Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 209: Attractive hidden quests rewarded! (four more)

After following Su Wanqing to the school, Qin Xiaobai didn't know if his vision was really too high. In the entire Magic Capital University, except for some long legs that could be seen, In terms of appearance, there are few that can make him fancy.

On the contrary, Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai will automatically become the focus wherever they go.

The most ridiculous thing is that there are some boring boys who recognize Su Wanqing's Internet celebrity on Douyu Live, and even come over to chat up and ask for autographs.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai naturally drove them away unceremoniously. In his own words, Lao Tzu's women, you just have to admire them, if you dare to flirt, you will be beaten to death!

"Lao Liu, go and lead that Erha away, I'll go to exchange feelings with the junior girl, how about you have breakfast for a month?"

"What? This is a husky. If you don't say it, I think he is a wolf! Too fierce, isn't it?" The man known as Lao Liu asked with a confused expression.

"I have an Erha in my family. Don't look at his fierce appearance, but he is actually a coward..."

"Then go by yourself! How about you lead him away and I invite you to lunch for a month?"

“I…I haven’t had the rabies vaccine…”

Although the voices of the two of them were small, they naturally couldn't escape Qin Xiaobai's ears. They looked back at the two of them, and they immediately shut their mouths in fright.

When she walked downstairs to a teaching building, Su Wanqing bent down and rubbed Qin Xiaobai's head, then said to him:

"Xiao Bai, you can play for a while at the bottom. I'm going to the office upstairs, I'll ask the instructor to sign in, and I'll probably have a class meeting."

Qin Xiaobai didn't have any objections, she blinked a few times at her, and then watched Su Wanqing go upstairs.

Originally, Qin Xiaobai was planning to wander around the school, but at this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of the system's brother.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for triggering a new mission, please go to the character interface to check in time!"

After hearing this voice, Qin Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and felt a little strange in his heart. He had already posted a task before?

Why is there another...

With a hint of doubt, Qin Xiaobai opened his property panel.

The task area really refreshed another task, plus the previous one, a total of two unfinished tasks are displayed.

Reward: Evolve directly once. 】

After reading this task, Qin Xiaobai was in a very complicated mood. He was speechless and excited.

What makes him speechless is that Du Te Meow has transmigrated into a husky, and he has to go to school for a year. Is it that this parallel world is so stressful to be a husky?

Besides, he wants this degree to be useless...

He is worth tens of billions, so he doesn't need to rely on this diploma to find a job, okay?

So it makes no sense at all.

Of course, the reward of direct evolution once made him very excited. He only needs to complete a seemingly easy task, and he can directly evolve once.

The temptation is too great...

After pondering for a while, Qin Xiaobai planned to ask clearly first, so as not to be tricked by the system brother.

"Brother System, is the shadow hidden mission a ghost?" Qin Xiaobai asked tentatively.

"After the host completes a certain number of tasks, a hidden task will be triggered. Whether the task host gives up or fails, it will not affect the regular task refresh."

After a while, Qin Xiaobai's mind sounded a reminder from the system's brother.

Hearing this, Qin Xiaobai nodded and seemed to understand the meaning of the system brother, but there was something that made him a little confused, so he continued:

"System brother, you asked me to get a bachelor's degree certificate. You are not planning to ask me to find a job in the future, right?"

"Of course not!" replied the system.


After listening, Qin Xiaobai finally relaxed. As long as he didn't ask him to find a job, everything could be discussed.

Isn’t it the last year?

For a chance to evolve, Qin Xiaobai thought about it for a while and felt that it was no big deal.

It's just right to be a classmate with Su Wanqing for one year, and then it is logical to communicate with her in human form for a year.



But soon, Qin Xiaobai became a little embarrassed, and Magic Capital University was considered a first-class university in the empire.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to enter the university, even Su Wanqing seems to have obtained a very high score in the exam before entering the Magic Capital University.

"Brother system, get me a place for admission! You're not going to let me go back to take the college entrance examination, are you?" Qin Xiaobai said helplessly.

"Of course not, the host can prepare one billion soft sister coins, and this system will use the billion soft sister coins to exchange the host for an admission quota!" The system brother reminded.


Qin Xiaobai was stunned for a while after hearing this, and then he scolded in his heart: "Shameless old thief, you really want the money in this world, do you have wool? Not short of money, okay?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After hearing what the system said, Qin Xiaobai was speechless, okay?

In the end, he thought about it for a long time, and nodded in agreement.

For other people with a net worth of tens of billions, it is definitely not an easy task to come up with one billion in cash.

But for Qin Xiaobai, it's not a problem at all.

Just the piece of land in Linjia Village in the south of the city, let him get 2.5 billion in cash from Ye Zhixiong's few people!

Use one billion soft sister coins to exchange for a chance to directly evolve, thinking about it like this makes Qin Xiaobai feel very cost-effective!

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