Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 380: I'll take you home when I have time!

"So...that Ten Thousand Realms Gate is a passive skill?" Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but ask after hearing the system's brother's prompt.

"Strictly speaking, it is not a passive skill, but every time you activate this skill, you need to complete at least two system tasks!"

The system brother replied coldly, with a serious tone.

Qin Xiaobai pouted, and said indifferently, "Brother System, can you stop engaging in these bells and whistles, like other skills, just meditate and finish...

Every day, do you have nothing to do when you are full? "

System Brother: "…"

Glancing at Su Wanqing who was busy in the kitchen, Qin Xiaobai pondered for a while, then walked directly towards the bamboo forest of the Wandering Villa.

The location was relatively remote, and since Su Wanqing learned that there were bamboo rats there, she did not dare to set foot nearby.

So Qin Xiaobai decided to try this skill first.

After coming to the bamboo forest, he looked around and found no other animals, so he silently activated his skills.

Soon his figure disappeared from the place.


After Qin Xiaobai left, a black shadow fell from the bamboo and fell heavily on the ground.


The guy who fell was the black charcoal that was catching the bamboo rat…

Looking blankly at the place where the figure disappeared, the hair on the black carbon exploded, and after a long time it screamed in horror: "Meow!!" ! There's a ghost...)

Actually, Black Charcoal was busy catching bamboo rats just now, so he didn't see who the figure was, but saw a figure walk into the bamboo forest, stopped there, and then went straight from the same place. Disappeared…

Nima! Anyone who sees it will find it scary, okay?

A living person disappears inexplicably?


After screaming, the black charcoal head didn't dare to look back, he got out of the bamboo forest, ran towards the kitchen, found a corner, and began to shiver!

Su Wanqing, who was cooking, saw the appearance of the black charcoal, and asked a little strangely:

"Xiao Hei, what's wrong with you? Did someone bully you..."

Black Charcoal meowed a few times, and saw Su Wanqing's face full of confusion, think about it and forget it, it's better to wait for the boss to come back and talk to him.

If she yells at this woman again, maybe she will take her directly to the pet hospital just like Jiang Xue!

After Qin Xiaobai activated Wanjiemen, he only felt a little dazed in front of him, and then his head felt heavy.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on the ground, surrounded by many people watching and discussing.

"Hey, boy, are you okay? Say something, why don't I call and take you to the hospital..." A middle-aged man stood in front of him, looking a little flustered, asked anxiously.

This scene seemed a little familiar to Qin Xiaobai.


Qin Xiaobai remembered, this is not the day...Isn't it the scene where I was hit by a car?

He was a little horrified, Qin Xiaobai got up from the ground, looked around in a daze, and finally confirmed his thoughts.

This is Earth.

And he's alive again...Bah, he's back!

The driver of the car that hit him saw Qin Xiaobai crawling up from the ground, he was slightly relieved, and asked, "Young man, I'm sorry! Are you really okay? There's a lot of blood! Let's go check it out..."

Qin Xiaobai glanced at him, with a trace of blood on his handsome face, smiled at him, and replied, "It's okay, thank you uncle, I still have something to do, first gone!"

Middle-aged man: "???"

The crowd: "???"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's reply, everyone was immediately stunned.

This person can't be hit in the head...

He was hit like this, and he even said thank you to the person who hit him?

If it were replaced by one of them, at least tens of thousands of fast money would have to be spent…

After leaving the scene of the car accident, Qin Xiaobai came to a park, leaned on a chair, with a strange expression on his face, and muttered to himself:

"Everything that happened before was not a hallucination caused by being knocked out, right? I haven't attacked Su Wanqing yet, it must not be a dream..."

When he opened the properties panel and found that everything was still there, he was relieved.

Then the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and he murmured again: "I'm afraid I'm the first person to travel from the earth to another world, and then come back again?"

In the park, from time to time there will be young couples walking by passing by, seeing Qin Xiaobai's face full of blood, smirking and talking to himself there, they all think he is crazy.

In this regard, Qin Xiaobai didn't mind at all, glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, it was the one he used before crossing, and then silently dialed a number.

After a while, a familiar voice came from the phone, scolding: "Stinky boy, what day is today? You actually called home?"

After hearing his mother's familiar voice, Qin Xiaobai's heart moved slightly. After pondering for a while, he replied, "Mom, how are you and dad?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then he heard his mother say:

"Stinky boy, what's wrong with you today? Why are you saying such a sensational thing? Did something happen..."

"No! I just miss you a little..." Qin Xiaobai replied with a smile on his face.

"Uh... son, you are doing this, my mother is not used to it! Why don't you go home on New Year's Day and have a look, Aunt Wang next door has arranged a blind date for you, okay? Don't say it, I'm busy! Don't worry, I want to touch 40,000..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After hanging up, Qin Xiaobai finally felt relieved when he learned that his parents were all right.

In fact, he traveled through this period of time, except for his parents, he really had no attachment to this earth.

"Brother system, find a way to get me some money, I want them to transfer a little more. By the way, not too much, or my mother will swell..." Qin Xiaobai thought for a while, speak up.

"Use your wealth from another world, let's exchange it one by one! How much do you want the host?"

"It's all right!"

Soon Qin Xiaobai's mobile phone showed a message prompt: "Alipay has received 100,000 yuan!"

After seeing the balance in Alipay, Qin Xiaobai did not hesitate, directly found his mother's account, and transferred 100,000 yuan to her.

It's not that Qin Xiaobai is stingy, but he is afraid that if he earns too much, his mother will think that he has robbed the bank...

There is still a chance to come back in the future, so there is nothing to worry about.

After doing all this, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the time, an hour was almost gone.

It may be the habit of changing shape, he still found a relatively hidden place.


He returned to the parallel world and walked out of the bamboo forest with a smile on his face.

At this time, Su Wanqing had already prepared the meal, and when she came out, she saw that Qin Xiaobai had disappeared.

"What's the matter with you?"

After Qin Xiaobai came to her side, he glanced at her, felt a little strange in his heart, and asked casually.

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's voice, the disappointment on Su Wanqing's face was swept away, she raised her head and looked at him happily, and said, "You didn't leave, I thought you were silent again It's gone!"

After seeing her appearance, Qin Xiaobai smiled, and suddenly remembered what her mother said about arranging a blind date, so she said to Su Wanqing:

"That...Aren't you clamoring to see my parents? I'll take you back when I have time..."


Su Wanqing was caught off guard by his words, and she was a little confused. It took a long time to react, and she asked with a smile on her face: "Really...really?"

"You're a puppy!"

Qin Xiaobai replied with a smile, anyway, he didn't know how many times he made this kind of poisonous oath.

After all, in this world, he is still a two ha...

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