Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 471: The reason for soaring popularity!

As a popular first-line star, Cheng Xiaoguo, except for the first live broadcast, the number of viewers exceeded one million, and every time she broadcasts later, there are only about 600,000 to 700,000. human appearance.

Therefore, these anchors ***, through every means, have concealed the detection of tiger fish, or used loopholes to boost their popularity.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai found Liang Chenghai in the friend list.

After pondering for a moment, I sent him a private message: "Hello, is Mr. Liang there?"

Can't come to trouble again, can't you pit yourself?

After understanding this truth, Liang Chenghai's face became a little better, and he typed and replied: "Yes, President Qin, is there something wrong again?"

"No special question, I just want to ask, has there been any problem with Goby's monitoring system recently?"

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaobai asked directly by typing.

About Qin Xiaobai's question, Liang Chenghai, as a man who has been in the business world for many years, naturally has seen what he meant.

Although he has recently been confused about the popularity of several anchors in the Yan Zhi area.

However, the monitoring system of the live broadcast platform is indeed running normally, and no abnormal report has been received from the relevant departments.

Liang Chenghai had no doubts, they deliberately brushed their popularity, but from the real-time monitoring data, everything is normal, the number of barrage in the live broadcast room, and the ratio of popularity are also within the normal range Inside.

This kind of thing is generally not clear to outsiders, but the big data inside the platform has been analyzed.

For example, if 100,000 people watch the live broadcast, there may be 100,000 barrages in an hour, and 200,000 people watch the live broadcast, and there may be 150,000 barrages in an hour…

In short, each section, the number of people and the barrage are within a certain proportion.

And the popularity and barrage ratio of those anchors are just within the ratio of the face value section. Therefore, the possibility of deliberately brushing popularity should be small.

In addition, the popularity of these anchors has been growing steadily since the first broadcast after they were dug over, and there has been no explosive increase.

All signs show that they have no chance of gaining popularity.

"Mr. Qin, do you want to ask about the anchors in the Yan Zhi area?" After being silent for a while, Liang Chenghai asked directly by typing.

"Yes! Don't you think their popularity is strange?"

"President Qin..."

Liang Chenghai typed a long string of words, explained it to Qin Xiaobai in detail, and then sent the monitoring data of several platforms to Qin Xiaobai.

After taking a closer look, Qin Xiaobai nodded secretly, and said with an underestimation in his heart: "Do you really think too much? Are they really competing normally?"

Gifts are easy to solve.

But when it comes to popularity, Qin Xiaobai really has nothing to do.

She is already so beautiful, Su Wanqing can only be ranked eighth now, what can be done?

Even if she ends up rewarding her gift and getting the first place, if Su Wanqing's popularity doesn't make it into the top five, she still won't be able to get tickets.

The rules are dead. If Qin Xiaobai really forced Liang Chenghai and the others to change the rules.

The tiger fish platform will not have any credibility at all, which is likely to cause dissatisfaction among many anchors.

So, Qin Xiaobai would not do such a stupid thing.

At this time, on Su Wanqing's live broadcast room, fans began to post on the public screen again, reminding her.

"Anchor, you should let Gouhuang go to Douyin to help you buy some strays. Now the top five anchors play like this..."

"Yeah, originally a good short video of Douyin, but now it's all five of them! I'm going to vomit!"

"I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, it is said that these five people are behind the same brokerage company. For the tickets of this grand ceremony, the brokerage company behind them is also frightened. Spend money on Douyin to buy traffic.”

"How much does it cost to make fans grow so fast..."

"Actually, this money is a small amount for the dog emperor. As long as he is willing to make a move, the goddess will definitely do it!"

"It is said that the five of them, in Douyin's personal account, the number of fans has exceeded 30 million..."


After seeing these barrages, Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai were surprised at the same time.

30 million followers?

So scary?

Su Wanqing then took out her mobile phone and opened the Douyin APP.


The first few recommended videos were almost contracted by those anchors. Among the dozen or so videos, about seven or eight were about them.

After pondering for a while, Su Wanqing opened Xiaoxian'er's homepage interface.

There are 142 works shown above, and the number of fans is even more than 38 million!

The other anchors, the fans of Douyin homepage, have at least more than 20 million.

This is several times more than the number of fans of ordinary stars...

If Qin Xiaobai remembers correctly, the number of fans on Cheng Xiaoguo Douyin's homepage is only over 30 million.

Xiao Tuantuan has a relatively large number of fans because of the frequent posting of fighting audio and video, which has exceeded more than 40 million.

It's just that due to some special reasons, they didn't publicize it on the Douyin homepage before each broadcast, otherwise, the popularity might exceed one million people.

Su Wanqing, this silly girl, although she also has a Douyin account, she has never had time to manage it. The number of fans on the homepage is actually very small, only a mere one million people.

Mainly because of her, she only posted one video, that night Qin Xiaobai demolished a hot pot restaurant, like a video of fans in the same city asking for a location.

In addition, she has not done any certification, so although her reputation in Douyin is not low, but many people who impersonate her have divided a large number of fans.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaobai had already guessed the reason for the high number of viewers online.

*** is to spend money to buy traffic in Douyin, and then have a professional team to promote the packaging for them.

It's hard to say whether it's worth it or not!

A top internet celebrity anchor, as far as Su Wanqing before that, apart from the income from Qin Xiaobai's tips, the total annual income is probably around 100 million.

Of course, Su Wan Qing is the one with the lowest income among the first sisters of the live broadcast. After all, she has always prevented fans from giving rewards, and she hardly does live broadcasts.

The total income of other large sector anchors may be around 200 million a year.

In this way, it is indeed worth it, spending a lot of money to do various promotions!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's dog mouth grinned slightly backwards, and things that can be solved with money are nothing to him.

The top-grade Yi Rong Dan worth 5 billion, he didn't even frown, he just exchanged it with the system brother.

So, buy traffic...

Of course, after seeing the potential of Douyin short videos, Qin Xiaobai suddenly had a bolder idea...

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