Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 263: Change shape for sixteen hours! (Two more!)

"Wan Qing, hurry up! Send it over and take a look..."

Cheng Xiaoguo said impatiently.

Obviously, she and Xiao Tuantuan were looking forward to the photos of Qin Xiaobai's women's clothing.

Seeing this, Su Wanqing sought Qin Xiaobai's opinion. After hearing that he did not object, she sent the photo to the two of them.

In a few moments.

Cheng Xiaoguo and Xiao Tuantuan were stunned.

"Fake right? Wanqing, you wouldn't deliberately ask someone to PS in order to protect him, would you? How could it be possible for a woman to grow up like this?" Cheng Xiaoguo was stunned for a long time, some asked in disbelief.

"Ah, I'm blind! Such a beautiful girl, you tell me she is Qin Xiaobai's women's clothing?!"

Su Wanqing said she was helpless about the questioning of the two, so she could only shake her head with a wry smile and say:

"No way, this is the truth, I feel that if this guy broadcasts women's clothes, we will have nothing to do with us in the future!"

"Isn't that true? The ones who should be worried should be those good-looking anchors. The three of us are technical anchors, okay?" Cheng Xiaoguo said with some disdain.

"Pfft...hahaha! Yes, we are technical anchors, so we don't have to think about this problem at all..." I don't know why, when Xiao Tuantuan said this, he felt a little bit wanting to laugh.

" By the way, Wanqing will go and call Qin Xiaobai! Let's count on him and take us to win the anchor challenge trophy! "Cheng Xiaoguo remembered the business and hurriedly reminded.

"Uh...I'll call him outside!"

Su Wanqing nodded and walked out of the entertainment game room, ready to go outside to find Qin Xiaobai in women's clothing.

And taking advantage of this gap, Cheng Xiaoguo hung the photo of Qin Xiaobai's women's clothing in his live broadcast room, and then said carelessly to the camera: "Guess, this lady in Hanfu who is it?"

The fans who stayed in her live broadcast room immediately boiled after seeing this picture.

"Fuck! Dog, is this what you used to look like with your long head? This is too good, I really didn't follow the wrong person, she looks so much better than the female anchor next door! "

"Sorry, dog! I liked the way your head looked..."

"Who goes to @Ju Xiaoyi, a beautiful woman who is rarely seen in four thousand years, I seem to look at her and see the expression of the dog with long hair..."

" After seeing this photo, Ju Xiaoyi scolded and withdrew from the once-in-a-millennium beauty group chat..."

"Where did you see that this is what a dog looks like when it grows hair?"

"This is too obvious, right? This is the best proof for A, okay, don't accept refutation!"


Cheng Xiaoguo looked a little embarrassed when she saw the teasing of the fans in the live broadcast room. After a long time, she said with a wry smile: " guessed wrong, although I also hope that I have long hair at this time. The way it was! But it's a man, okay?"

The reactions of fans in her live broadcast room were exactly the same as those in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room...

What happened in Xiao Tuantuan’s live broadcast room is basically similar to Cheng Xiaoguo, but her fans thought it was Xiao Tuan Tuan after taking off the mask…

After Su Wanqing came out of the game room, she looked around the room, but did not find Qin Xiaobai.

I made two calls, but no one answered.

I had no choice but to go back and said helplessly: "Sister Xiaoguo, Qin Xiaobai doesn't know where he went, let's train by ourselves..."

"Let's get in touch with other people, Qin Xiaobai, I guess I can't count on it..."

Cheng Xiaoguo sighed and shook her head.

After Qin Xiaobai completed the task, he heard the system's brother prompt that he has met the requirements of evolution and can proceed to the next evolution.

Because the transformation time was coming, he had no choice but to temporarily leave the presidential suite of the Arashiyama Hotel.

After finding a hidden place to restore to the husky form, Qin Xiaobai ran all the way back to the Jianan community, on the reclining chair he was familiar with.

"System brother, Ma Liu, I want to evolve!"

Qin Xiaobai was a little impatient and urged silently.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations on the successful evolution of the host, please open the property panel and check it yourself!"

Qin Xiaobai pouted, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and opened the translucent property panel.

[Host: Qin Xiaobai. 】

[Species: A layer of guards. (Before the next evolution, 5,000 evolution points are required, or the quest to complete the Shadow Hidden task is required)]

[Innate Magical Ability One: Silent Stealth (can be enhanced)]

[Talent Magical Ability II: Night Bonus (can be enhanced)]

[Comprehensive quality: Comet grade. 】

[Evolution point: 0 points. 】

[The lottery mall: four stars. 】

[Number of draws: two four-star draws. 】

[System warehouse: one manual, one notebook, one Huawei mobile phone, eight mysterious fragments, one survivor, two photos…]

After reading this information, Qin Xiaobai's first consideration was to strengthen his transformation skills.

So, I silently clicked the + sign behind the transforming skill.

As for other innate abilities, he doesn't need them at all, so he just skips them!

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for the successful transformation of the innate talent, the transformation time has been increased to 16 hours."


After hearing the system's brother's prompt, Qin Xiaobai's mouth turned up slightly.

It is only one last evolution away from being fully restored to human form!

Sixteen hours of transformation time, can do too much.

For example, when attacking Su Wanqing, there is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient time for the remaining transformation.

After doing all this, Qin Xiaobai took another look at his ear attribute panel.

There is no new innate ability in this evolution, and the name of the species seems to be a little strange.

Although Qin Xiaobai didn't know what he was, the former Lord of the Shadow Mountain, it sounded pretty good.

This time the first-level guard, how does it give the impression that he is a goalkeeper...

And what does that comprehensive quality comet mean?

There are too many problems, Qin Xiaobai didn't quite understand for a while, but soon he didn't bother about these things.

Instead of focusing on the two four-star draws.

The value of the three-star lottery has already made him feel incredible, so what will appear in the four-star lottery?

He is really looking forward to it!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's dog's eyes flashed a little, and he grinned and said silently in his heart: "System brother, lottery, twice..."

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