Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 375: The amount of the reward for refreshing the record

The fans in the live broadcast room are naturally different from Su Wanqing's mentality.

Although this live-broadcast battle between gods and lords is not the two they care about.

But having melons to eat is naturally better than nothing.

What's more, this is the hero of the Huya platform, who came to challenge him.

If Douyu doesn't play today, then Tiger Sprout and Douyu merged after a while, aren't they going to be ridden by Tiger Sprout's people?

So, all of them launched a barrage to support the Destiny Dog.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Woohoo ... I know, the dog emperor will not do anything, and finally come!"

"Although the dog emperor is a scumbag and often yells at my goddess, but today I'm on the dog emperor's side, and I'll sell the Xiantian Taoist Tibetan version of the pants later, to support the dog emperor one Wave!"

"Upstairs, why are you kidding me? The dog emperor needs your support. You are afraid that you want to sell your pants, so you can secretly reward other anchors!"

"Why don't you guys stop talking about my pants? I don't even know that my pants are so valuable... Hurry up and return them to me, or I'll call the police!"

"It's over, it's over, it seems that today, if you don't brush hundreds of millions of shark fins, I'm afraid it won't be over..."

"Hey! It's time to watch the dog emperor be a man again, everyone be quiet, just watch the dog emperor pretend to be forced, and get ready to grab the fish balls!"

"God Emperor, the battle of honor on behalf of Douyu, handed over to you! We will cheer you on..."

"The life of rich people is so simple and boring, I don't envy at all, um, I don't envy..."


At this time, Qin Xiaobai saw the barrage from the fans in the live broadcast room, the corner of his mouth suddenly opened an arc, and then he typed and asked: "Let's start! Don't just brush a hundred super rockets. It's over? That's too slow, let's start at a thousand!"


After seeing Qin Xiaobai's barrage, the fans in the live broadcast room, and Su Wanqing both took a breath at the same time.

Is this what people say?

They thought the super rocket was worthless, like the cabbage in the vegetable market!

This thing is two thousand quick money!

A minimum of 1,000 swipes means that you can swipe at least two million soft sister coins at a time…

The speed of this loser is as fast as burning money, no, even faster!

Shaohua and live up to the spring, after seeing the barrage issued by Qin Xiaobai, I was also a little surprised.

However, they are not cowardly.

After all, it's not like they haven't seen such a scene before. When Huya taught those guild bosses how to be human, didn't they just brush millions?

"Come on! But we, Menghua Pavilion, don't have the habit of singles, of course you can call someone!"

Shaohua typed a string of words on the public screen and said.

Qin Xiaobai felt a little funny when he saw this series of barrages, so he typed and mocked: "What is the fee? Whether to brush it or not, that is, everyone in your Menghua Pavilion. Come, I won't call anyone!"

After finishing the words, Qin Xiaobai directly controlled the black technology collar, and he clicked wildly.

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, give away super rocket × 300!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out super rocket × 1000!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out a super rocket × 1500!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out a super rocket × 2000!

Watching the 2,000 super rockets swiping in the live broadcast room, Su Wanqing was speechless at the time. After being stunned for a long time, she picked up her mobile phone and left the live broadcast room.

Of course she went to call Qin Xiaobai.

However, Qin Xiaobai is now free to answer her calls?

There was no other way, Su Wanqing had to send Qin Xiaobai a WeChat voice and said, "Qin Xiaobai? Big brother? Dad? Don't be fooling around, are you a devil? Don't lose your family, okay? ?"


Su Wanqing didn't know why, she called out "Dad", but if Qin Xiaobai dared to appear in front of her now, she was sure that she would beat him...

Shaohua and live up to the spring, seeing this, there is no nonsense, and they also ordered gifts.

ID Shaohua, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out a super rocket × 1000!

ID live up to the spring, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, send out super rocket × 1000!

Two million, for these prodigals of the empire, it is only half a month's pocket money, and after brushing it, it will be brushed, and there will be no feeling of distress at all.

When Qin Xiaobai saw them, he really followed 2,000 super rockets, slightly surprised.

However, in order to **** them off, he typed a series of words and said:

"Your hand speed is too slow, right? I almost fell asleep waiting..."

Shaohua: “…”

Beautiful Spring: "…"

After finishing this series of barrages, Qin Xiaobai was too lazy to talk nonsense, and started to click again.

