Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 545: At that time, the expression should be very exciting!

"Xiao Bai, you are no longer a pure dog. I suddenly thought of a song, would you like to listen to it?"

Su Wanqing glared at Qin Xiaobai, but after seeing his funny appearance, she could no longer be angry.

Qin Xiaobai: "???"


Daughter-in-law, are you stupid!

Suddenly want to sing? It won't be a brain show...


Su Wanqing showed a fascinated smile on her face, cleared her throat, looked at Qin Xiaobai and asked, "What? Xiaobai, you don't seem to want to hear your sister sing?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Actually, Su Wanqing's singing, although it can't be compared with his perfect voice, is definitely top-notch.

Otherwise, the fans in the live broadcast room will not be all pregnant.

But at this time, Qin Xiaobai has just woken up, and his soul has not come back, let him listen to Su Wanqing sing?

Is that a joke?


After hearing Qin Xiaobai's barking, Su Wanqing frowned, and then said, "Haha, scumbag! This is the first day I slept in someone's bed, so I was impatient with my sister. No? No, you just don’t want to listen to it today, so I’m going to force you to sing it…”

After finishing speaking, Su Wanqing cleared her throat again, and then sang directly without musical accompaniment:

" I once had such a scumbag... He said she was the most beautiful woman in my world... But one day he said the same thing, turned around and got into someone else's arms... You have her perfume on you taste…"

The voice is so eloquent, like a woman who has been hurt by love, Su Wanqing almost made herself and Qin Xiaobai cry.

At that time, Qin Xiaobai jumped up from the bed, pressed the shivering black charcoal at the door to the ground and burst out.

I then roared at it: "Ouch!!" ? Remember, when you become a pure cat star in the future, you can no longer mess with flowers, okay?!)

Black Charcoal: "…"

Black Charcoal got up from the ground, straightened his messy hair, looked at Qin Xiaobai aggrievedly, and cried and cried:


"Ouch!" (Wang Xingren translation: Are you not a scumbag? Then tell me, what is the situation with the seven female cats downstairs? Bah, the scumbag still wants to quibble?!)

Black Charcoal: "…"


Black Charcoal is really speechless.

This wandering villa can't stay any longer!

Sooner or later, she will be crushed to death by the black pot thrown by Qin Xiaobai.


Thousands of times!

After singing a very suitable song, Su Wanqing's anger has almost disappeared.

turned around and walked to the door, pulled Qin Xiaobai away from Heitan, and said helplessly: "Xiaobai, it's not good for you! Hit it? Look how pathetic it is..."

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Hei Tan's tears were about to fall, and he quickly called Su Wanqing aggrieved: "Meow!" Meow has nothing to do with a dime...)

In the following words, Black Charcoal did not continue to speak, and suddenly, it seemed that something was not quite right.


The charcoal almost collapsed.


This sister-in-law can't have it anymore, she even said in front of Qin Xiaobai that it was her who exposed the report...

Is this a **** thing?

It's clear that it's not enough to dislike it being beaten by Qin Xiaobai...

These two guys didn't join forces on purpose to show it?

The purpose may be to feel bored and want to beat it for fun...

Next, Su Wanqing did not take care of the black charcoal, but squatted down, touched Qin Xiaobai's head, and warned viciously:

" Xiaobai, this is the last time, next time I dare to sneak and take the animals of the wandering villa to demolish the house!

Sister will really take you to the veterinary hospital. Recently, a new veterinary hospital was opened. I heard that the veterinarian there bought a batch of blades from Shiqian Tianshi, which can blow and break hair. Degree, do you want to experience it? "

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Looking up at Su Wanqing's expression, Qin Xiaobai's heart suddenly felt a chill!

The tone of this silly girl doesn't seem to be threatening him...

Only, can you stop the show?

I really want to send him to someone in Qin for a sterilization operation, let alone the beast ear mother, who can't even give birth to hair...


For some reason, Qin Xiaobai suddenly had the idea of ​​giving up treatment.

If Su Wanqing dares to threaten him again one day, saying that she will take him for sterilization, she will not struggle at all!

Presumably this silly girl saw her boyfriend, was sent into the palace by her own hands, and became the chief manager admired by thousands of people, that expression should be very exciting...

Qin Xiaobai thought so, and suddenly his body trembled.


How can there be such a terrible thought...

If you want to send it, you will also send black charcoal for sterilization!

Seeing that Qin Xiaobai didn't react for a long time, it seemed that she realized her fault, Su Wanqing gradually calmed down, and then murmured:

" Xiaobai, I also know that you can't really blame you for this, it must have been bewitched by Qin Xiaobai, but you can't blame him, after all, he's the boss of the mouse factory. That's abominable!

However, if this kind of thing is really found out, I am afraid that there will still be a big problem, so my sister plans to take you back to the imperial capital to avoid the limelight! "


After hearing the sound of black charcoal, Qin Xiaobai raised his paw again, glared at it fiercely, and then softly roared: "Ow?" (Wang Xingren translation: how , Black Charcoal? Are you planning to compete with someone Qin for favor... Bah, are you fighting for a daughter-in-law?)

Black Charcoal: "…"


Hei Tan really can't understand Qin Xiaobai's brain circuit, how can this sound like he wants to fight with him for a daughter-in-law?

Even if you give it a hundred courage, it will not dare!

After all, Qin Xiaobai is not just an Erha, he can also become a human...

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