Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 307: The first generation of cats!

"Brother, drink a little more of this bottle of medicine, can that thing grow a little bigger?" Hei Tan followed Qin Xiaobai, walking towards the villa while looking at him asked expectantly.

"It would be good to give you a drop, not to mention that if you drink a little more of this thing, it will have no effect!"

Qin Xiaobai glanced back at it and replied casually, then he remembered something, and then asked Hei Tan: "Hei Tan, are you going to go back to Jiang Xue, or do you want to go back to Jiang Xue? Stay in the villa?"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the black charcoal suddenly became gnashing of teeth, and after a long time, it said bitterly and coldly: "Go back to that dead woman? Forget it, if I can Become a human, and sooner or later I will pounce on her..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After Hei Tan finished speaking, Qin Xiaobai kept staring at it for a long time, making He Tan inexplicably nervous, thinking that he had said something wrong again, so he cautiously asked:

"Big... big brother! Did I say something wrong?"

Qin Xiaobai heard the words, the dog's mouth grinned, and after a while there was a look of admiration in his eyes, and he said sincerely to the black carbon: "Hei Tan, I appreciate you a little now. Women can't get used to it, I support you to pounce on her!"

The idea of ​​the mistress...

Black charcoal came to this idea when Qin Xiaobai asked about it today, and Qin Xiaobai had this plan a long time ago.

One dog and one cat, looking at each other and smiling, everything is silent.

When Hei Tan and Qin Xiaobai appeared in front of Su Wanqing, although Su Wanqing felt a little familiar, after all, Hei Tan's appearance had changed so much that she didn't recognize it immediately.

I thought it was just some common pet black cats taken in by the villa.

"Fans in the live room, I miss you, come and say hello to them before going to play..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

I had no choice but to run to Su Wanqing with a sigh, and grinned at the camera for a while.

Because the black charcoal used to be the overlord of their community, now they are reviving their glory, and Qin Xiaobai is in the background, the tone of speech is naturally a lot harder, and the eyes are squinting all the cats present Animals, including the flower tiger.

Then cleared her throat and said to them: "Cough, my name is Heitan, starting today, I am the first generation of our cat family, you can call me the boss..."

Soon, other cats will acquiesce to the words of black carbon and are willing to call it the boss.

But there are exceptions, such as Huahu who was beaten and cried by Qin Xiaobai.

As the king of the jungle, the flower tiger is also a kind of cat family. Naturally, he is not convinced by the black charcoal that came in halfway.

It is afraid of Qin Xiaobai, but not the cat of black carbon...

"Black cat, are you the king of the jungle and I don't exist? Quite the cat boss, have you asked me?" Hua Hu glanced at Hei Tan and asked with a big mouth .

Black Charcoal looked back at Huahu. After taking a drop of the system improvement liquid, he was full of confidence. He didn't put Huahu in his eyes at all. He raised his paws and dangled in front of it. After a few moments, he quietly asked:

"Do you want to make a double gesture?"

"Black cat, if I don't make you cry today, this king will directly draw his sword from the palace..." Huahu roared at the black charcoal.

Its cry immediately attracted the attention of many people, Su Wanqing, Shen Wenwen, Qin Xiaobai, and the fans of the two women's live broadcast room, all looked at them curiously.

Soon, the black cat and the flower tiger were fighting together.

Seeing the animals fighting, Su Wanqing and Shen Wenwen became a little anxious, but after all, there was a tiger in front of them, and they didn't dare to go to the fight, so they had to silently stand for the black charcoal Pray, don't be eaten by Huahu...

However, soon everyone dropped their jaws, staring blankly at the scene in front of them, unable to believe what their eyes saw.


Huahu was rubbed on the ground by the black charcoal for seven or eight minutes, until it whimpered and begged for mercy, and after repeatedly shouting "big brother, forgive me", the black charcoal put away its claws and raised it. proud head.

Some people are happy and some people are sad, the spring breeze of black charcoal will naturally make the flower tiger even more lonely.

Hua Hu was even wondering if he forgot to read the almanac when he went out today, are the animals in this wandering villa all devils?

The body was beaten by a Erha in the morning, and he was crying.

I was rubbed on the ground by a black cat again in the afternoon, unable to fight back...

This is so special!

No science at all, okay?

Since then, it has a new nightmare, whenever it wants to deal with other animals, it will always be laughed at: you are not only beaten by Erha, but also beaten by black carbon Pass…

The fans in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room, after being stunned for a long time, all rubbed their eyes and launched a barrage.

"Fuck! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, people would think I was insane..."

"Huahu, the king of the jungle, was beaten into this ghost by a black cat? He even cried..."

"Is the brother who fought the tiger still there? Was the tiger you sent to the anchor's villa made of paper?"

"Fuck! This tiger is a fake. He was beaten and cried by Erha in the morning, and now he is pressed and rubbed on the ground by a black cat. Too fake, right?"

"Maybe it's not that the tiger is too bad, but Erha and the black cat are too strong..."

" The anchor's Erha is understandable, but how do you explain this black cat now? Why is it so strong, eh?"

" Uh, it seems that there is no way to explain, I'll go back and take off my pants to suppress the shock..."

"Come on, it's open! Bet a bottle of Coke, guess when the anchor's crocodile will be beaten and cry..."


Su Wanqing and Shen Wenwen, who are still worried about the black charcoal, also widened their beautiful eyes after seeing this scene, and couldn't believe what happened...

The only one who remained calm was Qin Xiaobai.

After all, that drop of system improvement liquid of black carbon was sent by him.

At this time, Hei Tan seemed to realize that he might be a little too arrogant, he turned his head quickly and smiled at Qin Xiaobai: "Big, big brother, am I being too arrogant?"

Qin Xiaobai grinned and said with a smile: "It's okay, you will be the boss of the cat family in the future..."

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