Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 174: Don't let her experience such a dark thing! (Four more!)

"Dad, you don't need to give a reward, you paid so much money a few days ago!" Tang Xiaorou hurriedly persuaded after seeing the subtitles from Qin Xiaobai.

"It's just a few treasure maps, it's just a red envelope for you! But five treasure maps for an hour, you can't default on your debt..."

Qin Xiaobai smiled and used free gold coins to brush the treasure map. He didn't care at all, the important thing was to complete the task.


Tang Xiaorou saw that Qin Xiaobai had been insisting, she could only helplessly nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, the screen of the live broadcast room was directly covered by golden lights!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map x1 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map x10 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map x20 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map x50 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map x80 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map x100 in the live broadcast room!

ID punched a monster and sent a treasure map x120 in the live broadcast room!

The speed was so fast that Tang Xiaorou's live broadcast room got stuck. After half a day, she was shocked when she saw the final numbers!

A loli face with big stunned eyes, that look is cute and a little funny, so Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but want to laugh after reading it.

The viewers of the live broadcast room, although they already had a hunch that this guy would need to scan a lot of treasure maps, but they were really shocked when they saw so many treasure maps.

"Have I vomited? Stone Hammer is a lunatic..."

"When I was in Douyu, I saw a guy named Gouhuang, and now Huya finally has someone who can compete with him!"

"Isn't this guy the dog king of Douyu? The style of this gift is really similar to him!"

"It can't be the dog emperor. I heard that the dog emperor is the largest shareholder of Douyu. He will definitely not come to give money to competitors..."

"You seem to have a point!"

"Stop talking, I want to go back to the live broadcast, this kind of money is too good to earn, it's sour!"

"I'm just waiting quietly, and I don't know what I'm waiting for. Anyway, when this little loli anchor's eyes turn black, maybe I will tdsahdashkohhfhds"

"The one upstairs typed a series of strange letters, let me explain to you what it means, judging from this person's ID, he should be the one who took off his pants.

A letter t was typed, followed by a string of incomprehensible letters. I guess he wanted to type 'take off his pants', but he killed him directly. Typed on the keyboard, is this analysis correct? "

"I don't care if your analysis is correct or not, I just want to know, why are you able to type so many words?"

"Yeah! Hold the grass, this person is really good, he can type so many words! Am I blind?"

"Grip the grass! It can also be analyzed like this? You're not a human..."

"It's okay, he's gone, and there are thousands of others. I'm willing to inherit his mantle and continue to carry forward this art!"

"Brother, please don't! That guy is the guy who is called the land fairy in Douyu, he can't hold it anymore, you better not try it..."


Tang Xiaorou looked at the 120 treasure maps beating on the public screen, and felt bitter in her heart.

Who can stand this?

The last time I endorsed for more than 20 hours, she vomited several times after the broadcast...

If this happens again, it is estimated that the stomach acid will be spit out?

"Dad, can't we not joke, you are going to torture to death, are you such a lovely daughter?" Tang Xiaorou struggled for a long time, but couldn't help but plead.

"The treasure map has been rewarded, do you think I am joking with you again?" Qin Xiaobai asked with a smirk on his face.


Tang Xiaorou had a wry smile on her face, she really didn't know what to say.

Change to other anchors, let alone 120 treasure maps, live broadcast for 24 hours continuously, that is, 12 treasure maps, let them live broadcast for three days and three nights possible.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaorou finally looked helpless and recited Tang poetry and Song poetry again.

But before she started, she still asked Qin Xiaobai for the contact information. After Qin Xiaobai hesitated for a while, she still gave her his number.

After all, this little loli is really cute...

As usual, Qin Xiaobai did not stay to watch her endorsement, but continued to hang out on the Huya live broadcast platform, remembering the phone call Su Wanqing received before. Qin Xiaobai plans to go to Yang Mengxin's live broadcast room to check the situation.

If she was really sanctioned by Huya because of what happened last night, Qin Xiaobai wouldn't mind helping her again.

Anyway, two million tiger teeth gold coins, for him, who has two billion, is completely a drizzle.

Qin Xiaobai was a little surprised, Yang Mengxin was indeed on the live broadcast, and she seemed to be in a good mood. She was bragging to the fans in the live broadcast room that she would have a best friend in a few days to give her a reward two million.

But obviously, those viewers in her live broadcast room obviously didn't believe it, and they sent barrage questions.

"Anchor, did you cut your hair and lose your IQ? Let your bestie be 2 million yuan, this is too showy..."

"Yes! Why did she give you two million?"

"Anchor, don't you deliberately ask your girlfriend to reward you two million in order to compete for tickets to the Huya Festival?"

"Seriously, if you give a reward of two million yuan, you will definitely not be able to get tickets for the Huya Festival. The anchor, you should die!"


Yang Mengxin saw the barrage of the fans in the live broadcast room, and said indifferently: "She is my best girlfriend and will definitely support me..."

In fact, she still had some words that she didn't say later. After all, after saying those words in front of the live broadcast camera, there would definitely be problems. She also understood this.

Only, Qin Xiaobai's face darkened after seeing this. Su Wanqing is a little stupid, but that doesn't mean anyone can deceive her casually, right?

Especially when she knew that the most trusted best friend was used as a ladder to climb up, I am afraid she should feel very uncomfortable.

In the past life, Qin Xiaobai also met this kind of superficial friend.

So, he didn't intend to let Su Wanqing, such a stupid girl, go through such a dark thing...

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