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave away the super rocket X4000!


Four thousand super rockets!

The super rocket that frantically swiped the screen almost blocked Su Wanqing's live broadcast room directly to a black screen.

Fortunately, after Liang Chenghai gave Qin Xiaobai 70 million shark fins, he immediately arranged a lot of technicians to stare at the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour.

It was repaired in time, and there were no problems.

Seeing the Destiny Wang Xingren, another 4,000 super rockets came out.

They came this time just to find out the details of Douyu Shenhao!

So no one just added five million to the account.

It's not even ten minutes, so it's about to be wiped out?

At this time, Shaohua sent a private message to Bubu Chunguang and asked, "This guy is a ruthless person, can we still follow?"

Soon he received a reply, and he said: "Let's talk about it first, I guess he's out of stock, if the boss doesn't let him rush too much, I have to talk to him today. He fought to the end."

After they discussed for a while, they each followed two thousand super rockets.

ID Shaohua, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out a super rocket × 2000!

ID live up to the spring, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, send out super rocket × 2000!

Qin Xiaobai was a little shocked when he saw this. Originally, he thought that these two guys would not follow him anymore, but unexpectedly, he really encountered a ruthless person.

However, when it comes to gifts, if Qin Xiaobai considers himself second, it is estimated that in the entire live broadcast circle, no one dares to be the first.

Therefore, another series of dazzling colorful prompts flashed. The number of super rockets on the public screen keeps rising.

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out super rocket × 1000!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out super rocket × 2000!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out a super rocket × 6000!

ID Destiny Wang Xingren, in the live broadcast room of Dawang Mountain Tour, gave out super rocket × 10000!

At this moment, Su Wanqing came back from the outside and saw everything that happened in the live broadcast room, she was shocked and dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a long time, I was sure that the numbers I saw were correct. Qin Xiaobai was already in the live broadcast room and swiped 32 million gifts...

"Crazy, has this guy been stimulated by something? Can he still live a good life?" Su Wanqing stared at the screen blankly, and then whispered softly after a long time:

"Qin Xiaobai, when I get married in the future, the money will belong to me. You will be ruined by you sooner or later..."

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but glared at her and underestimated: "What is this silly girl talking to herself..."

Shaohua and Fu Chunguang were speechless on the spot when they saw Qin Xiaobai swiped 10,000 super rockets directly.

This is so…

This is too cruel, isn't it?

The eldest brother of Menghuage, although he is also inhuman, but he does not dare to give gifts like this...

10,000 super rockets, if they really want to brush, they will definitely be able to take them out.

But the bean fish and tiger sprouts will be merged soon. That's when the shopping is timed, so there is no need to break it here today.

"Dog Emperor! Come here today... Indeed, you are a person worthy of our Menghuage's attention. You won today, but after the merger, our boss will bring his dream in person. The people of Huage, I will challenge you again! I hope that when the time comes, you will not be cowardly..."

After speaking, the two of them left the live broadcast room directly.

The fans of Su Wanqing's live broadcast room couldn't help but laugh.

"Fuck! That man from Menghuage has such a thick skin? If you can't beat it, run away, forget it, and talk trash..."

"The familiar dog emperor, is back! Hey, I made a fortune by grabbing fish **** today..."

"Isn't someone stone hammered before, and the dog emperor is the richest man in the empire? Now it seems that it is possible to really Nima..."

"Fuck! Upstairs, you are such a genius, I like to hear you talk, hurry up, hurry up and say more..."

"Damn, seeing the goddess's income tonight, I'm still eating dirt, I'm shaking... Nope, I'm going to live broadcast in women's clothing, the dog king asks for a reward..."

"Hi! Fourty-four million... The anchor earns twenty-two million a night... Nima, I'm crying!"

That night, Su Wanqing's gift in the live broadcast room undoubtedly rushed to the first place in the overall list. Many anchors want to die with envy after seeing this number...

44 million, which also refreshed the historical record of the Douyu platform since its establishment.

It is worth mentioning that the previous record is also maintained by the Destiny Dog.

After Su Wanqing saw this number, she was both curious and funny, and finally had to say helplessly: "Qin Xiaobai, you are a devil..."

Faced with the reward of tens of millions this time, Su Wanqing thought about it for a long time, but decided to wait for the money to come down and return the part she got to Qin Xiaobai...

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