Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 436: Fortunately, just demolish the house!

Faced with the tragic hot pot restaurant, Su Wanqing was stunned, but also secretly fortunate!

Fortunately, it’s just the house being demolished…

Although Su Wanqing didn't know how the hot pot restaurant offended her dog, as long as it was her own dog and didn't kill people, everything could be saved .

The most she can do is spend some money to compensate. For a hot pot restaurant, the maximum compensation is 2 million, which is still within her tolerance!

It is precisely because of this thought that Su Wanqing's face unconsciously showed a look of relief.

Fans in the live broadcast room, after seeing this scene, were first shocked by the tragic appearance of the hot pot restaurant, and then after seeing Su Wanqing's expression, they were all immediately stunned.

"It's over! Erha, the anchor's family, really took the younger brothers to tear down the house..."

"It's cold! The anchor is already confused, you look at her expression, she doesn't even look angry..."

"Goddess, be strong! It's just a hot pot restaurant. For the dog emperor, it's just a trifle! If you can afford it, let Erha continue to tear it down..."

"Anchor, wake up! In your Douyin video, someone left a message to you, saying that they found the location of Erha and that group of animals, hurry up Go to Kang Kang!"

"Pfft...I don't know why, I really want to laugh! Anchor, below your Douyin video, someone is saying that they found that your Erha brought a younger brother and demolished another hot pot. shop…"

"All the owners of hot pot restaurants in the magic capital must have collapsed in their hearts at this moment, and they must be thinking, I just opened a hot pot restaurant. How did I offend this Erha? What kind of hatred, what kind of resentment..."


Su Wanqing who reacted, glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and was speechless!

What happened to Xiaobai today?

Is it a hot pot restaurant?

This... demolished another house?

She can really afford one store, but two, three, ten, one hundred...

What to do?

At his speed, I don't know how many stores will be demolished overnight...

Even though her current live broadcast is already very profitable to outsiders, but only Su Wanqing knows that after the money Qin Xiaobai gave her as a reward, she almost All were returned to him.

In normal times, she doesn't allow fans to give rewards, so her monthly income is only a few million.

After all, Blue Star’s tax is really high, almost five or five…

In addition, when she was in the public welfare live broadcast room before, she almost emptied her deposit, and her dog really had to tear down dozens or hundreds of stores. She really couldn't afford to pay...

Even though her relationship with Qin Xiaobai is now a step closer, Su Wanqing is still a very strong girl in her bones, and she is not willing to ask Qin Xiaobai for money.

Before, Qin Xiaobai gave her parents the money to buy a house in the imperial capital. Su Wanqing later also used the live broadcast to return all the money she earned to him.

So, what the fans said, the dog emperor can afford it, let Erha continue to tear it down!

She really can't do it!

Following the Douyin video, Su Wanqing hurriedly took a taxi and ran over to the location provided to her by enthusiastic people in the same city.


She came to eat again a step late!

The scene she saw was almost the same as the scene she saw just now. Another hot pot restaurant was demolished...

After the second hot pot restaurant was demolished, Su Wanqing's mentality was no longer as calm as before.

This is less than half an hour!

Two stores just disappeared, and it is possible to tear down dozens of stores overnight!


The nightmare is still not over, Qin Xiaobai's journey to dismantle the hot pot restaurant is still going on...

When the third house was demolished, even if there was no task from the system brother, he suddenly had the idea of ​​​​demolition.

So, he followed suit and became addicted, not to mention, the more he dismantled, the more he went up...

Not long after, Qin Xiaobai and the others left the crime scene. After Su Wanqing learned the news from the Douyin video, her whole person was not well, and she almost collapsed on the spot...

"Xiao Bai, you're not tearing down the house! You're trying to kill my sister..." Su Wan laughed in a hurry, and then murmured:

"Tear it down, my sister wants to see, how many houses can you tear down tonight? It's a big deal this year and next year, everyone will eat dirt together... And in the future, you can follow your sister and sell your body to live broadcast to pay off your debts! "

The fans in the live broadcast room were almost amused by Su Wanqing's words, and they launched a barrage of ridicule.

"It's over, the anchor's mentality has collapsed, and this has already begun to give up on herself..."

"The anchor said I was helpless too! This Erha is too showy, I can't keep up with his rhythm, what can I do?"

"The anchor doesn't cry, the dog emperor really can afford it, what is this little money?"

"Goddess, why don't you go and find your home Erha? I always feel that I can rescue it..."

"Anchor, are you planning to eat soil to pay off your debts in the future? I have experience with this, do you want me to tell you which soil tastes the best? Hehe..."

"I went to take off my pants just now, can you tell me, the anchor's Erha, how many have been demolished now?"

"Come on, it's open! Bet a pack of spicy sticks, guess the anchor's Erha, how many hot pot restaurants will be demolished tonight?!"


When the news of the fourth hot pot restaurant being demolished came from Su Wanqing's Douyin video, she had completely given up...

I'm too lazy to take a taxi to find Qin Xiaobai.

Because Su Wanqing almost fainted on the spot...

But at this time, she also discovered a feature. The several stores that her dog has demolished seem to be of the same brand, and other hot pot restaurants seem to have no interest.

Soon, Su Wanqing picked up her mobile phone and began to search for other stores of this brand. Apart from the few that were demolished, there were three remaining.

The general location is nearby, only one is in Xicheng Tianhe Commercial Plaza.

The store is far from here.

So, Su Wanqing decided to take a taxi to the hot pot restaurant.

Su Wanqing shook her head, recovered from despair, thinking in her heart: "Xiao Bai, you can do it, my sister fought with you, I want to see, do you dare to stand in front of my sister? Noodles, demolish this store too!"

Soon after, Qin Xiaobai, who had already demolished six stores, looked at his achievements with some satisfaction, and yelled at the more than 100 little brothers: "Ow!" (Wang Xingren translation: Brothers, you did a very good job tonight, only the last one is left. After the demolition, everyone go back to sleep together, let's go!)

At this time, Qin Xiaobai didn't realize that his daughter-in-law was waiting at the door of Tianhe Shopping Center with a dark face...

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