Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 275: You play Yao, I will be your wild king! (Three shifts!)

After Qin Xiaobai returned to Jianan Community, he did not go home immediately, but lay on the familiar reclining chair, wearing a black technology collar, and sent an email to Landong officials .

Informed the other party about what happened today, and asked if it could be unblocked.

To his surprise, the official sent him an email soon.

Qin Xiaobai took a closer look at the information and was thoroughly enraged.

The official is simply perfunctory. According to the normal situation, at least one should investigate the data first, and then determine whether he is open or not.

But obviously, the other party did not intend to do so.

In fact, this is normal for a game company, especially shooting games, a large number of openings are blocked every day, of course, there are also very few of them are blocked by mistake.

Landong is a small company after all, and it made an explosive game overnight, and it swelled from top to bottom.

I don't pay much attention to these wrongly blocked accounts.

After getting the answer that it could not be unblocked, Qin Xiaobai logged on to the Destiny Wang Xingren account, found Liang Chenghai in the friend list, and sent him a private message.

"Is Mr. Liang there?"

Liang Chenghai, who was just about to turn off the computer and get off work, saw the account of Destiny Wang Xingren, and after a message popped up, he felt a chill in his heart. After hesitating for a long time, he replied with a message saying:

"Mr. Qin, is there another anchor in Huya, who slandered the king Xunshan? The lawyer's letter is right, let me arrange it right away!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After seeing Liang Chenghai's reply, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help laughing and crying, what's the matter with this guy, is he addicted to sending a lawyer's letter?

"That... Mr. Liang, it's not a matter of slander. Tomorrow's Pan Cup, let all Douyu anchors retire from the competition. In the future, the platform will not allow the game of eating chicken to be broadcast live!" Qin Xiaobai was expressionless sent a series of words in the past.

Liang Chenghai watched for a long time, then frowned, not daring to answer Qin Xiaobai's words.

Withdrawing from the frying pan, he can directly agree.

But if the platform anchors are not allowed to live broadcast chicken, the loss is too great!

In today's live broadcast, in addition to the Ivy League, it is more popular to eat chicken, although the momentum has dropped a lot recently.

"Mr. Qin, I can promise you the first thing, but the anchors are not allowed to live broadcast chicken, so what should they do, live flying chess?"

Liang Chenghai was a little angry, but he didn't dare to fight Qin Xiaobai in person.

After all, that guy is going to sell stocks at any time, who the **** can stand it...

"There is a game recently, I think you should pay attention to it, it is called Escape from Tarkov, the potential is no less than that of eating chicken! Let all the anchors of eating chicken transform this game..."

Qin Xiaobai thought for a while, then added: "It's best to get the exclusive live broadcast rights of this game now, so that the anchors of Huya will jump over without you digging! "

Qin Xiaobai is telling the truth, in the previous life on the earth, eating chicken will indeed decline slowly. Before he crossed, the online number of this game was not even one-tenth of the peak period. .

"President Qin, you are gambling..." Liang Chenghai was stunned for a long time, then typed a string of words and said: "Escape from Tarkov, how do you know it will become popular? ?"

As the founder of Douyu, Liang Chenghai’s vision is definitely not bad. When Escape from Tarkov just came out, he had already seen that this would be a product that could replace eating chicken. game.

Both the picture quality and game experience are hard to beat.

A long time ago, he wanted to get the exclusive live broadcast rights, but the other shareholders of the board of directors were not very optimistic about this game.

I don’t want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy out the exclusive live broadcast rights of this game.

"Trust me!"

Qin Xiaobai didn't know how to convince him, and he certainly couldn't tell Liang Chenghai that he came from another similar parallel time and space.

" This matter needs to be discussed with the shareholders. Tomorrow, I will use the reason that President Qin wants to sell the stock to convince those shareholders. Would you mind?" After thinking for a while, Liang Chenghai said Come to a string of words.

When Qin Xiaobai saw it, he wanted to laugh.

There is no problem with carrying the pot, Qin Xiaobai agreed without hesitation.

At the same time, Su Wanqing, Cheng Xiaoguo, and Xiao Tuantuan, who were broadcasting live, as well as dozens of anchors who were preparing for the Pan Pan Cup, received an official message from Douyu. news to come.

The content is roughly, because of some special reasons, Douyu decided to withdraw from the Pan Cup, and all its anchors are not allowed to participate in this game without authorization.

After the news came out, not only the anchors of Douyu were shocked.

Even the official staff in charge of the frying pan cup was dumbfounded.

I quickly reported this information to the headquarters.

However, Landong Headquarters only expressed regret for Douyu Platform's withdrawal from this pan cup, and did not take too much care, after all, this is just an amateur competition...

However, in order to express their dissatisfaction, Landong still sent a letter to Douyu, asking for a 30% increase in the agency price of live broadcast next year, otherwise they will no longer be authorized to live broadcast chicken games.

When Liang Chenghai received this letter, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he deleted it directly from the mailbox without giving any reply to the other party.

"Duanzi, are we still training?" Cheng Xiaoguo asked in the team voice after reading the news.

"My head is a little dizzy, since I don't play games, then I will go to play my world with Chen dead dog!"

"Er...Wanqing, shall we go fight pesticides? You play Yaomei, I will be your wild king..." Cheng Xiaoguo asked in the team's voice.

"I only play Luban..." Su Wanqing replied awkwardly after thinking for a while.

Small fruit: "…"

Fans in the live broadcast room started talking again when they heard that the two were about to start playing King Pesticide.

"I'm going, shivering, Ercai has switched to the king of pesticides..."

"Stop talking, I'm going to take off my pants to celebrate first, the goddess is going to play Yaomei..."

"Come on, let's start! Bet on a pack of hot sticks, guess the anchor and the dog, a game will be beaten to death by the opposite party a total of times!"

"The guy who matches the two of them will definitely explode his mentality..."

"The dog said she was going to be the anchor's wild king, and I already guessed the ending!"


After walking downstairs for a while, Qin Xiaobai was ready to go back to sleep.

Su Wanqing was downloading the game when she heard someone slamming the door, she knew it was Qin Xiaobai after a guess, walked over slowly, opened the door, and said with a smile:


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