also typed a message. The barrage said in agreement.

"Um...that's fine!"

Qin Xiaobai nodded and did not object.

It is not appropriate to chat in the live broadcast room with friends reminiscing about the old things. It's not because of other reasons, but because of the two of them, the typing speed is too slow...

At this time, Qin Xiaobai's mind had already sounded a reminder from the system's brother.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the women's clothing live broadcast task, and the system is re-bound! Congratulations to the host for owning this system again... Happy cooperation!"

"Can you not?"

Qin Xiaobai asked with a grin.

System Brother: "…"

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