Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 400: 嘤huang appeared in the live broadcast room!

The 3,500 spaceships created by Qin Xiaobai have been on the screen for a long time.

On the list of the face value area, although other anchors are also in the live broadcast room, begging for gifts from various local tycoons, but everyone knows that the gap is too big, think It's impossible to rush up.

The only one who still has the power to fight is the first sister of the original Huya's beauty area, whose ID is called Fireworks Yi Leng.

This anchor, Qin Xiaobai has also seen it on Huya.

In terms of appearance and figure, she must be much worse than Su Wanqing, but he didn't know that there was an international cosmetics group company behind the anchor named Fireworks Yi Leng.

This matter is not a secret in Huya. Many anchors in the Yanzhi area know this matter.

No way!

It has been three years since Fireworks Yi Leng ascended to the position of the first sister of Huya!

In the past three years, she has never lost in PK and competition, which can be said to be a myth in the live broadcast circle.

After all, ordinary local tyrants can't compete with cosmetics companies like Randy.

The reason why Randy Cosmetics Company spared no effort to support this anchor is also their consideration.

In fact, Fireworks Easy Cold is their cosmetics, the spokesperson of the empire.

Different from other cosmetics companies that ask for celebrity endorsements, this cosmetics company named Randy has chosen to take a different approach. I found a popular Internet celebrity anchor, and then gradually pushed the anchor of Fireworks Yi Leng from a middle-level anchor to the position of the first sister of Huya.

Of course, with the fame of the first sister Huya, they also got corresponding rewards, and the sales of cosmetics have almost doubled in the past two years.

In order to continue to promote their cosmetics, Randy Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is naturally impossible, so that the first sister anchor they have cultivated so easily gave up her position.

After all, in all walks of life, everyone can remember that it will always be the first.

There is a famous saying on Blue Star, the second and last one are no different, everyone will never remember the loser.

The same is true for the live broadcast industry, but it is not so obvious.

So, Randy responded immediately after the dog was ordered to push the king to the first place.


A person with an ID called Randy Operations Officer also swiped a lot of gifts, which once again made Fireworks Yi Leng return to the number one position in the rankings.

Su Wanqing didn't pay much attention to the changes in the list, and was about to start playing games live.

At this time, the fans in his live broadcast room posted bullet screens on the public screen, reminding him.

"Fuck! Huya's people, is this against us? Gouhuang just helped the goddess to rush to the first place, and they were pressed down..."

"It must be targeting our goddess! Even if we want to compete for the list, we will not do it so quickly. Anyway, let our goddess be at the top of the list. Last time?"

"Is the dog king still there? Please start your show..."

"Hehe, it's only more than one million. For the dog emperor, it's just a meal, okay?"

"Dog emperor, can you bear this? Someone is hitting you in the face... I feel pain, hurry up and beat them to death!"

"A new storm has begun, the anchor quickly plays "Light of the Right Path", the dog emperor is about to shoot!"

"Come on, it's open! Bet on a pack of spicy sticks, guess how many tens of millions of dollars the King of Dogs will spend this time?"


After seeing the barrage of fans, Su Wanqing frowned, and then quickly said to the camera:

"Qin Xiaobai, please don't lose your money again, I really don't want to compete for any list! If you give more gifts, I will die for you to see..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Live fans: "???"

Everyone, including Qin Xiaobai, was speechless!

How can this be…

Other anchors are rolling around, begging local tyrants to give gifts, only this silly girl threatens fans and does not let them give gifts!


Qin Xiaobai really didn't want to pretend...

No way, he has a task to complete, and he will be rewarded with a thousand evolution points!

Those useless shark fins, compared with a thousand evolution points, are almost incomparable, right?

Besides, these money were all given to Su Wanqing, so Qin Xiaobai would not worry about anything.

So...swipe the gift and you're done!

But in order to prevent the person behind the fireworks easily cold anchor from rushing to the list, Qin Xiaobai decided to brush this gift list to a number that discouraged them.

There are already 35 million rewards, so just brush to 100 million!

Let you fight again?

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai directly withdrew from Destiny Wang Xingren's account, ready to punch a strange account.

No way!

There are only 3 million in the account of Destiny Dog, which is not enough!

But soon, the fans who saw it discovered that the avatar of their king of drama king, Destiny Wang Xingren account, turned dim...

The fans in the live broadcast room are all stunned!

What the **** is going on? Well said to hit the list!

Why are you logged out of your account?

Therefore, some fans who didn't know the truth began to post a barrage in the live broadcast room to ask.

"Fuck! The dog emperor is not a coward, right? Why is he offline..."

"My God! Shouldn't it be? I've already swiped the 35 million soft sister coins of the dog emperor. Don't you care about a few million more?"

"Dog King! Come back quickly, someone slapped you in the face, and you went offline without saying a word, what kind of operation is this!"

"Dog Emperor, I'll give you ten minutes, come back quickly, or I'll start the Zuan liberal arts champion mode!"

"Hey, can you please stop talking nonsense! The dog emperor has already rewarded 35 million, and his money is money, okay? What do you want from him? You also give some gifts yourself to compete for the goddess ranking?"

"Isn't it? We're not talking about the dog emperor, the main reason is that it's a little different from the dog emperor's style. Why is he suddenly cowardly!"


Seeing that Qin Xiaobai's avatar has dimmed, Su Wanqing's mentality is naturally different from that of the fans in the live broadcast room. Listen to people's persuasion, don't lose your head again if you don't have a fever!"


Just when all the fans were disappointed and confused, a colorful prompt barrage flashed again on the screen of the live broadcast room.

ID punched and blamed the emperor and entered this live room.

Su Wanqing's beautiful eyes blinked a few times, and she glanced at the ID with some curiosity to confirm whether she knew it, but in order to welcome, she still said to the camera: "Welcome one punch and one punch. Blame big brother!"

At this moment, she didn't realize that this one punch and one **** is what fans often joke about!

Although Su Wanqing didn't know her, fans in the live broadcast room talked about this every day, and they recognized the ID at a glance. fried pot...

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