Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 521: If you encounter such a thing in the future, don't care who it is, beat it first!

After seeing the message from Qin Xiaobai, Su Wanqing smiled slightly, and then said to the other three: "Let's go! Qin Xiaobai is on the top floor, saying it's for you!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

After a few people finished listening, they walked towards the elevator with laughter.

By coincidence, after pressing the elevator, Chen Tianyun and the middle-aged man with glasses appeared inside.

"Miss Su, we meet again!"

The middle-aged man with glasses glanced at Su Wanqing, smiled and said hello.

At this time, after feeling the fiery eyes of the young man beside her, Su Wanqing's eyes flickered a few times, and she didn't speak, but she nodded slightly out of politeness. Greeted.

After seeing this scene, Chen Tianyun also did not speak, but there was a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The elevator upstairs took a short time, and a few people walked out of it soon.

"The man in the elevator seems to be Mr. Chen from Boss Tianyi! He's a little handsome..." After walking for a while, Little Sister Dian said.

"Isn't it? Little girl, such a greasy uncle, can you see it? Compared with Qin Xiaobai, it's hard to catch the eye, right?" The insanity was committed again, and she couldn't help but scolded her.

"And then..."

As they discussed in a low voice, they walked towards Qin Xiaobai's box.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai finished the phone call, more than ten minutes had passed, and he was a little impatient to wait. When he saw four people pushing the door and walking in, he gave them a blank look. , asked: "Are you a tortoise? If you use a crawler, you should have climbed up long ago..."

Three dishes and one soup: “…”

What about the goodbye?

This guy kills them as soon as he comes up, what does it mean?

The most speechless must be Su Wanqing. At this moment, she explained to several people with a face full of embarrassment: " this temper, everyone will not mind, right?"

"Die straight man, how did it feel to sleep on the street last night? Hahaha..." Cheng Xiaoguo couldn't help laughing when she remembered what happened last night.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

I'm afraid this guy is not looking for a beating, why does he have to kill him? !

At that time, Qin Xiaobai was stunned!


Who is this guy?

Suddenly ran into his box and asked him if he mind?

Of course he minds, if Su Wanqing hadn't been by his side, Qin Xiaobai might have kicked him out.

"Who let you in? Why are you so thick-skinned! Kindergarten teacher, didn't teach you to be civilized, polite, and knock on the door? Human's room, how can I sue you for trespassing in a private house, do you understand?"

Chen Tianyun: "???"

At that time, he was sprayed by Qin Xiaobai, and his face darkened. He grew up so big, and he was praised by the stars wherever he went, but I didn't expect to be sprayed by a guy younger than him today...

This man is Zaun's irritable brother, the king of strong mouths, right?

The mouth is too slippery…

Su Wanqing and the others were also speechless, all of them looked at Qin Xiaobai, and wanted to laugh in their hearts.

"That...I'm here to find Miss Su to talk about cooperation. If I offend you, please forgive me. Miss Su wouldn't mind having a drink with me?" He explained to Su Wanqing.

"Cooperation with your mother! Hurry up and get out of my way, I see that you have no desire to eat!"

Qin Xiaobai is really angry, this sand sculpture of feelings is aimed at his daughter-in-law.

But I couldn't help but scolded him a few words.

"Sorry, I've said it before, I'm not interested in cooperating with you, sorry!" Su Wanqing saw that Qin Xiaobai was already angry, and quickly explained.

After all, this is a banquet for the troupe and the others. It's a big deal, and I feel a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, that's a pity! Since someone doesn't welcome me, if Miss Su changes her mind, she can come to me at any time. This is my business card!"

The corner of Chen Tianyun's mouth twitched, in order to ease the embarrassment, he took out a business card and put it on the table, then turned and left the box.

After he left, Qin Xiaobai's face became a little gloomy.

At this time, the manager on the top floor suddenly knocked on the door and walked in. After seeing Qin Xiaobai's expression, he immediately said worriedly: "Sorry, President Qin! The people at the door stopped him, but Chen They were too strong and slapped them in the face. Therefore, they can't do anything about it..."

When Qin Xiaobai heard the manager's words, his face darkened immediately, and he asked coldly, "What did you say? Did that idiot beat someone at the door just now?"

The floor manager nodded.

This time Qin Xiaobai couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up with a gloomy face, followed behind the floor manager, walked to the box next door, kicked the door, walked directly to Chen Tianyun, reached out and gave it He slapped.


The power is strong and the voice is loud.

Chen Tianyun's production site was slapped by Qin Xiaobai and fainted.

do you know who he is?"

"Damn, I don't care who you are, now get out of the Lanshan Hotel for me!"


If it weren't for the fact that every time he wrote his name, it would consume his life, Qin Xiaobai would definitely have written that guy to death.

This is just scum...

" Manager Liao, I don't need to teach you how to do the next thing, right? If there will be a fool who dares to beat us in the hotel in the future, don't care who he is, just beat him first, What's the matter, I'll fix it!"

Qin Xiaobai glared at the floor manager beside him, reprimanded him, and then walked towards the door.

After Qin Xiaobai's remarks, Manager Liao had no scruples, and directly notified the security personnel to drive the family of the second Internet giant of the empire out of Lan. Mountain Hotel.

After returning to the room, Dian Xiaomei and Tuanzi looked at Qin Xiaobai with worried expressions.

"Why are you looking at me? Didn't you say you were leaving in the afternoon, so why don't you hurry up to eat? "Qin Xiaobai gave them a few glances and asked.

"Qin Xiaobai, you may be in trouble! That person is Chen Tianyun from Tianyi... Don't tell us, you don't know him!" Xiao Tuantuan reminded.

Qin Xiaobai is also drunk!

This kind of person has never experienced the beatings of the club. In the future, relying on this family background, he will come out and act nonsense, completely ignoring others.

Qin Xiaobai has never had a good face for this kind of person.

" Eat, or wait until I remember what happened last night, you guys will end like him..." After glaring at a few people, Qin Xiaobai said calmly.

Three dishes and one soup: "…"

"By the way, I sent the silk scarf yesterday, maybe I forgot it in your room. Would you like Wanqing to accompany me to pick it up?" At this moment, Cheng Xiaoguo suddenly remembered one He looked at Su Wanqing and asked.

"Yeah! Okay!"

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