Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 457: so evil? Let's tear down your camp!

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's question, Araski called to him with some doubts:

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


These guys, can they still pursue it?

Can't you think of something other than sledding and eating every day?

Like the owner of the sled... ahhh! Why is there such a strange idea, it's a bit scary!

Qin Xiaobai was probably stunned by these guys. For some reason, such a strange idea suddenly popped up in his head...

"Ow!" (Wang Xingren translation: Sansha, stay here for now, look at the girl, come and report to me immediately if there is any change. Dasha, listen to me, Then translate it to me...)

Qin Xiaobai untied their ropes while instructing the sled dogs.

Having seen Qin Xiaobai's ferocity, these sled dogs didn't dare to say anything against him, just nodded to him and agreed.

After a while, Alaska followed Qin Xiaobai and slowly approached the central bonfire.

In the camp of the ancient tribe, everyone is surrounded by the huge bonfire at this moment, all silent, their hands folded, and above their heads.

After seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai's dog face showed a puzzled expression.

Looking at their behavior, it seems like they are holding some kind of strange ceremony.

"So evil?"

Qin Xiaobai couldn't help but underestimate a sentence in his heart.

At this time, almost at the same time, the people of all the ancient tribes put down their hands hanging over their heads, and then an old man with a cane, supported by the other two, Trembling to the bonfire.

Grumbling and said a bunch of things Qin Xiaobai couldn't understand.

After he finished speaking, the old man suddenly put down his crutches and fell down toward the north.

Other people in the ancient tribe also bowed down after seeing his actions.

It seems to be facing due north, a rare etiquette.

"Ouch?" (Wang Xingren translation: Dasha, what did the old man just say?)

Qin Xiaobai frowned slightly, and asked Araski softly beside him.

"Wang Wangwang..." (Wang Xingren translation: Ha Ge, the old man said that the girl we pulled should be sent to the northern holy island and sacrificed to their tribe's totem...)


At this time, Qin Xiaobai remembered the giant snake carved out of ice at the door when he first came in.


Do you plan to drag Shen Wenwen directly to feed the snake?

It's not something people do...

No wonder those people just now invited Shen Wenwen to their camp so enthusiastically!

This is treating her as a tribute!

What age is this, there are still people who believe in totem things, and their brains are bubbly...

No wonder they don't look like good people, this place can't stay!

Qin Xiaobai's first reaction was to run away before they found out.

There are hundreds of people here, and it is unrealistic to kill them all.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface in time to check!"

At this moment, the voice of the system brother suddenly came out of his mind, and Qin Xiaobai was suddenly speechless.


The system brother won't really release a mission to let him destroy the whole family... Don't be so cruel, okay?

Soon, he opened the attribute panel, entered the character interface, and checked the newly refreshed task.

[Task 2: Host, are you too cowardly? People are going to take Shen Wenwen to feed the snakes, don't teach them a lesson, are you embarrassed to leave? Please tear down their camp and take away the gold inside. Reward: Evolution point +1000, Six-star lottery times +1. 】

At that time, seeing this task, Qin Xiaobai was speechless!

"System brother, what time is it, you still come to the task of tearing down the house? Are you addicted?"

But obviously, after the system brother released this task, he had already guessed that Qin Xiaobai would hate it, so he simply pretended to be dead.

Seeing that the system brother did not intend to respond to him, Qin Xiaobai glanced at Alaska beside him helplessly and asked:


Hearing Qin Xiaobai's question, Alaska's eyes lit up immediately and exclaimed excitedly: "Wang Wang Wang!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Nima, these dogs are helpless...

Is there only one thing on your mind about sledding? What the **** is exciting about this?

No way, Qin Xiaobai can't complete this task alone, so he has to explain to Alaska: "Ow!"

The Arras family gave Qin Xiaobai a blank look, as if they didn't quite understand what he meant.

Qin Xiaobai was a little speechless, and scolded in his heart: "No pursuit at all, no help!"

However, in order to complete the task, Qin Xiaobai still took it and quietly left the campfire, then found an igloo and demoed it on the spot.

Because at this point, all the people from the ancient tribes are sitting around the bonfire, so they don't know anything about Qin Xiaobai's disturbance.

After Qin Xiaobai's demonstration, Araski also tried it.


Suddenly, it became fascinated with this feeling and seemed to find the meaning of dog life.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After seeing Aarski's reaction, Qin Xiaobai's face showed a helpless and bitter smile.

It's over!

This is another broken, kind dog...

After sighing, in order to speed up, Qin Xiaobai returned to Shen Wenwen's igloo and gave Araski and Samoyed, each dog a drop of system improvement medicine.

In this way, their demolition efficiency will be greatly improved.

And he himself, just need to get into every igloo and loot all the golden decorations inside...

Soon, in the camp of the ancient tribe, with a group of sled dogs running, the igloos were demolished into smashed ice balls.

What surprised Qin Xiaobai was that almost every igloo contained at least twenty pounds of gold…

At this moment, there are very few igloos left in the entire camp, only the four or five seats near the bonfire have not been demolished.

People from these ancient tribes found that the igloo was destroyed, and they were immediately angry. They took up their weapons and chased after Qin Xiaobai...

But Qin Xiaobai grinned slightly and ran to the igloo where Shen Wenwen was, and then slapped a huge hole on the wall of the igloo with a paw.

Then he grabbed Shen Wenwen's clothes and dragged her to the sled.

"Xiao Bai? What's wrong with you..."

Shen Wenwen, who was chatting with fans, was stunned when she saw this sudden scene, looked at Qin Xiaobai blankly, and asked.

But then she heard the angry roar of a group of ancient tribesmen.

It's just that when the people of the ancient tribe were chasing after them, Qin Xiaobai had already ordered Araski and Samoyed to pull up the sleigh and run wildly towards the north.

Leaving only a group of ancient tribal people with confused faces, gradually messed up in the cold wind...

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