Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 115: Transfer turmoil (five shifts!)

Su Wanqing didn't really care much about Qin Xiaobai sleeping in her bed. When she first raised Qin Xiaobai a few years ago, when he was a cute Erha, he always She slept in Su Wanqing's bed at night.

Of course, that would be Su Wanqing's loneliest time, Qin Xiaobai accompanied her through countless difficult nights.

It's just that Qin Xiaobai's body is a little too big now. He is almost as tall as her when he stands up. It is definitely not suitable for him to continue sleeping on the same bed.

He looked down at the muddy footprints under his feet, Qin Xiaobai felt a little embarrassed in his heart, and gave Su Wanqing a low growl, expressing his apology, and then jumped off the bed.

At this time, Su Wanqing didn't care that the live broadcast was still on, she took out a new set of sheets from the cabinet and changed it directly.

Some fans entered Su Wanqing's live broadcast room relatively late, and when they saw her changing sheets during the live broadcast, they were a little confused.

"What's the matter with the host? You're right, live changing the sheets?"

"Is it a live cospaly today? The anchor is playing a housemaid?"

"Such a temperamental picture, so my dear friend is not ready to show it, it's not like your style..."

"What are you talking about! I'm ready, my pants are all on!"

"Brother, you came late, didn't you? Missed the wonderful scene just now, do you know why the anchor changed the sheets?"

"You don't want to tell me that the anchor just rolled the sheets, right? With whom, is that Erha?"

"Your vision is so accurate, that Erha slept in the anchor's bed!"


After finishing the sheets, Su Wanqing tidied up her appearance a little and glanced at Qin Xiaobai. In order to prevent him from continuing to waste the new sheets, she had no choice but to send him back to the sofa in the living room.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai complained deeply in his heart, and vowed to himself that when he finds an opportunity in the future, he must let Su Wanqing try to sleep on the sofa every day.

The next day, Qin Xiaobai slipped out of the house early in the morning, first went to the stock exchange, and threw out the three million Tesla shares in his hand.

Then took the more than one billion cash in the card and went to a nearby bank to transfer the money in the card to the account that Su Wanqing gave yesterday. So that she can start the plan to buy land as soon as possible.

In the early morning of the bank, there were not many customers, Qin Xiaobai came to the number machine, took out a number, and then followed the prompts to a counter to prepare for business.

The bank teller who handles Qin Xiaobai's business is a middle-aged greasy uncle with a little hair loss on his head. A glance, and did not greet him.

At first, when Qin Xiaobai saw him on the phone, he did not urge him, but waited quietly for a while, but soon his patience was exhausted.

The middle-aged teller had been on the phone for more than ten minutes, but he still didn't answer.

Qin Xiaobai was furious at the time, you are looking at it, the smiling service on the counter is a decoration, right? Directly on the rating button on the counter, pressed a poor service attitude!

The teller who was on the phone was stunned for a moment after hearing the prompt tone, then quickly said a few words to the phone before hanging up.

Looking at Qin Xiaobai, he asked impatiently, "What business do you handle?"


After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, he threw the bank card directly into the window.

"Why do you transfer money to the counter? The ATM machine doesn't work? Mobile banking doesn't work?" The middle-aged teller saw the bank card that Qin Xiaobai threw in, and asked three questions one after another. Bai interrupted his call just now, very dissatisfied.

"The amount I transfer is relatively large. Your ATM limit is 50,000 per day, and the mobile banking limit is 100,000 per day, which is not enough! Would you like to increase the limit?"

After listening, the middle-aged teller did not continue to struggle with the previous question. After lowering his head and entering Qin Xiaobai's account number, he asked, "How much is the quota for you, is one billion enough?"

There was a hint of ridicule in the words, Qin Xiaobai was not happy after listening to it, what is this Nima, the bank service attitude in this world is so bad?

"Enough! Then please put the one billion deposits in my card into this bank account!" After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, he filled in Su Wanqing's account information on a form up, handed it in.

"How much do you say? Ten... billion?"

The middle-aged teller who was a little dissatisfied at first was almost stunned after hearing this number! He quickly looked at the balance in Qin Xiaobai's account. At that time, the whole person was stunned. She really has a billion...

"Yes, please hurry up, I'm in a hurry!" Qin Xiaobai urged.

"First...Sir! Can we reconsider this matter? Can we handle the transfer next month.

Our performance this month is a little bit worse. If you transfer the billion, we will definitely not be able to complete it. The entire bank staff will not have bonuses! "

The attitude of the middle-aged teller immediately changed a lot, and he quickly and politely discussed with Qin Xiaobai and Qin Xiaobai.

Actually, he is a vice president of this bank, responsible for taking deposits from customers. He was also discussing with customers on the phone call and asking them to make more deposits.

After all, every bank has a certain deposit target every month, and everyone has a good bonus if they reach it.

Originally, this month, the contact has been almost completed, and it is only a few tens of millions to complete, but now if there are customers who directly transfer one billion, the task will definitely not be completed...

, his chances of being promoted to president are definitely hopeless.

To be more serious, even the current vice president may not be able to continue to serve.

So, I almost cried when I heard that Qin Xiaobai was going to transfer 1 billion directly.

Although Qin Xiaobai didn't know why the middle-aged man suddenly changed his attitude, but just because of his virtuous behavior, it is impossible to keep his money here.

"Can you stop talking nonsense? Hurry up and transfer money, or I will call and complain to you!" Qin Xiaobai said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Sir... Big brother! I'm begging you, don't transfer the billion, otherwise my bank manager may not be able to keep it? Just help my brother once, you see Is it done?" the middle-aged man begged.

"Hehe! Are we familiar? Stop talking nonsense, if you don't do business for me, I'll call the CBRC number directly..." Qin Xiaobai's tone was indifferent, with no sympathy at all.

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