Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 120: The identity of the fourth candidate! (Five more!)

Under the operation of Ye Zhixiong and several others, many people in the conference room soon looked down at their mobile phones. After seeing the above information, these people all agreed.

Even if Ye Zhixiong and the others did not operate, no one would vote for Qin Xiaobai, and let a young man who looks only 20 years old be the chairman of the chamber of commerce. Aren't you kidding me?

So, their move is really superfluous.

A few minutes later, the door of the conference room was opened by two security guards, and three middle-aged people in their fifties stepped into the venue together.

After seeing the appearance of these three people, everyone stood up and saluted respectfully to the three of them.

Seeing the situation in the venue, Qin Xiaobai was also a little surprised. He didn't expect these three guys to have such a high reputation.

When a few people passed by Qin Xiaobai, after seeing him, the corners of their mouths could not help twitching a few times, then nodded to Qin Xiaobai, and walked to the first row of seats to sit Down.

You must know that these three people are the most outstanding three people in the local business circle of the magic capital. Before Tang Jianjun came, the position of the richest man in the magic capital, but the three of them took turns to sit in the village, and each of them had a net worth of more than The existence of billions!

Even though Tang Jianjun has suppressed a lot of limelight in recent years, his reputation still exists.

"I don't know the etiquette, I don't even know the minimum respect, how can such a person be qualified to run for the post of president?"

"Who knows! I won't vote for him anyway!"

"Oh! Don't you think someone will vote for this kid?"

"Today, he is destined to not get a single vote, which will increase his memory. The business world of the Magic City is not something that these arrogant people can make fun of!"


Qin Xiaobai turned a deaf ear to these negative comments, and let them comment. Since Tang Jianjun agreed to help him run for election, he would definitely find a way.

Instead of thinking about it, it's better to rest for a while!

At nine o'clock sharp, the door of the conference room was opened by the security guard again. This time, including the three people with a net worth of tens of billions, they also stood up one after another, and bowed their fists slightly towards the door!

The reason why it is so grand, of course, is because the person who came is the current president of the Chamber of Commerce, Tang Jianjun.

In addition, there was a middle-aged man in a black suit who walked into the conference room with him, who looked like a man in his forties.

The temperament of this man made Qin Xiaobai feel that he was completely different from all the businessmen present, and he seemed to have a kind of righteousness that comes with being in a high position.

"A warm welcome to Mr. Lin to visit the Chamber of Commerce and guide the work!" After speaking, there was a burst of warm applause at the meeting, which was deafening.

Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but take a few more glances at the middle-aged man, secretly remembering the Senator Lin who was in charge of the magic capital.

"You are welcome, I am here this time as a bystander, everything is still in accordance with the past practice, you don't have to mind my existence!"

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sit down, and said calmly with a warm smile on his face.

The sudden arrival of Senator Lin was beyond the expectations of everyone present. Naturally, these people in the business world of Magic Capital would not fully believe what he said.

The purpose of his visit was all speculation.

When Tang Jianjun and Senator Lin passed by Qin Xiaobai, they couldn't help but glance at him, especially Tang Jianjun, there was a hint of smile on his face, which made Qin Xiaobai incomprehensible.

Then the two walked straight to the podium of the venue.

Tang Jianjun, as usual, published some Mandarin on the scene, which is nothing more than a summary of the past, comments on the present, and expectations for the future.

Of course, by the way, I would like to thank you for your support.

Everyone in the conference room understands that these are unnutritious clichés. What they are most related to is who will take over the position of the chairman of the Magic City Chamber of Commerce after Tang Jianjun leaves.

In this regard, Tang Jianjun is naturally very clear, and soon said to everyone: "Everyone, I think everyone is most related to the election of the president next. After discussion with Mr. Lin, We have selected four candidates in total!"

After Tang Jianjun mentioned the four candidates, many people who sat there expressed strong interest.

On the screen, Tiansheng International Yang Kaitai, Hongda Group Wang Lei, and Jangho Real Estate Chen Jianghe, after the names of these three, others did not find it strange, and they were even able to guess.

As for the last election spot, it made them a little curious, and couldn't help but guess who it would be.


Tang Jianjun didn't plan to sell the game at all, he directly pressed the controller in his hand, and then an extremely ordinary name appeared on the big screen - Qin Xiaobai!

Some brief introductions of Qin Xiaobai appeared on the screen. The content was actually very simple.

Lanshan is the largest shareholder!

Chairman of Arashiyama Hotel!

Chairman of Tianhe Shopping Mall!

No other information.

These three simple introductions made the conference room explode.

"Aren't these all Tang Jianjun's properties? How could it be in this person's name?"

"That young man is not the illegitimate son of Tang Jianjun, right?"

"No wonder he was put on the shortlist! These industries together are no less than those three..."

Seeing that everyone in the conference room began to discuss, Tang Jianjun coughed twice, and then said to the microphone: "Everyone, you will not have any objection to this list, right?"

Tang Jianjun's words suddenly made the conference room quiet, and everyone began to re-examine, Qin Xiaobai, who was sitting in the first row.

The young man who was ridiculed by them for being overly powerful just now has reached a height that is beyond their reach.

In terms of wealth alone, it can be compared with those three billionaires!

In the conference room at this moment, in addition to Yang Kaitai, Wang Lei, and Chen Jianghe, the other business elites in the magic capital felt a burning feeling on their faces.

But soon, these people gradually recovered from the shock!

Even if this young man's net worth reaches a terrifying height, so what? Isn't it because there are three other people there, and there is no way a yellow-haired boy can be the president of the chamber of commerce.

They still won't vote for this Qin Xiaobai!

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