Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 242: Account is empty! (One more!)

A dozen top streamers suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room, as well as constantly refreshing gifts, which made Su Wanqing a little stunned for a while.

I was stunned for a long time before I reacted. I quickly faced the camera and thanked them one by one.

I was moved and wanted to cry.

The broadcast has been on the air for more than three months. From an unknown and uninterested little anchor, to today, she has become a top anchor with millions of fans.


There seems to be nothing sad, everything seems to be going too smoothly.

Compared to the previous big bosses who gave rewards, her live broadcast has gone so smoothly that Su Wanqing is a little bit unconvinced until now, as if she was in Like a dream.

Su Wanqing knew that most of the credit had nothing to do with her.

If it wasn't for her dog, Xiaobai, who accidentally entered the live broadcast room a few months ago and caused a huge response, then it is very likely that she is still a small anchor who eats soil. It's entirely possible that it won't even play.

In her live broadcast room, Xiaobai is the protagonist, and she is like a tool that the audience ridicules.

In addition, Su Wanqing also thanked Qin Xiaobai in her heart.

Not to mention current achievements.

Of course, without the strong support of fans, silently waiting and never giving up.

The fans in the live broadcast room, while happy for her, are also a little puzzled.

It is said that on such an important day, the dog emperor did not show up, it is a bit unreasonable...

So, I posted a barrage on the public screen asking.

"Anchor, where is your dog emperor? Today we allow you to show your affection..."

"Eh, all the big guys are here, I guess the dog emperor is on his way, right?"

"I guess the dog emperor will make a gorgeous debut, and then swipe tens of thousands of super rockets to celebrate!"

"Bah, if you want to grab the fish balls, just say it?"

"The dog emperor won't come today, and I will call him a scumbag every time I see him..."

" It will definitely come, but I'm more curious about whether the Emperor will come?"

"I'm going, you said that, I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to do some important things first, and I'll come back later..."

"Pants boss, are you talking so implicitly now? Just click!"

"Come on, it's open! Bet on a pack of spicy sticks, and guess if the dog emperor will appear today!"


Su Wanqing is also looking forward to Qin Xiaobai's appearance at this moment, not because he is coveting his super rocket reward, but simply hope that he can take a look.


She felt that Qin Xiaobai was a little too ethereal...

Whether she is beautiful or wealthy, she seems to be out of reach.


Every time Su Wanqing is with him, she actually feels a little inferior.

No way!

This guy, Qin Xiaobai, is perfect in other aspects except his personality is a bit straight.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai, who was browsing the bullet screen, felt that it was indeed time to show up, so he logged on to the account of Destiny Wang Xingren.

After a colorful barrage prompt, the live broadcast room began to boil.

Su Wanqing, who was full of anticipation, suddenly turned red when she saw Qin Xiaobai appear in the live broadcast room, and said with a smile: "What are you busy with these days? Are you going to class tomorrow?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Won't this idiot ask something else? When she opened her mouth, she asked if she would go to class. Is she a straight girl of steel?

However, seeing that Su Wanqing completed for him today, for the sake of that task, Qin Xiaobai did not intend to bother with her, and typed back: "Congratulations!"

After finishing the words, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the balance of Destiny Wang Xingren's account.

No more words, just brush up the super rocket!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave away the super rocket X100!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave away the super rocket X300!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave away the super rocket X500!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave away the super rocket X1000!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out the super rocket X1500!

After the number jumped to 1500, Qin Xiaobai stopped. The remaining three million shark fins in the account were all used up.

When Su Wanqing saw these super rockets, she couldn't help crying and laughing, this guy was wasting money again...

Three million in just a short while!


After you become your boyfriend, you must beat him every day.

The fans who were still waiting for the numbers in the live broadcast room started to talk after seeing no movement for a long time.

"Dog Emperor, is it gone? It's not fun..."

" Wuwuwu, the dog emperor's hand speed has dropped a lot, and it is obviously not like being single. The hundreds of millions of projects between him and the anchor must have been negotiated..."

"Dog Emperor, is it official today?"

"Don't be like this? I really can't eat this dog food..."

"I had just put on my pants, but I was so frightened by these 1,500 super rockets that I took them off again!"

"I don't care, I'm going to run away, I'm going bankrupt, I can't afford to pay Latiao, goodbye!"

"Dog Huang, you're making us very embarrassed. The big boss will come over in a while and brush tens of thousands of super rockets. Does your face hurt?"


Qin Xiaobai looked at the bullet screen and was speechless!

The emperor they are talking about, is it their own name that punches and makes a jerk?

If this is the case, it is estimated that they will be disappointed.

Although Qin Xiaobai doesn't care about money, he is not stupid enough to rush soft sister coins on the live broadcast platform.

After emptying the shark fins in the account, Qin Xiaobai habitually logged out of the account.

Su Wanqing originally planned to discuss something with him, but seeing that he was offline, she could only put it on hold for the time being, and wait until she goes back to school tomorrow and see him again.

In the next time, at the strong request of the fans, Su Wanqing began to combine with the other three dishes, ready to play a few games.

At this time, Xiao Tuantuan suddenly proposed to have a few custom friendly matches, and by the way, bring water friends from each live broadcast room.

As soon as this suggestion was exported, everyone agreed.

The carnival was over until late at night.

And Qin Xiaobai naturally wouldn't stay to watch a group of chickens play games, and returned to the sofa early, ready to sleep.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard a cold and ethereal voice in my mind.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface to check in time!"

"Yes, system brother! I was going to talk to you, but I didn't expect you to be so self-conscious now..."

Qin Xiaobai's mouth grinned slightly, he underestimated with a smile in his heart, and then directly opened his property panel...

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